Carl Esenoff List of honorees Louis Rose Society Jewishsightseeing home
Writings about Carl Esenoff
April 24, 1940—"Sixth Annual
Banquet to be May 5," San Diego Jewish Press, page 1: The sixth
annual banquet of the United Jewish Fund of San Diego will be held at the El
Cortez Hotel, it was announced this week by Jacob Weinberger, president...The
meeting, the most important of the year to san Digo Jewry, is to launch the 1940
campaign in behalf of the United Jewish Appeal for refugees and overseas
needs. Nathan F. Baranov and Irvine M. Schulman are co-chairmen for the
drive this year...Other officers and directors are Jacob Weinberger, president;
Nathan F. Baranov, vice president; Abe Dubin, secretary; Ben B. Rubin,
treasurer; Mrs. K. Burnett, Carl M. Esenoff, Joe Fink, Ralph Hosenpud,
Edgar B. Levi, Irving E. Mitchell, Dr. A.P. Nasatir, George Neumann, Its Penter,
Frank Pomeranz, Nathan Schiller, Irvine M. Schulman, Harry Streicher, A. Louis
Solof, Sol Stone, and Henry Weinberger.
March 20, 1947—1) "Carl Esenoff to Head Jewish Welfare Society,"
Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: At a meeting of the Board of Directors
of the Jewish Welfare Society held in their offices on Wednesday, March 12th,
officers to serve for the coming year were selected. To serve as president will
be Carl M. Esenoff with Dr. A.P. Nasatir, vice president; Rose Weinberger,
secretary, and Sol Price, treasurer. Well known as an ardent worker in many
communal as well as Jewish organizations Mr. Esenoff is a past president of
Lasker Lodge, B'nai B'rith and was at one time secretary of the United Jewish
Fund. The treasurer for the past three years of the Jewish Welfare Society, he
is a member of the Board of Directors of many organizations which include the
Guardians, the Community Chest, the Boy Scouts of America and the Family Service
Association. Mr. Esenoff is also a member of the State Board of Accountancy and
is a past president of the San Diego Chapter of Certified Public Accountants. He
attended school right here in San Diego, from Jefferson public school, through
San Diego High School and is a graduate of the University of California. Mr.
Esenoff is married and the father of four year old daughter, Ronda Elaine. With
the cooperation of the Board of Diretors, and the membership body as well, he
will endeavor to carry to greater heights the works being passed on to him by
the retiring president, Mrs. Rose Newman, whose work was invaluable in
establishing the Jewish Welfare Society. The Society meets quarterly, the
next meeting scheduled for Thursday, April 24th.
2) "Home for the Aged," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: The third annual meeting of the San Diego Hebrew Home for the Aged took
place on Sunday, March 16, at 2 p.m. at the Home...Dr. A.P. Nasatir, in
his usual charming manner, installed the newly elected officers: Louis Steinman,
president; Sam Addleson, first vice president; Victor Schulman, second vice
president; Carl Esenoff, treasurer; Bernice Esenoff, financial secretary, and
Jean Rosenthal, recording secretary. Trustees elected to the Board to serve for
a three-year period are: Eve Chenkin, Ralph Hosenpud, Jennie Burnett, Ray
Solomon, Selma Getz, Sol Price and Sidney Newman...
March 27, 1947—Lou Mogy, "Sports Around Town," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 5: ... Did you know...Bill Starr and Vic Schulman
are both good ping-pong players. Elliott Cushman is an active spectator at all
athletic events. Carl Esenoff was a basketball player...
April 10, 1947—"U.J.F. Workers Stepping Up Pace—To Reach Early
Goal," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: With the Passover holidays
celebrating the release of Jews from bondage, drawing to a close, the United
Jewish Fund will intensify its campaign to raise $350,000 to provide food,
shelter, medical aid and clothing for the Jews of Europe. Max Rabinowitz
and Louis Steinman, chairmen of the campaign, announced that $000000 {Yes,
that misprint appeared in the paper} had been raised by the Jews of San
Diego which is more money than raised by the entire 1946 campaign. Eli
Levenson, president of the United Jewish Fund, and Nathan Baranov, honorary
chairman of the 1947 campaign, urged an all out effort to arouse the local
community to the widest support of the United Jewish Fund drive for $350,000 of
which approximately $300,000 will go to the United Jewish Appeal consisting of
the Joint Distribution Committee, the United Palestine Appeal and the United
Service for New Americans. The balance will be used for local and national
needs. Workers in the Trades and Industries Division, Women's Division and the
Young People's Division will be out calling on all prospects for their
contribution. The Young People's Division led by Renee Perlmutter and Sallie
Stone are showing the way, having raised $4335.00, $835.00 over their quota.
Trades and Industries have pledges amounting to $121,342.53, while the Women's
Division, with Julia Neumann and Bernice Soule at its head, have total pledges
of $18,587.50. "Coverage," the most important word in the
campaign, will come to life when the 2100 volunteer workers of the United Jewish
Fund go out in full force to reach their prospects. {The following list
appears in agate type}: Ben Feinberg, Morrie Douglas, Edward Breitbard, Dan
Loewenthal, Phil Goldman, Marshall Naiman, Nathan Baranov, Harry Bennett, David
Block, Abe Bronstone, Larry Cantor, Elliott Cushman, Jack Dembo, I.L Domnitz,
Carl Esenoff, Irving Friedman, Elmer Glaser, Sander Goldberger, Everett Goldman,
Murray D. Goodrich; Ben Hoffman; Dr. F. G. Hollander, Ralph Hosenpud, Irvin
Kahn, Harry Kraskin, Eli Levenson, Paul Lott, Myron Lustig, Louis Moorsteen, Its
Penter, Philip Peskin, Sol Price, Nathan Schiller, Victor Schulman, Sam Supnik,
Abe Snyder, Dr. Robert Stone, David Stotsky, Henry Weinberger, Lew M. Weiss, Leo
Zwiebel, are calling on business men throughout the city. The
outstanding women workers, announced by Julia Neumann and Bernice Soule are:(in
agate type): Helen Baranov, Frances Berenson, Sadie Berenson, Jennie
Burnett, Retha Burnett, Eve Chenkin, Sally Cohn, Lee Douglas, Bernice Esenoff,
Morris Feldman, Sara Goodrich, Rose Gordon, (Mrs) Jack Gross; Jennie Kochberg,
Sylvia Haffner, Elinor Kitaen, Jack Kornbluth, Edith Levenson, Esther Moorsteen,
Angeline Landau, Pauline Rubel, Rose Neuman, Jeannette Niederman, Betty Penter,
Molly Rabinowitz, Ann Ratner, Clara Resnick, Esther Schwartz, Bess Snyder, Ray
Solomon, Julia Steinman, M. Stern, Rose Weinberger, Elizabeth Reisman, Goldie
Schusterman, E. Belenzon, Bessie Siegel, Bessie Umansky, F. Marx, Jennie Siner,
Lavena Koming, Florence Lebowitz. The workers in the Young People's
Division which has already surpassed their goal, are (in agate type): Estelle
Addleson, Stanford H. Brust, Edith Epstein, Roy M. Fagelson, Eva Garber, Yvonne
Gerson, Merle Goldman, Sylvia Horowitz, Gene Janoff, Bernard Lansky, Yale
Naliboff, Esther Pearl, Gerry Platt, Julius H. Raleigh, Rose Rimland, Helen
Rosenberg, Ruth Rosenberg, Mitzi Schiller, Ben Siegel, Sallie Stone, Gertrude
Thaler, Joe Wertheim, Ned J. Wise.
July 17, 1947—"'Care' Office Opened in San
Diego, Southwestern Jewish Press, page 3: Cooperative for American
Remittances to Europe, Inc., a non-profit service to the American people,
announced its official outlet and information center to the Community Chest in
San Diego at the Jewish Welfare Society at 609 First National Bank Bldg
recently..."CARE was organized by twenty-six voluntary relief agencies in
1945 to bring order out of the chaotic attempts of Americans to send individual
packages to needy people in war-torn Europe," said Mr. Carl Esenoff,
president of the Jewish Welfare Society. "Today Americans are sending
12,000 CARE food packages daily, addressed to individuals in 14 countries in
Europe. Orders placed with the Jewish Welfare Society are airmailed to the
appropriate country representatives," said Mr. Esenoff, "and all
deliveries are made from warehouse stock piles CARE maintains and operates in
each of the countries."
August 7, 1947, "Jewish Press to Suspend Publication: Decision
Announced at Meeting of Representatives," Southwestern Jewish Press, page
1:At a meeting held at the home of the publisher and editor of the Southwestern
Jewish Press, Mr. and Mr. Lewis Solomon, on Monday evening, announcement was
made that publication of the paper would be temporarily suspended. The
meeting, which was attended by these representatives of these organizations: Mr.
S. Goldberger for Beth Jacob Congregation, Arleen Fleischman and Bella Mash for
the B'nai B'rith Girls; Mrs. Esther Schwartz for the B'nai B'rith Women; Morrie
Douglas for B'nai B'rith Lasker Lodge and the United Jewish Fund; Mr. Sol Blanc
for Congregation Tifereth Israel; Mrs. Jack Rosenblum for the Council of Jewish
Women; Mrs. Jennie Siner for the Daughters of Israel; Mrs. Marie Berg for
Hadassah; Maynard Horowitz for the Haveros; Mrs. Anna Shelley for
the J.C.R.A.; Mrs. Bess Addleson for the Ladies Auxiliary of the Hebrew Home for
the Aged; Mr. Joe Wertheim for the J.C.S.C.; Mrs. Rose Solomon for the Junior
Charity League; Mr. Phil Goldman for the Yo-Ma-Co; Julie Schneider for the Alpha
Phi Pi; Mrs. Ruth Aronoff for the Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary; Mr. Ben Feinberg
for the Jewish Labor Committee; Larry Solomon for the Temple Youth League; Mr.
Carl Esenoff for the Jewish Welfare Society; Rabbi Morton J. Cohn; and Miss
Esther Siegel of the Jewish Welfare Board; was called by Mrs. Solomon to
acquaint the heads of the organizations with the reason for the necessity of the
temporary suspension. Much discussion of the problem was participated in by the
representatives and many suggestions were made. A regret for even the temporary
loss of the paper was unanimously expressed and the ensuing five weeks will be
used by the organization representatives as well as by a committee that will
meet to attempt to find a workable solution of the problem which was
presented. The Jewish press hopes to resume publication of its regular
issues in the near future.
April 1949— 1)"Cavalcade to trace
record of Lasker Lodge," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 2: An open
public meeting to which all members of the Jewish faith are invited will
highlight the B'nai B'rith "Cavalcade" sponsored by San Diego Lasker
Lodge No. 370 at the Temple Center, 3rd and Laurel, on Monday night, April 11th.
Tracing the long history of the order's record of service to the Jewish
community and the world at large, Lasker Lodge's "Cavalcade" will
trace a century of progress for the order, and a half century of sensational
growth for the local chapter. Tracing the long history of the order's record of
service to the Jewish community and the world at large, Lasker Lodge's
"Cavalcade" will trace a century of progress for the order, and a half
century of sensational grrowth for the local chapter. Under leadership of William Schwartz, Lodge
president, and Edward Solomon, chairman of the evening, a veritable 'Who's Who' of San Diego Jewry,
past-presidents of Lasker Lodge will be singled out for special honors in the
course of the evening. Hyman Wolf, Jacob Weinberger, L.A. Unger, M.E. Meyer, Nathan
Baranov, L.A. Frank, Sam Smith, Rabbi M. H. Dubin, Henry Weinberger, Samuel Brooks, Leo
Loeffler, Frank Pomeranz, Paul Nestor, Ted Rosenfield, Nathan Schiller, Alvin B.
Baranov, Robert M. Stone, Abe Dubin, Carl Esenoff, Morey Levinson, Harry Mallen, Victor
Schulman, Lou Solof, William
Starr, Sidney Goldstein, Eli Levinson, Morris Douglas, and Edward Breitbard are
all expected to be present on this gala occasion. . More than 60 25-year or more
members of the lodge also will be complimented on their long service.
Significant B'nai B'rith activities will be graphically demonstrated.
Refreshments and entertainment are offered without charge to all who attend the
"Cavalcade" meeting, April 11th, 8 p.m., Temple Center, 3rd and
2) "United Jewish Fund Campaign for $309,000 to Open This
Week," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7: Saul Chenkin and Louis
Steinman, outstanding members of the San Diego Jewish community, will lead the
1949 combined United Jewish Appeal for $309,000, according to an announcement by
the Board of Directors of the United Jewish Fund released by Eli H. Levinson.
President Chenkin and Steinman are planning an all out campaign with complete
coverage of every Jewish person in the community and the outlying districts in
the county. Plan of organization includes a gifts divisions, various trades and
professions division, the women's organization, young people's division and a
Christian campaign. The women's division will be headed by two of the
outstanding women in the community, Mrs. Nathaniel Ratner, serving as chairman,
and Mrs. Gabriel Berg, President of Hadassah, as co-chairman. A series of
luncheons are being planned under the direction of the women's division campaign
advisory committee of Mrs. Saul Chenkin, last year's chairman, now a member oft
he Board of Directors of the National Women's Division, United Appeal, Mrs.
Selma Getz, Mrs. Louis Steinman, and Mrs. A.P. Nasatir—1948's cochairmen. Saul Chenkin has appointed the following leaders in the
campaign to date. To head the men's division set up, Murray Goodrich, Max
Rabinowitz, Morris Douglas and Al Krasnow, co-chairmen. Lawrence Cantor of
Cantor Brothers will again lead the auto accessories. Building trades will be
led by Milo Berenson, Sid Goldhammer and John Ruskin; Clothing by Its Penter,
Sam Rassin and Milton Roberts; furniture by Victor Schulman and Ben Harris;
groceries by Seymour Rabin; jewelry by Nathan Baranov and Sam Druskin; liquor by
Harry Farb, Morris Feldman and Maurice Harris; professional by Carl
Esenoff, Sol Price, Lew
Weiss, Richard Levi and Dr. Robert Stone; locker club, tailors, cleaners by Abe
Sklar, Eddie Kitaen and Ben Feinberg; surplus and salvage by Ed Bland. Other
appointments will be made in the near future. "1949 is a Year of
Opportunity" in which we (will) be able to empty the DP Camps. It is a year
of Exodus, according to the campaign co-chairmen, Saul Chenkin and Louis
Steinman who made a joint statement in which they clarified the dollar and cents
aspect of the mammoth job to be done. They pointed out that the irreducible
minimum goal of the United Jewish Appeal for 1949 is $250,000,000. San Diego
accepted a goal of $309,000 of which at least 75 percent will be used for the
United Jewish Appeal and its three constituent agencies. The remainder will be
allocated to the other 35 local, national and international organizations
supported by the United Jewish Fund. "This year the remaining 125,000 Jews
must be moved out of the DP Camps. Jews scattered through Rumania, Hungary,
Poland, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia and Bulgaria must receive cash and food,
relief and immigration where possible. One million Jews in North Africa and
Moslem countries are existing under the most degrading conditions imaginable and
must receive aid through the Joint Distribution Committee. In Israel
housing must be provided for 250,000 people who are expected in 1949. In
the United States, the United Service for New Americans must be prepared to
receive upwards of 25,000 Jewish refugees expected to immigrate here," the
chairman emphasized. United Jewish Fund headquarters are in Suite 301, 333
Plaza, San Diego.
May 1949—1) Lou Mogy, "Sports Around Town," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 5:...It was very interesting to see many of our oldtimers
come for the B'nai B'rith Cavalcade. Among them were Dave Frank, Sam
Smith, Frank Pomeranz, Paul Nestor, Ted Rosenfeld, Abe Dubin, Carl Esenoff, Maurice
Weinberger, Morris Breitbard, Edward M. Saron and Hyman Effron...
2) "San Diego Hebrew Home for the Aged," Southwestern Jewish Press,
page 8: At the annual meeting of the Hebrew Home for the Aged on April 10,
new officers were electred and installed. Chosen to serve for the ensuing
term were: president, Samuel Addleson; first vice president, Victor Schulman
second vice president, Zel Greenberg, treasurer, Carl Esenoff; financial
secretary, Bernice Esenoff; recording secretary, Gertrude Harris; corresponding
secretary Jean Rosenthal. Trustees for a three year term: Max Gardner, Sam Sosna,
Harry Farb, Sam Sklar, Harry Snyder, Arthur Glickman and Mrs. Al Krasnow.
June 1949—"Leaders Spur Activities to Complete 1949 Drive," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 1: Led by the women's Division which concluded its
"luncheon" drive last week, the United Jewish Fund "Year of
Opportunity" Campaign has raised over $156,000 in pledges...Chairmen of the
various divisions in the men's section of the campaign will intensify
solicitations this week.... Among the leading trade divisions are furniture with
Ben Harris, Victor Schulman and Harry Mallon as co-chairmen; wearing apparel
with Its Penter, Sam Rassin, Al Newman and Milt Roberts as co-chairman; Carl
Esenoff, heading the professional division, stated that his division will be
cleaned up in the next week....In the outlying districts, Coronado, under the
leadership of Arhtur L. Cohen, has almost completed their job, and show an
increase over 1948. Bill Schwartz and Harry Felson, reporting for La Mesa-El
Cajon district, having covered most of their prospects, also show an increase in
that area...
July 1949—"San Diego Hebrew Home for the
Aged," Southwestern Jewish Press, pages 1, 10: The San Diego Hebrew
Home for the Aged located at 2750 Fourth Avenue was started in 1944 by 50
founders who gave $500 each, and many other generous donors who furnished rooms
or gave various sums of money. The present officers of the Executive Board
are: Mr. Sam Addleson, President; Mr. Vic Schulman, 1st V.P.; Mr. Zell
Greenberg, 2nd V.P.; Mr. Carl Esenoff, Treasurer; Mrs. Bernice Esenoff,
Fin. Secry; Mrs. Jean Rosenthal, Cor. Secy.; Mrs. Gertrude Harris, Rec Secy;
Mrs. Saul Chenkin and Mr. Lou Steinman, Past Presidents...
October 1949—"New Federation Plans Survey," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 1: Carl Esenoff, president of the Federation of Jewish
Welfare Agencies, revealed the plans of the new organization in an interview
with the Jewish Press. The main purpose of the Federation is to coordinate and
unify fund raising, welfare activity and to survey the needs of the Jewish
community. Constituent members are: Jewish Community Center Association, Jewish
Welfare Society, President's Council; San Diego Hebrew Home for the Aged; Jewish
Educational Commission and the United Jewish Fund. Mr. Esenoff stated: "Any
local Jewish Welfare Organization may join the Federation by making application
and submitting to an agreement jointly drawn by both parties. Our purpose is to
coordinate and unify the social, cultural, educational and welfare activities of
Jewish organizations in San Diego County." Esenoff added, "As the
Federation is in the formative stage, I intend to appoint a committee to study
the direction the Survey of Community Needs will take." Mr. Esenoff stated
that he had the chairman of this commission in mind and will soon make the
announcement of his appointment. Other officrs are: First vice president, Victor
Schulman, second vice president, Louis Steinmann; secretary, Mrs. Saul Chenkin,
and treasurer, Abe Ratner. The date of the next meeting is not known at this
November 14, 1949—"Community Chest Campaign On," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 1: Through the work of the Jewish Welfare Society, the
Catholic Welfare Bureau and the Salvation Army, all three major faiths are
represented in the Community chest federation of forty-two health, welfare and
character-building agencies. The Jewish Welfare Society serves the needs of
Jewish families and individuals through counseling and planning services,
consultation on matters of immigration and naturalization, services for locating
persons whose wherabouts are unknown, and it also acts as a representative for
CARE. It provides case work and resettlement service to Jewish newcomer refugees
and the San Diego Hebrew Home for the Aged. As an agency of the Community Chest
it benefits from contributions made during the Chest campaign, and it is also
working to make this campaign a success. The Society has taken over the
solicitation of the Northwest downtown business firms. The territory it covers
is from Broadway to Ash and from Third Street to the Bay. Mr. Harry Mallen is
chairman of this division and he is being assisted by Mrs. Josephine Tobias, Carl
Esenoff, Al Hutler, Al Douglas and others...
2) "Fund Requests Pledge Payments," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 8: The officers and directors of the United Jewish Fund
are pleading with members of the Jewish community to make good their pledges now
so that cash will be available to forward to the United Jewish Appeal in an
emergency crisis....Members of the (Allocations) Committee met at a Brunch in
the Franciscan Room of the El Cortez Hotel on Sunday, October 23rd, to make the
final recommendations for allocations to the United Jewish Fund Board of
Directors. Committee members are: Mrs. Gabriel Berg, chairman; Mr. Nate
Ratner, Max Rabinowitz, Sol Price, Carl Esenoff, Nate Schiller, Richard Levi,
Victor Schulman, Louis Steinman, Louis Moorsteen, Saul Chenkin, M.S. Berlin,
M.D. Goodrich, M.S. Fisher, Ben Harris, Nate Ratner, Sam Rassin, Maurice Harris, Al Newman,
Mrs. Saul Chenkin and Abe Naliboff.
November 18, 1949—(separate, no headline), Southwestern Jewish
Press, page 4: The San Diego High School Homecoming is of particular
interest to a number of prominent San Diegans whose class will be honored at a
dinner this evening. Of the original "Class of 1924" tonights guests
at the dinner will be Mr. Milo Berenson, Mr. Carl Esenoff, Mr. Ben Rubin
and Dr. Robert M. Stone.
December 2, 1949— Lou Mogy, "Sports Around Town," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 5: ...Carl and Bernice Esenoff are looking forward to the
day when they can stay at home at night and look at television instead of trying
to get the figures ready for an organization meeting. I am sorry Carl and
Bernice but it looks like that day is far away. You people are too
important to the community...
December 30, 1949—"Federation Plans Community Survey," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 1: Many responsibilities face the newly organized
Federation of Jewish agencies, according to Carl Esenoff, president. A
"Self Survey" Committee to be chaired by Sol Price is now in the
process of being organized by the Federation. "Recurring self-examination
is good business and good sense," said Esenoff. "There has been a
great and rapid growth of our community and it is only good common sense to
determine how available resources can be used to maximum advantage." ...Esenoff
further announced that preliminary work had begun on budgeting problems of
constituent agencies with the idea of being able to submit to the United Jewish
Fund the budget for local needs to be included in the 1950 campaign...
January 13, 1950 — Lou Mogy,
"Sports Around Town," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5:
...Carl Esenoff, Federation prexy, has appointed his committee to make a survey
of the needs of our community...
January 27, 1950—Lou Mogy, "Scene
Around Town," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: ...The Federation
meeting was well attended and President Carl Esenoff did a good job.
February 24, 1950— "Allocations Committee Sets New Pattern," Southwestern
Jewish Press, pages 1, 8: In an all day session of the 1950 Allocations
Committee, held last Sunday at the El Cortez Hotel, a new precedent in
disbursing monies to be raised was set for the San Diego Jewish Community. For
the first time, budgeting has been done prior to the campaign so that the
contributor will know how the money would be distributed. The committee
consisting of members of the Board of Directors of the Fund, organization
presidents and members at large, formulated a pattern for the distribution
of money raised in the 1950 campaign. Sol Price, chairman of the
committee, announced that of the first $150,000 raised, 83 percent was allocated
for the United Jewish Appeal and other Israel overseas agencies, 10 percent to
local agencies and 7 percent to national agencies. Of the next $50,000, 95
percent to the United Jewish Appeal and other overseas and Israel agencies, and
5 percent to national agencies. All over this amount would go to the
United Jewish Appeal. According to Price's announcement the following
organizations will be beneficiaries of the 1950 campaign: United Jewish Appeal,
Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, Jewish Telegraphic Agency, American Friends of the
Hebrew University, American Committee for the Weizmann Institute of Science,
American Technion Society, American Fund for Israel Institutions, National
Committee for Labor Israel (Histadrut), City of Hope—JCRA, Jewish Committee
for Personal Service, Leo M. Levi Memorial Hospital, American Jewish Congress,
Jewish Labor Committee, Joint Defense Appeal, B'nai B'rith National Youth
Services Appeal; Yiddish Scientific Institute, American Association for Jewish
Education, Jewish War Veterans of the United States, National Jewish Welfare
Board, Synagogue Council of America, Training Bureau of Communal Service,
Hebrew Theological College, Jewish Theological Seminary, American Hebrew
Congregations, Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, Yeshiva
University. The Allocations Committee heard Mr. Moritz Gottlieb, lay leader of
Allentown, Pa., representing the United Jewish Appeal, state that in 1949 San
Diego, in giving 88 percent of the monies raised through the United Jewish
Appeal, had done an outstanding job and that there were not too many communities
which had shouldered their responsibilities as well. Rabbi Leonard Greenberg,
Los Angeles , spoke for the American Jewish Congress. Histadrut's spokesman was
Sol Goodman, while Murray Goodrich represented the American Fund for Israel
Institutions. Henry Weinberger presented the case for B'nai B'rith Youth Service
Appeal. Members of the Allocations Committee, besides Price, were Victor
Schulman, Rose Neumann, Henry Weinberger, Ben Harris, Ben Feinberg, Harry
Engel, Sol Goodman, Mrs. Dora Richlin, M.S. Berlin, Seymour Rabin, William B.
Schwartz, M.W. Douglas, Lou Mogy, Sam Addleson, Alex J. Newman, Rodin S. Horrow,
Abe Sackheim, Mrs. Gabriel Berg, Mrs. Sidney Goldhammer, Maxwell Kaufman, Rabbi
Monroe Levens, Sam Slayen, Morris Neiderman, E.R. Bland, Sam Sosna, Dr. William
Ornstein, Lew Pollack, Dr. David Miller, Dr. A.P. Nasatir, Frank Winicki, Rabbi
Baruch Stern, Rabbi Morton J. Cohn, Morry Kraus, Nate Schiller, Edward Kitaen,
Richard Levi and Carl Esenoff.
March 10, 1950—1) "'Keep the Miracle Alive' Will Take $283,000 For
SD; UJF Campaign Plans for 1950 Moves Ahead," Southwestern Jewish
Press, Page 1: "Never before has San Diego Jewry seen such enthusiastic
leadership in the pre-campaign period and in planning the drive," Murray
Goodrich and Nate Ratner, chairmen, stated yesterday. "Most encouraging to
us is the sincere interest being shown by community leaders in 'Keeping the
Miracle Alive' in 1950. With the enthusiasm shown by everyone the campaign will
be the best yet." Organization plans have been completed with the setting
up of eight divisions in the Men's Group, a Women's Division under the
leadership of Mrs. Selma Getz and a Christian division to be formed by Irving
Friedman. The Young People's Division will be set up in the very near future.
Captains and lieutenants of divisions, secured to date, read like a roster of
leading citizens in the Jewish Community of San Diego. The Weizmann Division
will be sparked by Louis Moorsteen, Its Penter, Louis Steinman, Ralph Hosenpud,
Harry Snyder, Rod Horrow and Nate Baranov. Haganah Division will be
officered by Sam Rassin, M.S. Berlin,, Edward Bland, Mickey Goldfarb, and Irvin
Kahn. Al Newman, Milton Roberts, Sol Price, and Eli Levenson will be
the dynamos to lead the Ben Gurion Group. Maurice Harris, Richard Levi, Harry
Mallen, Eddie Kitaen, Jerry Freedman will spark the Palmach Division. The Magic
Carpet Division will be lead by Morris Douglas, Dr. A.P. Nasatir, Morris Kraus,
Abe Sklar, Sam Addleson, Harry Mallen, Bill Schwartz, Manny Fisher and Edward
Breitbard. Again this year great things are expected from the Outlying
District's Division which will be headed by Ben Harris, with Elmer Glaser of
Oceanside, Arthur L. Cohen of Coronado, and Harold Sobel of Vista. A division to
handle new prospects and those who did not contribute in 1949 will be led by
Morris Niederman, Zel Camiel, Dr. Ornstein, Nathan Schiller, Henry Price, Dave
Stotsky, Harry Dempsey and Mickey Fredman. The Commando Division to handle
"Special Assignments" will have Max Rabinowitz, Harry Farb, Henry
Weinberger, Saul Chenkin, Carl Esenoff and Victor Schulman as its
leaders. The Professional Division will include Judge Jacob Weinberger, Dr. R.M.
Stone, Dr. J.A. Rittoff, Dr. Fred Hollander, Ben Rubin, Carl Esenoff and
John Ruskin. Cabinet members for the campaign to
act as advisers to the chairmen were announced last week. The Campaign
Cabinet will consist of Murray D. Goodrich and Nate Ratner, chairmen of the 1950
campaign. Victor Schulman, Eli Levenson, Saul Chenkin, Max Rabinowitz, Louis
Steinman, Rodin Horrow, Morris Douglas and Sol Price. The 1950 Campaign,
"To Keep the Miracle Alive" will have a goal of $283,000 based on
minimum needs of the 38 Overseas, Israel, National and Local Agencies
participating in the drive. The goal is the absolute minimum and must be raised
if San Diego Jewry is to assume its responsibility in this cause. This
year, as never before, plans are under way for the complete coverage of the
entire Jewish Community of San Diego County. Everyone will have an
opportunity to help shoulder their responsibility in this great national
cause. More workers will be needed than ever before, according to Goodrich
and Ratner, so that complete coverage may be effected. Organizations have been
asked to provide workers and anyone wishing to volunteer may do so by calling
Franklin 0171. All community minded Jews are asked to participate by
giving and working in the "Keep the Miracle Alive" 1950 Campaign,
which will open in early April.
March 28, 1950—Photo and caption, Southwestern Jewish Press, page
April 14, 1950— 1) "Flash!!" Southwestern Jewish Press, page
1: At the two big gifts dinner that were held before the campaign officially
opened, a 16 percent increase over 1949 giving was shown. Top gifts
announced to date are: Max Rabinowitz $5,000; Ratner Manufacturing Co., $7,500
from $6,000; Victor Schulman, $3,500 from $3,000; Nathan F. Barnov, $3,000;
Snyder Brothers, $2,750 from $2,000; Murray D. Goodrich, $2,500 from $1,700;
Ralph Hosenpud $2,000 from $1,500; Rodin Horrow, $1,200 from $1,000, Elmer
Glaser $1,000 from $500; Carl Esenoff $1,000; Leo Greenbaum $1,000; Frank
Winicki, $1,000; Arhtur Gardner $1,000.
2) Lou Mogy, "Scene Around Town," Southwestern Jewish Press, page
8: ...I congratulate -- One of the most active workers in San Diego. Has been
honored both by the State of California and the City of San Diego. Is an officer
and on the board of many organizations. A past president ofthe Lasker Lodge.
President of the Community Welfare Council. Has been president of too many
organizations to list in this column. A most generous contributor to the United
Jewish Fund. A good volley ball player—square and samba dancer. Has a most
gracious wife, Rernice, and a lovely daughter, Rhonda. I congratulate Carl
April 28, 1950—1) "San Diego Hebrew Home for the Aged," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 9: Sunday, April 23, an election of officers was held by the Hebrew Home for the Aged. New and re-elected officers are Sam Addleson, President; Zel Greenberg, 1st Vice President; Max Maisel, 2nd Vice President; Ruth Newman, Recording Secretary; Freda Nestor, Corresponding Secretary; Carl Esenoff, Treasurer, and Bernice Esenoff, Financial Secretary. Additional trustees elected for 3 years were Milo Berenson, M.S. Berlin, Eddie Bland, Maxwell Kaufman, Murray Goodrich, Rose Neumann. Sol Chenkin was elected to serve vacated balance of two years. During the meeting a spontaneous gift of $500 was given the Home by Beatrice Obert of San Diego. Plans will shortly be announced regarding the development of the present Home at 2750 4th Ave.
2) "Magic Carpet Day, Sunday, April
30th: Be A Worker or Stay at Home Until A Worker Calls on You," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 16: Over 150 "Modern Miracle Workers" are
expected to participate in San Diego's "Operation Magic Carpet" this
Sunday, April 30th, Morris Douglas, chairman of the day, stated. Gathering for
instructions at Beth Israel Center, the workers will breakfast (courtesy of the
Jolly Sixteen) at 9:30 a.m., receive their lists and be off to knock on doors on
behalf of the "Keep the Miracle Alive" Campaign of the United Jewish
Fund. "Magic Carpet Day," said Douglas, "is an effort to
dramatically call to the attention of the Jews of San Diego, the needs of the
Jews of Europe, Africa and the Moslem countries, as well as Israel, and to have
the greatest possible coverage in the history of any campaign. We hope that our
Miracle Workers will cover over 1200 prospects on this one day." All
organizations have helped in the recruitment of workers. To date, the following
workers have signed their pledge to be the crew of the "Magic
Carpet": Rose Abrams, A.A. Abramson, Sam Addleson, Manny Adler, E. S.
Also, Rose Anderson, Jeremiah Aronoff, Ruth Aronoff, Rose E. Aved, Ruben Aved,
Mrs. Eva Berger, Meir Bleiberg, Ruth Bloom, Miss Teresa Block, Mrs. Ted G. Brav,
Sam Brenes, Edward Breitbard, Jackie Brodman, Dave Brooks, Jeanne Camiel, Zel
Camiel, Ann Cantor, Eva Chenkin, Saul Chenkin, E.M. Cohen, Minnie Cohen,
Irving N. Cohen, Barbara Cohn, Mrs. Paul Cudnay, Elliott L. Cushman, Mrs. Ray
Davidson, Al Doctor, Morris Douglas, Sam Druskin, James Effron, Leonard Effron,
Mrs. L. Elvove, Harry Elkin, Harry Engel, David Engel, Mrs. A. Epstein, Carl M.
Esenoff, Mack Esterson, Harry E. Farb, Mrs. Alvin Feiler, Abe Feingold, Ben
Feinberg, Mrs. Morris Feldman, Jack Fine, Joseph A. Finkelman, Sam. E. Fishman,
Manuel Fisher, David Frank, Mrs. Esther Frank, Milton Fredman, William Fried,
Jerome Freedman, Irving E. Friedman, Zena Frommer, Dr. Allan D. Gale, Rena
Garvin, Sarah Geller, Joseph Gellman, Betty Gendelman, S. Glaser, Henry Goldy,
Sandor Goldberger, Muriel Goldhammer, M.D. Goodrich, I.S. Gordon, Ernest Green,
Mrs. Mathilda Green,l M. Greenberg, Gertrude Harris, Minnie K. Harris, Mrs. I.
Heller, Leon Heiman, David Horowitz, Rodin S. Horrow, Ralph Hosenpud, Paul
Jacoby, Joe Kaplan, Frank Kenin, Jennie Kochberg, Tully Kitaen, John Kluchin,
Nixie Kern, S. Klug, Dr. J. Kwint, Mrs. Joseph Kwint, Alan Lame, F. Lavender, I.
Lebb, Mrs. Anne Lee, James Lester, Letty Levin, Richard C. Levi, Louis Levitt,
J.H. Lipitt, Freda Mallen, Marian Doctor, Mrs. William Mintz, Louis Moorsteen,
Mrs. Wm L. Moss, Yale Naliboff, Paul Nestor, Mrs. Roan Ogelsby, Sam Orlansky,
Mitzy Ornstein, Morris Penn, Mrs. Morton B. Peskin, Peter K. Phillipp, Lou
Pollack, Bella Price, Henry J. Price, Seymour Rabin, Max Rabinowtiz, Ada
Randall, Sol Randall, Bertha Rassin, Nate Ratner, Herbert Rede, Edith Reder, Dr.
J. Rittoff, Milton Roberts, Sid Rose, Mrs. Sadie Rosenblum, Jacob Rosenthal,
Sadie Rothberger, Lucille Rubel, Pauline Rubel, Ben B. Rubin, Norman Rubin,
Harry Ruja, Leon Ruskin, Dave Schissell, Anne Schloss, David M. schloss, Victor
Schulman, Goldie Schusterman, Wm. B. Schwartz, Philip Shames, R. Shifrenson,
Jennie Siner, I.A. Soberman, Abramah Sklar, J.W. Snyder, Zolda Solov, Joe M.
Spatz, Marshall Starr, Mrs. George Starr, Art Stone, Dave Stotsky, Mrs. David
Sugarman, Mort Thaler, Judy Traub, Jennie S. Turner, Beronda Tulchinsky, Morris
Wax, Mrs. Henry Weinberger, Rose S. Wenig, MRs. Lucille Weisel, Sidney O. Weiss,
Jay Wellins, Sylvia Winicki, Robert Allen Wohl, Joe Yaffe, Barney Yanett,
Maurice Zahlasky, Leo Zwiebel, Maurice Ackerman, Harry Demsey, Irving Hertz,
Harry Klaskin, Maxwell Kaufman, Dr. R.M. Stone, John Ruskin, Sam Fisher, Mrs.
Harold Elden, Mrs. Estelle Levi, Mrs. Helen schulman, Mrs. Evelyn Cantor, Mrs.
Julia Neuman, Mrs. Sadie Berenson, Mrs. Selm Getz, Mrs. Bernice Esenoff, Mrs.
Betty Penter, MRs. Gladys Block, Mrs. Anita Kahn, Mrs. Sarah Horrow, Mrs. Bess
Snyder, MRs. Lillian Newman, Mrs. Lillian Nathan, MRs. Ida Nasatir, Mrs. Lillian
Bland, Mrs. Sally Ratner, Mrs. Sara Goodrich, Mrs. Maxwell Kaufman, Mrs. Gabriel
Berg, Mrs. I. Teacher, Mrs. Esther Cherney, Mrs. Anna Perlmutter, Mrs. Rose
Neumann, Mrs. Max Gardner, Mrs. Lillian Ravin.
May 12, 1950—Lou Mogy, "Scene Around Town," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: The last Guardian meeting was something never to be forgotten. I believe it will go down as one of the outstanding Jewish events in the history of San Diego Jewry. Mr. George A. Scott was presented a plaque for his outstanding effort in community human relations. Sam Addleson made a magnificent presentation on behalf of the Guardians. Outstanding civic and spiritual leaders were present. Among the many distinguished men who spoke were the following: Judge Jacob A. Weinberger, Vincent Godfrey, James A. Robbins, Rabbi Baruch Stern, Rabbi Monroe Levens, Rabbi Morton J. Cohn, Victor Schulman, Reverend Dr. Thomas Law Coyle, Eli Levenson, Carl Esenoff, Murray D. Goodrich, Lou Steinman, Al Newman, Morrie Kraus and Zel Greenberg. Cantor Miller, assisted by Mrs. Florence Corwin, sang two beautiful Hebrew melodies. Mrs. Rose Neumann was introduced and the audience heard her thoughts contained in the hearts of both Mrs. Neumann and Mr. Scott. I can only say that I am particularly proud in having played a small part in this wonderful evening and presentation. It also makes a fellow feel good to know that something in principal which he fought for came to such a glorious and successful end.
August 18, 1950—Lou Mogy, "Scene Around Town," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5:..Did you know—At the last meeting of the Guardians, the following men were elected to the Board of Directors for a term of two years: Messrs. Sam Addleson, Mike Caine, Laurence Cantor, Carl Esenoff, Morris Feldman, Rodin Horrow, Lou Karp, Julius Levine, Joe Martin, Morris Pomerantz, Herman Sarfan, Sam Sosna, Dave Stotsky, Dr. Philip Rand and R. Oscar Ravin. The officers of the Guardians will be elected at the next Board Meeting and announced in my next column...
September 8, 1950—"5711—1950-51; A Happy New
Year," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 12:... Mr. and Mrs. Carl
Esenoff and Ronda...
October 20, 1950—"Guardians," Southwestern Jewish Press, page
5: The following committees of the Guardians were appointed by Pres. Arthur
Glickman: Finance, Myron Caine, Carl Esenoff; Publicity, Henry Price, Lou Mogy,
Max Kaufman; Entertainment Al De Sure, Joe Martin; Old Folks Home, Saul Cehnkin,
Dr. Phil Rand, Dr. Oscar Ravin; Membership, Zel Greenberg, Joe Martin, Herman
Sarfan, Julius Levine; Sickness, Sam Sosna; Ways and Means, Lou Steinman, Allen
Ferer and Sam Fischer...
February 16, 1951—"April 1 Target Date for Fund
Drive," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: Appointment of the
chairmen for the 1951 Campaign of San Diego's United Jewish Fund will be
announced in the next issue of the Press, according to Victor Schulman, Fund
president. Target date for the opening of the Combined Jewish Appeal for
overseas, national and local needs will be April 1st, with Sunday April 29th
planned for the one-day solicitation in which San Diego gained national acclaim
in 1950. Reports from William Schwartz, Chairman of the Allocations Committee,
indicate that pre-campaign planning, on a percentage basis as accomplished in
1950, will be followed again in 1951. Four major fields of service will be
included, according to Schwartz, in the 1951 Campaign—Overseas and Israel,
National Agencies, Local Needs, and the Emigre Program. Carl Esenoff, San
Diego Federation of Jewish Agencies Leader, stated that local budgets would be
presented to the fund at its next meeting for inclusion in the 1951 Campaign.
Local organizations, deficit financed through the Federation and Fund in 1950,
were the Jewish Welfare Society, $4260; San Diego Hebrew Home for the Aged,
$2880; The Community Center Association, $3500; Jewish Education Commission
$170; and the Community Relations Council, $1800. The cost of the Emigre project
was $11,000. Schwartz announced the complete roster of the Allocations
Committee as follows: Dr. Robert M. Stone, Louis Moorsteen, Eli H. Levenson,
Mrs. Gabriel Berg, Sol Price, Abe Ratner, Mr. David Block, Mrs. Saul Chenkin,
Max Rabinowitz, Morris Kraus, Arthur Gardner, Ray Bass, and Harry Snyder.
April 13, 1951—"64% of Goal In As Campaign Moves Fast," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 1: San Diego's 1951 Combined Jewish Appeal of the United
Jewish Fund got off to a fast start in the month of April with scores of workers
out on the streets determined to reach the commitments of $223,920 for Overseas,
Israel, National and local organizations. as over $150,000 was reported at the
"Ken" report meeting, chaired by Abe Abramson last Wednesday, the Fund
drive gained momentum and it is expected that at least $170,000 will be secured
by the end of this week, according to Chairmen (Rodin) Horrow and (Morris)
Douglas. Encouraging reports are coming from every side. The campaign
shows a 30 percent increase in giving. At press time reports from campaigning
headquarters showed the Women's Division still leading the parade of workers
with $32,000 or 95 percent of their goal of $35,000. They expect to top their
goal by the 30th, Mrs. (Sarah) Goodrich, (Anne) Ratner and (Rose) Neuman(n)
stated. Special gifts led by quiet, hard working Lou Moorsteen already has
exceeded last year's amount and has reached 64 percent of its goal of $120,000.
Milt Roberts and Ben Harris report that their large gift workers are moving fast
to take advantage of Bartley Crum's visit which raised over $11,000 in one of
the finest meetings of the campaign. Aiding Milt are Yalee Kahn, Jerry
Freedman and Harry Farb who are working hard on the Liquor Division. The
professional Men are being led by Dave Block, Carl Esenoff, Manny Fisher and Dr.
Oscar Ravin, who are contacting doctors, lawyers and accountants. County
areas and Tiajuana (sic, Tijuana) will be started this week according to teh
chairmen, with a meeting being held in Tiajuana and Ensenada in the very near
future. The campaign has the united support of San Diego Jewry. Histadrut
leadership and workers are doing an outstanding job under the generalship of
Reuben Umansky and Sol Goodman. Zionists and non Zionists are working equally
hard. All three congregations are giving of their men and women in this year of
urgency. "Give today—tomorrow may be too late" is the slogan
being carried by the workers to every organization, every meeting and every
individual. It is a slogan inspired by the needs of the 38 agencies and
institutions at home and abroad served by the United Jewish Fund. Give now and
help end the campaign by May 6th, the chairmen urged. Send your contribution to
United Jewish Fund, 333 Plaza, San Diego 1, California.
April 28, 1951—"S.D. Home for Aged Holds Annual Meeting," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 7: The annual meeting of the San Diego Hebrew Home
for the Aged will take place Sunday, May 6, at 1:00 p.m. at the Home.
Reports and election of new officers and board members will be the
business of the day. The following has been submitted by the nominating
committee as officers and new board members. Pres., Saul Chenkin; 1st VP, Victor
Schulman; 2nd VP, Max Maisel; Treas., Carl Esenoff; Fin. Sec'y Bernice Esenoff;
Rec. Sec'y, Ruth Newman; Corr. Sec'y, Frieda Nestor; New Board Members; Victor
Schulman, Rodin Horrow, Dr. Robert Stone, Ben Harris, Morrie Douglas and Richard
Levi. Plans for the expansion of the Home will be discussed. Members eligible to
vote are the Ladies Auxiliary, Guardians and Board members and Founders of the
Home. Several committees are being expanded and plans for increasing the
capacity of the Home will be finalized. It is important that every member of the
above organization attend this annual meeting in order to show their interest
and support of this local institution which receives deficit financing from the
United Jewish Fund and the Federation.
May 21, 1951—"Installed as Prexy Hebrew Home for the Aged," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 4: The annual meeting for the Hebrew Home for the Aged
was held last Sunday at the Home, 2750 Fourth Avenue. New officers are: Saul
Chenkin, Pres; Victor Schulman, 1st Vice pres.; Max Maisel, 2nd Vice Pres.; Carl
Esenoff, Treas.; Bernice Esenoff, Fin. Secy.; Mrs. Paul Nestor, Cor. Secy; and
Mrs. Al Newman, Rec. Secy. New board members are Rodin Horrow, Morris
Douglas, Sam Addleson, Ben Harris, Louis Steinman, Dr. Robert Stone, Richard
Levi, Mrs. Sara Shelley. The new officers were installed by Arthur Glickman,
President of the Guardians. Mrs. Rose Anderson, Exc. Sec. of the Jewish welfare
Society, read her very interesting report that the home was completely filled
and five applicants were waiting for admission. The Ladies Auxiliary served
refreshments following the meeting.
June 8, 1951— "Israel Bonds
Chairman Appoints Strong Committee," Southwestern Jewish Press, page
1: Louis Steinman, Chairman of the San Diego Committee, Bonds of the Israel
Government, today announced the appointment of many of San Diego's leading
community workers to the executive committee. Several meetings of the
executive committee have already been held to plan activities and procedures
necessary to fulfill San Diego's share of the $500,000,000 Israel Bond
Drive. Those who have been appointed to date are: Abe Abramson, Mrs.
Gabriel Berg, M.S. Berlin, Ed Bland, David A. Block, Ed Breitbard, Lawrence
Cantor, Sol Chenkin, Rabbi Morton Cohn, Al DeSure, I.L. Domnitz, Morris Douglas,
Carl M. Esenoff, Harry Farb, Arthur Gardner, Mickey Goldfarb, Mr. Muriel
Goldhammer, M.D. Goodrich, Leon Heiman, Dr. F. Hollander, Dave Horowitz, Rodin
Horrow, Al Hutler, Joseph J. Kaplan, Maxwell Kaufman, Allen Lame, Arthur C.
Lavine, Rabbi Monroe Levens, Dick Levi, Julius Levin, Louis Moorsteen, Mrs. Rose
Neuman, Sol Price, Mrs. Sol Price, Nate Ratner Mrs. Sally Ratner, Dr. Oscar G.
Ravin, V.J. Schulman, Mrs. Pearl Slayen, Abe Snyder, Dr. George Solomon, Rabbi
Baruch Stern, Isadore Tacher, Rubin Umansky, Henry Weinberger, Frank Winicki,
Hyman S. Wolf and Fred Yaruss.
June 22, 1951—"Huge Affair Planned for Hebrew Home for the
Aged," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: The sumptuous new home of
Max Maisel will be the scene of a gala affair on Sunday, July 29, from 12 noon
until midnight. You can help build the new Wing for the Home by attending
with your entire family, this never-to-be-forgotten event.....Committee in
charge are as follows: Honorary Chairman, Max Maisel; Coordinating Chairman,
Saul Chenkin; Vice Chairman, Arthur Glickman; Affairs, Mrs. Wm. Moss, Al DeSure;
Food, Mrs. Morris Feldman; Beverages, Harry Bied, Yale Kahn; Publicity, Rod
Horrow; Raffles, Sam Addleson, Joe Martin; Treasurer, Zel Greenberg; Cashier, Carl
Esenoff, Mike Cain....
August 3, 1951—"Home for Aged Affair is Huge Success," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 1: The July 29th affair for the San Diego Hebrew Home for
the aged proved to be a tremendous success. More than one thousand people
visited the beautiful home and grounds of Max Maisel and Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Silver. Both the Guardians and the Ladies' auxiliary are to be congratulated for
their heroic efforts on this day. The lucky winner of the Philco
refrigerator was Mrs. Saul Frank,, 4312 Alabama St., and the winner of the
Crosley television set was the Rose Dry Goods Co., South Los Angeles St., Los
Angeles. Thanks is extended to the entire Jewish community for its wonderful
support by Arthur Glickman, general chairman of the event. Despite the huge
crowds, the well oiled machinery set up by the various committees kept
everything running smoothly to the satisfaction of all the visitors. Up to this
time it has not been learned how much money was raised last Sunday, but as has
been stated, all monies raised will go toward the building of the new wing for
the Home of the Aged. The committees who made the affair possible are as
follows: General Chairman, Arthur Glickman; Coordinating Chairman, Sol Chenkin;
Games of Skill, Al De Sure and Allie Ferrer; Cashiers, Carl Esenoff and
Mike Cain; Drinks and Refreshments, Harry Bied and Yale Kahn; Raffles, Joe
Martin and Sam Addleson; Publicity, Rod Horrow and Henry Price; Legal Adviser,
Lewis Karp; Equipment, Murray Goodrich, General treasurer, Zel Greenberg.
At press time it was not possible to learn all the names of all the men who did
an outstanding job helping with the games of skill and other activities. The
chairman wishes to extend his personal thanks to all those who helped make this
event the outstanding success of the year.
September 14, 1951—"Personals," Southwestern Jewish Press,
page 3: The Jolly Sixteen Club honored the Lester Coopers on September 9th
with a Dinner Party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Esenoff in celebration of
their wedding anniversary.
October 12, 1951— "Dance Planned by Jolly Sixteen,"Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 3: Plans for the Jolly 16 Dinner Dance, Sunday,
November 4th, 7 p.m., at the El Cortez Hotel Don Room are being completed.
According to Mrs. Milo Berenson, the room has been redecorated and every effort
is being extended to make this semi-formal affair one of pleasure and
satisfaction. A large attendance is anticipated. Many reservations have already
been taken. Tables will be reserved through members from whom your tickets are
purchased. Pauline Gleason will supply the music for your favorite dance tunes.
Plan your party now. Phone Mrs. Milo Berenson, J-0386, or Mrs. Maxwell
Kaufman, F-4353, for reservations. Mrs. Carl Esenoff was honored with a Bon
Voyage Luncheon at Valles on Friday, September 28th. Mr. and Mrs.
Esenoff left October 3rd for two weeks visit to New York and points East.
February 22, 1952—1) "Jewish
Welfare Society Elects New Officers," Southwestern Jewish Press, page
7: At the February meeting of the Boarde of Directors of the Jewish Walfare
Society, Harry Mallen was elected President. He succeeds Morrie Douglas who
served as president for the past three years. Serving with Mr. Mallen as
officers are Mrs. Alex Newman, First Vice President; Irving Stone, Second Vice
President; Mrs. Zel Camiel, Secretary, and Sol Price, Treasurer. New
members elected to the Board of the organization are: Mrs. William Colt, Mrs.
Joseph Kwint, Dr. John Bloomenthal, Mrs. Robert Strauss, Mrs. Jack Rittoff and
Mrs. Milton Roberts. Mrs. Saul Chenkin, Zel Camiel, Carl Esenoff, Morrie
Douglas, Dr. Walter Ornstein, Maxwell Kaufman, Allan Lame, Dr. Seymour Kuntz,
Herbert Reder and Edward Breitbard will continue to serve on the board.
March 21, 1952—1) "75th Annual Program," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 1: Beth Israel Temple, Friday, March 21, 8:00 p.m.;
Anniversary Service; Golden Book Tribute to Descendants of Pioneer Founders and
Past Presidents; Services...Rabbi Morton J. Cohn; Anniversary Sermon...Rabbi
Edgar F. Magnin, Wilshire Blvd, Temple, Los Angeles; Anthem:
"Hallelujah"...Choir; Reception by Sisterhood. Saturday, March
22, 8:00 p.m., "1877 Cabaret Night"-- Dancing and Olio Acts recalling
bygone days..Members of Congregation, Sisterhood, Men's Club, Mr. and Mrs. Ltd.,
Temple Refreshments. Sunday, March 23, 6:00 p.m; El Cortez Hotel,
Anniversary Banquet: Cocktains and Hors d'Oeuvres...Dinner; Vocal Solos...Cantor
Julian K. Miller; Greetings from Mayor John D. Butler; George Scott, Council of
Churches; Peter H. Samson, Unitarian Church; Chaplain Warren Cuthriell, 11th
Naval District; Carl Esenoff, Federation of Jewish Agencies; Rodin Horrow,
United Jewish Fund. Entertainment..."The San Diego
2) March 21,
1952—Albert Hutler, "Community Currents, " Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 2, in which Carl Esenoff is mentioned at the end of the
column for his work with the Jewish Welfare Society.
3) "USO-JWB Activities," Southwestern Jewish Press, page
5: Highlighting the Purim festivities was the delicious dinner sponsored
by the "Jolly Sixteen" at Temple Center last Wednesday. Tempting the
appetite of the servicemen was a menu fit for a king. Chopped liver, salad,
brisket, kasha and for dessert, home-made homentashen. The Jolly Sixteen is to
be congratulated for their interest and generosity. Hats off to the
following members and their husbands who were present and assisted with
the dinner: Eve Chenkin (President); Rose Neumann, Julia Neumann; Rose Gordon; Bernice
Esenoff; Julia Steinman, Julia Klaskin, Julia Kaufman, Rose Glickman, Mary
Kantor, Sadie Berenson and Lucille Rubel. Dancing completed the evening's
April 4, 1952—"U.J.A. Conference Raises
$210,000 Here," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: Fifty thouasan
dollars in cash as an advance on the 1952 kCampaign was presented by the United
Jewish Fund on behalf of San Diego Jewry to the United Jewish Appeal last
Sunday. Over 200 persons attended. Joining with other communities throughout the
southland, at the United Jewish Appeal Regional Conference held in San Diego,
San Diego's advance gift helped to swell the total advance urgently requested by
the UJA to $210,000. Voted one of the outstanding afairs to come to San Diego in
many years, the Conference heard Jack Benny, noted entertainer; Dr. Jorge
Garcia-Granados, Chief of the United Nations Delegation from Gautemala; and
Rabbi Max Nussbaum, leading Rabbi of Los Angeles. San Diegans participating in
the conference included Murray W. (sic, D) Goodrich, who acted as chairman of
the conference; Eli H. Levenson, President of the Western Region, Council of
Jewish Federations and Welfare Funds; Mrs. Jack Gross and Mrs. Victor Schulman,
Co-Chairmen of the Women's Division of the Fund, who participated in the morning
panel; and Carl Esenoff, President of the San Diego Federation of Jewish
Agencies, who welcomed the delegates to the Conference.
May 16, 1952—"Annual Meeting of Hebrew Home For the Aged," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 5: The annual meeting of the San Diego Hebrew Home for
the Aged will take place on Sunday, May 25th at 2:30 p.m. at the Home, 2750
Fourth Ave. The meeting is open to the public and all are welcome. Refreshments
will be served by the Ladies Auxiliary. Members of the Guardians will also be in
attendance. The following have been nominated to the Board of the Home: George
E. Martin, Sylvan Baranov, Leonard Drogin, Edward Breitbard, Al DeSure, Max
Rabinowitz, Mrs. Selma Getz, Allan Ferer, Morris Niederman, Arthur Glickman, and
Alex Newman. Officers to be voted upon will be: Sol Chenkin, Pres.; Victor
Schulman; V.P.; Max Maisel, 2nd V.P.; Carl Esenoff, Treas.; Frank Janowsky, Fin.
Sec; Mrs. Paul Nestor, Cor. Sec..... The Home is now in its 8th year and has
proved to be one of the outstanding services offered to the Jewish community at
large. Attend this meeting and see for yourself. Applications for admissions to
the Hebrew Home for the Aged may be made through the Jewish Welfare Society, 333
Plaza Bldg, F-1803.
May 30, 1952—Albert
Hutler, "Community Currents," Southwestern Jewish Press, page
2, mentioning Carl Esenoff in his role as president of the Federation.
June 13, 1952—Albert
Hutler, "Community Currents," Southwestern Jewish Press, page
2: mentioning Carl Esenoff in his role as president of the Federation.
November 2005 —1) "Joan Kutner Social
Action Award," Tidings (Monthly newsletter of Congregation Beth
Israel), page 14— Remarks given at Yom Kippur services, October 13, 2005, by
CBI President Barbara Haworth. It is my privilege today to present the
very first ever Congregational award for social action. In the history of our
congregation, there is only one other individual for whom an award has been
created and that is the Carl Esenoff Award for extraordinary community service.
Like the Esenoff award, this award implies an order of magnitude by virtue of
the name that it carries. The Congregation Beth Israel Joan Kutner Social action
Award was approved by the Board of Directors in June of this year as a means of
recognizing outstanding individuals for their service and dedication to
social action and tikkun olam in both the Jewish and general communities.
The board resolution reads: "The award is named for Jaon Kutner, beloved
member of the Congregation, first recipient of the award, and the embodiment of
Jewish values which the award is intended to honor." This award is not an
annual award; rather it will be presented if and when appropriate. For 19
years and 22 weeks, Joan Kutner served meals to what began as a few dozen
homeless San Diegans. Father Joe Carroll was enthused that a group of Jewish
people would take over his work at St. Vincent de Paul on Sunday mornings, thus
allowing his regulars to attend church services. A magnificent interfaith
relationship was thus born..."
2) November 2005—"Contributions," Tidings (monthly
newsletter of Congregation Beth Israel), pages 17-18: We appreciate the
thoughtfulness of those who support our synagogue by remembering and honoring
their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions to our
synagogue's many funds. Contributions listed in this issue are those processed
in our office through October 7, 2005. For information on how to make a
contribution, call (858) 555-1111, Ext 3500...Carl Esenoff Memorial Fund
(Education), In memory of Bernice Esenoff by Ronda Breitbard...
2005 (November issue)—"Past Board of Governors 2005-2006, The
San Diego Foundation, 2005 Annual Report, page 13: Founding officers,
Board of Governors & Incorporators:.... Carl M Ensenoff (sic, Esenoff)*
December 2005—"Contributions," Tidings (Monthly newsletter of Congregation Beth Israel, San Diego), page 16: We appreciate the thoughtfulness of those who support our synagogue by remembering and honoring their friends and loved ones through their generous contributions to our synagogue's many funds. Contributions listed in this issue are those processed in our office through November 11, 2005. For information on how to make a contribution, call (858) 535-1111, Ext. 3500... Page 18: Carl Esenoff Memorial Fund (Education)—Contribution by: Drs. Leslie Mark and Kenneth Gross. In memory of: Ideal and David Stotsky and Tillie and Louis Adams by Dr. Michael Stotsky...
December 2005—"Past Presidents," Defining Our Future, Annual Report 2005, (San Diego) Jewish Community Foundation, page 44:... Carl Esenoff 1967....
December 28, 2005—Visit to crypt of Carl and Bernice
Esenoff, Cypress View Mausoleum, San Diego, California: