Hutler Hutler Writings
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Southwestern Jewish Press, October 12, 1951, pages 2,
By Albert Hutler, Executive Director, United Jewish Fund
Enthusiasm for the 1951-52 Religious Calendars given to the principals of the
City's School System ran so high that the educators asked for an additional 500
to be distributed to teachers. The Community Relations Council has purchased and
presented another 500 Calendars to Dr. Charles J. Falk, Assistant Superintendent
of Schools. Speaking of Dr. Falk brings to mind that he spoke at San Diego
Lasker Lodge B'nai B'rith meeting two weeks ago on the general subject of the
attack on education in the United States. All of the members of B'nai B'rith
were gratified to hear him speak of the help received from the B'nai B'rith in
this fight, and from our local Community Relations Council. He pointed out that
the material used in the attack is furnished by a national organization directed
by a former associate of Joe Camp, Merwin Hart and Gerald K. Smith. Many
people—Jews and Christians alike—have called to the attention of the
Community Relations Council the writings, if you can call them that, of Robert
H. Williams of Santa Ana, Calif. The Community Relations Council know a great
deal about Williams and has seen all of his writings. At the present time a
request has been made of the House Committee on UnAmerican Activity by
Representative Samuel Yorty for an investigation of Williams. A question of deep
significance to Jews was raised when Yorty wrote the Committee to urge the
investigation. Yorty said that although the emphasis is now on investigating
Communism, it is his conviction "that we are now at such a point of danger
in world affairs that any group dedicated to the Gospel of Hate instead of Union
constitutes a threat to our security and cannot be overlooked." This will
be a representative test which will indicate whether or not the UnAmerican
Activity Committee will investigate Williams and whether the Committee considers
an agitator like Williams less UnAmerican than a suspected
Communist. Williams blames Communism on Jewry. His writings are among the
most vicious Anti-Jewish stuff ever written in America.
Some Good Books—This column is not given to Book Reviews. However, two books of interest have just come off the press and I would like to recommend their reading. In "A Believing Jew," the late Rabbi Milton Steinberg collected writings are compiled by his wife. Rabbi Steinberg, one of the most outstanding American Jewish Spiritual leaders, who died last year at the age of 46, analyzes the major transformation that has taken place in the nature of American Jewry during the last 25 years. He establishes that American Jewry has developed from heterogeneity to homogeneity. James G. McDonald, the first American Ambassador to Israel, recounts the bloody premature birth on May 14, 1948, of Israel as a new nation in "My Mission in Israel." It is a marvelous documentary of the events of the past three years in Israel taken from the detailed memoirs of a diplomat who is loved both in his native United States and in Israel. He portrays very vividly the leaders of Israel and outlines the role the United States has played in aiding the infant state.
A New Religious School—This column has commented
previously concerning the overdue needs for improvement in facilities of
Congregation Tifereth Israel. We were sincerely glad to see the ground being
broken for an addition to the Synagogue, which will give its membership and
other members of the community, more and proper educational facilities. The need
for such facilities is great and the leadership of the Synagogue should be
congratulated for translating their hope into an edifice befitting their needs.
Rumor-Mongers—We don't know if the rumor-mongers in the San Diego are
are more vicious than in other communities of the same size, but we do know that
they are vicious. The latest rumor coming out of the E Street Grill is that the
United Jewish Fund is contemplating purchasing Beth Jacob Synagogue because the
Synagogue is in dire financial straits. Let's set the record right. The United
Jewish Fund is not contemplating purchasing Beth Jacob Synagogue. Beth Jacob
Synagogue is not in such dire financial straits that it has to sell its building
to any individual or organization. The "rumor monger" is viciously
misinterpreting; has a misconception, and is just plain lying. The Nazis,
evidently, even taught Jews a lesson—that the bigger the lie, the more people
will believe it.
The Bond Drive—Lou Steinman told me the other day that San Diego was doing an outstanding job in the Bond Drive. The figure reached to date is approximately $60,000 and the hope is to hit $100,000 by the first of the year. Lou has done an outstanding job, almost single handedly, as far as the bigger purchases are concerned. Anyone looking for a good investment, making 3 1/2 percent, can't do much better than purchasing a few bonds of the State of Israel.
Community Buildings—In our neighbor city of Los Angeles, the Community Council and the Jewish Welfare Fund have just moved into a beautiful $1,000,000 edifice which has just been completed. All of the Jewish organizations in Los Angeles have their offices in that building. Dallas' new Home for the Jewish Aged is a step nearer completion with the actual transfer of title of 37 acres of land recently purchased. Kansas city has just completed one of the finest Old Folk Homes in the nation in order to meet its problems of the aged.
Community Chest Drive—A group of Jewish Community Leaders have agreed to work on the Chest Drive this year because they realize the importance of the coming campaign. The Jewish Welfare Society will again carry the ball in the major district in downtown San Diego, in the hope of increasing the $12,000 they raised to $15,000 for this year's campaign. The Chest Campaign opens on October 15. This year make your contribution the very best you can.