News Of Our Graduates
Southwestern Jewish Press June 26, 1953 Page 4
The staff of the Southwestern Jewish Press wish to take this opportunity to congratulate the graduates and their parents. In this and the next few issues we would like to carry all the names of the recent graduates in our community. May we ask you to help by phoning in the names we have omitted.
They’ve learned to add and conjugate.
They’ve learned a jeep can carry eight.
They’ve learned to neck—and break a date.
And now, this week, they graduate.
Two young people receiving honors, not graduating, were Gloria Abramson and Danny Schaffer, who represented their schools in Sacramento for the Girls’ and Boys’ State.
Gary Breitbard, Hoover graduate, was awarded a scholarship in the California Institute of Technology. Gary already held the Bausch & Lomb science plaque and the Bank of America mathematics award. Before entering Caltech he will work this summer as an under engineer’s aid for the State Highway Division. He won the position by placing first in the county and seventh in California in a test given high school graduates. His grade was 99.54.
Zygmund Salomon, a young man who has been in this country for only 2½ years, graduated from S.D. High School with honors. He was awarded the Leon Rubel Memorial Scholarship, the S.D. Section National Council of Jewish Women Scholarship, the Gold Seal Award of the California Scholarship Federation, the Associated Student Body Scholarship, and was highest in class in mathematics.
Herbert J. Solomon graduated from State College with Highest Honors and has been accepted into the U.C.L.A. Law School.
Bertram (Buddy) Berenson got his degree in Architecture at the University of California at Berkeley and received a Gold Medal as the outstanding Senior in the graduation class
Esther Jane Lustig, Pt. Loma High graduate, received the highest departmental award in Music and has been accepted into the Music School at U.S.C. Esther was voted the “Girl with the most beautiful hair” and conducted the school choir at graduation exercises.
Nelson Olf, president of the Pt. Loma High School student body, was one of the 15 S.D. County youths selected for entry into the Naval Reserve Officers Training Corps.
Paul Kaufman, S.D. High graduate, was winner of a debate award, winner of the Porterfield Essay contest, member of Quill and Scroll, and member of the Script Committee. Harvey Levitt, also debate award winner, was Boys’ Federation president and won the B.B. Youth of the Year Award.
Our own columnist, Linda Solof, won the Thespian Award, was treasurer of the senior class and of the Girls’ League, and in the cast of the senior play. Others cast in the senior play were Morris Roisen and Walter Maynard.
Ethel Schwartz was a member of Quill and Scroll and Harry Slayen was head cheer leader of S.D. High.
Other graduates of S.D. High are Michael Friedlander, Samuel Stone, and Leonard Weiss.
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The only husband and wife graduating team on our list are Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Lewis (Teddy Feldman) of U.C.L.A.
Nancy Strauss, who received her A.B. in Psychology at State College, will do personnel work for the college before starting work on her Masters. Among the other State graduates are Thelma Lee and Harriet Rubin
A few of the other Hoover High graduates are Ernie Addleson, Mike Witte, Judy Cohen, and Jean Goldstein. More later.
Roosevelt Jr. High students who were graduated with honor are Richard Bart, Neil Kleinmann, Allan Samuels, Henrietta Faguet, Janet Solof, and Phyllis Tuchin.
Daughters of Israel
Southwestern Jewish Press June 26, 1953 Page 4
At the Daughters of Israel luncheon on June 18 at the home of Pearl Shulack the hostesses were Molly Prager, Anna Lipshitz, Bertha Kahn, Elsie Meyers, Anna Goldstein, and Pearl Shulack.
Proceeds from the luncheon have been donated to the Tïfereth Israel Center building.
Bay City B. B. Plan
Smorgasbord Dinner
Southwestern Jewish Press June 26, 1953 Page 5
The Paid-up Membership Smorgasbord Dinner is to be held on Tuesday evening, July 7th, at the Jewish Community Center at 7:00 p.m. This delightful evening is being planned by Mrs. Jos Kagen, Mrs. Leroy Cohn, Mrs. Ted Schiller and their
committee which consists of Mrs. Simon Roisman, Mrs. Eugene Sacks, Mrs. Jack Meyers, Mrs. Eugene Rosen and Mrs. Harold Garvin. All members who have paid their dues for the coming year will be presented with their Gold Membership Cards. There is no charge for this dinner, the only obligation is to pay dues now. The dinner will be delicious with additional fun and surprises galore.
Mrs. Sanford Sack, President, announces the appointment of Mrs. David Schloss, by the Women’s Supreme Council of B’nai B’rith upon direction of the National Veteran’s Administration Department, to serve as a delegate on the Veteran’s Administration Volunteer Service which is now organized at the San Diego Veteran’s Administration Hospital. Mrs. Ted Brav of the Birdie Stodel Chapter is the alternate.’
Mrs. Sack has appointed Mrs. Harold Garvin as the new ADL Chairman.
