Donald H. Harrison
Aboard MV
Olympic Voyager (special) -- I sat down to chat with my fellow
passenger, Stanley Rabinowitz, who I had learned was a retired
Conservative rabbi. It was a day at sea, and we both had plenty of
he, to reminisce, and me, to prompt him occasionally to tell yet another
story about some of the interesting people he knew.
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His had been no ordinary career: he had preached
a healing sermon to
President Lyndon B. Johnson a few days after President John F. Kennedy
had been assassinated. Another martyred leader, Israeli Prime Minister
Yitzhak Rabin, once had been a member of his congregation--and taught
members of Adas Israel Hebrew Congregation a very valuable lesson about
biblical Hebrew. |
Stanley and Anita Rabinowitz. |
While the people in the congregation were Jews like you and me, some of
them were also very famous: Rabinowitz performed a marriage for former
Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Abraham Ribicoff, and buried
former U.S. Supreme Court Justice and U.N. Ambassador Arthur Goldberg,
his dear friend.
The rabbi also once was asked to quickly round up about 30 kippot and
pamphlets with the transliterated prayer for grace after meals. President
Carter was at Camp David negotiating peace between the Egyptians and
Israelis, and decided it would be great to have a ceremonial Shabbat
Not having the necessary accoutrements on hand, the Israelis telephoned
Rabinowitz with an SOS.
Yes, Rabinowitz had an unusual career. He had served as the national
president of the Rabbinical Assembly, and as the Washington chairman
the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee when that organization
was in its infancy. For 26 years until his retirement in 1986, he had
served as rabbi of Adas Israel. Put in terms Washington D.C. residents
could readily understand, he had served during the presidencies of
D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Richard M. Nixon,
Gerald R. Ford, Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan.
Occasionally watching the far off sea horizon roll as our ship sliced
through the Caribbean, I asked the rabbi what special memories he had,
any, about each of those presidents. None about Eisenhower, Rabinowitz
confessed. He had arrived at Adas Israel in 1960, the last year of
term, after serving as rabbi for seven years in Minneapolis, and before
that, for another seven years in New Haven, Conn.
He became active in Washington's interfaith movement and it was his
during his fourth year at Adas Israel to deliver a Thanksgiving sermon
at the large Presbyterian Church. It was Thanksgiving, 1963, just a
days after President John F. Kennedy had been assassinated. The nation
was in deep mourning and the new President, Lyndon Baines Johnson,
among the worshipers at the church that day.
"I took the theme from Rabbi Akiba that just as we give thanks to God
the blessings, so must we give thanks to God for the evil--because
out of
evil you can extract a blessing," Rabinowitz recalled. "That was the
essence of the sermon and it struck Johnson very well. He felt it was
appropriate to the moment: out of the evil, he would extract a blessing."
Shortly afterwards, Rabinowitz received a telephone call from the new
First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson, who asked if he could please bring a
copy of
the sermon to the Johnsons' private residence. The Johnsons had not
moved into the White House, which Jacqueline Kennedy and her children
were in the process of vacating. The rabbi replied that he didn't have
copy of the speech, because he had spoken from notes, but would type
notes if she so desired. She said she would be most grateful, and thanked
So he typed the speech, and delivered it to the Johnson home, where
it was
accepted by their daughter, Linda (who later married Chuck Robb). Shortly
afterwards, Rabinowitz made a trip to India, where the U.S. ambassador
handed him some State Department papers that included the text of the
speech that President Johnson had made at the dedication of a synagogue
in Austin, Tex. Johnson had quoted Rabinowitz's Thanksgiving Day address.
Was he nervous delivering a sermon to the President of the United States,
especially during such a traumatic time in our nation's history.
"Yes," the rabbi agreed. "I believe I was."
One of the momentous events occurring during Johnson's administration
was the outbreak of the Six Day War in June of 1967 between Israel
its Arab neighbors. One of the members of the synagogue, Sheldon Cohen,
the director of the Internal Revenue Service, "was terribly upset,"
Rabinowitz recalled. "He went to see Johnson and said 'you just can't
this happen to Israel' and Johnson wrote him a letter in which he
reassured Cohen that no matter what the crisis would be, the United
States would stand there and make sure that Israel didn't fall. It
very reassuring, because the public posture of the United States toward
Israel was terrible."
When one thinks of the Johnson Administration, one also remembers the
Civil Rights Movement, the Vietnam War, and the assassinations of Martin
Luther King and Robert F. Kennedy. The turbulent politics of the 1960s
"split the congregation," Rabinowitz said.
"There were those who were very much against the War in Vietnam and
the majority of course said 'don't rock the boat.'" he recalled. "We
split so badly that a goodly number of people resigned from the
congregation saying that we were not activist enough."
Rabinowitz remembers one anti-Vietnam War march in which Rabbi
Abraham Joshua Heschel participated. When word circulated that Heschel
was planning to take such a public position, "the Israeli embassy was
upset about it because the embassy felt that what happened in Vietnam
would happen in Israel," Rabinowitz said. "If America wouldn't come
the aid of Vietnam, they wouldn't come to the aid of Israel. They saw
parallel. They saw themselves as being the victims, just like the South
Vietnamese. They asked me to intercede with Heschel and to ask him
to march. I wrote to him a pleading letter but I never mailed it. I
felt I
didn't have the right to, even though I felt what he was doing was
It was a very painful time in American life."
Riots erupted in Washington after the assassination of Martin Luther
sparking a debate at Adas Israel whether to move the synagogue from
city' predominantly African-American population.
""The riot hit Jewish businesses especially hard, and many people left
city and went to the suburbs and they wanted to move the synagogue
to the
suburbs too," Rabinowitz said. "But they couldn't find a place that
be satisfactory, so they decided to be inconvenient to everybody, and
stay. And it is good that they stayed, because where we are now, there
is a
metro stop, a subway, and the synagogue is thriving beyond anything
would have imagined in our day."
Rabinowitz, horrified by the violence, was among those who wanted to
pull out of Washington D.C. "I'm afraid I favored the move, but then
reconsideration, I said 'well, maybe the synagogue is too new to be
rejected.' It was built in 1950."
Most ambassadors of Israel were members of Adas Israel during their
tenure in Washington, and that included future Prime Minister Yitzhak
Rabin, who came after the Six Day War and served during the Nixon
"He was unaccustomed to synagogues," Rabinowitz recalled. "He had to
come on formal occasions and when he came, he read the Torah. He
wouldn't make a good ba'al koreh (Torah reader), because he didn't
it, but he did read it aloud. Once when he was reading it, he stopped
said: 'Hey, there is a mistake here!' and there was a mistake; they
scribes) had left a vav out. He embarrassed our ba'al koreh who had
the same Torah for 20 years and had never seen the mistake. Rabin,
first time he gets up, spots it and stops. It was a minor thing, but
course, we had to bring another Torah."
When Rabin left the United States to return to Israel, "he made a farewell
address to the congregation, which is something I will never forget,"
rabbi said. "He said 'I was born a Jew and I am practiced being a Jew--it
was a matter of birth. In the United States, in this congregation,
I learned
a very different way of being a Jew, and it has stretched my life.'
It was
very touching because I knew that he meant it. His child--Yuval--was
mitzvahed at our synagogue. He (Rabin) was a very spiritual person,
military guy who never got near a synagogue before."
Among Jewish appointees in the Nixon Administration were Commerce
Secretary Phil Klutznick, whom Rabinowitz had known in B'nai B'rith
Movement, and National Security Advisor--later Secretary of State--
Henry Kissinger. Klutznick was a member of the congregation; Kissinger
was not, although he and Rabinowitz crossed paths occasionally.
One year, Kissinger was invited to the bar mitzvah of the son of Simcha
Dinitz, who succeeded Rabin as an Israeli ambassador to the United
"I was told that he was coming, but he didn't show up because of a
However, I saw Kisssinger that night at an Israeli embassy reception,
I told him: 'Mr. Secretary, I had two sermons prepared: one in case
were there; one in case you weren't.' He said quickly, 'I am sure you
delivered the better one.' He was well-known for his quick repartee.'"
When the campaign among Russian Jews for permission to emigrate to the
West gathered steam, the Soviet Union sent a delegation of Jews who
were loyal Communists to Washington. A member of his congregation
prevailed on Rabinowitz to entertain these anti-Refusenik Jews, even
though the Israeli Embassy urged him not to.
"We had them for dinner, and served Chicken Kiev, but we also had several
knowledgeable people who could challenge them, including the late
Congressman Sidney Yates, Rabbi Richard Hirsch (Reform) and his Russian
born wife, and David Korn, an anti-Russian activist," Rabinowitz said.
"Those guys (the visiting Russians) were happy to leave our home
unscathed. They thought they scored points, but they didn't."
Rabinowitz said the group was led by a man who obviously was a KGB
agent named Gidany Fodosov. Subsequently, "he kept peppering me with
gifts of vodka and kept inviting me to lunch to ask me all sorts of
questions about America," the rabbi said. "I had to be very cautious.
When Nixon resigned and Ford became the President, Fodosov called me
and asked, 'Does this mean that Ford Motors is going to take over the
country?' That is how dumb they were about America; I couldn't convince
him that there was no connection."
The rabbi believes his first invitation to a formal social function
at the
White House came during the Ford Administration. "I don't remember
reason for it, perhaps it was for Yitzhak Rabin, but I got to dance
Betty Ford."
Next came the Carter Administration and Camp David. Besides rounding
skullcaps and copies of the birkat hamazon for the negotiators' dinner
Camp David, Rabinowitz said he vividly remembers the ceremonies
attendant to the signing of the Camp David accords by Israeli Prime
Minister Menachem Begin and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat.
"There was a big service at the Lincoln Memorial before the Camp David
signing," he said. "President Carter's sister, Ruth Carter Stapleton,
gave a
sermon and I gave an invocation. Then we went to a great big tent,
we had dinner, which was kosher, and it was something to behold." The
three-way handshake among Begin, Sadat and Carter was "thrilling, just
thrilling--a high point."
Sadat subsequently invited Rabinowitz to visit him in Egypt, which he
"I went with a delegation and went to his house. Someone asked him,
'can't you leave even a portion of the Sinai for Israel?' and he said,
'this is
my land and I want every inch back.' And he was very candid. He wasn't
making peace with Israel and he wasn't making war with Israel. He noted
that there were a few million Jews in Israel compared to 60 million
Arabs, and if Arabs just left the Jews alone 'eventually we will absorb
them. Let's have peace. We can take over Palestine easier with peace
than we can with war.'"
Like Rabinowitz, President Ronald Reagan had grown up in Iowa, where
a radio broadcaster he used to narrate the action for major league
baseball games by embellishing on the results that came over the play
play wire. Although they met, and Reagan sent a formal letter of
congratulations to Rabinowitz when the rabbi retired in 1986, there
no real personal contacts.
Even though politics is to Washington as entertainment news is to
Hollywood, much of what Rabinowitz did during his tenure had little
to do
with the nation's governance. He'd preach sermons on Friday nights,
would preside over the Torah reading on Saturday mornings-- just as
rabbis do all over the country. During his tenure, the congregation
approximately 1,200 families; since his retirement it has grown to
1,800 families. While he was the rabbi, the biggest crowds came on
nights; less than 500 was a disappointment. Today, the bigger crowds
come on Saturdays to hear the Torah read, among them: Congressman Henry
Waxman of Los Angeles.
Rabinowitz and his wife, Anita, have two daughters: Judith Argaman lives
with her husband and three children in Jerusalem. Sharon Chard-Yaron
her husband reside in the University City area of San Diego.
As emeritus rabbi at Adas Israel, Rabinowitz still preaches an occasional
sermon or delivers a lecture, and remains quite interested in world
affairs. "I had dinner with (Yasser) Arafat no more than a year ago,"
said. "A Shabbas dinner no less. A member of the congregation--Esther
Coopersmith--invited me; she thought it would be a nice thing for him
see how Jews celebrate the Sabbath. So she invited him to dinner and
invited me to make kiddush."
Rabinowitz recalled telling Arafat: "You know, we are cousins. We can
trace our ancestry back to the same ancestor. Our paths have veered,
separated, sometimes in conflict, but I pray that the day will come
we shall someday be able to resume our relationship in peace and
Arafat responded, "Yes, in friendship." |