Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 3
Bargain—4-bedroom plus den Mission Hills home. Excellent condition. Owner moving east; terms or will sacrifice for cash. W-5-1726.
Wanted—1- bedroom furnished apt. close in. Up to $65.00. Box 65, Jewish Press, 333 Plaza, San Diego 1.
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 3
19th—Yo-Ma-Co Yom Kippur Night Dance—El Morocco.
19th—Teenage Yom Kippur Dance—J.C.C., 3227 El Cajon Blvd.,--8:00 p.m.
22nd—Beth Jacob Sisterhood Buffet Dinner—Beth Jacob Center—8:30 p.m.
23rd—Beth Israel Sisterhood “Breakfast Broadcast”—Manor Hotel—11:00 a.m.
24th—City of Hope Membership Party—3927 Utah—8:00 p.m.
25th-27th—B’nai B’rith Annual Seminar on Judaism—Del Mar Hotel
27th—Pioneer Women Succoth Festival—Beth Jacob Center—all day.
8th—Bay City B.B. Women Annual Membership Luncheon—4959 Lorraine Dr.—12:30 p.m.
11th—Beth Jacob Auxiliary Simchas Torah Dinner—Beth Jacob Center.
The Jewish Community Center of San Diego Announces Following Schedule of Activities
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 4
9:00a.m.-12 noon—Cooperative Nursery School (also Wed. and Friday).
7:30 p.m.—Teen Time or Junior High School students (13-15 yrs.).
10-11 a.m.—Figure Control Class.
3:30-10:30 p.m.—Arts and Crafts Class (all ages).
2:30-5:30 p.m.—Ballet and Creative Dance Class (4-12 yrs).
7:30 p.m.—Drama workshop
2:30-4:30p.m.—Golden Age Lounge for over 50’s.
7:30-10:30 pm.—Teen-Age Canteen. (15-20 yrs.).
Sunday Evenings. 8:00 p.m.
First—Square Dance Evening.
Second—Fiesta Club
Third—Square Dance Evenings.
Fourth—Hospitality Night.
Nursery School, Mrs. Jacqueline Bramson; Arts and Crafts, Mrs. George Herrmann; Dance, Mrs. John Timen; Dramatics, Mr. John Timen; Figure control, Mrs. Ernest Wolf, Mrs. Eugene Berger.
Many other special activities are being planned. Whatever your age, whatever your sex and whatever your religious affiliation…Temples, Synagogue or otherwise…there is an activity for you. The board and staff welcome suggestions by those interested in specific activities. Call T-1-7744 for further information or come into the Jewish Community Center at 3227 El Cajon Blvd.
Membership Party Features Film
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 4
An entertaining evening has been arranged by the City of Hope Junior Auxiliary for their second annual Membership Party, to be held Sept. 24, 8 p.m. at the North Park Clubhouse, 3927 Utah St.
Party chairman, Mrs. Herman Axelrod, is being assisted by Mrs. Elias Lindenfeld and Mrs. James Lesser.
An interesting program has been planned, which will feature a film showing the progress that has been made at the City of Hope Hospital in the field of medical treatment and research concerning cancer, tuberculosis, leukemia and heart disease. Art Baker narrates the film.
Guest speaker will be Mr. Morton Brandler, of Los Angeles, hospital director.
Hebrew Home Plans
Expansion Program
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 4
Victor Schulman, new president of the Hebrew Home for the Aged, and Al Hutler, recently visited aged homes in San Francisco and Oakland. The group are studying these institutions in preparation for laying plans for the construction of the new home next year.
George Neumann has been appointed chairman of the Finance Committee in preparation for next year’s campaign to raise funds for the new Home.
Teen-Age Yom Kippur Dance
The Jewish Community Center is sponsoring a Yom Kippur dance Saturday, September 19th, 8:00 through 12:00 p.m. The committee consisting of Diane Fogelman, Marjorie Lowitz, and Sonia Weitzmann with the assistance of Sidney Posin are making plans for an evening of fun and dancing. Refreshments will be served so plan on coming! You can dance to the music of your favorite band…from the Juke Box at the Center. Bids at 35 cents…Drag or Stag. Get your bids from Marjorie, Sonia or Diane and at the Jewish Community Center, 3227 El Cajon Blvd., where the Dance will be held.
Double Talk
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 4
By Janet and Susan Solof
Here we go once more to school. Be sure to learn the Golden Rule.
After a delicious dinner—dancing made the evening complete as Jane Cohn and Deanne Brown celebrated together their sixteenth birthdays. Having fun with them were: Jan ‘n Don Burnes, Deanne ‘n Lenny Bloom, Rochelle Goodrich ‘n Dan Weinberg, Beverly Kitaen ‘n Warren Gulko, Luanne Blumberg ‘n Bob Beck, Abbe Salomon ‘n Gary Cantor, Carol Fisher ‘n Burt Sharpe, Beverly Addleson ‘n Dick Godes, Shirley Krasner ‘n Steve Schulman, Natalie Veitzer ‘n Jim, Bobby Glickman ‘n Bernie Sosna, Donna Godes ‘n Darreld Kitaen, Bunny Goodman ‘n Myron Shapiro, Geraldine Solomon ‘n Mike Witte, Iris Leeds ‘n Matt Strauss, Double Congratulations to you both.
Best of luck goes to “Kollege Kids” who are leaving San Diego for a taste of college life. Among those leaving are Jerry Schissell, Gary Chenkin, Linda Solof, Roslynm Burdman, Jean Goldstein, Cecille Oglesby, Paul Kaufman, Sam Sosna and Esther Lustig. Hope it tastes good kids.
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It was terrific if you were put on Norman Starr’s party list for dinner and dancing. Enjoying the fun were Andy Leeds, Arthur Pogrell, Eleanor Cohn, Alan Friedman, Dianne Fogelman, Tim Miller, Harriet Silverman, Mike Sperber, Sue Hutler, Jack Sharpe, Judy Aved, Jerry Mendell, Linda Zuckerman, Jeremy Lustig, and Susan Solof. Everyone had a wonderful time.
The “Corn ‘n Coke” party given by Eleanor Cohn, Linda Zuckerman, Allan Samuels, Sue Hutler, Stanley Breitbard, Ronnie Doctor, Sonya Weitzman, Mort Cohn, Jr., Jack Sharp, Jerry Mendell, Allan Friedman, Margie Lowitz, and Arthur Pogrell.
All the gang were invited to Janet and Susan Solof’s to say “Happy New Year” and a gang there was.
Don’t forget—W-5-0679 with news.
Lasker Lodge News
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 5
By Jack Lowenbein
Many interesting B’nai B’rith activities are planned for this fall. These projects will bring to a close a year under the stimulating leadership of President Harry Wax.
In the month of October Lasker Lodge will honor a great Ben B’rith and San Diegan. October 18th, Sunday night at the Temple Center, all of San Diego will pay tribute to one of the great Jewish leaders of our community, Henry Weinberger. Brother Weinberger is a past Grand President of B’nai B’rith District No. 14.
November is the month for politics and B’nai B’rith is no exception. New officers for 1954 will be selected by Lasker Lodge. The annual dinner dance, an affair which has always been a popular event among Lasker Lodgers is scheduled for November. Also to be seen in November by the entire community and sponsored by Lasker Lodge is the First Annual Hi-Jinks, a gala Stage Show, which is part of the Southern California B’nai B’rith Council fund raising campaign. December 15th, is the last day for members to turn in new membership applications. The prize to be awarded to the member signing up the most new members is a free weekend for two at Highland Springs Guest Ranch in Beaumont, Calif. Remember 1954 dues are payable January 1, 1954.
Deceased {Jacobs, King, Ainbinder}
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 5
Abraham J. Jacobs, aged 61, passed away Sept. 8. Born in Poland, Mr. Jacobs lived in San Diego only a short time. Services were conducted at the Lewis Colonial Mortuary by Rabbi Monroe Levens on Sept. 14. Interment was at the Home of Peace Cemetery.
Survivors include his wife, Anna L. Jacobs; two sons in San Diego, David J. and Leonard L.; a son in New York, Ira M.; a son in Long Island, N.Y., Sanford F.; and a daughter, Mrs. Eleanor M. Liechter of San Diego.
Samuel King, 64, on Sept. 12. Mr. King, originally from New York, had lived in San Diego for 12 years. He was a veteran of World War I and was a member of Tifereth Israel Synagogue, the Noah Benevolent Society of N.Y., and the Jewish War Veterans. Services were conducted on Sept. 14 by Rabbi Monroe Levens at the Lewis Mortuary with interment at Greenwood Mausoleum.
Survivors include his wife, Erna B. King; a son, Dr. Albert Klug of San Diego; a daughter, Mrs. Lenora Lipshultz of Germany; a sister, Sarah of San Diego; and a brother, Irving of Pacific Palisades.
Anna Ainbinder, 76, on Sept. 12. Mrs. Ainbinder was born in Russia, but had been a resident of San Diego for the past 20 years. She was a member of the Tifereth Israel Synagogue, Hadassah, Hebrew Home for the Aged, and the City of Hope. Services were conducted on Sept. 14 by Rabbi Monroe levens at the Lewis Colonial Mortuary with interment at Greenwood Mausoleum.
Survivors include a son and daughter, Edward I. Binder and Mrs. Suzanne R. Kagan, both of San Diego, and one granddaughter.
New Dramatic Director
Appointed By Center
Southwestern Jewish Press September 18, 1953 Page 6
John W. Timen has been appointed Dramatic Director for the Jewish Community Center it was announced by Sid Posin.
Mr. Timen has an extensive background in the theatre having studied with Max Reinhardt and Stanislavsky at the Moscow Art Theatre. Recently he has directed the Civic Theatre in Westchester County in New York.
He also directed mamny famous Jewish stars such as Jacob Adler, David Kessler, Joseph Schildkraut, and Thomashefsky.
Since February of this year, Mr. and Mrs. Timen, who have taken up their residence in Vista, have been directing an adult theatre group at Oceanside-Carlsbad College, as well as one at Vista High School.
A drama workshop led by Mr. Timen will meet every Wednesday evening, 7:30 at the Center.
