B.I. Sisterhood Plans
Tea at Temple House
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 5
You have a date for Wednesday, August 26th. From two to four that afternoon the Past Presidents and Board of Temple Beth Israel Sisterhood will be hostesses at the Open House and Membership Tea to be held in the beautiful gardens and spacious home of the newly acquired Temple House at Third and Maple.
Temple House has been purchased for our Youth—now they will all have a beautiful place for classrooms, meetings, and parties.
Mrs. Joseph Schwartz and Mrs. Sol Brown, co-chairmen and their committee, Mesdames Louis Bickman, Alex Cohn, A. I. Dickman, Robert Epsten, Phil Geerson, Jack Goodman, Ernest Haas, Lou Karp, Fred Leeds, Philip Pekofsky, Ray Sacknoff, Richard Silberman, Sam Siraton, Sam Slaughter, and Geo. Starr, have planned a very enjoyable afternoon.
So, members and friends, accept Sisterhood’s cordial invitation to be our guest and see the new building.
Garden Tea Welcomes
New Members
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 5
The Annual Membership Tea of the National Council of Jewish Women, San Diego Section, will be held Wednesday, Aug. 12 at 2:30 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Harry W. Snyder, 5285 Marlboro.
Dr. Mrs. I. Alexander, Program Chairman, will feature an original dramatization depicting council’s program. It was written by Mrs. Paul Belkin, newcomer to the city and council member from Ohio. A surprise personality from the La Jolla Playhouse is expected to highlight the afternoon’s events.
Co-chairmen of the Tea are Mrs. J. A. Kwint and Mrs. Harry Snyder assisted by Mrs. Geo. Uris, Mrs. Arthur Gardner, Mrs. B. Breundlich, Mrs. Harry Felson, Mrs. B. Cohn and Mrs. M. Pomerantz. Members of the telephone committee include Mesdames N. Levi, P. Nestor, H. Blumberg, A. Breslaur, R. Disraeli, M. Nelson, and M. Goldfarb. Mrs. R. R. Smith, retired president of last year will pour together with Mrs. E. Levi, Mrs. L. Steinman and Mrs. Alex Newman.
President Mrs. Milton Roberts will welcome each new member upon arrival. Invitations have been extended to some 200 prospective members.
Hadassah Will Hold
Two Day Institute
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 5
Hadassah announces a two-day Institute Workshop on Monday, Aug. 24 and Tuesday, Aug. 25 at El Cortez Hotel. Every member is requested to attend and become a more integral part of the organization.
Hadassah’s Regional president, Mrs. Albert Galston, and a National Vice-President, Mrs. Irwin Reiss, will be on hand to lead the Institute which will “work out” problems within the organization. It is hoped that members will turn out “en masse” to greet these visitors. Reservations may be made with Mrs. Al Slayen, H-6-5090.

City Wide Meeting
Honors Rabbi Heller
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 5
San Diego Poale Zion’s four groups will be hosts at a meeting scheduled for August 22nd at which time Rabbi James G. Heller, national president of the Labor Zionist Organization of America will be the honored guest. His appearance here will follow the Poale Zion Conference in Los Angeles at which he spoke.
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Rabbi Heller, one of America’s outstanding orators and a leader in American and Jewish life for many years has just returned from a meeting of the Jewish Agency Executive which was held in Jerusalem.
This meeting of Aug. 22 will be held in the main synagogue of Tifereth Israel and the community is urged to support it by a capacity attendance. Admission is free, with no solicitation of funds. A reception in honor of Dr. Heller will follow the meeting.
'Aqua Fashion Fantasy' Show To Be Hadassah’s Summer Treat
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 6
The San Diego Chapter of Hadassah cordially invites all non-members to an “Aqua Fashion Fantasy” Membership Tea on Wednesday, August 19 at 2:00 p.m. The lovely swimming pool at the Edward Kitaen home, 9000 El Cajon Blvd., will furnish a natural setting for the fashion commentary of Mrs. Lewis Kipperman.
Hadassah members are invited to attend also, by their president, Mrs. Robert Strauss, but admittance depends upon each member bringing a prospect for membership in the organization.
Mrs. Abe Smith is general chairman and Mrs. Lou Feller and Mrs. Sam Lenett are assisting as co-chairmen. Active on the planning committee are Mmes. Geo. Wixen, Leonard Zlotoff, Stanley Strimling, and Edward Kitaen.
Mrs. Sophie Pinter and Mrs. Goldie Kitaen will pour at the Samovar.
Mrs. Albert Krasnow, parliamentarian, will point out the many advantages offered the Hadassah woman and she will review the great strides taken by the local chapter.
Models will include daughters of members and fashions will center on “fun in the sun.”
Cottage of Israel
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 6
The House of Pacific Relations will hold its annual Moonlight Fiesta on the lawns of the Cottages in Balboa Park on Sunday August 23rd at 5:30 p.m. Tables will be set up in front of the Cottages and while supper is being served, continuous entertainment will be provided by the various Cottage groups.
While a pot-luck supper is being arranged by board members among themselves, other members of our Cottage are welcome to attend this Fiesta but must of course provide their own lunch. Coffee will be served through the courtesy of the Cottage of Israel. Since seating space is limited, those coming first will have first choice.
The third annual meeting of the Cottage of Israel will be held on August 30, at Beth Jacob Auditorium. An excellent program is being planned for this occasion by Miss Esther Weitzman and new officers for 1953-54 will be officially introduced at this meeting.
Yo-Ma-Co Club Plans
Yom Kippur Dance
Southwestern Jewish Press August 7, 1953 Page 6
The sixth annual Yom Kippur Dance, sponsored by the YoMa-Co club, will be held Saturday night, September 19, at El Morocco Club. This will be the usual high-geared affair, with a top notch dance band and planned entertainment.
The music of Mike Aliso’s orchestra, exciting dance contests, and lovely prizes, will start the New Year joyously.
As is the custom most of the proceeds of the dance will be allocated to the several charities to which the Yo-Ma-Co Club contributes. Keep this date open—Saturday night, Sept. 19th. It will be great fun!
