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San Diego County Calendar


Sunday, August 6, 2006

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BOOK OF JOSHUA—Rabbi Jack Riemer lectures on "The Book of Joshua: the Book of Military Victories," at 10 a.m. at Congregation Beth El, 8660 Gilman Drive, La Jolla.  Single ticket: $10 Beh El members, $15 non-members. Series tickets for July 23, July 30, Aug. 6, Aug. 14), $20 members, $30 non-members. Reserve by July 20. (858) 452-1734.

CHILDREN'S CONCERT—The Shirettes, a recording group specializing in Jewish songs for children, perform at 10 a.m. at Temple Beth Sholom, 208 Madrona St., Chula Vista.  Tickets are $12 in advance, $20 day of concert. (619) 420-6040.

YAD BRUNCH—Young Adult Division of United Jewish Federation hosts a brunch for newcomers to the community from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Reservations and information may be obtained via  Donna Daly or Anna Wheitz at (858) 571-3444 or via the email