B’nai B’rith Sponsors
Seminar On Judaism
Southwestern Jewish Press, September 18, 1953, Page 1
The first annual Seminar on Judaism co-sponsored by B’nai B’rith District Grand Lodge No. 4 and the Southern California B’nai B’rith Council will begin Friday night, September 25 at the Del Mar Hotel.
At the meeting of the new B’nai B’rith administrative committee in Asheville, N.C., Supreme President Phillip Klutznik announced that 12 such institutes will be conducted in various sections of the United States this year.
The B’nai B’rith Institute for Judaism is not to be considered a series of lectures, but rather an entirely new technique in adult Jewish education wherein there is a communion established between the faculty of Jewish scholars and the students who consist of adult laymen.
The faculty selected for the Del Mar Seminar consists of several well known Jewish scholars. Rabbi Edgar Magnin of Wilshire Temple, Los Angeles and Past Grand President of B’nai B’rith District No. 4 is to lead the opening meeting Friday jight On Saturday, Dr. Joseph Kaplan renowned nuclear physicist and Milton Senn, Pacific southwest ADL Director will discuss “Jewish Education in America” and “The Jew in the Modern Community” respectively. On Sunday, Rabbi Isaiah Zeldin, West Coast Director of the Union of American Hebrew congregations, will direct the final meeting whose subject will be “Judaism in the Modern World.”
The tuition fee for the complete three day course including meals and room at the Del Mar Hotel is $27.50 per person.
20th Annual Fund
Meeting Set for Dec.
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 1
The United Jewish Fund’s 20th Annual Meeting will be held on Sunday, December 13, 1953 in the Continental Room of the San Diego Hotel, according to David Block, chairman.
The Nominating Committee of the Fund, with Victor Schulman as its chairman, has begun work to prepare a slate of nominees for the vacancies occurring on the fund Board of Directors.
Suggested names should be submitted to Mr. Schulman, Albert A. Hutler, or to any member of the Committee. Members of the Committee are Rodin Horrow, Louis Moorsteen, Mrs. Saul Chenkin, Harry Mallen, Seymour Rabin and Harry Wax.
Pioneer Women Plan
Succoth Festival
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 1
Plans for Pioneer Women’s Succoth Festival and Bazaar are almost complete so reserve Sunday, Sept. 27th at Beth Jacob Center for a day of fun and enjoyment for the whole family and at the same time help in a worthy cause. Children in Israel need your help now, so come and partake of the buffet food offered for your enjoyment. The Bazaar will feature brand new merchandise at your price and entertainment for young and old. Chairmen for this affair are Anna Shelley and Eleanore Gordon.
Due to the holidays, our regular monthly meeting date has been changed to Thursday, October 8th, Blue Box Collection for J.N.F. will take place at this time. Members are urged to bring in their Boxes as the money is needed now. Luncheons will be served at 12:00 noon. J.N.F. Chairman is Bertha Gaberman. Non-members who have J.N.F. Boxes are invited to bring them and enjoy a delicious lunch.
Members are invited to an Oneg Shabat afternoon at the home of Eleanore Gordon, 712 Cedar St. on Saturday, October 10th.
United Jewish Appeal Launches Emergency Campaign This Week
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 1
The United Jewish Appeal, America’s foremost Jewish philanthropic agency, launched an emergency drive for $25,000,000 in cash to meet urgent welfare, medical and resettlement needs of 515,000 refugees and distressed men, women and children in Europe, Israel and the Moslem lands, Edward M. Warburg, General Chairman of the UJA, announced.
In a letter especially written to Murray D. Goodrich, president of the Fund, Mr. Warburg advised that $25,000,000 in cash must be secured by October 10, if the Joint Distribution Committee, United Israel Appeal and the United Service for New Americans are to be able to do their job for the balance of the year.
Acting immediately on the appeal, the Board of Directors of the United Jewish Fund voted to forward $10,000.00 in cash to the office of the United Jewish Appeal immediately and to discuss further cash advances before October 10, depending on payment of pledges by contributors who have not as yet paid their pledge.
Treasurer of the Fund, Harry Snyder, stated that already $50,000 had been forwarded from the 1953 campaign to the appeal and that additional money must be raised in order that we do at least as well as we did in 1952 when the United Jewish Appeal received $110,000. He urged everyone who has made a pledge to make as much of a payment in cash now as they possibly can and further urged those who have not as yet made a pledge to do so immediately.
Football Carnival
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 1
Involving the participation of 1500 or more students the San Diego City Schools’15th football carnival, a colorful extravaganza of football, pageantry and music, will be held Friday, Sept. 25, at 7:30 p.m. in Balboa Stadium.
Theme for the pageant, which will open the program at 7:30 p.m, will be “Jim and Joan Grow Up.” Under the direction of Dr. Alex Zimmerman, City Schools’ Director of Music Education, and Miss Miriam Paine, Assistant Supervisor of Physical Education, each of the seven schools will illustrate in pageantry and music one phase of the process of growing up from childhood to voting age.
High school bands, drum corps, drill teams and flag and pompon corps will participate in this part of the program.
U.J.F. Sets Open
Hearings For Funds
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 1
Representatives of agencies requesting allocations from the Jewish community of San Diego through its United Jewish Fund will present their case at the “Open Hearing” of the Allocations Committee to be held on Sunday, September 27, in the Marine Room of the San Diego Hotel starting at 10 a.m.
Morris Douglas, chairman of the committee, stated that the morning session from 10 a.m. to 12 noon would be concerned primarily with hearing presentations from representatives of the National Community Relations agencies, including the Joint Defense Appeal, consisting of the Anti-Defamation Leagues and the American Jewish Committee; the Jewish War Veterans; the American Jewish Congress; Jewish Labor Committee; and the National Community Advisory Council.
After luncheon, the afternoon session will commence at 1:30 p.m.
Other agencies which will be represented at the hearing will include National Jewish Welfare Board, Jewish Theological Seminary, Hebrew Union College, various Israel institutions and agencies, City of Hope and many others.
The Allocations Committee will prepare a report and recommendation for the distribution of the monies raised in the 1953 campaign for approval by the United Jewish Fund Board of Directors.
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Expert On Aged Named To Post
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 1
A State College psychology professor, Dr. Oscar Kaplan, was elected president of the American Psychological Association division on maturity and old age at a convention in Cleveland.
Kaplan has been a consultant in gerontology to the U.S. Public Health Service and an officer in the American Psychological Association and the second International Gerontological Congress.
He helped organize the Federal Security Agency’s first National Conference on Aging in 1950 and was editor of the textbook, “Mental Disorders in Later Life.”
What Next? {Editorial}
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 2
When we saw the screaming headlines in the newspapers we couldn’t believe our eyes. The astounding news that Lucille Ball—our own Lucy—once registered as a Communist, must have hit television right smack in its picture tubes. It couldn’t be true! Is nothing sacred? I had watched Lucy practically give birth right there on the screen in my own living room. Not her! If this can happen to Lucy anything can happen.
What if “Dragnet” turns out to be the work of a spy ring and all the time we were being undermined by vicious and dangerous propaganda straight out of the Kremlin? Maybe we ought to check into that fellow, Jack Webb. It could be that he once read a book about world affairs.
How about Beanie? We always felt that D.J. looked mighty suspicious. No red-blooded American like Cecil should have to take such a beating every night. This whole show could be part of a transmission belt leading directly from Moscow.
This could go on and on. Soon you may see a notice before each program stating that “This program has been cleared for viewing by the Mind Control Division of the Thought Control Department of the McCarthy Security Committee. All the actors and actresses have taken the Loyalty Oath and have sworn that they have never been a member of any organization that ever stood for anything. The story and characters portrayed on this show bear no resemblance to real life.”
This all may sound fantastic but stranger things have happened. Oh shades of Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson!...Would Patrick Henry have to say now, “Give me liberty—if it’s O.K. with the Senate Committee.”
