
Council Members Plan
Chuck Wagon Dance
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 2
The National Council of Jewish Women is completing plans for a Western Chuck Wagon Dance, a Ship-A-Box project, to be held on November 8th 8 p.m. at Caspar’s El Rancho. A cocktail hour from 8 to 9 p.m. precedes the dance. President Mrs. Milton Roberts and members of the board will be hostesses and welcome the incoming guests. Dancing begins at 9 p.m. to the music of Peter Newburg, popular local orchestra, intermission at 11 o’clock will feature a delicious chuck wagon buffet supper after which dancing will continue until 1 a.m. Donations, five dollars per couple.
Mrs. Sydney Smith heads the Ship-A-Box Dance committee assisted by Mesdames: Richard Gerding, Burton Ross, Richard Disraeli, David Jaffe, George Uris, Malcolm Winston, Norman Levi, Ed Merkin, David doctor, Robert Drexler, Charles Townes, Herbert Louis, Milton Fredman,. Sol Brown.
Happy Anniversary!
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 2
Sylvia and Lou Solof marked their 20th wedding anniversary with a group of their friends on Thursday, Oct. 15. The Jolly 16 will help the Arthur Glickmans celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary with a dinner and party at their home Sunday Oct. 25.
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 2
Practical nurse want position. Housekeeping considered. Full time or part time. Write Box 3, Jewish Press, 333 Plaza, San Diego 1, Calif.
Introducing daughter of dear friends, recently from NY. Good looking well built, age 25, Univ. grad., good background, very lonely. Would like her to meet young man to 35, similar background, bus. or prof. Obj. matr. Young lady has no knowledge of this. Box 4, Jewish Press, 333 Plaza, San Diego 1, Calif.
Room for rent—in lovely home. Cooking privileges. ½ blk. to bus. Call R-6586 before noon or after 6 p.m.
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 2
18th—B.B. Henry Weinberger night—Temple Center—8:00 p.m.
18th—Cottage of Israel—United Nations Open House.
24th—Y.J.C. Club Halloween Masquerade—Tifereth Israel Center—8:00 p.m.
26th—B’nai B’rith Women Joint Donor Luncheon—Tops—12:00 noon.
31st—City of Hope Jrs. Halloween Party—Beth Jacob Center—8:00 p.m.
2nd-6th—Tifereth Israel Sisterhood rummage Sale—12th and G.
8th—Council of Jewish Women Chuck Wagon Dance—Caspar’s El Rancho—8:00 p.m.
22nd—Jewish Labor Committee Dinner and Concert—Beth Jacob Center – eve.
J.W.B. Conference Draws Local People
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 3
Santa Cruz, Californa, has been chosen as the meeting place for the thirteenth annual meeting of the Western States Section of the National Jewish Welfare Board. The sessions are scheduled for October 29, 30, 31 and November 1, at the Casa del Rey Hotel. Several local people are planning to attend.
Yo-Ma-Co Club
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 3
Byron Sharpe with a score of one under par was the winner of the Yo-Ma-Co Miniature Gold Tournament held on Sept. 30. Lenny Pearl was runner-up and Jack Brisker placed third.
Athletic committee chairman Lenny Pearl promises a Bowling tournament in the near future.
Lasker Lodge B’nai B’rith
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 4
by Jack Lowenbein
The Membership contest is creating a good deal of enthusiasm with Ralph Feldman in the lead and several others close behind him. First prize in the membership contest is a free weekend at Highland Springs Guest Ranch in Beaumont, Calif. The Free weekend includes room and board for two for Friday night through to Sunday afternoon and the use of all the many varied facilities throughout the 1000 acre Highland Springs resort such as swimming, riding, dancing, mineral baths.
The member who signs up the most new members prior to Dec. 15, 1953 will be judged the winner of the Free Weekend for two. Other prizes include: $5 credit on 1954 dues to all members who sign five new members; 1954 dues free to all members who sign fifteen new members and two years free dues to all members who sign twenty five new members.
The tickets for the Annual Dinner Dance to be held Sunday night Nov. 15 at Caspar’s El Rancho in El Cajon are now available. The price is $7.50 per couple and tickets may be obtained from Sid Rose or Joe Kaplan at T-5136. The sale is limited to one hundred couples.
The First Annual Lasker Lodge Hi-Jinks will be Sunday night, Nov. 30, at the Temple Center. This program is being chaired by Dick Berman who has already secured the talents of Charlie Cannon as Master of Ceremonies. Several other singers from the Starlight Opera will be featured plus several acts now being auditioned. Admission will be by purchase of tickets for the Southern California B’nai B’rith Council Dance held in Los Angeles December 19 and validated by Lasker Lodge. The same ticket will be valid for both events, i.e., the Hi-Jinks in San Diego Nov. 30th and the Dance in Los Angeles, Dec. 19.
Mary Fay to Speak
For Pioneer Women
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 4
The Pioneer Women Shoshana Group will have Mrs. Mary Fay, member and past president of the San Diego Board of Education, as guest speaker for a meeting to be held at the Jewish Community Center on Monday, Oct. 26, 8:30 p.m.
Mrs. Fay, an active member of the American Christian Palestine Committee, has recently returned from a tour of the Middle East including Israel and the Arab states. She will give her opinions of conditions there and answer questions. The talk will be followed by a recent Israeli movie. Refreshments will be served. The public is invited.
Chairmen are Mrs. Ted Herrmann and Mrs. Samuel Kerper.
Young Jewish Couples Plan
“Halloween Masquerade”
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 4
The Young Jewish Couples Club will hold its annual “Halloween Masquerade” party at the Center of the Tifereth Israel Synagogue on Saturday, Oct. 24th at 8:00 p.m. Refreshments will be served and a fee of 50 cents per couple is entailed. Cordial invitations are extended to non-members. Games and prizes will also be featured. Everyone is requested to appear in costume.
Jewish Community Center News
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 4
Annual Meeting—Mr. Herbert A. Haimsohn, president of the Jewish Community Center, selected Henry Price as chairman for its annual meeting to be held at the Center, 3227 El Cajon, Wednesday, November 18, at 8:00 p.m. Selected to serve with Mr. Price are Mrs. Edith Bennett, Mrs. Florence Barach, Ruth Brav, Irving Alexander, Maxwell Kaufman, Richard Lustig and Maury Novak.
Mr. Haimsohn reminds center members that board members are elected at the annual meeting and that according to the by-laws, “nominations (for board membership) may also be made by petition signed by ten (10) members in good standing. Such
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petitions should be in the hands of the nominating committee at least one week before the annual meeting.” Ed Breitbard is chairman of the nominating committee.
Tuesday-YACS—Committee of young adults are busy planning a surprise activity for Tuesday, Oct. 27. All young adults (20-30) who may be curious and are anxious to get in on the fun are invited to drop in at the center every Tuesday evening.
Hospitality Night—Another Hospitality Night program will be held on Sunday, October 25th at 8:00 p.m. at which time an evening of square dancing is planned. All newcomers and old timers are welcome to attend. Refreshments will be served.
Jewish War Veterans
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 4
On Monday evening, October 19th, at 8:30 p.m. the Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary will have their social meeting in the War Memorial Building, Balboa Park. Besides delicious refreshments there will be cards, and a door prize to the lucky winner.
October 25th is pick-up day for rummage; all those having rummage call R-5632 and rummage will be picked up. The sale is November 19th and time is getting short.
There will be a membership dinner on Monday night, November 16th. Mr. Eddie Klein, Field Director for the Jewish War Veterans a dynamic personality will be guest speaker. Members are asked to attend, and bring their friends.
Home for the Aged
Plans For Future
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 4
Guests of the Hebrew Home for the Aged were hosts to the executive committee last week at a luncheon and business meeting.
Plans were discussed to increase the recreational activities for the guests with the Ladies Auxiliary taking the lead. President Victor Schulman announced that George Neumann would lead the fund raising committee which plans to start in the near future.
A sketch of the projected new home will soon be available as plans are now being drawn for the new building at 54th Street between El Cajon Blvd. and University Ave.
City of Hope Jrs. Plan Novel Party
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 4
A Halloween masquerade party full of fun, prizes and surprises is being planned by the City of Hope Junior Auxiliary on October 31 at 8:30 p.m. at the Berth Jacob Center.
Auxiliary members have turned the planning of this party over to their husbands and the men are working hard to meet the challenge and make this an outstanding affair.
The committee is headed by Arthur Rubin, who is being ably assisted by lt. Comdr. Preston Hoggard as co-chairman and Elias Lindenfeld, Abe Malkoff, Harold Reisman, Sidney Berman, and Dr. Seymour Okmin.
Prizes will be awarded for costumes in various categories, most elaborate, most original and funniest.
Refreshments will be served and an apple bobbing contest will be one of the highlights of the evening, plus other surprise entertainment.
Council Study Group
Hears U.N. Talk
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 4
The Council of Jewish Women’s Study Group will present Mrs. Ruth LeRoy on Thurs., Oct. 29 at 8:00 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Louis Moosteen, 4730 Artista Dr.
Her topic will be “United Nations—Balance Sheet.” Mrs. Leroy was former president of the A.A.U.N. and now head of the Speaker’s Bureau.
Mrs. Paul Belkin and Mrs. Jack Stern head the study group committee assisted by Mrs. William Schwartz and Mrs. Sam Waldman.
Pioneer Women
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 4
Pioneer women, Negba and Shoshana groups, will celebrate “Pioneer Women’s Day” at the Cottage of Israel on Sunday, Oct. 18 with a display of Pioneer Women’s work in Israel.
Presidents Jeanette Abrams and Lee turner will be hostesses.
A Membership Tea is being planned in the near future to welcome new members of Negba Club. The next Oneg Shabbat is to be held at the home of Rose Domnitz, 4755-51st St. on Sat., Nov. 7th.
Due to the generosity of the businessmen and friends who contributed, the annual Bazaar was a huge success.
City of Hope
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 4
The City of Hope Telethon, sparked by Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz and featuring many stars of the entertainment world, starts Saturday, Oct. 7 at 11:00 p.m. and continues through Sunday, Oct. 18, 4:00 p.m. Mrs. Arthur Shapery is local chairman.
Rose Barr, Jeanne Camiel, and Ruth Douglas are hostesses for the next regular luncheon meeting to be held Monday, Oct. 19 at 12:00 noon at Beth Jacob Center. For reservations call J-2-6239 or J-2-1846.
Double Talk
Southwestern Jewish Press October 16, 1953 Page 5
y Janet and Susan Solof
What’s been happening? Would you like to know!
What have the kids been doing and where do they go!
Parties with birthdays, football games and fun!
Here are the true facts ‘bout what’s been done.
Darreld Kitaen was very thrilled with the surprise party given by his friends. Best wishes, Darreld.
5,4,3,2,1 yards to go and it’s a touchdown! Not once, but twice this incident took place when Gary Naiman took over the ball at last Friday nights Hoover-Grossmont game. Gary is playing on the Hoover varsity team. Good going Gary and keep running for the goal.
Michael Price took first place in a nationwide Latin competition. Michael, competing against 20,000 other Latin students through the country placed first for high score in the 22nd annual Latin competition. Hats off to you, Michael, and lots of luck.
Z.B.T. Fraternity had a terrific dinner-dance at the home of Don Solomon. An outstanding affair, everyone commented.
Fun, fun, fun—couldn’t get enough of it said all the gang at Art Pogrell’s party. They enjoyed eats, dancing and the evening was nothing short of terrific.
Halloween’s a night for frolic and fun!
Y.P.L.’s plans are second to none.
Don’t you miss a trick or treat!
OY.P.L.’s Halloween Dance can’t be beat.
Time: Saturday, October 31.
Where: Tifereth Israel Synagogue
Admission: $1.25 couple—band.
Do you have parties or to them go--
Call W-5-0679 and let us know.
