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2006-07-13—Punch lines....And Their Jokes, No. 120

Jewish humor

Punch lines

Punch lines, Volume 3


Famous Jewish Punch lines

120. "You're Velcome",  July 13, 2006

As retold by Bruce Lowitt

Morris and Zelda fly to Honolulu for the first time for a vacation. En route, they get into a discussion over how to pronounce the name of the state.

"It's 'Havaii," Zelda says.

"No, that's a W and it's pronounced like a W," Morris  says. "It's Hawaii."

They go back and forth on this. No settlement.

As they walk off the plane, through a tunnel and into the terminal, Zelda stops the first man she sees and asks, "Excuse me, can you tell me how you
say the name of this state?"

"It's Havaii," the man says.

"A-HA!" Zelda says.

"Thank you," Morris says.

"You're velcome," the man says.