Society •Personals {continued}
Southwestern Jewish Press June 26, 1953 Page 3
Lynn Denise is the name chosen by Mr. and Mrs. Harold P. Lasher for rtheir second daughter, born on May 29. Nine year old Lana Jean was glad to welcome her sister.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Mathieu Levy.
Five year old Rosa and seven year old Lola are certain that 3 is their lucky number now that they’ve been joined by their new sister, Donia, born on June 15.
Proud parents of the three young ladies are Mr. and Mrs. Jack Topial. The Topial family came to the United States and San Diego 2 years ago.
Borrego Valley Resort
Offers Many Diversions
Southwestern Jewish Press June 26, 1953 Page 3
Borrego Valley, site of fashionable Borrego Desert Resort, is now attracting the attention of national magazines and motion picture companies, according to a statement by Jess E. George, manager of the popular San Diego County spa.
Many Borrego Desert Resort guests like to make short side trips to see the locations where “The Desert Fox” and “The Desert Rat” were filmed. Few people know that Borrego Valley, only 76 miles from San Diego, is located over the largest underground lake in the United States and in the heart of America’s largest State Park.
Information about and reservations for Borrego Desert Resort can be had by calling Borrego 10 or 24, or Franklin 6581.
Jennie Siner Voted
Mother of the Year
Southwestern Jewish Press June 26, 1953 Page 3
One of the outstanding events in the San Diego Jewish community took place on Thursday, May 14th in the Don Room at the “El Cortez Hotel” at a Mother’s Day Luncheon, which was sponsored by the City of Hope and attended by over 300 guests.
Madames Betty Schwartz and Goldie Schusterman were chairmen of this affair. Mrs. Rose G. Bertram, the National Auxiliary Director of the City of Hope of Los Angeles, came down to San Diego for this special event. The highlight of this affair was a presentation of a gold trophy to Mrs. Jennie A. Siner for her outstanding services to the City of Hope over a period of 20 years during which time she was the past-president, vice-president, and also held various other offices which she carried out with marked devotion and distinction.
Following the ceremonies, Jennie Siner left by train for a month’s vacation in San Jose and Oakland, where she visited with her children and grandchildren, and was accorded a hearty welcome home by the members of her family, which included her brother and sister-in-law Rabbi and Mrs. N. I. Addleson, from Los Angeles and a host of friends.
Children Lead Clean-Up Campaign
Southwestern Jewish Press June 26, 1953 Page 3
Fourth grade children at the Cabrillo Elementary School are well impressed with the need for keeping San Diego litter-free during the long summer vacation ahead.
More than 20 fourth graders made anti-litter posters covering every aspect of the trash situation, from throwing candy wrappers on the streets, bottles left at the beach to tossing wastepaper out of cars, for presentation ast a School Assembly recently.
The campaign was inspired by editorials in the 4th grade newspaper, The Weekly Blab, written by Beth Pumala and April Soule.
Southwestern Jewish Press June 26, 1953 Page 3
Room To Rent—for man alone. Pleasant home at Park and Adams. W.5-1108.
Woman Alone will share pleasant home with another woman
Go to the top of right column
or middle-aged couple. Garage, ½ blk. to El Cajon Blvd. 4328 46th. R-4248. R-2341.
Baby Sitting—Reliable, middle-aged woman. Day and evenings. Experienced. W-1635.
House For Sale—Not a house, but a home. Beautifully landscaped shining 2 bedroom, 3 year G.I. Lots of trees, patio. Guaranteed you will like/. 2267 Haniman. Open. Call M.4-7285.
Southwestern Jewish Press June 26, 1953 Page 3
12th—City of Hope Auxiliary Indoor Picnic—Beth Jacob Center—12 noon-12 midnite.
19th—Y.J.C. Club—Family Picnic.
Linda’s Lookout
Southwestern Jewish Press June 26, 1953 Page 4
By Linda Solof
Hi gang!—or maybe I should say “Goodbye.” Just as all who graduate close a portion of their life, I too am saying farewell to many things I love. It has been wonderful writing this column for thel ast five years. Now it makes me very happy to turn my column over to my sisters, Janet and Susan and to wish them luck and fun in the future!
Congrats to:
Judy Yukon and Gloria Abramson who were given the “Ikever” award at Hoover, which is the service honor society.
Stan Camiel and Shirley Samuels who were voted to serve on the A.S.B. Council, the governing body of San Diego High School and to Jerry Schultz elected Senior President of San Diego High.
Joan Breitbard elected V.P. the Girl’s Council at Wilson Jr. Hi.
Luann Blumberg, who flew to Washington, D.C., representing the Junior Red Cross.
Susan Solof who was elected Governor (President) of Roosevelt Junior High School.
“Surprise!”was shouted to Adrian Sachnoff at her fifteenth birthday party by Joan Breitbard, Janet and Susan Solof, Maxine Schoenkopf, Sharlene Stone, and Andy Leeds. The girls ate a luscious chicken dinner and had a terrific time. Happy Birthday Adrian!
Jean Goldstein was hostess at a fabulous pre-prom coketail party. A large number of Jean’s friends attended the party and left for their big night at the Hoover Prom. The party was a huge success and so was the food!
Bye now…
