Jewish Center News
Southwestern Jewish Press June 12, 1953 Page 4
Camp JAYCEE— Final details of this year’s Camp Jaycee program will be discussed at a parents meeting to be held Friday afternoon, June 24th, 3:00 p.m., at the Jewish Community Center, 3227 El Cajon Blvd. Children are welcome to attend with their parents and greet their counselors. Returning this summer are Dave Anfanger, Nate Naiman, Esther Weitzman, Barbara Solomon, Bob Meyers, Sam Sosna, Harvey Goodfriend and Bill Murphy. Joining the counselor staff are Mrs. Elizabeth Haven, Dolores Groford, Frayda Cooper, Muriel Hesch, Cal Metz, Sonny Demberg, Miss Ellen Emerson and Elana Barach.
Parents are reminded that Thursday and Friday, June 25th and 26th from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. are the last days to sign their camper’s application for Camp Jaycee. Registrations can be made any day at the Center—3227 El Cajon Blvd.
The latest Israeli movies, “Transition” and “Harvest from the Waters,” will be shown at the Jewish Community Center, Sunday, June 21st—8:00 p.m. Following the showing, a discussion period will be held with Fred Yarruss as leader.
Despite the bad weather during the last Sunday, baseball enthusiasts turned out to practice for the softball league for Jewish groups at Wilson Junior High School playground—37th and Orange. Practice is scheduled for this Sunday at 10:00 a.m. at the same place, and all frustrated ball players are requested to show this week. Alpha Phi Pi confidently expects the trophy to remain in their possession for another year.
Youth Convene—San Diego’s youth representatives will join more than 150 representatives from the 9 western states attending the 6th Annual Conference of the Western States Jewish Youth Council which will be held the weekend of June 19th and 21st at the Los Angeles Jewish Center Association camp in the San Bernardino Mountains. Gary Beitbard, Stan Camiel, Bob Beck, Elana Barach, Pauline Glaser are looking forward to participating in the 3-day session of reports, discussion, swimming, sports, campfire, and social activities. Sidney Posin, director of the Jewish Community Center, will act as a consultant for the Workshop on Teen Agers.
Lame, Lustig To Distribute Beer
Southwestern Jewish Press June 12, 1953 Page 5
Allan Lame, local attorney, and Richard Lustig, local Public Accountant are now President and Vice-President respectively of Surf Beverage Corporation, 1629 Newton Ave., owner of the San Diego franchise for distributing Miller High Life, Goebel Beer and Ballantine Ale.
Lame will serve as General Manager and General Counsel for the Corporation and Lustig as comptroller.
Although Lame and Lustig are originally from Cleveland, Ohio, they did not know each other until they met as members of the Men’s Club of Congregation Beth Israel. Both men are now members of the Board of Directors of Beth Israel, as well as of the Jewish Community Center. Lame is also serving as Warden for Lasker Lodge, B’nai B’rith and is a past commander of the local post of the Jewish War Veterans.

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Trade Show Opens At Grant
June 14, 15, 16
Southwestern Jewish Press June 12, 1953 Page 5
The San Diego Wholesale Trade Show will open its 5th year beginning June 14, 15, 16 at the U.S. Grant Hotel. The group is interested in attracting buyers for merchandise manufactured in this area. These include clothing, household goods, dry goods, and toys.
Charles W. Blumenschein, president of the Association, heads the group. The show will be open from 9:00 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Odds and Ends
Southwestern Jewish Press June 12, 1953 Page 5
This modern age department: A cleaning establishment on Midway Drive displays a sign that proclaims, “Chlorophyll Dry Cleaning and Moth Proofing”
One of the best stories going around lately is the one about the Jewish boy just graduated from an Orthodox Rabbinical College. Completely dressed in the garb of his call—long black alpaca coat, yomolka, tallis, six heavy prayer books under his arm, long black beard, he walked into the home of his parents. His mother, looking up from her baking, spied him and cried, “Papa, look who’s here, Joe College.”
According to one of the daily papers recently one of the women accused of attempting to drag Mrs. Roosevelt out of her car during that unhappy experience in Japan was a “Maureen Corr.” (Say it aloud.) BES
Fiesta Club Plans
Interesting Program
Southwestern Jewish Press June 12, 1953 Page 6
The Fiesta Club will hold its regular monthly open meeting on Sunday, June 14th, 8:00 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, 3227 El Cajon Blvd. The program will include a séance. There will be a 50 cent charge to non-members.
Plans for June include a dinner dance at the B and B in Chula Vista on Saturday, June 20th, a swimming meet on Thursday, June 25th at the San Diego Club, and a day at the Fair in Del Mar on Sunday, June 28th. For more information, call Belle Samuels, T.34265. Transportation can be arranged.
The Fiesta club is open to single people of the Jewish faith. The age limit is 18 and over for the girls, and 21 and over for the men. The Club’s regular open meetings are held on the second Sunday of every month at the Jewish Community Center. Information regarding membership may be had by calling Rhoda Jaffe, F-5547.
Beth Jacob Sisterhood
Installs Officers
Southwestern Jewish Press June 12, 1953 Page 6
Mrs. Bernard Godes, retiring President of Beth Jacob sisterhood thanks officers, members and everyone for their wonderful cooperation the past year.
Everyone is invited to attend the novel installation of new officers which is being planned by Mrs. Ted Brav, Installation Chairman and co-chairman, Mrs. Zel Camiel. Mr. Abe Abramson president of the Beth Jacob Congregation will be installing officer. This installation is to be held Tuesday evening, 8 p.m., June 23rd, at Beth Jacob Center.
Come and enjoy yourself and at the same time give incoming president, Mrs. Marvin Bobrof, and her officers, your very much needed support.