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AJC official urges the world to isolate Hamas diplomatically

By Tad Seth Parzen
jewishsightseeing.com, January 21, 2006

It is imperative that the international community remain united in not dealing with Hamas unless and until it changes its policy, in word and deed, regarding Israel.  The Quartet – the U.S., the EU, Russia and the UN – declared after the Palestinian elections that all members of the Palestinian government must be committed to nonviolence, recognition of Israel, and acceptance of previous Palestinian agreements and obligations, including the Roadmap.

Anything that confers legitimacy on Hamas before it fulfills the requirements of the Quartet will only undermine prospects for peace.

Like the majority of Israelis, the American Jewish Committee-San Diego Chapter supports a negotiated two-state solution that will establish a peaceful Palestinian state alongside a secure state of Israel. There are no short-cuts in achieving this goal and we are deeply concerned that the international community’s commitment to shun the terrorist organization already has begun to unravel.

Turkey’s official welcome of Hamas leaders in Ankara and Russian President Putin’s planned meeting with Hamas in Moscow demonstrate a puzzling weakening of resolve regarding an organization that is on the European Union and U.S. lists of terrorist organizations.

All must recognize that Hamas is emblematic of the growing radical and violent Islamist movements that threaten Christians, Jews, and moderate Muslims worldwide. Whether Hamas can change its ways is highly doubtful, but if it can’t or won’t then the onus for conditions in Gaza and the West Bank will be on the Hamas leaders themselves as well as the Palestinians who elected this leadership.

Parzen is president of the San Diego chapter of the American Jewish Committee