Rose and Al Neumann are two very happy people, now that son, Arthur, has been released from the service. Arthur is home to stay and is pleased to greet his friends again.
Home again and receiving a warm welcome from her friends is Molly Simon after an extended visit with her children in Detroit.
A recent visitor to and admirer of San Diego was Roland Schiller of Portchester, N.Y. Mr. Schiller is a nephew of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Schiller.
Bess Snyder is happy to be back in circulation again and wishes to thank her friends for their consideration and many kindnesses during her recent illness.
On Dec. 1st, Mrs. Phil Kantor was hostess at the Jolly Sixteen meeting held in Marlin Inn.
Welcome to newcomers, Lee and Toni Leichtag and their two charming daughters of Seattle. We’re glad to note that they like San Diego well enough to be building a new home in Pt. Loma.
On December 3, Mrs. Frank Berman was hostess to 30 guests in her home at a surprise birthday dinner in honor of her daughter-in-law, Mrs. Harry Berman. An additional pleasant surprise for the honoree was the appearance of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Krupp, of Los Angeles.
Wedding Date Set
Southwestern Jewish Press December 11, 1953 Page 2
Marian Ruth Feinberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Feinberg, has set Sunday, December 27, as the date of her marriage to Joseph L. Baumgarten, brother of Mr. and Mrs. M. Flaster.
The bride-elect has chosen her sister, Mrs. Maynard B. Hurwitz (Barbara Feinberg) as her matron of honor and Mr. Baumgarten has asked Gidall Sonabein to act as Best Man.
Miss Feinberg has been feted at showers given by Mrs. F. Scearce and Miss Lenora Goldstein. Among the most recent parties in her honor was a luncheon and shower on December 10 given by her grandmother, Mrs. Bertha Feinberg, and her aunt, Mrs. Louis Feldman. Many friends and relatives from Los Angeles were guests.
It’s two daughters now for Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rich, Ettah Laya, weighing 7 lbs. 9 z. was born November 25 and was welcomed by big sister, Joyce, aged 9.
“Prejudice” Subject
of Talk For B.B.
Southwestern Jewish Press December 11, 1953 Page 2
Dr. Lucius Johnson, D.D.S., will be the guest speaker at the B’nai B’rith Lasker Lodge meeting to be held Monday evening, Dec. 14. His topic is “Prejudice.”
Dr. Johnson, a retired Rear Admiral of the United States Navy, is well known for his activities in civic affairs and as an author. Many of his articles have been published in medical and lay publications.
Southwestern Jewish Press December 11, 1953 Page 2
Room with kitchen privileges for single woman ($45.00) or couple ($50.00). 3930 Meade Ave. T-6109.
Wanted By Man, 38—One room modern apt., close in. Will consider sharing larger apt. Phone F-1221, ext. 531, 6 to 7 p.m.
Will share new 3-bedroom home with couple or single person. La Mesa. H-9-7266.
Southwestern Jewish Press December 11, 1953 Page 2
12th—B.J.Y. Candlelight Ball.
13th—U.J.F. Annual Dinner Meeting—San Diego Hotel—6:30 p.m.
31st—Poale Zion New Year’s Eve Party—Park Manor Hotel
31st—Young Jewish Couples Club New Year’s Eve Party—Park Manor Hotel
6th—Center Forum Lectures—Col. Irving Salomon—3227 El Cajon Blvd.—8:00 p.m.
(Aaronsburg, Pennsylvania)
The first town in America entirely planned, built, and named by and for a Jew, is Aaronsburg, Pennsylvania. Its builder and founder was Aaron Levy, a real estate dealer, in 1786, and it is the only city in American bearing this distinction. Aaronsburg now has a population of approximately 300—but not a single Jewish resident.
Chanukah Greetings
