Estelle Levi List of honorees Louis Rose Society Jewishsightseeing home
Writings about Estelle Levi
March 20, 1947—"Officers Attend Meet in
Portland," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: Mrs. Edgar B.
Levi, president of the Temple Sisterhood and Mrs. Alan Soule,
vice-president, have just returned from Portland, Oregon where they attended the
Regional Conference of the Federation of Temple Sisterhoods. Eighty-one
delegates representing nineteen out of the twenty-tow Sisterhoods, including
four states, namely California, Arizona, Oregon and Washington. "I was
proud to report to the convention the work of our San Diego Sisterhood,"
said Mrs. Soule who returned a few days before Mrs. Levi, "and happy to be
able to bring to our group the results of this educational and inspiring
June 19, 1947—"Temple Sisterhood Sponsor New Project," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: On Wednesday, June 25th, the regular luncheon meeting of the Tempe Beth Israel Sisterhood will be in the form of a social with a card party following the serving of luncheon at 12 noon. In addition to all members, the committee in charge urge all ladies to attend this affair to help the Sisterhood embark on their new project. All funds raised at this luncheon will go to purchase materials for the making of layettes for babies born in the Displaced Persons Camp. The Sisterhood has undertaken this work as part of the aid to the S.O.S. (Supplies for Overseas Survivors). For the past few months, the ladies have been busy gathering, sorting and packing good used clothes for the S.O.S. They will continue with that phase of thier work, and have taken this new layette project in addition. Sewing groupse are being organized and specific days will be assigned each group. This project will be under the guidance of Mrs. Edgar B. Levi. The Sisterhood hopes to send quite a large number of completed layettes to the S.O.S. in the very near future, and therefore cordially invite all the ladies in the community to take part in the project by attending the Luncheon and Card Party at the Temple Center on Wednesday, June 25th, at 12 noon.
March 28, 1950—"Council
of Jewish Women," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 23: As the
Passover week approaches and we all look forward to sitting down to our Seder,
the members of the San Diego Section National Council of Jewish Women feel
humbly grateful for their activities of the past year. In cooperation with the
Emigre Committee of the United Jewish Fund, Council has helped many newcomers to
find peace and security in their new homes here...Council women have done an
outstanding job as volunteers of the Service to New Americans project under the
very capable leadership of Mrs. Dan Lowenthal, the general chairman. Other
committee chairmen working with Mrs. Loewenthal are: Mrs. Selma Getz,
co-chairman; Mmes Harris Rubel, david Doctor, Albert Hulter, Max Neslon, Hyman
Haimsohn, Martha Hollander, George Solomon, Edgar Levi, David Horowitz
and Ossie Ehrlich... —Julia Steinman, President.
March 28, 1950, Southwestern Jewish Press, page 24, Mrs. Edgar Levi at right end of front row.
April 14, 1950—"Temple Beth Israel
Sisterhood," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 9: A delightful
addition to the planned program for the regular monthly luncheon meeting of the
Temple Beth Israel Sisterhood has just been announced by Mrs. Sam Friedman,
program chairman. Patrick Hanratty, baritone, will sing accompanied by Mrs.
Marguerite B. Nobles at the piano. Mr. Hanratty is a pupil of Mrs. Nobles who is
the organist at the regular Friday night services at Temple Beth Israel.... Main
business of the afternoon will be the election of officers. Nominees presented
at the March meeting by Mrs. Edgar Levi, chairman of the nominating
committee, are: President, Mrs. Carl Esenoff; 1st vice president, Mrs. Abe Sklar;
2nd vice president, Mrs. Mack Esterson, 3rd vice president, Mrs. Harold Elden;
Recording Secretary, Mrs. Seymour Rabin; corresponding secretary, Mrs. Nathan
Schiller, financial secretary, Mrs. Norman Seltzer, treasurer, Mrs. Ben Harris.
Nominated to serve on the Board of Directors are: Mmes Sam Siraton, Florence
Corwin, Sam Friedman, Maury Novak, Harry Demsey and Robert Stone...
April 28, 1950— photo and caption, UJF ladies, Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 1
April 28, 1950— "Magic Carpet Day, Sunday, April
30th: Be A Worker or Stay at Home Until A Worker Calls on You," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 16: Over 150 "Modern Miracle Workers" are
expected to participate in San Diego's "Operation Magic Carpet" this
Sunday, April 30th, Morris Douglas, chairman of the day, stated. Gathering for
instructions at Beth Israel Center, the workers will breakfast (courtesy of the
Jolly Sixteen) at 9:30 a.m., receive their lists and be off to knock on doors on
behalf of the "Keep the Miracle Alive" Campaign of the United Jewish
Fund. "Magic Carpet Day," said Douglas, "is an effort to
dramatically call to the attention of the Jews of San Diego, the needs of the
Jews of Europe, Africa and the Moslem countries, as well as Israel, and to have
the greatest possible coverage in the history of any campaign. We hope that our
Miracle Workers will cover over 1200 prospects on this one day." All
organizations have helped in the recruitment of workers. To date, the following
workers have signed their pledge to be the crew of the "Magic
Carpet": Rose Abrams, A.A. Abramson, Sam Addleson, Manny Adler, E. S.
Also, Rose Anderson, Jeremiah Aronoff, Ruth Aronoff, Rose E. Aved, Ruben Aved,
Mrs. Eva Berger, Meir Bleiberg, Ruth Bloom, Miss Teresa Block, Mrs. Ted G. Brav,
Sam Brenes, Edward Breitbard, Jackie Brodman, Dave Brooks, Jeanne Camiel, Zel
Camiel, Ann Cantor, Eva Chenkin, Saul Chenkin, E.M. Cohen, Minnie Cohen,
Irving N. Cohen, Barbara Cohn, Mrs. Paul Cudnay, Elliott L. Cushman, Mrs. Ray
Davidson, Al Doctor, Morris Douglas, Sam Druskin, James Effron, Leonard Effron,
Mrs. L. Elvove, Harry Elkin, Harry Engel, David Engel, Mrs. A. Epstein, Carl M.
Esenoff, Mack Esterson, Harry E. Farb, Mrs. Alvin Feiler, Abe Feingold, Ben
Feinberg, Mrs. Morris Feldman, Jack Fine, Joseph A. Finkelman, Sam. E. Fishman,
Manuel Fisher, David Frank, Mrs. Esther Frank, Milton Fredman, William Fried,
Jerome Freedman, Irving E. Friedman, Zena Frommer, Dr. Allan D. Gale, Rena
Garvin, Sarah Geller, Joseph Gellman, Betty Gendelman, S. Glaser, Henry Goldy,
Sandor Goldberger, Muriel Goldhammer, M.D. Goodrich, I.S. Gordon, Ernest Green,
Mrs. Mathilda Green,l M. Greenberg, Gertrude Harris, Minnie K. Harris, Mrs. I.
Heller, Leon Heiman, David Horowitz, Rodin S. Horrow, Ralph Hosenpud, Paul
Jacoby, Joe Kaplan, Frank Kenin, Jennie Kochberg, Tully Kitaen, John Kluchin,
Nixie Kern, S. Klug, Dr. J. Kwint, Mrs. Joseph Kwint, Alan Lame, F. Lavender, I.
Lebb, Mrs. Anne Lee, James Lester, Letty Levin, Richard C. Levi, Louis Levitt,
J.H. Lipitt, Freda Mallen, Marian Doctor, Mrs. William Mintz, Louis Moorsteen,
Mrs. Wm L. Moss, Yale Naliboff, Paul Nestor, Mrs. Roan Ogelsby, Sam Orlansky,
Mitzy Ornstein, Morris Penn, Mrs. Morton B. Peskin, Peter K. Phillipp, Lou
Pollack, Bella Price, Henry J. Price, Seymour Rabin, Max Rabinowtiz, Ada
Randall, Sol Randall, Bertha Rassin, Nate Ratner, Herbert Rede, Edith Reder, Dr.
J. Rittoff, Milton Roberts, Sid Rose, Mrs. Sadie Rosenblum, Jacob Rosenthal,
Sadie Rothberger, Lucille Rubel, Pauline Rubel, Ben B. Rubin, Norman Rubin,
Harry Ruja, Leon Ruskin, Dave Schissell, Anne Schloss, David M. schloss, Victor
Schulman, Goldie Schusterman, Wm. B. Schwartz, Philip Shames, R. Shifrenson,
Jennie Siner, I.A. Soberman, Abramah Sklar, J.W. Snyder, Zolda Solov, Joe M.
Spatz, Marshall Starr, Mrs. George Starr, Art Stone, Dave Stotsky, Mrs. David
Sugarman, Mort Thaler, Judy Traub, Jennie S. Turner, Beronda Tulchinsky, Morris
Wax, Mrs. Henry Weinberger, Rose S. Wenig, MRs. Lucille Weisel, Sidney O. Weiss,
Jay Wellins, Sylvia Winicki, Robert Allen Wohl, Joe Yaffe, Barney Yanett,
Maurice Zahlasky, Leo Zwiebel, Maurice Ackerman, Harry Demsey, Irving Hertz,
Harry Klaskin, Maxwell Kaufman, Dr. R.M. Stone, John Ruskin, Sam Fisher, Mrs.
Harold Elden, Mrs. Estelle Levi, Mrs. Helen schulman, Mrs. Evelyn Cantor, Mrs.
Julia Neuman, Mrs. Sadie Berenson, Mrs. Selma Getz, Mrs. Bernice Esenoff, Mrs.
Betty Penter, MRs. Gladys Block, Mrs. Anita Kahn, Mrs. Sarah Horrow, Mrs. Bess
Snyder, MRs. Lillian Newman, Mrs. Lillian Nathan, MRs. Ida Nasatir, Mrs. Lillian
Bland, Mrs. Sally Ratner, Mrs. Sara Goodrich, Mrs. Maxwell Kaufman, Mrs. Gabriel
Berg, Mrs. I. Teacher, Mrs. Esther Cherney, Mrs. Anna Perlmutter, Mrs. Rose
Neumann, Mrs. Max Gardner, Mrs. Lillian Ravin.
May 12, 1950—"Tips on Spring Cleaning," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 3: This is the time of year when closets are turned
inside out. Mother looks over her wardrobe to decide what stays and what goes.
Father wishes he could clear away some of the furniture cluttering up his garage
and Junior decides he can put to better use the drawer space now being occupied
by clothing he has outgrown. The Council of Jewish Women and the staff of their
Thrift Shop have some excellent tips to help expedite the Spring cleaning. The
knowledge that you are helping newcomers in this country and sharing with others
the articles you no longer need should be an impetus to Spring clearance.
Put those idle things to good use by phoning Martha Hollander, F. 9-1782 or Estelle
Levi, J-4348. If you wish to delver anything in person the Thrift Shop is
located at 1747 Logan.
May 26, 1950—Madame X, "Council of Jewish Women," Southwestern
Jewish Press, Letters to the Editor, page 2: It is with deep humility that I
write this column, my first as "Madame X" that is ex-president of San
Diego Section, National Council of Jewish Women. I look back on the past two
years with its trials and errors, many hours of anxiety and often a sense of
futility wondering why life must be so complicated. However, the more
complications that arise, the greater the challenge to succeed. Being a
clubwoman is like being a mother. For nine months we prepare with care, patience
and anxiety looking forward with great anticipation to the grand climax. When
the great day arrives there is a sense of joy and pride that something fine has
been accomplished. San Diego Section, National Council of Jewish Women, have
brought two important events to fulfillment in the past year. The Council House
and Thrift Shop, and like a mother they have a fierce pride in their two
infants. They still require a lot of care and guidance, especially the Thrift
Shop which must be sustained during the coming summer months in order to meet
the obligations which continue although Council has no meetings during the
summer. Likewise Council House must continue to function to be prepared for
newcomers that will arrive during the summer. I should like to share the pride I
recently felt, when as a delegate I attended the Western Regional Conference,
National Council of Jewish Women in Salt Lake City. It was there, fellow
members, I learned that our section was the only one among many small sections
that operated a thrift shop. I learned many other important facts but of
greatest importance was our section being represented at the conference and
meeting with delegates from the entire West Coast who are also giving their time
and energy for the fine work carried on by National Council of Jewish
Women. May I take this opportunity to thank the officers who served with
me for their cooperation, understanding and guidance. To all the chairmen and
co-chairmen and all who served to further the work of our section, may I say
"thank you" for a job well done. I know you feel, as I do, that the
satisfaction gained from your job is thanks enough. To name you all at this time
would take too much space, but I do want to mention Mrs. Estelle Levi, chairman
of Thrift Shop for the time spent in keeping the shop well manned with
volunteers. In closing, may I ask that you give to my successor, Mrs. David
Doctor, and her officers, the affection, cooperation and understanding given me
during my administration.
July 21, 1950—"Thrift Shop," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: The summer months have not closed the doors of the Council's Thrift Shop. The shop is being manned by Mr. and Mrs. V. Tolontino, new Americans who can speak Spanish, and volunteer workers from the membership of the Council of Jewish Women.The Council has done a magnificent job in assisting the Emigre Committee of the United Jewish Fund to settle New Americans in San Diego. Through its Thrift Shop, it has clothed the newcomers and supplied the necessities for them to start housekeeping. In addition to the sale of articles collected from the community, the Thrift Shop is used to store clothing, furniture and household supplies until needed. Many new families are expected in San Diego and any assistance you can give at the beginning of their new life will go a long way toward helping them get a good start. If you have furniture or clothing not in use, please contact either Estelle Levi, chairman of the Thrift Shop, at J-6385, or Martha Hallander, F-9-1782, F-1211.
September 6, 1950—"Council's Gala Halloween Dance," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: ... Our Thrift Shop at 1747 Logan Ave. is open every day. If you wish any articles picked up call Martha Hollander at F 9-1782, F-1211, or Estelle Levi, J-6385.
September 22, 1950—1) "Temple Sisterhood," Southwest
Jewish Press, page 7: Mrs. Carl Esenoff, beginning her first tem as
president of Temple Beth Israel Sisterhood, will preside over the opening
meeting of the fall season on Wednesday, September 27th. The luncheon meeting
will begin at 11:45 and will be held in the Temple Center. A fashion show
sponsored by one of San Diego's leading stores will be the main attraction of
this very interesting meeting. The very latest in design and style will be
modeled by members of the Sisterhood as well as professionals. Molly Morse will
be commentator. Mrs. A. Lee Herz, accomplished pianist and a Sisterhood member,
will provide the music. Sisterhood members who will model are: Mmes William
Gerelick, Edgar Levi, Jerome Greben, Leon Heiman, Hubert G. Wolff and
Mrs. Harris Rubel...The officers and board members of Temple Beth Israel
Sisterhood will be hostesses to members, their friends and guests.
Assisting Mrs. Esenoff will be: Mmes Robert Stone, Dave Ferer, J. Alweis, L.
Bickman, Morton J. Cohen (sic, Cohn), Florence Corwin, H. Demsey, H. Elden, Mack
Esterson, Sam Friedman, M. Getz, J. Goodman, M. Goodrich, J. Gruenberg, Ben
Harris, L. Heiman, A. Hutler, M. Kaufman, J. Krone, E. Levi, L. Lynn, R.
Miller, H. Myers, L. Novak, S. Rabin, N. Schiller, N. Seltzer, S. Siraton, A.
Sklar, S. Stein and H. Weinberger....
2) "Council Thrift Shop," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 2:
Lucille Rubel wishes to thank the men of the community who supplied her with the
necessary suits which brightened up the holidays for some of our new Americans.
She particularly wishes to thank Libby Smith for her close cooperation in this
very necessary work. Don't forget the Thrift Shop, located at 1747 Logan
Ave. For pick-ups, telephone Martha Hollander at F. 9-1782, F-1211, or Estelle
Levi, J-6385. The entire proceeds of the Thrift Shop go to support the Emigre
program of Council.
October 6, 1950—"S.D. Section Council of Jewish Women," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: ...Don't forget that Council's Thrift Shop is open daily at 1747 Logan Avenue. I fyou have any articles of clothing, furniture, etc., phone Martha Hollander at F-9-1782, F-1211, or Estelle Levi, J-6385.
October 20, 1950—"Personals," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 3: Mrs. Edgar Levi and her friend, Mrs. B. Baer of Beverly Hills, are using all forms of transportation on their trip to New Orleans and Havana, Cuba. The two week's journey will include trips by boat, plane and train.
November 17, 1950—"Council Thrift Shop," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: Council's Thrift Shop will have a special sale of merchandise to make way for new donations. Now is the time to put your unused things to good use by calling Mrs. M. Hollander, F. 9-1782 or Mrs. E. Levi, F.6385, or take them to the Thrift Shop, 1737 Logan.
December 15, 1951—"Council of Jewish Women," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7: /At the last meeting of the National Council of Jewish Women it was with deep regret that we were compelled to accept the resignation of our President, Marion Doctor, due to illness. For the balance of the year, until a new slate of officers is brought in, the organization will function monthly, with the advice and consultation of the advisory board, consisting of Julia Steinman, Estelle Levi and Rose Loewenthal. Since the New Year Holiday will precede our meeting date, a tea will be served on the regular meeting day, Tuesday January 2 at 12 noon at Temple Center instead of the usual luncheon. An interesting program is planned. Please bring your friends. Remember the Hattie Heller Camp Fund and rummage for the Thrift Shop.
February 2, 1951—"Sisterhood
Gets Set for Convention," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5:
Assisting Mrs. Samuel Friedman, chairman, in planning for the delegates to the
21st biennial convention of the western Federation of Temple Sisterhoods, to be
held in San Diego February 18 to 21, are: Mmes Maxwell Kaufman, Morton J. Cohn,
Slema Getz, Murray D. Goodrich, Sigmund Stein, Nathan Schiller, Louis Bickman,
Ben Harris, Edgar Levi, Mack Esterson, Jacob Gruenberg, Joseph Krone,
Herny Weinberger, Joseph Alweis, Jerome Greben, Maurice Ackerman. Albert Hutler,
Robert Stone, abe Sklar, Dave Ferer ande Hobby Myers....
April 13, 1951—"Women's Division Nears Goal with 95 Percent in the Bag," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 1: This is a campaign of urgency—a now or never
drive—and the women are showing the way in top speed in driving to the
conclusion of their section of the 1951 Combined Jewish Appeal. With about
$#20,000 in the bag at the opening of the Blue Feather Luncheons held at the San
Diego Hotel, the homes of Mrs. Rodin Horrow, O.P. Reed and Victor Schulman, the
women secured an additional $12,000 to pull within easy distance of thier goal
of $35,000. The program at the Continental Room of the hotel was televised
through KFMB-TV with Sara Goodrich, Ann Ratner, Rose Neuman, Gladys Block,
Estelle Levi and Bess Snyder in the leading roles. Avraham Doryon, Israeli top
motion picture star, now starring in Dream No More at the Ken Theatre,
was the guest of hoor and made a speech which touched every woman present, and
those that heard him on radio or television. Mrs. Goldie Moss, of Los Angeles,
joined Mr. Doryon in telling the story of the United Jewish Appeal major
beneficiary of the Fund to the over 300 blue feathered women. Planning is going
on in the Women's Division campaign cabinet to finish the drive by May 1st with
an over the top success.
April 27, 1951—photo, Southwestern Jewish Press, page 3:
Mrs. David Block and Mrs. Estelle Levi, (middle)
BLUE FEATHER DAY, Co-chairmen with Mrs. Harry
Snyder, glow with satisfaction as they and Avram
Doryon, leading Israeli film star, follow the results
of the Women's Division BLUE FEATHER DAY
luncheon at the San Diego Hotel, attended by
100 women.
June 22, 1951—"Temple Beth Israel Sisterhood," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: A Board Meeting and delightful luncheon were held on June 13 in the patio of newly elected president of the Temple Sisterhood, Mrs. Samuel Friedman. Plans were discussed and formulated for a banner year for the remainder of 1951 and 1952. The following Chairmanship appointments were announced by Mrs. Friedman: ...New Americans Committee, Mrs. Edgar Levi...
October 12, 1951—"Temple Beth Israel
Sisterhood," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: ... Honored this
month will be New Americans, who have been invited to become guest members of
Sisterhood for one year. Mmes. Edgar B. Levi and Harry Felsen are Co-chairmen of
the New American Committee....
February 22, 1952—"$272,146.00
Goal Set for S.D.; Fund Answers Plea by Setting 1948 Level: Mogy and Schwartz
Manpower Chairmen," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: In response
to a call from the United Jewish Appeal to Jewish communities of America to meet
their responsibility in 1952 by raising the same monies as in 1948, the Board of
the United Jewish Fund, at a meeting held earlier this week, set the goal for
the combined Jewish Appeal Campaign at $272,146.00, the exact amount raised in
1948. "Though this represents an increase of 30 percent over 1951, my
co-chairmen and I," said Jack Gross, "have faith in the Jews of San
Diego answering the desperate plea of their brethren overseas. we are confident
that every Jew in San Diego will play his part in this great cause." The
formal announcement of the April 1st opening of the United Jewish Fund's
Combined Jewish Appeal for 1952 put organization plans into high gear as Jack
Gross and his Chairmen announced the appointment of William Schwartz and Louis
Mogy as Manpower Mobilization Chairmen. Organizations cooperating in the
campaign have already begun the appointment of their chairmen: Philip Abrams for
the Cottage of Israel; William Schwartz for Lasker Lodge B'nai B'rith; Sam
Addleson for Congregation Tifereth Israel; and Mrs. Ann Godes for Beth Jacob
Sisterhood. The Labor Zionists have selected Fred Yaruss, and the City of Hope
Auxiliary appointed Sophie Himmel. Other appointments were Mrs. Albert
Hutler for Temple Beth Israel Sisterhood; John Kluchin and Irving Cohen, Samuel
I Fox Lodge B'nai B'rith; Mrs. Edgar Levi, National Council of Jewish Women, and
Mrs. Rose Brooker, Pioneer Women Negba Club. Mogy and Schwartz are both
past-presidents of B'nai B'rith and active in civic affairs. They will begin
recruiting workers through organizations and personal contacts, urging everyone
to join in the effort on behalf of local, national and overseas organizations as
well as Israel. In a message to (Jack) Gross, (Harry) Snyder, (Louis)
Moorsteen and (Sol) Price, campaign leaders, Edward N. Warburg, general chairman
of the UJA pointed out that "israel today is fighting a desperate battle to
achieve victory over austerity, shortages, inflations and under
production." He called upon San Diego "to match this year's entire
United Jewish Appeal Drive with that of 1948 when it raised
$272,146.00." The current nationwide United Jewish Appeal Campaign
will be launched officially February 24th in Miami Beach.
March 21, 1952—1) "Personals," Southwestern Jewish Press, page
3: ... Comm0unity members seen at the recent Lorita Baker Vallely lecture and
book review were Mmes. Henry Weinberger, Maxwell Kaufman, Harry Rose, Joseph
Alweis, Jennie Drogin, Estelle Levi, Leonard Drogin and Morris Niederman.
2) "Women's Division Announce $25,840 Raised To Date," Southwestern
Jewish Press, page 4: Results of the $100,00 minimum luncheon held in the
Don Room of the El Cortez Hotel thrilled everyone as Loretta Gross announced
that $8,745 was raised from 76 women present. As campaign plans for the official
opening on April 1st began to unfold, the Women's Division had $25,840 towards
its drive to gather $40,000 as its share of the $272,146 goal in San
Diego. "Change a tent into a home for Israel women" in this year
of the great Homemaking was the plea made by Mrs. Kurt Laemmle, National United
Jewish Appeal leader. Lucky winner of the "Edith Small" Original Suit
was Ann Ratner. A "Michel Original" Suit, donated by Gladys Scott
Smart Shop was also on display. It will be awarded to the holder of the lucky
door prize at the $25 minimum luncheon on April 1st in the Don Room of the El
Cortez Hotel. Hostesses for the Luncheon were Mesdames Gabriel Berg, Saul
Chenkin, Selma Getz, M.D. Goodrich, Jack Gross, Rodin Horrow, Estelle Levi,
Harry Mallen, Louis Moorsteen, Al Neumann, George Neumann, Sol Price, Abe Ratner,
Nathaniel Ratner, Victor Schulman, Harry Snyder, Louis Steinman and Robert
3) "Thrift Shop Moves," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: The
Thrift Shop operated by the San Diego Section of National Council of Jewish
Women announce the opening of a new and enlarged shop at 1833 Imperial Ave. The
women of Council have done a splendid job in conducting this project which
finances their service to the New Americans in the community and contributes to
our budget for community projects and services to Israel. It also employs as
managers Mr. and Mrs. Tolantino. The Tolantinos left their native Jugo-Slavia to
find home and refuge in America. Under the able chairmanship of Mrs. Estelle
Levi, her Co-Chairman, Mrs. Erlick, and her committee, Mrs. Henry Weinberger,
Mrs. Joseph Hollander and MRs. Fritz Lavender, the Thrift Shop is a project
comparable in efficiency, if not in size, to the over one hundred such shops
operated by Council Sections throughout the United States. All household
furniture and equipment contributed by members and friends is put aside for the
homes of the New Americans. Nothing they need is sold. If they need clothing,
that too is available at no charge. The new location has ample room for storage
of furniture and equipment for the homes of the newcomers. Good salable
merchandise is needed to keep the store well stocked. The women of the community
are urged to send surplus garments and household furnishings to the Thrift Shop.
Please call Mrs. Hollander (Franklin 9-1782) for pick-up.
May 30, 1952—"Council
Throws Spot Light on Activities," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6:
On Friday, June 6, at 12 o'clock at the El Cortez Hotel, the San Diego Section
Council of Jewish Women will turn the spotlight on the many activities of the
local section in its relationship with the National Organization. each section
is a vital part of the national program. .San Diego Section, with its well
organized program, working with the New Americans, its Thrift Shop, its project
in Geriatrics, has been recognized as an active participant of the whole
program, and this year was given recognition for its effort by the national
publication. Mrs. R. Smith, president, who has done an outstanding piece of work
in this community and who has been renominated to head Council again, will throw
the spotlight on the many achievements accomplished during her regime, when she
presents her annual report. Mrs. Sadie Haimsohn, chairman of the nominating
committee will present the following slate for election: Pres., Mrs. R.R. Smith;
1st Vice Pres, Mrs. M. Roberts; 2nd Vice Pres, Mrs. M. Benson, 3rd Vice Pres.,
Mrs. D. Jaffee; 4th Vice Pres; Mrs. E. Levi; Rec. Secretary, Mrs. H. Weinberger;
Corres. Sec, Mrs. A. Breslaur; Treas., Mrs. S. Getz. As always Council
exends an invitation to all Jewish women of the Community who desire to
participate in a program that is challenging and interesting. San Diego Section
will spotlight these highlights by showing a remarkable series of colored films
which are being flown out from New York for this meeting. Reservations are
a must—so please make them immediately by calling Mrs. I. Burdman, R-3562;
Mrs. H. Kaufman, R-3751 or Mrs. M. Roberts, T-8855. Mrs. D. Horowtiz and Mrs. H.
Kaufman are co-chairmen in charge of arrangements.
14, 2005— Donald H. Harrison, "Louis Rose
Society—An Update," San Diego Jewish Times, page 12
December 28, 2005—Visit to Cypress View Mausoleum, chapel, San Diego,
{Eric Poliak photo}