1, 2006
Vol. 2, No. 1 Louis Rose Society for the Preservation of Jewish History
Looking back over 2005: Growing membership, list
of honorees,
schedule of events, recognition inside and outside our community
An interesting source of information for historians are year-end,
or, in this case, year-beginning, reports, because they provide a means for
measuring growth and accomplishment. So we thought we'd share some
statistics with you about the Louis Rose Society. As we
have not been in existence even a full year, these can be considered base-line
statistics, for us to measure our progress against in the future.
Membership—By the close of 2005, we had grown to 191 member households or
Honorees—One hundred forty seven (147) members thus far have honored
225 Jewish San Diegans or have conferred their rights to name honorees to
the Louis Rose Society's board of directors. Forty-four (44) members have
yet to designate an honoree. By checking our membership
list, you can quickly determine whether you have a choice pending. If so,
please check our list
of honorees to determine who already has been honored, and then choose
someone else. So long as the proposed honoree is or was a member of the San
Diego Jewish community, he or she is eligible. Send the name of your choice to
Donald H. Harrison at sdheritage@cox.net.
{We don't have contact information for some members, so if you see someone you
know who has not picked an honoree, please ask them to pick an honoree, and to
email or phone their contact information to the Society offices.}
Cash Revenue—Since March 21, 2005, a total of $8,743.55 has been forwarded
to the Jewish Community Foundation/ Louis Rose Fund by the Society and by
individual contributors. The Society has another $59.11 in cash on hand for
contingencies. A check for $36 is in the pipeline between the Society and
the Jewish Community Foundation. Total 2005 cash revenues, therefore, were
In-Kind Contributions: The Louis Rose Society benefited greatly in 2005 from
in-kind contributions of goods and services. In some cases, these contributions
were gladly accepted in lieu of our $36 membership fee. The Society would
have had to pay many times more than $36 for any of these contributions.
Expenditures: The Society spent $753.78 for the headstone for the
previously unmarked grave of Henrietta Rose. We also pay an administrative
fee of $15 per month, or $180 per year to the Jewish Community Foundation. All
other work done for the Society is strictly on a volunteer basis.
Public Officials: The Society was the subject of a Proclamation
by Deputy Mayor Toni Atkins (then serving as Acting Mayor) declaring
September 25, 2005 as Louis Rose Point Day. The San Diego School Board
adopted a resolution authorizing its participation in the ceremony dedicating Henrietta
Rose's gravestone, with Board Member John DeBeck participating in the
ceremony. Congressman Bob Filner named LRS Co-Founder and President Donald H.
Harrison "Citizen
of the Month" partially in recognition of the Society's activities.
Media: The activities of the Louis Rose Society was the subject of
articles in 2005 in a variety of media including, but not limited to, Hillquest,
KNSD-Television, San
Diego Jewish Journal,
Diego Jewish Times,
Diego Union-Tribune, Voice
of San Diego, and Western
States Jewish History.
Activities: Our first public event was September 25 when we held the picnic at Louis Rose Point to introduce the community to the location designated by the City of San Diego for the future monument to San Diego's first Jewish settler. In November, with Norman Greene emceeing, we dedicated the headstone for Louis's daughter, Henrietta. In December, Society members were led by Rick Kamen on a botanical tour of Rose Canyon.
Archive Project: We have indexed from our archives
Jewish newspapers from the following years: 1922,
1935, 1939,
1940, 1945,
1946, 1947,
1949, 1950,
1951 and 1952.
If you have any Jewish newspapers from the missing years, or those missing
editions from the years already indexed, we would be delighted if you would
donate them—or facsimile copies—to the Louis Rose Society, so that we may
include their contents in the growing biographical encyclopedia of Jewish San
Diego. Please contact Don Harrison at sdheritage@cox.net.
Oral History: Laurayne Ratner's interview of Richard Levi about his
family's activities in San Diego County began in 2005. Some of the
material will be posted on the website on Levi's pages.
Coming Up In 2006: More activities, an appeal for
volunteers, a rotation in our archive project, and planning for a gala
celebration of Louis Rose's 200th birthday in 20007
Louis Rose Society Calendar:
Wednesday, January 4—Don Harrison tells Women's American ORT about the
Louis Rose Society and its namesake, Loma Santa Fe Country Club, 10:30 a.m. For
details or reservations, please call Florence and Stan Sachs, 760 753-3090.
Saturday, January 7—Don Harrison delivers a d'var Torah about the Louis
Rose Society during Ner Tamid Synagogue's morning Shabbat services., beginning 9
a.m. For details or reservations, please call the synagogue at 858
Friday, January 13—Jerry Levens and Raph Levens, both LRS members, tell
about their father and LRS honoree, Rabbi Monroe
Levens, at 6:15 p.m. Friday
evening Shabbat services at Tifereth Israel Synagogue. Their joint lecture is
part of Tifereth Israel's celebration of its 100th anniversary year. For details
or reservations, please call the synagogue at 619 697-6001.
Tuesday, January 17—History in the Making: Israel's former
Prime Minister Ehud Barak is the featured speaker at the Men's Event of the
United Jewish Federation at the Manchester Grand Hyatt, beginning at 5:30
p.m. For details and reservations, please call the Federation at (858)
Sunday, January 22—Limmud, A Community Day of Learning: The
Agency for Jewish Education sponsors a mega, all-day event promoting Jewish
learning, with such speakers scheduled as Limor Livnat (Israel's Minister of
Education) on "Building Jewish Community Through Jewish Education; Rabbi
Nathan Laufer, "Leading the Passover Journey—A Hagaddah Workshop"
and "A Mosaic Vision of Leadership"; Joshua Nelson, Jewish gospel
music"; Rabbi Yehuda Fine, "Real Answers to Tough Questions: A Forum
for Teenagers" and "Raising Kane & Jane: What Your Kids Are Doing
When You're Not Around"; Rabbi Alan Lew: "Heart On A Leash: Zen and
Jewish Strategies for Spiritual Awakening;" Noa Baum,
"Israel-Palestine: A Land Twice Promised"; Dr. Sheldon Rubenfeld,
"Medicine in the Third Reich': Avraham Maayan: "Israel An Evolving
Story"; Zion Ozeri: "Images of the Jew: Photography and the Diversity
of Jewish Life"; Paul Epstein, "Thrilling Theater for Tentative
Teachers" and "Moving Midrash Mania for Madrichim"; Carol Starin,
"The Great Idea Extravaganza;" and Vicky Kelman, "Celebrate
Family/ Celebrate With Your Family." Joshua Nelson & the Kosher
Gospel Singers will conclude the afternoon with a rousing concert.
For details and reservations, please call the Agency for Jewish Education, 858
Sunday, January 29—Don Harrison leads a tour of Jewish Old Town,
meeting at 1:30 p.m. at the Robinson-Rose House on the Plaza. For details
or reservations, please call Don at (619) 265 0808. This meeting
previously had been scheduled January 22, but was changed to encourage LRS
members to attend the all-day January 22
Wednesday, February 8—Don Harrison tells the La Jolla Newcomers
about Louis Rose and the Society named for him at an 11:30 a.m. luncheon at
Sbicca. in Del Mar. For details or reservations, please call Brenda Schneider at
858 488-7595.
Sunday, February 26—Rick Kamen leads a botanical tour of Rose
Canyon. For details or reservations, please call Don Harrison at 619
Volunteer Opportunities with the Louis Rose Society
We have projects ranging in complexity from data entry (for our
newspaper archive project, and keeping up our membership information) to
helping us plan future events. We also would greatly appreciate help from
volunteer graphic artists, fundraisers, and history researchers, to name just a
few categories. If you have time to donate, and are interested in
deepening your knowledge of San Diego's Jewish community, please call Don
Harrison at 619 265-0808, or email him at sdheritage@cox.net.
Archive Rotation
Up to now, we have focused on our earliest archives, indexing newspapers
through June 13, 1952, and putting the stories contained therein on the pages of
our LRS honorees as applicable. We will now turn to more recent newspaper
archives, specifically those of the San Diego Jewish Press-Heritage for its
final two years of existence, 2002-2003. The reason for this is to make
information about the broad range of our honorees more quickly available than we
could by simply indexing in strict chronological order.
Louis Rose's 200th Birthday—Although it doesn't come for 15 months, planning already is underway for a series of events celebrating Louis Rose's 200th birthday on March 24, 2007. We are exploring a concert, lecture series and an exhibit in his honor. Do you have some ideas you'd like to share? We'd really like to hear them! Again, contact Don Harrison at 619 265-0808 or sdheritage@cox.net