Diego Jewish World
Today's Newsmakers..... Click on the caption to go
to their stories
WASHINGTON, DC (Press Release) — A bipartisan group of senators today introduced an amendment that would require the president to begin reducing the number of American troops in Iraq within four months and to transition the mission of our remaining military forces there to force protection, training of Iraqi Security Forces, and counterterrorism missions. It would further provide that our troops be out of Iraq by April 30, 2008, except for those needed for the specified limited missions. The senators introducing the amendment include Democratic Sens. Carl Levin of Michigan, Jack Reed of Rhode Island, John Kerry of Massachussetts, Joe Biden of Delaware, Barack of Illinois and Hillary Clinton of New York, and Republican Sens. Gordon Smith of Oregon, Chuck Hagel of Nebraska, and Olympia Snowe of Maine. “The open-ended occupation of a Muslim country by western countries has played into the hands of Al Qaeda,” Sen. Levin said. “If there is any hope of forcing the Iraqi political leaders to take responsibility for their own country, it is to have a timetable for the reduction of American forces and the redeployment of those forces to more limited support missions, instead of being everybody's target in the middle of a civil war. Passage of this bipartisan amendment will hopefully prod the Iraqi government to reach a political settlement, which everybody agrees is necessary to end the violence.” “Today, a bipartisan group of senators are coming together to responsibly change course in Iraq,” said Sen. Reed. “Our amendment directs the President to undertake a policy that is consistent with the reality in Iraq, consistent with the advice of our commanders in the field, and consistent with keeping our nation safe. Our troops are fighting hard and doing a magnificent job, and we owe them a strategy that is worthy of their sacrifice. I hope a significant number of our colleagues will join us in supporting this measure.” “We need to be fighting terrorists not civil wars,” Sen. Smith said. “Iraq’s peace is one they must win on their own; we cannot win it for them. Our might should be focused on stopping terrorists who are plotting to bring harm to the United States.” “This amendment is about more than redefining the mission for our troops and establishing a timeline for a phased withdrawal of combat troops,” said Sen. Hagel. “It establishes the creation of an international mediator under UN auspices who can work toward a political accommodation to break the cycle of violence in Iraq. Greater international involvement which removes the American face from Iraq is the only way to political accommodation.” “No more talk, no more excuses, it’s time to vote and choose between the Bush escalation and a change of course. This is a test of whether Bush critics will still tow the line or whether they’ll join us to establish a firm deadline to redeploy our troops out of Iraq and force Iraqis to finally stand up for Iraq,” Sen. Kerry said. “It’s stunning to me that this war costs American taxpayers $10 billion a month, and that even after the ill-advised escalation we still have little to show for the brave sacrifices our men and women have made in Iraq. This policy isn’t working. We need to change course, we need to end this war.” “We have arrived at the crossroads of hope and reality, and we must now address the reality,” said Sen. Snowe. “We need to send a strong message from the United States Congress on behalf of the American people that the current strategy is unacceptable and that we must move in a different course. As I have stated for months and underscored in the bipartisan legislation I introduced in May, if the Iraqi government failed meet the political benchmarks necessary for success than we would transition to a more tailored mission in Iraq, one that does not limit our ability to counter Al Qaeda operations in the region, and redeploy the remaining forces. We are past non-binding resolutions but we are also not abandoning the mission in Iraq. We cannot continue to keep our brave military men and women on the front lines if the Iraqi government is unwilling to put national interests above their own sectarian interests.” This amendment is identical to one unveiled by Levin and Reed yesterday, with the addition of language – originally included in an amendment by Sen. Hagel – that provides that the president direct the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations to use the voice, vote, and influence of the United States at the U.N. to seek the appointment of an international mediator in Iraq to engage political, religious, ethnic, and tribal leaders in Iraq in an inclusive political process. |
JERUSALEM (Press Release)—Canada’s former justice minister Irwin Cotler has told a Jerusalem conference that “radical Islam threatens international peace, security and human rights” and moderate Muslims as well as Jews, amounting to an environment Israel has not seen since the rise of Nazi Germany. In some ways, 2007 was like 1938 for the Jewish people, Cotler said, referring to the year in which the Nazis began to burn down synagogues and systematically kill Jews. The conference, organized by the Jewish People Policy Planning Institute, brings together Jewish leaders from around the world to discuss strategies to deal with threats and challenges facing Jewish people. Cotler expressed concerns about a dangerous environment in the Middle East, combining Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s Iran with the election of Hamas in Palestinian elections and emergence of the Iran-backed Hezbollah in Lebanon “as a state within a state.” While many of these developments are at least a year old the events “have not only intensified but congealed, constituting now what may be called a gathering storm.” He noted that when Hamas took over the Gaza strip and refugee camps in Lebanon, both erupted in violence due to the infiltration of Islamic militants.
“Since last year Iran not only continues
to incite a Mideast Holocaust but now also denies that the European one
occurred,” he said. “There’s been a quantum leap forward in Iran acquiring
lethal atomic capabilities and increased state support for international and
Mideast terrorism.” Cotler also criticized the UN Human Rights Council for
passing many resolutions against Israel while letting offending countries off
the hook, constituting “a country-specific indictment.” However, the Canadian
parliamentarian stressed that “It is not 1938. There is a Jewish state as an
antidote to Jewish vulnerability. There are non-Jews prepared to join together
in common cause with the Jewish people and Israel’s not alone.” Israel could
count on allies such as Canada and the US as well as developing relations with
emerging powers such as China and India, he added.
Not any more, in either love or war. Today the emphasis is sex, which we are enlightened enough to know is not always the same as love. It began on last evening's news, with a report that the former brother-in-law of Haim Ramon had hired a firm of private investigators to reveal that the woman who accused Ramon of an improper kiss was something other than how she presented herself. The timing was strange. Ramon has been convicted of sexual harassment, served his time in a public service job, and was at least partly refurbished by an appointment as government minister. Not only did the former brother-in-law's effort seem superfluous, it did not work. The intended target of the investigation latched on to the fact that she was being harassed yet again. She reported it to the justice ministry, and produced a day of embarrassment for the private investigators, Ramon's former brother-in-law, and Ramon himself. It is too early to know if the minister will be unrefurbished. There are challenges claiming that his ministerial appointment was improper. The next chapter appeared this morning in the weekly book review supplement of Ha'aretz. The lead review, on page one, is of a woman's book arguing that sex over 60 still has its merits. The cartoon that accompanied the review was explicit, even if the body portrayed was not of museum quality. Great for us old folks. But there is a worrisome follow-up. Early morning radio reported that yet another Member of Knesset was being accused of sexual harassment. By 10 AM his identity was public: a member of the Pensioners' Party. By 2 PM his accuser was on radio. She sounded like someone who, as reported, was an activist in the Pensioners' Party. She accused the MK, among other things, of telling her that she has a nice ass. We are not finished. A mid-afternoon headline dealt with the latest claim being made to the Supreme Court, as part of its consideration of the plea bargain that did not include the weightiest charges against former President Moshe Katzav. Police records indicate that while questioning him, Katzav denied telephoning to one of his accusers, who had worked for him in the presidential mansion. Alas, records show that he phoned her 689 times, many of them after midnight. Dare I finish this report? It is not yet time for the evening news. There are also reports of impending war: Syria is strengthening its forces opposite the Golan Heights, and its spokesman is ridiculing Israel's posture with respect to peace talks. Just a month ago the government collected our gas masks, in order to clean them and update the medications in each kit. Now the word is that there are not enough gas masks ready for distribution. The latest prediction of Iranian nuclear weapons is 2009. United Nations officials want Israel to turn over to it a bit of land that Israel has occupied since 1967, even before experts figure out if the area is part of Lebanon or Syria. Hezbollah is said to have more missiles than prior to last year's war. There is still no word that the two Israeli soldiers missing in Lebanon are even alive, despite last year's truce agreement requiring their release. There has been another rain of rockets and mortars on southern Israel. Hearing about sex is more fun, even if occasionally gruesome.
Mathematical formula identifies which genes are "When we know which genes are responsible for fighting the viruses which attack our liver, we will be able to look for the medications which will activate these genes most favorably," said Dr. Brodsky. The team conducted clinical trials, supported by NIH – NIDDK, which included 400 patients at eight different centers in the United States. The results will be published in the prestigious journal PLOS ONE. The hepatitis C virus, found mostly among many patients who have had a blood transfusion or who share needles, attacks the liver and in extreme cases can cause cancer of the liver. At present, there is one well know medication, interferon, used to treat the virus; however, while some patients respond to the treatment with interferon, others do not. In this research, the clinical study was combined with the mathematical model developed by Dr. Brodsky. The study identified 37 genes which are key for patient response to treatment. "In the specific case of hepatitis C, we have now isolated the genes that show which patients will respond to treatment. Until now, all patients received treatment for an extended period of time without knowing whether or not they would respond. In the future, we hope to find other medications that will be more effective in activating all of the 37 genes." summarized Dr. Brodsky. He further explained that this mathematical model is not limited to identifying the genes which fight viruses that attack the liver. It can also be applied further in the fields of medicine, biology and agriculture.
U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman
calls on Ghana to In the current session of the General Assembly, Ghana has supported seventeen anti-Israel resolutions, all of which were opposed by the United States. Twice in 2007 Ghana has voted for U.N. Security Council resolutions that would have restricted Israel’s right to defend itself against rocket attacks from Gaza. Ghana’s voting record in the one-year-old Human Rights Council, as well as the Council’s overall record, has disappointed human rights activists around the globe. The preceding story was provided by
the office of Congressman Gary Ackerman
York—In the wake of Pope Benedict XVI's authorization of the wider use of the
Latin (Tridentine) Mass, the official body of the organized Jewish communities
for liaison with the Vatican has sent an urgent letter to the cardinal
responsible for Catholic-Jewish relations, asking for clarification regarding
the "prayer for the conversion of the Jews" that had been excised from the
liturgy following the Second Vatican Council. The
collaborative achievements of IJCIC with the Vatican over the past 40 years and
"Pope Benedict XVI's own commitment to the Catholic-Jewish relationship, lead us
to believe that there can surely be no intention to turn the clock back in terms
of our bilateral relationship" the letter states, adding: "We are accordingly
inclined to trust those who read this new permission to use the Latin Mass not
to include the portions which were considered to be delegitimizing to Jews and
pray that we will receive confirmation from you that this is indeed the case."
Rep. Susan Davis advances legislation to permit WASHINGTON, DC (Press Release) – Congresswoman Susan Davis (Democrat, California ) supported student loan relief legislation in the House that also included her effort to ease student loan burdens experienced by certain members of the Armed Forces. The language added by Davis in the College Cost Reduction Act (H.R. 2669) would allow reservists and members of the National Guard a 13-month deferment for paying student loans upon retuning from Iraq and Afghanistan. "After sacrificing in Iraq and Afghanistan on our behalf, we owe our service members a transition period as well as chance to readjust back to civilian life,” said Davis, a member of the House Education and Labor Committee and a cosponsor of the bill. “The other provisions in this bill will reduce the cost of higher education and increase access for all of those who dream of attending college.” H.R. 2669 would cut interest rates on student loans in half, strengthen Pell Grants, and provide loan forgiveness for those in public service. The bill passed the House on a vote of 273-149. One inequity facing student reservists or National Guard members deals with loan deferments once they return from activation. Civilian college students are given a grace period after graduation to transition to the workforce and find employment. Unfortunately, reservists must begin to repay student loans immediately at the end of their activation – if they do not return to college right away. With a significant percentage of our service members in both Iraq and Afghanistan returning home with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) or other anxieties, it can be difficult to return to college or to hold down a job until the service member receives proper treatment. Davis’s provision is supported by the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America.
The preceding story was provided by the
office of Congresswoman Susan Davis
Time for a Jordanian-Palestinian confederation LA JOLLA, California—Like the road to Hell, the road to Gaza has been paved with good intentions. The vertiginous ascension of Hamas to power was not a Deus ex Machina phenomenon, descended from Heaven in the blink of an eye; it was aided and abetted by would-be do-gooders whose intentions were "good,” but with disastrous results. These were the main players: Fatah, Israel, and the U.S. For years, Arafat and, after him, Abbas, refused to disarm, when they could, the fledgling terrorist group Hamas, and allowed the proliferation of a multitude of armed militias. Arafat was a master in manipulation, co-opting and buying his adversaries, and he could prevent a decisive bloody showdown; Abbas lacks the charisma and the skills of his mentor. Fearful and weak to the extreme, he even declared that "our rifles will never be used against our brothers, they are directed only against our enemies, the Israeli occupation." He got what he deserved. Prime Minister Sharon, in an act that astonished the world, single-handedly and in defiance of all internal opposition, evacuated the Gaza strip in July 2005, uprooted 9,000 Jewish inhabitants and withdrew the military. This resulted in an open and unchecked smuggling of arms, the proliferation of weapons factories, and the shelling of Israeli towns; it also made Hamas militarily stronger than Fatah, and led to its military triumph in Gaza.. The Bush administration, in early 2006, still naively believing in "transforming the Arab Middle-East" by forcing and consolidating Democracy, compelled Israel and Abbas to reluctantly accept the idea of allowing the terrorist organization Hamas to participate in the elections. We know the results: a resounding electoral victory for Hamas that humiliated Abbas and his Fatah-PLO so-called "moderate" party and opened the way for a terrorist Hamastan, a vassal of Iran. Bush, Abbas and Sharon's successor, Ehud Olmert, are in charge, at the lowest of their standing with their own people and the world, and this bodes ill for any concerted action coming from them, which, as we are beginning to see, is a repeat of past disastrous performances (throwing billions of dollars half of which will find their way to Swiss banks, appointing "special envoys," convening the useless "quartet" and repeating ad nauseam the now-obsolete mantras of "two-state solution" and the usual list of concessions Israel must make for the sake of the "peace process." This defies common-sense. Einstein once defined "insanity" as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." The "iron curtain" that has descended on Gaza has reshuffled the cards in the Middle-East . The new situation is certainly fraught with danger but it also presents a unique opportunity .The dark cloud has one silver lining: For the first time in 40 years, the West Bank, geographically cut from Gaza, has now blissfully been cut politically and thus, the thorniest obstacle that is called "the free passage" between Gaza and the West Bank, has been resolved. Now is the most propitious time for a daring turnabout of 180 degrees : the establishment of a Jordanian-Palestinian Confederacy.
dangers of "politics as usual " are multiple:
Hamas (and other Arabs) propaganda has already called Abbas a traitor, a
lackey of America and Israel. Hamas' leader accused Abbas of violating the law.
"We are,” he said, “the legitimate government because we have been elected by
the people; the new Abbas government is illegitimate because it serves the enemy
[ America and Israel]."
to continuation)
QUESTION: Just want to find out about this Israeli-Gaza crossing that we’ve been talking about. Has anybody spoken with the Israeli authorities [inaudible] these construction materials and so and so forth, [inaudible]UNRWA operations have just been halted as a consequence of that begin and if yes, then what is the result? DEPUTY SPOKESPERSON This is something that we were discussing the other day in this room. The Secretary-General has on a number of occasions raised this issue of the importance of the Gaza crossings being opened with his interlocutors on the ground. Numerous UN agencies are obviously constantly in touch with the authorities about trying to get humanitarian assistance and aid across. So this is an ongoing process. Specifically who spoke to whom, I don’t have that kind of detail today. >> QUESTION: Can you comment on the accuracy of reports that are claiming that the UN has recommended that the Shebaa Farms go back to Lebanon? DEPUTY SPOKESPERSON: On that, the UN has not asked the Government of Israel to hand over the Shebaa Farms to the United Nations. The United Nations cartographer continues his work to determine the geographic scope of the Farms. His mandate is not to determine the sovereignty over the Shebaa Farms. That issue will be decided through discussions with the parties, that is, Lebanon, Syria and Israel. And the Secretary-General remains engaged in that issue. QUESTION: May I assume that when this cartographer has completed his work, the report will be published and available to us? DEPUTY
SPOKESPERSON: Yes. Q My question is that as far as terrorism is concerned, President Clinton was speaking at Indian American group in Washington, at the Convention Center, and he said that doctors who supposed to save lives, and they became to take lives of the people, who we can trust now -- and those happen to be also Muslim doctors. My question is here that Arab League is sending a delegation to Israel for peace. Is the President asking Arab League and OIC to send delegates and also the United Nations to educate the Muslims and to come out, Muslim leaders, against terrorism? MR. SNOW: I think you're making a big mistake there, Goyal, in assuming that Islam is something that enjoins doctors to kill. I think President Clinton was making a wise and smart point, which is that doctors should not be killing.
Date: July
11, 2007 QUESTION: There is a (inaudible) report saying that the United Nations has come to the conclusion that their Shabbat Farms are in fact Lebanese territory and not Israeli territory and that they proposed to the Israeli Government that it hand it over to the Lebanese and that it be patrolled by UNIFIL forces. Do you have anything on that? If that were to be their conclusion, would you expect Israel to hand the territory -- MR. MCCORMACK: I'll have to take a look. I'll have to take a look to see if the UN has come to that conclusion and if so, how would we react to it. I'll check for you.
CYBER-REFERRALS—On the anniversary of Israel's Second Lebanon War, Israel's
Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni has released on the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs website a 30-point discussion of the war's causes, conduct and effects.
Here is the
Egan, one of Broadway’s most celebrated contemporary performers, was nominated for a Tony Award for her role as the original Belle in Disney’s Beauty and the Beast. She was also critically acclaimed as Broadway’s longest-running Sally Bowles in Cabaret, and is New York’s latest Thoroughly Modern Milllie. The Los Angeles Times calls her voice “the perfect Broadway instrument.” In concert, Egan sings classics from composers such as Rodgers and Hammerstein, the Gershwins, Harold Arlen, Kander and Ebb, Jerry Herman, Alan Menken, and Stephen Schwartz, as well as some of New York’s new generation of composers, with a “galvanizing presence” and “first rate comedic skills,” creating a “high-voltage” performance that critics salute as “an all night conversation with your best friend.” She has been an audience favorite in venues across the country. Tickets for Susan Egan in Concert: the Belle of Broadway are $30-$36, and are available at 858-362-1348 or online at Priority seating will be given to Underwriters. Those wishing to become an Underwriter should contact Aaron Huniu, Managing Director, at 858-362-1155 or Susan Egan in Concert: the Belle of Broadway is the kickoff to J*Company’s Disney-themed season which includes productions of Disney’s High School Musical, Disney’s The Jungle Book KIDS, Elton John & Tim Rice’s Aida, and Disney’s 101 Dalmatians KIDS. Subscriptions and single tickets are currently on sale for this extravagant 15th Anniversary Season. Go to for more information.
(Return to top) The preceding story was provided by the Oyhoo Festival
Fourth, other Muslim governments, especially Syria and Iran, will oppose a "separate deal" that does not include Gaza, the Golan, the refugees etc., and will sabotage any attempt at rapprochement with Israel by inciting terror and provoking Israeli retaliation. Fifth, the 40 years ' indoctrination of the West Bank children , which continues today, has produced three generations whose "greatest duty is to become a suicide bomber, " and they constitute an immense reservoir of shaheed (martyrs) ready to serve Hamas and the Islamic revolution at any moment. The West Bank is now what Gaza was only a few years ago, and if the failed policy is not drastically changed, a takeover of the West Bank by Hamas and/or other terrorist organizations is not in the realm of the impossible. But Hamas' occupation of Gaza is a momentous event, a blessing in disguise. It offers a precious opportunity for the main players to be innovative and pro-active.
The trio
Bush-Olmert- Abbas should invite King Abdullah of Jordan , the most vulnerable
to a Hamas takeover of the West bank, and create a real quartet. Together,
they should jettison the failed slogan of "two-state solution" which is no
longer operative, and replace it with "return to the status quo ante”. A
confederacy of Jordan-Palestine is the only way to contain (meaning both protect
the people and prevent violence) the Palestinians and to achieve peace. This opportunity has never existed before. Peace is now a possibility if the real quartet seizes the day and makes it happen. Remains Gaza. If Hamas decides to opt for a path to peace, they will have it. But if they insist on their bellicose ways, a military confrontation with Israel --and-or Egypt which feels seriously threatened by Hamas and its own Islamic "Brotherhood," --will be circumscribed to that area and not a threat to the peace already achieved and consolidated on the Eastern front.