United Jewish Fund Begins Task Of Allocating Over 42 Campaign Agencies
Southwestern Jewish Press September 4, 1953 Page 16
The process of making recommendations to the United Jewish Fund Board on allocations to the over forty-two beneficiaries of our 1953 campaign was underway with a meeting of the Allocations Committee last Tuesday, it was announced by Morris Douglas, Chairman of the Allocations Committee.
The agencies now being reviewed by the Committee have been placed in the following functional groups: National Service Agencies, Israel and Overseas, Community Relations, Religious Agencies, Cultural Health and Welfare Agencies.
Chairman Douglas announced that again the Allocations Committee will have an Open Hearing for the entire community on Sunday, September 27th at the San Diego Hotel. At this time, representatives of all requesting agencies will be given an opportunity to present their case to the community and to the Allocations Committee.
The final meeting of the committee will be held on Tuesday, October 6th, at which time the final recommendations will be put together prior to submission to the Fund Board at its October meeting.
Members of the committee are: Isaac Domnitz, William Schwartz, Morey Levenson, Jack Gross, Ruben Umansky, Mack Esterson, Mrs. Gabriel Berg, Milton Roberts, Louis Moorsteen, Eli Levenson, Victor Schulman, Jack Spatz, Reva Garvin, Stanley Yukon, Mrs. Stanley Yukon, Mrs. Zel Camiel, Sol Goodman, Allen Lame, Carl Esenoff, Gladys Block, Dr. Harry Ruja, Abe Bronstone, William Colt, Ida Nasatir, Henry Price, Mrs. Ted Brav, Muriel Goldhammer and Ida Wax.
San Diego Bay City
B’nai B’rith Women
Southwestern Jewish Press September 4, 1953 Page 18
Vacation time is now over and with the advent of the New Year Bay City Women are now putting into effect the plans made during the summer months. The first of these is to be carried out at the next meeting. Monday, September 14th, at the new Center of the Tifereth Israel Synagogue, 30th and Howard Sts.
In celebration of this first meeting in the new meeting room, Mrs. Sanford Sack, President, extends a most cordial invitation to all members, friends and prospective members.
There will be many surprises in store. Mrs. Jack Meyers, Program Chairman, announces that Mrs. Seema Caminer, Religious Chairman, will present an interesting program highlighting the High Holy Days. Along with that reports on the forthcoming membership Luncheon and Donor Luncheon will be given by Mrs. Leroy Cohn and Mrs. Eugene Rosen.
Mrs. Caminer, with her daughter Mrs. Harold Garvin, will serve the refreshments in recognition of Mrs. Garvin’s recovery from her recent surgery, and their moving into a new home. It will be something out of the ordinary, so don’t eat too much dinner!
Bay City Chapter is proud to announce the following District appointments: Mrs. David Schloss, Hillel; Mrs. Sanford Sack, B’nai B’rith Youth Organization; Mrs. Harold Garvin, who was re-elected for her third year on the District Grand Lodge Executive Board, will serve as the District Publicity Chairman and Reporter to the Women’s World, the National Publication for B’nai B’rith Women.
Don’t forget the meeting, Monday, September 14th at 8:15 p.m. Let’s make it 100 percent attendance.
Double Talk
Southwestern Jewish Press September 4, 1953 Page 18
By Janet and Susan Solof
Good Yontiff—Happiness and Good Cheer. We hope these will be yours in the coming year!
“Careful, don’t fall in,” was the warning given to all gals modeling for the Hadassah Tea around the Kitaen pool. Looking very glamorous were models Marilyn Smith, Donna Godes, Janet Solof, Carol Fischer, Dorothy Hess, Beverly Kitaen and Shasrlene Stone. Good goin’girls.
“Ummmm, what delicious hamburgers!” said Bobby Glickman, Bev Addleson, Esther Lustig, Ilene Rivers, Arlene Solof, Deanne Brown, Edie Press, Roslyn Burdman, and Roann Krasner as they were entertained at a bar-b-cue given by Linda Solof. Fun and laughter were the main dish.
Nat “King” Cole—what a singer he is. Entranced while he sang the favorite tunes he made popular were Pauline Glazier, Al Gardner, Bernie and Gordon Stolzoff, Andy Leeds, Bob Meyers, Dave Kennen, Roger Brenes, Susan Solof, Ed Ruskin, Jerry Wolff, Beverly Kitaen, Warren Glocco, Maxine Schoenkopf, Larry Schiller, Al Leener, and Fagyle Krasner. Terrific fun.
Getting a sun tan and swimming at the Del Mar pool were Sue Ann Greenberg, Judy Leonard, Eleanor Cohen, Debbie Strauss and Marjorie Lowitz as they were entertained by Shelly Haffner on her 13th birthday. Have fun—thirteen is a wonderful age.
Attention all teenagers: Saturday, August 5 the Beth Jacob Youth is putting on a “Coketail Dance.” Come at 800 p.m. dance until 11:30. Stag 30 cents and drag 50 cents.
Do you know that Leonard, Eddie and Gary Naiman were vacationing in Las Vegas—Sherry Newman went to Lake Tahoe and Reno—Carol Fischer, Joyce Addleson, Jean Goldstein, Burt Sharpe, Beverly Kitaen and Jane Cohn returned from a marvelous time at T.Y.L.’s Camp Saratoga—Ellen Goldstein just returmed from Mexico City—Paul Kaufman left to begin school life on the Berkeley Campus.
Take a minute to phone W-5-6679 with your news.
B’nai B’rith Women of San Diego
Southwestern Jewish Press September 4, 1953 Page 18
B’nai B’rith Women do it again! With the announcement of the Second Annual Joint Donor Luncheon to be held on Monday, October 26, 1953 at Top’s Restaurant, the two B’nai B’rith Chapters of San Diego are proud to introduce their two respective chairmen—Mrs. William Schusterman, Birdie Stodel Chapter and Mrs. Eugene Rosen, Bay City Chapter.
This year two fabulous prizes are to be awarded—one a silver service set and the other—hang on to your hats—3 day room
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accommodations for 2 at the Desert Inn, Las Vegas! Everyone, yes everyone, will want to purchase a ticket for these prizes.
The drawing will be held on Sunday, October 4th, but more about that later. In the meantime—Donor meetings are held and top notch entertainment, interesting table favors and a luscious luncheon are being planned.
Birdie Stodel
Southwestern Jewish Press September 4, 1953 Page 18
At a recent meeting, Fran Steffel was unanimously elected 2nd Vice President, thereby leaving a vacancy in the position of Financial Secretary.
Mrs. Thelma Weiss, President, cordially invites members and friends to attend the next regular meeting of the S.D. Birdie Stodel Chapter of Women’s B’nai B’rith, Monday, Sept. 14th, 12 noon, at Temple Center at which time elections of Financial Secretary will take place.
City of Hope
Southwestern Jewish Press September 4, 1953 Page 18
Everyone is cordially invited to attend the next regular meeting of City of Hope Tuesday, Sept. 15th, 12 noon, a non-profit luncheon to be held at Beth Jacob Center. Business on hand will be discussed and members and their friends can then enjoy a relaxing social afternoon.
Because of the vital work done by the City of Hope Medical Center at Duarte, cancer research and tuberculosis healing, your attendance and support is needed
Race Relations Group
Has Rabbi Speaker
Southwestern Jewish Press September 4, 1953 Page 19
The August meeting of the San Diego Race Relations Society, will be held at the 31st Street Seventh Day Adventist Church, Sunday, Aug. 30, 7:30 p.m. Rabbi Monroe Levens, of the Tifereth Israel Synagogue, will deliver the principal address, and his subject will be Ä Basis for Lasting Peace.” The church choir will present a specially prepared musical. Georgia Laster, soprano, and first prize winner of the Atwater Kent Musical Award, will make a special trip to San Diego to appear on this program. Miss Laster was soprano soloist on a recent Philharmonic program held here at the Ford Bowl. Dennis V. Allen, the society president will conduct the program. The public is invited, and refreshments will be served free.
Council Women’s Tea
Brightened By Star
Southwestern Jewish Press September 4, 1953 Page 20
The annual membership tea given by the National Council of Jewish Women, San Diego Section, was honored by the surprise appearance of Robert Strauss, star of La Jolla Playhouse hit production, “Stalag 17.”
Mrs. I. Alexander, program chairman introduced Mr. Strauss to an inspired and delighted audience. “I believe this group to be an integral part of your community,” Mr. Strauss said, “and may I leave this note with you: never let political or social influence or personal desire for glory deter you from your main purpose…to give, to help, to carry on this great e3ndeavor for your own community and for national and overseas service.”
Supervising the serving of refreshments were Mrs. H. Blumberg and Mrs. A. Breslaur. Council members enacted an original playlet to culminate the afternoon.
Hadassah Offers Mink to Minx
Southwestern Jewish Press September 4, 1953 Page 20
Mrs. David Block, Ways and Means Chairman, and an active committee are now engaged in promoting Hadassah’s first fundraising event of the new term. Someone, somewhere will be the owner of a luxurious Mink stole. Any Hadassah member will be glad to explain how anyone may win this prize by donating one dollar to Hadassah.
Mrs. Robert S. Strauss, president, has stressed the importance for all members to support this first Ways and Means project.
On Sept. 16 Hadassah’s Board will act as hostesses for the first 1953-54 luncheon meeting, at which time Mrs. Mary Fay, Honorary Member, will be welcomed home from a European and Israeli tour. Mrs. William Podoloff, program chairman, announces the presentation of a fashion show with Mrs. Ray Lieberman as commentator.
