San Diego Jewish History Quiz, Question #3
The prize: A voucher for a pair of tickets to the performance Friday September 11; Monday September 14, or Saturday, September 19 of violinist Lindsay Deutsch with Orchestra Nova.
The rules: Send your answers to the quiz questions to
Your email will come into our office with a time automatically noted upon it. The first email with the correct answer to the test question and contest question and with all the following information properly filled out, will win the two tickets.
Note: No contestant may win more than one contest in the same secular calendar month. San Diego Jewish World staff members and Louis Rose Society steering committee members may participate in this contest.
Your full name _____________________________
Your San Diego County address _______________________________
Your telephone number: _________________________
Your Jewish affiliations, if any (synagogue, club, etc) _____________________________
Qualifying question: Go to the website and click on the media tab. Orchestra Nova performs at three San Diego County venues. One is St. Paul's Cathedral. Another is Sherwood Hall.The third venue is named after San Diego Jewish philanthropist who made a fortune in the communications industry and has a fabled love for classical music. Who is he? _____________________.
Contest question: A Jewish woman served in the late 20th century on the San Diego City Council, later on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, and after that served as mayor of San Diego. What is her name? ____________________.