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2006-07-20—Punch lines....And Their Jokes, No. 138

Jewish humor

Punch lines

  Punch lines, V.4


Famous Jewish Punch lines

138. "Never mind. I found one.",  July 20, 2006

As retold by Bruce Lowitt

Bernie wakes up late for a 9 a.m. job interview. He quickly showers, wolfs down breakfast, jumps into his car and heads downtown.

When he gets there he can't find a place to park. He drives around the block, up one avenue and down the next and through the cross streets. It's five minutes to nine and still no luck.

Finally Bernie turns his eyes skyward and prays: "Dear God, if you find me a parking spot I will go to temple every Friday night and Saturday morning."

At that instant, a car just ahead of him pulls away from the curb.

As Bernie pulls into the space he says, "Never mind. I found one."