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 Vol. 1, No. 133

        Monday Evening, September 10, 2007
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(Please click on headline below to jump to the story)

Israel and Middle East

Below the world media's radar: cooperative programs of Israelis and Palestinians

U.N. wants $55 million to rebuild Palestinian refuge camp in Lebanon

How Colonel Moyal is making  IDF personnel physically fit

Levi retires as IDF Medical Corps head

France's FM Kouchner on 3-day Israel visit

Israel offers countries of world its knowledge to make deserts bloom

Olmert sends holiday greetings to Jews, Muslims and Druze residents of Israel

Ira Sharkansky: It is time for the Palestinians, not Israel, to make some concessions

ElBaradei reports mixed results in IAEA nuclear negotiations with Iran

Iraq Debate

What exactly did Gen. Petraeus tell Congress? Here's the transcript

Reaction from Jewish members of the House and the Senate to speech

United States of America

Mishkin sees some dampening of consumer demand in days ahead

Rep. Frank outlines his differences with Bernanke over handling mortgage crisis


Jewish Grapevine

Greater San Diego County

Authors and various celebrities coming to SD Jewish Book Fair

Below the world media's radar: cooperative programs of Israelis and Palestinians

JERUSALEM (Press Release—MASHAV - the Israel Foreign Ministry Center for International Cooperation - has placed its programs of cooperation in the Middle East at the top of its priorities. MASHAV's activities in this area reflect both the Israel Foreign Ministry goals vis-à-vis the Palestinian Authority as well as the development goals of the Palestinian Authority itself, with emphasis being given to the following topics:

  • economic development;

  • creating jobs to reduce unemployment, especially for women and young people (small and medium-size enterprises);

  • strengthening ties between the Palestinian Authority and Israeli business sectors;

  • food security and agriculture;

  • empowerment of women;

  • developing a dialogue between the civil society in the Palestinian Authority and the civil society in Israel;

  • medicine and public health;

  • reconciliation in the educational system.

It is our belief that cooperation on development-oriented programs are instrumental in creating an atmosphere of trust and tolerance between the Palestinian and Israeli peoples, as well as a strengthening the peace process.


Activity in cooperation with the Palestinian Authority was renewed in the second half of 2004 after about three years of intifada. The programs were carried out in cooperation with NGOs in the Palestinian Authority. The number of participants from the Palestinian Authority in MASHAV courses in recent years was:

2004 - 69 participants; 2005 - 76 participants;  2006 - 49 participants;  2007 - 51 participants thus far.

Summary of MASHAV Activity and Cooperation with the Palestinian Authority in 2007

1. Program on the Establishment and Management of Small Enterprises for a Palestinian Women's Organization

As part of MASHAV's desire to improve the standard of living in the Palestinian Authority, as well as empowering women in a patriarchal society, a joint program exists in conjunction with the Polish Humanitarian Organization (PHO) and a Palestinian NGO. In that program, training is given to Palestinian women from the village of Azariah in the raising of goats and the production of milk. The training includes concepts in business management, basic learning of agriculture and goat breeding (including the production of milk, butter and cheeses; workshops in food security and rules of hygiene; bookkeeping). 

The goal is to provide women who have a very basic education with tools for improving the household economy by earning an additional income, thereby also strengthening their independence.  On 31 July 2007, an agreement was signed in Jerusalem by the three partners to the program, as a model for future activities during 2008.
(Jump to continuation)

Israel and Middle East

U.N. wants $55 million to rebuild Palestinian refuge camp in Lebanon

UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (Press Release)—The United Nations appealed today for $55 million to reconstruct the Nahr el-Bared camp for Palestinian refugees in northern Lebanon, which was badly damaged during months of intense combat between the Lebanese army and Fatah el-Islam gunmen.

UN Special Coordinator for Lebanon Geir O. Pedersen told a donor meeting for Nahr el-Bared, being held in Beirut, that “thousands of displaced Palestinian and Lebanese civilians” now depend on the support of the international community to restart their lives.

“We, the United Nations, will continue to assist and support the people affected by the conflict to the best of our ability,” he said, adding later that “we count on the continued support of the international donor community to ensure that the recovery and reconstruction phase will move forward rapidly and effectively.”

Earlier this month the Lebanese army announced that it seized full control of Nahr el-Bared from the Fatah el-Islam gunmen group, which it began fighting in May, forcing most of the camp’s estimated 31,000 residents, including about 8,000 classified by the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) as special hardship cases, to flee to the nearby Beddawi camp and other areas.

In his statement, Mr. Pedersen voiced the UN’s support “to the Lebanese Government, the army, the Lebanese people and the Palestinian refugees and the PLO for the courage, determination and unity with which they have faced and overcome the challenges posed by the criminal aggression of Fatah el-Islam.”

The preceding was provided by the United Nations News Center

How Colonel Moyal is making  IDF personnel physically fit

JERUSALEM (Press Release)--Since the days of the Palmach, Israeli soldiers have represented the pinnacle of physical fitness to the world.   In all the songs the soldiers were referred to "the fair of hair and complexion.”

However, sometime in the 90's the trend began to change.  Male soldiers no longer looked like Michelangelo's David and studies showed female soldiers put on weight during service. This phenomenon is not specific only to the IDF but is standard in most other countries as well.   The IDF, on many occasions attempted to combat this problem but the results were not satisfactory.  Two years ago, those responsible for the general fitness and health of IDF soldiers, decided to once again press the issue of improving the soldiers' physical image.  After all, a healthy soldier is an efficient soldier. 
The IDF Medical Corps decided to take responsibility not only in treating and curing ailments, but also in preventing them.   Medics were trained in prevention methods as part of a new program.  In November of 2006 the first class of disease prevention medics graduated the newly established course.   These medics, with one or more designated to every base, are responsible for educating the soldiers about having a healthy lifestyle, organizing lectures by nutrition specialists and create a support system for soldiers trying to quit smoking.  

These medics are also responsible for organizing daylong seminars on health for their bases and for sanitary inspection of the bases' facilities.  
An emphasis was put on improving the soldiers' physical wellbeing throughout the corps of the IDF, and the human resources branch to oversee the matter established a special commission.   The commission is responsible for coordinating the many branches of the IDF in establishing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle regimen in the army:   The Logistics branch is responsible for provision of food and the medical corps and the combat fitness center are responsible for the soldiers' fitness.  Colonel Dr. Avi Moyal, who began his position as head of the combat fitness center in February of this year, has been working on the issue of improving physical fitness during his 30 years of service, well before the issue was brought up formally in the IDF. 
(Jump to continuation)