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2005-05-24 The Horserace

Jewish humor

Jews and sports


The Horserace
,  May 24, 2005

A Jewish man went to the races for the first time. Not knowing a thing about horse racing, he went to the paddock to take a look. He saw a rabbi blessing one of the horses. He wrote down the number and placed a $2 bet.

Sure enough, the horse won, and the man won $20. He went down to the paddock again, and again the rabbi was blessing another horse. He wrote down the number, bet his $20, and again, the horse won, earning $100.

This went on, race after race, until the Jewish man had won $5000.

Just before the last race, he watched the rabbi bless another horse. He bet the whole $5000, but this time the horse came in dead last. He ran down and yelled to the rabbi, "Why did every horse you bless win, except the last one? He came in dead last!!! " 

The rabbi replied, "That's the problem with you  uneducated Jews .. you don't know the difference between a barucha and kaddish."

—Forwarded by Paul Thomas, San Diego