Graduation Notes To Parents {Editorial}
Southwestern Jewish Press June 26, 1953 Page 2
There has been a great deal said regarding the need for character building in our public schools. Most of us are apprehensive over the apparent lessening of the moral and spiritual fibre in American life. Interest and support for legislating the Bible into the public schools are symptoms of this awareness over sagging moral standards.
The public is willing to try any remedy even if it may prove to be the wrong medicine for the illness. In spite of what has been said, the schools are not godless or unmoral but—the schools cannot and should not be expected to carry the whole burden. Children are not in school all day and night and do not go to school all year round.
Parents and the home they build will have to accept most of the responsibility if we want to strengthen the characters of our children. Now that school has ended we have an excellent opportunity to do our part of the job. We cannot place the blame on our schools if we do not bear our share of the effort.
We have grave doubts whether any piece of legislation will do anything to build greater moral and spiritual strength in our community. If we do our duty toward this generation we will need no laws to develop a good, strong, moral and spiritual nation.
Community Currents
Southwestern Jewish Press June 26, 1953 Page 2
By Albert Hutler
Exec. Director United Jewish Fund
Mrs. Mary Fay, former president of the Board of Education, will be returning home soon from a trip to Europe and to Israel. Her impressions, I know, will be of a great deal of interest to all of us. Part of her trip, especially the time she spent in Israel and Moslem countries was with the American Christian Palestine Committee.
In a very quiet way, Mrs. Louis (Esther) Moorsteen has been doing a fine job imn Community Relations and in helping to sell the State of Israel to non-Jewish organizations in our community. She recently talked to the Women’s Auxiliary of the Goodwill Industries and to San Diego Historical Society.
Her illustrated lecture has met with a great deal of success not only before these two organizations, but before many churches and cultural groups in San Diego. The comments I heard from some of the people present at these lectures, showed that Esther has done a remarkable good job with her slides and her talks.
School Is Out!
School is out and with it the round of summer activities begins for both young and old in town. Some of our youngsters have really made us very proud of their activities. Just scanning through the newspapers in the last week or so, showed Syg Salomon, who just two and one-half years ago was a displaced person, coming to San Diego under the auspices of the United Jewish Fund, receiving all kind of scholarships. At the Awards Assembly of San Diego High School, not only did he receive the Leon Rubel scholarship award from Mrs. Louis Steinman, representing the Jolly Sixteen, but he also received another $100.00 award from the San Diego Section of the Council of Jewish Women. To top all of his awards, he received a $50.00 scholarship as the highest mathematic student in San Diego High and then got one of the four student council scholarships, voted this year.
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It is interesting to know that when Syg first came to San Diego, he could not speak a word of English. Today, one can scarcely find a trace of accent.
Syg lives in San Diego with his father, who is employed at Moorsteen Mfg. Co., and both of them will agree that a great deal of their success in adjusting is due to the fine work done by Mrs. Harry Felson, one of our volunteer workers.
During his period in school, Syg has been helped financially by working for M and S Foods under the sponsorship of Max Rabinowitz. Here is real project where the entire community—organizations and individuals—has pitched in to do a wonderful job. Someday, we are going to be awfully proud of the Émigré program carried outr jointly by the United Jewish fund and the Jewish social Service Agency.
Though Syg is a very dramatic case, we cannot overlook the achievements of Gary Breitbard, who received a scholarship to Cal Tech and who has received all kinds of scientific awards.
Paul Kaufman, won the San Diego High School Literary award. His essay was published as the outstanding English composition and it really was excellent.
There are many other talented young people who are a great source of pride to the parents and their friends. We wish all of them Godspeed in their educational stepup.
In the meantime, I have two girls of my own who just graduated. So I took a day off to see one graduate at Dana Junior High and another at Loma Portal Elementary School. I guess I’m getting old.
Young Jewish Couples
Schedule Picnic
Southwestern Jewish Press June 26, 1953 Page 2
Although regular activities are coming to a close until the fall season opens, several summer affairs have been planned. The first one will take place on the Sunday of July 19. It will be in the nature of a family picnic. Details will be given later.
