Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 2
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schwartz of 4055 58th St., Apt. 4, are taking this means of inviting their friends to call Sunday, August 9, from 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. The Schwartz’ open-house is in honor of their return to San Diego from Berkeley where they had been living.
While in Berkeley, Mr. Schwartz was a group work supervisor with the Mission Community Center.
Long-time friends of Mrs. Herbert Latkin of Little Rock, Ark. have been glad to welcome her while she is in San Diego spending several weeks with her mother, Mrs. Harry Levinson. Many parties have been given in her honor.
Robert Skepner was introduced to a popular group of young married couples when he and his fiancée, Nancy Solof, were entertained at a dinner party in their honor given by Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hirsch on July 18. The 36 guests made sure that Bob would like the :San Diego crowd.
At a party given by their two sons, Jerome and Gary, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zweig were entertained in honor of their 25th anniversary on Aug. 2. Following cocktails in the Zweig home, the 70 guests spent the evening dining and dancing at Tops.
Here for the festivities were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zweig and their two children of New York. The Joseph Zweigs are visiting their brother and his family, but if family pressure can assure it, they will make their home in San Diego.
A very joyously surprised person was Nan Schiller when her sister, Mrs. Ruth Gurin of New York flew into town last week. She will spend three weeks with Nan and Nat.
Her friends are glad to learn that Rose Winnick has moved back to San Diego from Los Angeles. Rose has as her guest for several weeks her sister, “G G” of New York.
Ralph Hosenpud was given a party by his many friends at El Cortez Hotel August 6th prior to his sailing with Mrs. Hosenpud to Europe.
The Aved Family wish to thank their friends for their kindnesses and expressions of sympathy upon the loss of their mother, Mrs. Gertrude Aved.
Betrothal Announced
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 2
Announcement of the betrothal has been made of Sandra Brodie Cole, daughter of Mrs. Lee Cole of San Diego and Ben Cole of Miami to Robert Downing Hudson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Downing Hudson of Yakima Valley, Wash.
Both young people are attached to the Air Force and are stationed at Scott Air Force Base, Belleville, Ill. A Hoover High School graduate, Sandra won a scholarship for voice study and is well known in San Diego for her appearances on radio and television.
Robert attended Yakima Valley Mr. College and the University of Washington, majoring in English and Psychology. The young man is a writer and upon his release from the service plans to teach while working for his Ph.D.
Sandra and Robert plan to be married here late in September.
Cradle {Bruce M. Solomon;
Ronald J. Garber}
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 2
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Solomon (Elene Gordon) announce the birth of their first child, a son, Bruce Michael, born on July 22 and weighing 6 lbs. 11 oz.
Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gordon and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Solomon. Young Bruce is the 4th great grandson to be welcomed by maternal great-grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Addleson and the first to be welcomed by paternal great-grandmother, Mrs. Ethel Solomon.
A Bris was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Gordon on July 29. Among the 60 guests attending were Mrs. Marsh of Puerto Rico and Mrs. Friedman of New York, mother and aunt of Dr. Richard Marsh; and Mrs. Dave Myers of Los Angeles, great-aunt of Elene.
A new baby son and brother is the exciting and joyful news in the home of the Bernard Garbers where Ronald Jack, born July 15, is joining his three year-old sister, Diane.
Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Garber and Mrs. Erna Moritz of Milwaukee, Wisc.
Poale Zion Members Well Traveled
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 2
The monthly cultural meeting held on July 26th provided the occasion for bidding farewell to two members, Chaver and Chavera B. Mallen who leave soon for a vacation which will take them through Europe and Israel. Hosts for this evening were the M. S. Berlins and the Joe Richlins.
In appreciation for their devotion to the cause of Israel, the names of the Mallens were ordered inscribed in the “Golden Book” of the Jewish National Fund and wishes for a healthy and enjoyable trip were extended to this gracious couple.
Bertha Veitzer, after an absence of exactly three months, has just returned from her trip to Israel and the group hopes soon to hear her impressions of her stay in Israel.

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Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 2
Room For Rent—In lovely home. Cooking privileges. ½ blk. to bus. Call R-6586 before noon or after 6 p.m.
Bargain—4-bedroom plus den Mission Hills home. Excellent condition. Owner moving east; will sacrifice for cash. W-5-1726.
Wanted—Practical Nurse-Housekeeper. Live in. Call Mr. Fishman, R-4641.
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 2
12th—Council of Jewish Women Membership Tea—5285 Marlborough Dr.—2:30 p.m.
14th—J.W.V. Aux. 185 Poppy Day.
16th—Tifereth Israel Men’s Club Picnic—El Monte Park—10:00 a.m.
16th—City of Hope 25th Anniversary Banquet—El Cortez Hotel.
19th—Hadassah “Fashion Fantasy”—9000 El Cajon—2:00 p.m.
22nd—Poale Zion Meeting—Rabbi James Heller—Tifereth Israel—8:00 p.m.
24th-25th—Hadassah Workshop Institute—El Cortez Hotel.
Double Talk
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 4
By Janet and Susan Solof
Hi there! Giving their congrats and best wishes to Iris Leeds ‘n Matt Strauss on the occasion of their getting “pinned” were Arliss Garen ‘n Joel Goldfus, Natalie Veitzer ‘n Dan Weinberg, Beverly Kitaen ‘n Bernie Sosna, Eileen Rivers ‘n Ronnie Greenberg, Donna Godes ‘n Darreld Kitaen.
Boarding the plane with New York as her destination, Cecille Ogelsby waved goodby to her many friends. Have fun and lots of luck.
Seventeen is going to be a wonderful age said Manon Haas as she celebrated her birthday with many of her friends. Many more happy ones Manon.
Murietta Hot springs was the place for a lot of vacationers including Maxine Schoenkopf, Joan Breitbard, Steven Gordon, Janice Gordon, Buddy Kader, Gary Cantor, Larry Cantor, and Steve Schulman.
Adrian and Bobby Sachnoff spent their vacation in Los Angeles.
Enjoying a most relaxing (?) vacation at T.Y.L. Camp Saratoga are Aaron Kolkey, Linda Solof, Jane Cohn, Morton Cohn Jr., and Nelson Guyer. They write that it is a wonderful spot.
“Surprise! Surprise!” was heard from all the gang as Herb Wegnig walked in. The gang included Sharlene Stone ‘n Herb, Donna Godes ‘n Bernie Sosna, Beverly Addleson ‘n Dick Godes, Gail Kahn ‘n Mike Witte, Deanne Brown ‘n Lenny Bloom, Joyce Addleson ‘n Shearn Platt, Eileen Rivers ‘n Dan Weinberg, Joyce Jaffy ‘n Sam Sosna, Iris Leeds ‘n Matt Strauss, Bobby Glickman ‘n Burt Sharpe, Maxine Schoenkopf ‘n Shelden Golden, Louis Kaufman ‘n Darreld Kitaen, Judy Cohn ‘n Warner Dryfus, Carol Fisher ‘n Joel Kay, Bernie Ashner and Jerry Schissell.
Lunch and swimming—what a combination for a sweet sixteen party. And for whom? Why Geraldine Solomon, or course. Her friends had a “crazzy” time helping her celebrate. Best wishes, Gerry.
Dedication of Beth
Jacob Progressing
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 4
Dr. and Mrs. A. P. Nasatir, general chairmen of Beth Jacob Synagogue’s Dedication Program, announce that plans are being formulated for an inspiring event which will bring added glories to the Congregation.
Rabbi Baruch Stern is busy arranging for the dedication of the magnificent Holy Ark newly installed in the Synagogue.
Mr. Abraham Abramson, Congregation president, reports that the Golden Book is taking form now and many community members are responding enthusiastically.
Men’s Club Picnic
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 4
The Tifereth Israel Men’s Club Picnic for members and their families will be held on Sunday, August 16 at El Monte Park near Lakeside from 10:00 a.m. on.
There will be games for the kiddies and grown-ups alike, with free drinks, watermelon, peanuts, and lots of prizes. Guests are asked to pack their own picnic lunch. Everything else, including a full day of fun for all will be provided.
Those wishing transportation are asked to call the Synagogue or F-9-4233.
