Membership Luncheon
Planned By B’nai B’rith
Southwestern Jewish Press November 13, 1953 Page 6
Birdie Stodel B.B. members are deep in plans for their big Membership Luncheon to be held on December 10 at the Cotton Patch. There will be no luncheon charge for new members joining before December 10.
Anyone knowing of prospective members is asked to contact the committee; chairman, Mrs. Louis Schissel, or Mesdames Harry Schwartz, Jerry Aronoff, Robert Rivers, Minnie Witts.
The next regular luncheon meeting is to be held November 23, 12 noon, at Temple Beth Israel Center.
Co-chairmen of the U.S.O. dances once a month at the Temple Center, sponsored by the Birdie Stodel chapter are Mrs. Harry Schwartz and Mrs. Robert Rivers.
Officers Installed by
Poale Zion Group
Southwestern Jewish Press November 13, 1953 Page 6
The annual installation of officers was held on November 7th with Chaver Leon Elkind as installing officer and Rabbi Yosef Miller, executive secretary of the Los Angeles was guest speaker.
Following are the new board of directors who were introduced: Rose Brooker, Norma Schaffer, Rose Weitzman, Dora Richlin, Bernard Veitzer, and Bernard Piermont. Our Branch will sponsor a New Year’s party for members and friends which will be held at Tifereth Israel Center. Since the attendance is limited, reservations should be made well in advance. For further information and reservations phone either of the following chairmen: Dora Richlin, Randolph 3028 or Bertha Veitzer, Talbot 7886.
Double Talk
Southwestern Jewish Press November 13, 1953 Page 7
By Janet and Susan Solof
At the football games the kids have all been watching their favorite school’s team win.
Cheering and yelling ‘till they’re blue in the face while your team is running at a fast pace.
The kids at Allan Friedman’s party had a “spooky” good time on Halloween nite. After a delicious dinner at the San Diego Club Susie Hutler, Kack Sharpe, Shirley Kaufman, Susan Solof, Norman Starr, Andy Leeds, Arthur Pogrell, Dianne Fogelman, Ronnie Doctor, Harriet Silverman and Morton Cohn, Jr. danced to a sharp band.
Roughin’it up with some of his school friends on his 7th birthday was Bobby Faguet. Seven is a wonderful age thought Bobby as his friends sang Happy Birthday to him. Many more Bob.
Dancing in their beautiful formals at the Military Balls were Deborah Strauss n’Bob Goldsmith, Susan Solof n’Joe Kalin, Maxine Schoenkopf n’Mickey McLean, Sherry Newman n’Bruce Fisher. A thrilling time was had by all.
Janet Solof was elected Sophomore Song-Leader at San Diego High School.
Come on kids tell us what you’ve been doing—W5-0679.
Jewish Center News
Southwestern Jewish Press November 13, 1953 Page 7
Winter Day Camp—Registration is now open for the Winter Day Camp, Jaycee, to be held at the Jewish Community Center, 3227 El Cajon Blvd. during the school vacation beginning Monday, December 21st and ending Thursday, December 31st. Exciting and stimulating camp activities are being planned under the supervision of several of the experienced Summer Day Camp counselors. Parents are urged to register early as new campers will not be accepted when the camp is in session.
Center Youth Orchestra—The Jewish Community Center Orchestra, under the leadership of Mr. Eugene Sachs invites all youth (13 and over) to participate in an evening of Musical enjoyment on Wednesday evenings-7:30 p.m. at the Tifereth Israel Synagogue Center, 38th and Howard. For further information, call George Wise, B-3-3023.
Center Membership Month—"Every member get a member” is the slogan of the Jewish Community Center membership month campaign, during November. Mr. Mack Esterson, membership chairman, reports that present members are contacting their neighbors for enrollment as Center members. An increased number in membership will speed the development of an adequate facility on the newly acquired site on 54th Street.
Pioneer Women Hold
Rummage Shower
Southwestern Jewish Press November 13, 1953 Page 7
Pioneer women, Shoshona Group will hold a “Rummage Shower” on November 16 at the Jewish Community Center, 3227 El Cajon Blvd., at 8:00 p.m. to gather merchandise for the Rummage Sale scheduled during December.
Admission is by a package of rummage. The public is invited and will share in the games and refreshments.
J.W.B. Conference To Be Held Here
Southwestern Jewish Press November 13, 1953 Page 7
The Westetrn States Section of the National Jewish Welfare Board will hold its 14th Annual Meeting in San Diego according to the unanimous vote of delegates at the recent conference.
In a letter just received from Dr. Samuel C. KIohs, Field Secretary for JWB, Albert A. Hutler, Executive of the Federation and Sidney Posin, Executive of the Jewish Community Center, were informed that dates for the 1954 conference would be set in the very near future.
Announcement of the meeting, which stated that this was the first time that a Jewish Welfare Board Conference has been planned for San Diego, indicated that this honor was given to our community because of the rapid advancements which has been made by the Jewish Community Center of San Diego.
Pioneer Women
Southwestern Jewish Press November 13, 1953 Page 7
A Board meeting of Pioneer women, Negba Club will be held on Thursday, Nov. 19th at which time plans will be made to hold a raffle of a set of Wm. Rogers Silverware. The sale of tickets will help members complete their Donor quota and help the overall aim of raising Pioneer Women’s quota of $3500.00 this year.
Pioneer Women’s 13th Biennial National Convention held in Washington, D.C. was highlighted by greetings from Pres. Eisenhower, Pres. Itzak Ben Zvi, of Israel, Earl Warren, Supreme Court Justice and David Ben Gurion. Addressing sessions of the convention were Honorable Abba Eban, Israel Ambassador to the U.S.A., Beba Idelson, Israel Member of Parliament and Dr. Sara Feder, National President as well as many other notables.
City of Hope
Southwestern Jewish Press November 13, 1953 Page 7
The next regular luncheon meeting of the Senior Auxiliary of City of Hope will be held November 17, at 12 noon at the Beth Jacob Center. President Mrs. Jerry Aronoff has announced that this meeting is set aside for nominations. With no nominating committee functioning, all nominations will come from the floor.
Home for Aged Begins
Drive for New Bldg.
Southwestern Jewish Press November 13, 1953 Page 7
At a dinner meeting, the Advance Gifts Group of the Hebrew Home for the Aged raised $21,750 in its drive for $85,000 toward building a new structure on 54th Street and University Ave. Victor Schulman, president of the Home, stated that the Campaign under the chairmanship of George Neumann, is expected to be completed by December 15th.
Construction of the new building will begin during the early part of January, according to Max Maisel, building chairman. The new Home will house 25 guests and will be under strict Kashrut rules.
Pledges can be made under a five year plan to build or furnish a major or residence room. A memorial plaque will record gifts made during the campaign.
Among those present at the meeting were Allan Ferer, President of the Guardians, and Mrs. Wm. Moss, President of the Women’s Auxiliary, who pledged their support of the Campaign.
Lasker Lodge
Southwestern Jewish Press November 13, 1953 Page 7
By Jack Lowenbein
Election News: Nominating committee of Ed Breitbard, Bill Schwartz, Harry Mallen, Sid Rose and Ziggy Kessler was elected. Latest reports indicated that the committee after several lengthy meetings will announce its recommendations at the meeting of Nov. 16th. Election of officers will be held on Monday night, Dec. 14th.
Hi-Jinks: The first undertaking of Lasker Lodge in the field of stage shows and vaudeville is under the chairmanship of Dick Berman. The Hi-Jinks is to be held Sunday night, Nov. 29th at the Temple Center. Master of Ceremonies is Charlie Cannon, popular San Diego Starlight Opera singer and entertainer. Admission to Hi-Jinks is tied to purchase of tickets for the Southern California B’nai B’rith Projects. The Southern Cal. B.B. Projects are offering such valuable prizes as new automobiles, appliances and a vacation trip to Hawaii.
Membership Drive: At a special breakfast at the San Diego Hotel, Sunday November 8, twenty selected members of Lasker Lodge pledged to obtain 30 new members for the lodge prior to Dec. 15, 1953. Maury Hamberger, Grand Lodge Field Membership Officer was the principal speaker. Marshall Zucker, membership chairman announced that 34 new members have already been signed this year. The contest closes Dec. 15th.
Armed Forces: Mickey Fredman, chairman, Ralph Feldman, Hal Hofer, Lou Jacobs and Joe Kaplan hosted the breakfast at the Naval Training Center, Sunday morning Nov. 1 for Jewish Servicemen.
November Meeting: Second meeting in November is set for Monday Nite, November 18th. Meeting was moved up one week to avoid conflict with Temple Beth Israel Dinner MC’ed by George Jessel.
