Sometimes the truth is not fitting to the occasion

Editor, San Diego Jewish World

You wrote, regarding the citizenship ceremony's reference to America's founders believing in freedom... for all:

"For all? Why, I wondered, is such historical revisionism necessary? There was slavery, not freedom, for African-Americans at the time of the founding of our nation. Men were allowed to vote, but women were not. Shouldn't new citizens be told the truth, rather than myths, about our country? What purpose does romantacizing our past serve?"

Last week I led the class for Cub Scouts about the US Flag.  The lesson I focused on is that it represents the openness to and opportunity for all regardless of background.

Your point would have been correct, but sometimes it's just not "fitting" to the occasion, the audience, or the lesson to carry forward.

Bruce Kesler
Encinitas, California

January 19, 2007