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Clinton tells Al Jazeera that Israel should stop all settlement growth READ MORE Brownback, Casey push bill to divest from companies doing Iran business READMORE AIPAC official urges campaign for sanctions on Iran-bound oil READ MORE RJC backs Kyl amendment banning U.S. funds for Iran petroleum READ MORE RAND Corp. says U.S. should not overestimate Iran's global cloutREAD MORE Auschwitz Album from Yad Vashem documents mass murder processREAD MORE
THE JEWS DOWN UNDER ... A roundup of Australian Jewish news by Garry Fabian
Community leaders criticised for not supporting Marcus EinfeldREAD MORE Pediatrician is Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro for the kidsREAD MORE Aussie swimmers to tackle US Olympic star at Maccabiah GamesREAD MORE Spotlight king dies at 63READ MORE The Maccabi conundrumREAD MORE Recognising "the quiet achievers"READ MORE
Feinstein, Schumer, and Collins introduce 'Cash for Clunkers'READ MORE Obama's fuel emissions proposaldraws congressional comment READ MORE Sherman proposes low cost loans for more expensive homes READ MORE Kohl holds hearing to preventcreation of minimum product pricesREAD MORE Nadler proposes bill for federally protected transportation careersREAD MORE Jewish communal workers to convene in Washington June 3 READ MORE
Role playing helps parents, faculty understand behavior issuesREAD MORE MEDIA WATCH, aka "Here's the link "READ MORE
When 'Hebrew Day' became 'Yiddish-Ladino Day' School ... by Donald H. Harrison in San Diego For the purpose of “Generations Day,” Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School was transformed into Soille San Diego Yiddish and Ladino Day School.READ MORE
JUDAISM Bible in Pop Culture God let the dry land appear, Genesis 1:9 SEE IMAGES
Look for this TV Program READ MORE Christian Group Formed to Aid United Jewish Fund READ MORE
JEWISH INTERNET FAVORITES We continue our examination of Jewish entertainers
David Warner is mad scientist Alfred Necessiter in "The Man With Two Brains"VIEW VIDEO Leslie Ann Warren is Cinderella to Stuart Damon's Prince CharmingVIEW VIDEO Anson Williams as Potsy sings "Deeply" in "Happy Days" TV seriesVIEW VIDEO Henry Winkler as The Fonz in "Happy Days" TV seriesVIEW VIDEO
Bonus: U.S. Swimmer Jason Lezak comes from behind in 2008 OlympicsVIEW VIDEO
'Today as we print and attach audio for three more of Hal Wingard's songs, our thoughts and those of all his friends and family are with him as he struggles with very serious health issues.
The Editor's Mailbag: International news of Jewish interest
Clinton tells Al Jazeera that Israel
should stop all settlement growth
WASHINGTON, D.C.--Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in an interview on Tuesday with Abderrahim Foukora of Al Jazeera, said about Israel, "First, we want to see a stop to settlement construction, additions, natural growth – any kind of settlement activity."
Here are a transcript and video of the interview, both provided to media by the U.S. State Department:
QUESTION: Madame Secretary, thanks for your time, first of all, for talking to this program on Al Jazeera. The meeting yesterday between President Obama and the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, after the meeting, President Obama could not have made it any clearer that he wanted a two-state solution. On the other hand, Prime Minister Netanyahu sort of danced around the issue without using the terminology, which has raised concerns in the Arab world. How concerned are you about the fact that he didn’t actually mention once “two-state solution”?
SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, this is the beginning, and we see this as an intensive period of our outreach and of our frankly laying out what we want to see happen. You rightly point out that the President underscored our commitment to a two-state solution and also called for a stop to the settlements. We have made that very clear. I reinforced that last night at a dinner that I hosted for Prime Minister Netanyahu.
Now the hard work starts. But I think it is significant that the Obama Administration is not waiting. We are starting this intensive engagement right now, very early in our Administration. We have consulted broadly already. Both George Mitchell and I have spoken with many Arab leaders, as well, of course, with the Palestinians and the Israelis. And we are determined to forge ahead on what we believe is in the best interests of the Israelis, the Palestinians, the larger region, and the world, as well as what we think is right. And the President – our President has often said, “Judge us on our actions, not our words.” But his words were very strong, and now we intend to match those words with our actions.
QUESTION: Madame Secretary, when President Obama yesterday talked about the issue of settlements and he said that he wanted the Israelis to freeze the building on the West Bank, does that mean that he wants the settlements, the existing settlements, to be rolled back to the 1967 border, specifically?
SECRETARY CLINTON: Well, there are two pieces to that question. First, we want to see a stop to settlement construction, additions, natural growth – any kind of settlement activity. That is what the President has called for. We also are going to be pushing for a two-state solution which, by its very name, implies borders that have to be agreed to. And we expect to see two states living side by side, a state for the Palestinians that will be sovereign and within which the Palestinians will have the authorities that come with being in charge of a state with respect to such activities as settlements. So it’s really a two-step effort here. We want to see a stop now, and then, as part of this intensive engagement that Senator Mitchell is leading for us, we want to move toward a two-state solution with borders for the Palestinians.
QUESTION: Madame Secretary, on the issue of the division, the split within the Palestinian body, Fatah and Hamas, can you envisage a scenario where you would be able to achieve a two-state solution without talking in some way, in some form, to Hamas?
SECRETARY CLINTON: I believe that Hamas has to comply with not only the Quartet principles but the underlying principles of the Arab Peace Initiative. You cannot expect either Fatah or the Israelis or Arabs who wish to see this matter resolved, with a two-state solution, to work with a group that does not believe in the outcome of these efforts. And in any peace negotiation that I’m aware of anywhere in the world, groups that are resistance groups, insurgent groups, guerilla groups, when they come to the peace table have to commit to peace. And we would expect Hamas to recognize Israel’s right to exist, to renounce violence as the way to the achievement of a homeland for the Palestinian people, and to recognize the prior agreements that have been entered into by the Palestinians either through the PLO or the PA.
I think that’s an incredibly reasonable request. Now, it is truly up to Hamas. The unity efforts that Egypt has been leading have been difficult because, clearly, there are very strongly divergent opinions that are being expressed. My hope is that I will see, you will see Palestinian children in their own state having a chance to lead normal lives, being given the opportunity to fulfill their own God-given potential, to get an education, to get the healthcare they need, to have good jobs and pursue their dreams. I don’t want to see them consigned to years more of conflict that just destroys that future.
And I think we have an opportunity now. We have a President of the United States who has already reached out and said here is what I’m committed to doing. I am committed. We have a team in this Administration, and we are looking for partners. We think that the Palestinian Authority is ready to be a partner. We believe through our efforts we will get the Israelis to make the kind of commitment to a two-state solution that is absolutely necessary. We know that many leaders in the Arab world see this in a different way, as the Arab Peace Initiative suggests. So let’s try to bring people to that recognition, and that includes Hamas.
QUESTION: Madame Secretary, thanks for the time, and I hope we can have you again on Al Jazeera. SECRETARY CLINTON: Thank you very much. Nice to talk to you. QUESTION: Great to see you. Thank you very much.
Brownback, Casey push bill to divest
from companies doing Iran business
WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Sam Brownback (Republican, Kansas) and Bob Casey (Democrat, Pennsylvania) Monday night introduced the Iran Sanctions Enabling Act, legislation which would authorize the divestment of public pension money from companies doing business in Iran’s oil and natural gas sector.
Brownback said, “We must take every possible step to pressure the Iranian regime to abandon its illegal pursuit of nuclear weapons, its global sponsorship of terrorism, and its brutal oppression of the Iranian people. Divestment can and should play a key role in this effort. I am pleased to join with Senator Casey to introduce this bipartisan legislation that would authorize state and local governments to divest their assets from companies known to be assisting Iran’s energy sector, and provide safe harbor for fund managers who participate in authorized divestment. I look forward to working with President Obama on this important initiative, as I did when he and I introduced this legislation in the last Congress.”
Iranian leaders have publicly estimated that Iran requires $20 billion annually in investments for its oil and natural gas sector. The revenue from Iran’s oil and gas industry directly funds its nuclear program as well as its support for international terrorism. Iran has been repeatedly identified by the U.S. State Department as the chief state sponsor of international terrorism. Iran defies the international community, its nonproliferation obligations and numerous United Nations resolutions by continuing to develop its nuclear program.
Casey said, “State and local governments, including the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, should have the right to ensure their investments and pension funds do not support companies that do business with Iran. Iran will only cease its illicit nuclear program and end its support for terror groups like Hamas and Hezbollah when it is compelled to pay an economic price. I am pleased to be working on this important bipartisan legislation with Senator Brownback.”
Due to the economic sanctions, risk warnings, credit restrictions, and other measures announced by the international community, the conduct of business in Iran’s energy sector is especially risky. By investing in companies with ties to Iran’s energy sector, states put their assets at substantial financial and global security risk. Eighteen U.S. states already have either enacted Iran divestment legislation, or adopted policies to the same effect.
Preceding provided by Senator Bob Casey's office
AIPAC official urges campaign
for sanctions on Iran-bound oil
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release)--Jonathan E. Missner, director of national affairs and development for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), has sent a letter to friends of Israel saying "We are at a critical juncture in efforts to prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapons capability.
"Iran now has enough low enriched uranium, that if further enriched, is enough for one first generation nuclear device," he wrote in a public letter. "That's why I'm writing to ask your immediate assistance in helping us work with Congress to pass new legislation aimed at curbing Iran's nuclear threat."
He urged supporters of Israel to contact members of Congress and to ask them "to cosponsor the Iran Refined Petroleum Sanctions Act (IRPSA). This legislation aims to increase economic pressure on Iran to abandon its illicit nuclear pursuit."
He said that "Iran's domestic needs require it to import 40% of its gasoline today. That is why IRPSA, which authorizes sanctions against any entity that provides Iran with refined petroleum can be an effective economic tool to persuade Iran to change its behavior.
"During the 2008 presidential campaign, then Senator Barack Obama backed such a move saying 'if we can prevent them from importing the gasoline they need...that starts changing their cost benefit analysis. That starts putting the squeeze on them.'"
The development director also asked for donations to AIPAC to help finance the organization's work as an advocate for Israel.
The preceding was provided by AIPAC
RJC backs Kyl amendment banning U.S. funds for Iran petroleum
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release)--The Republican Jewish Coalition has urged its members to call their U.S. Senators to urge support for adoption of the Kyl Amendment. The RJC statement follows:
This week, the United States Senate is debating a bill to fund "emergency" needs, principally the ongoing military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, for the remainder of the fiscal year that ends on September 30.
Senate Minority Whip Jon Kyl (Republican, Arizona) has proposed a critical amendment to ensure that no funds from the federal Strategic Petroleum Reserve can go to companies that help the Islamic Republic of Iran import or export energy or energy-related goods or materials. ...
Last month, the Department of Energy awarded a contract to purchase 10.7 million barrels of crude oil for the Strategic
Petroleum Reserve to the European petroleum traders Vitol and Shell Trading. The total cost of these contracts was $553 million.
It is estimated that last year, these two companies provided over 40% of Iran's gasoline imports.
And the Department of Energy has outstanding contracts to purchase 6.2 million more barrels of crude oil for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve from Shell Trading and Glencore, which also sells gasoline to Iran.
Although Iran produces a surplus of crude oil, it lacks the capacity to refine that oil into usable fuel. As a result, it must import some 40 percent of the gas it needs.
During the presidential campaign last fall -- including in the debates -- then-Senator Obama urged sanctions aimed at exploiting this weakness as a way of pressuring Iran short of war: "If we can prevent them from importing the gasoline that they need... that starts putting the squeeze on them."
Last month -- thanks in part to RJC's grassroots efforts -- the Senate adopted a Kyl amendment to next year's budget to prevent any expenditures to these companies that do business with Iran's energy sector.
The current Kyl amendment applies that principle to funds appropriated in this supplemental funding bill.
Preceding provided by the Republican Jewish Coalition
RAND Corp. says U.S. should not overestimate Iran's global clout
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release)--Iran's rise as a regional power presents a key foreign policy and security challenge to the United States, but its reach may be more limited than Western conventional wisdom suggests, according to a RAND Corporation study issued today.
U.S. strategy must recognize Iran's role as an influential, but not omnipotent, player in the Middle East and work to exploit existing barriers to Iran's harmful activities, while simultaneously seeking areas of engagement, the study finds.
The study by RAND, a non-profit research organization, finds that a Cold-War-style containment approach mischaracterizes the threat from Iran, risking missed opportunities and potentially damaging other U.S. interests in the region. A combination of containment and engagement is more likely to succeed.
The report, "Dangerous But Not Omnipotent: Exploring the Reach and Limitations of Iranian Power in the Middle East," is an in-depth survey of the strategic challenges posed by Iran, as well as limitations to its power projection.
According to the authors, the Islamic Republic does not seek territorial aggrandizement or, despite its rhetoric, the imposition of its revolutionary ideology onto neighboring Middle Eastern states. Instead, the authors find that Tehran feeds off longstanding grievances with the status quo, particularly in the Arab world, often playing the role of "arsonist and fireman" to exaggerate its clout in Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq.
Specifically, the report focuses on four key areas: the Iranian regime's underlying perception of itself in the world as a regional and even global power; its conventional military buildup and aspirations for asymmetric warfare; its support for militant non-state organizations in Iraq and Lebanon; and Tehran's ability to exploit pan-Arab causes, such as Palestine, and anti-Western sentiment.
"Iranian power projection and ambitions in the Middle East are among the most pressing foreign policy issues facing the United States," said Frederic Wehrey, the report's lead author and a senior policy analyst at RAND. "But Tehran's aspirations are circumscribed by barriers in the regional system it is trying to influence, as well as its own domestic disarray, limited conventional capacity, and frequent strategic missteps."
The report finds that Iranian power faces serious liabilities that the United States can exploit. Despite its outward assertiveness and revolutionary rhetoric, the regime's strategic calculus is tempered by some pragmatic tendencies. Key aspects of the Islamic Republic's developing military capabilities, particularly ballistic missiles and naval tactics, increasingly threaten U.S. and allied interests. Yet its large conventional forces are structurally weak, suffer from unrealistic training, and require considerable resources.
Tehran's close relationships with so-called "proxy" groups like Hamas and Hizballah do not necessarily translate into direct Iranian control over their activities. And while Iran has at times been successful in exploiting Arab popular opinion on Palestine and the nuclear issue, it has often overplayed its hand, provoking sharp criticism in the Arab media, the study finds.
To exploit these limitations on Iranian power, the authors recommend a new approach that integrates elements of engagement and containment. This includes:
Applying increased multilateral pressure on Iran's nuclear ambitions while deescalating unilateral U.S. pressure on Iran;
Pursuing bilateral U.S.-Iranian dialogues in areas of common interest, such as stability in Iraq and Afghanistan, narcotics trafficking, and humanitarian crises
Issuing unambiguous statements about U.S. interests and intentions in the region; and
Engaging in efforts to build a cooperative, multilateral regional security framework that is simultaneously inclusive of Iran and sensitive to the needs of U.S. friends and allies in the region.
Other authors of the study are David E. Thaler, Nora Bensahel, Kim Cragin, Dalia Dassa Kaye, Nadia Oweidat, and Jennifer Li of RAND, and Jerrold D. Green of the Pacific Council on International Policy.
The report, "Dangerous But Not Omnipotent: Exploring the Reach and Limitations of Iranian Power in the Middle East," is available at www.rand.org.
The study was prepared by RAND Project AIR FORCE, a federally funded research and development center for studies and analysis aimed at providing independent policy alternatives for the U.S. Air Force.
Preceding provided by RAND Corporation
PUZZLE--Ambassador Ramiro Cibrian-Uzal puts together a puzzle of the European Union as students at Israeli multicultural school look on. Photo: Yossi Zwecker TEL AVIV (Press Release)— Pupils at "Bialik-Rogozin," a multicultural school, celebrated "Europe Day" on Wednesday, May 20, with representatives of the European Union.
The pupils - Israelis, both Jewish and Arab, immigrants and refugees from Sudan and Darfour – noted Europe Day in a special exhibition and performance.
Head of the Delegation of the EU to Israel, Ambassador Ramiro Cibrian-Uzal, hosted Ambassadors of nine European countries: Italy - Ambassador Luigi Mattiolo, Sweden – Ambassador Elisabet Borsiin Bonnier, Austria – Ambassador Micheal Rendi, Belgium – Ambassador Benedicte Frankinet, Czech Republic – Ambassador Micheal Zantovsky, Latvia - Martins Perets, and Bulgaria – Ambassador Dimiter Tzantchev.
Preceding provided by Fleischer Communications in Israel
Auschwitz Album from Yad Vashem
documents mass murder process
Jay Jacobson of Minneapolis forwarded to San Diego Jewish World this link to a video made by Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial Center and Museum on the basis of a photo album about Auschwitz.
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The Jews Down Under ....A roundup of Australian Jewish news by Garry Fabian
Community leaders criticised for
not supporting Marcus Einfeld
SYDNEY - Former federal minister Barry Cohen has taken the Jewish community to task, claiming it has not supported jailed former judge Marcus Einfeld.
Cohen called for Einfeld's prison term to be reduced and criticised media emphasis on his Jewish identity.
Einfeld has lodged an appeal against the severity of his sentence and his lawyers issued a statement last week saying the grounds of the appeal would be disclosed shortly.
Cohen said a three-year prison sentence, with a minimum of two years before parole, imposed on the former Federal Court judge and human rights advocate after he pleaded guilty to perjury over a speeding fine, was excessive.
"Give me a break ... murderers are getting less than that," Cohen said.
A 12-month suspended sentence or weekend detention would have been more appropriate punishment for perjury committed by a first-time offender in poor health, he said.
The former Hawke government frontbencher said Einfeld was being punished harshly "because he spent a lifetime as a prominent citizen".
"I think the Jewish community should be jumping up and down about it. If, after all Marcus has done for the Jewish community, we can't rally behind him as individuals, then the game stinks," Cohen said.
He said the Jewish community could not allow someone like Marcus Einfeld to be "pilloried" and called for his "years of service" to be remembered.
In addition to his service to global human rights, Einfeld played a prominent role in Jewish communal projects.
He visited the Soviet Union to talk to refuseniks, and had a strong involvement in the World Jewish Congress.
Cohen, whose father Lou attended the same school as Einfeld's father Syd, has appeared on public speaking platforms with the former judge for some 40 years.
Cohen lambasted the media for emphasising Einfeld's Jewish identity, as the story of his perjury charges developed.
Media reports of Einfeld "constantly mentioned that he was a prominent Jew." said Cohen.
"You don't mention that others are prominent Catholics, Protestants, Church of England [Anglican]."
Cohen has written an article for the Australian edition of The Spectator, in which he claimed Einfeld's sentence was harsh, compared to sentences for far more severe crimes.
In the article, Cohen listed some of Einfeld's achievements, including his roles as a United Nations peace laureate, inaugural president of the Australian Paralympics Federation, Austcare Ambassador for Refugees, and director of Sydney's 2000 Olympic bid.
Cohen's comments came as sources told said there was a groundswell of support for Einfeld's sentence to be reduced.
After Einfeld's sentencing, Executive Council of Australian Jewry president Robert Goot said he was concerned the Jewish community might "cast him adrift" and have no regard for the great things he achieved and treat him like "some sort of leper".
Pediatrician is Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro for the kids
SYDNEY - Paediatrician Dr Jonny Taitz isn't a
mountain-climbing man, but that is not stopping him from attempting to scale Africa's highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro, for a cause close to his heart.
South African-born Taitz, 39, and 20 other trekkers including Shadow Treasurer Joe Hockey will take off in a few months to climb the 4800-metre high mountain in northeastern Tanzania.
The goal is to raise $1 million for The Humpty Dumpty Foundation, which buys state-of-the-art equipment for children's hospitals.
Called The Ultimate Burn, the hike will start on Wednesday, July 29.
"I'll give it my best shot," said Dr Taitz, who admitted it will be the first time he has taken part in a serious hiking expedition.
"I'm worried about altitude sickness, but I'm fit and working out. It's a great challenge and a good cause. It's both my passions combined."
So far, Dr Taitz, from Sydney's Children's Hospital in Randwick, has raised $50,000 for the charity from a fundraising dinner held in Bondi earlier this month.
About 110 people attended the event with guest speakers including former Australian Olympic athletes Jane Flemming and Melinda Gainsford-Taylor. Still, he's aiming to raise more.
"The state government provides the bread and butter, but charities such as Humpty Dumpty purchase the world-class equipment that allows us to provide the international-level of care," he said.
Established in 1996, Humpty Dumpty originally formed to support children's services at Royal North Shore Hospital.
In more than decade, it has grown to assist more than 50 children's hospitals and health services across New South Wales and two children's hospitals in East Timor.
Aussie swimmers to tackle US Olympic star at Maccabiah Games
SYDNEY- "Awesome", "awe-inspiring" and "amazing". From these reactions it's plain to see the Aussie swim team won't be intimidated when coming up against the fastest Jewish swimmer ever at this years Maccabiah.
It was confirmed last week that seven-time American Olympic medallist Jason Lezak would bypass his fifth trip to the world championships in favour of swimming for the first time at the Jewish Olympics.
"I now have the opportunity to go to the Maccabiah Games in Israel, fulfilling a lifelong dream of mine," he said.
"This is a decision I made which is as much about giving back to the Jewish community and exploring my heritage as it is about the performance on the world stage.
"I'll be representing my country and my heritage as a Jewish athlete and I'm very proud of that."
Lezak, 32, is best known for his barnstorming finish in the freestyle relay at last year's Bejing Olympics, where he posted the fastest ever split to mow down France's Alain Bernard. (See video below)
He was the captain of the US swim team in Beijing.
Australia's top ranked swimmer David Schnabl said: "Lezak was the crucial element in aiding Phelps for his second gold medal in his pursuit for eight.
"Having his presence at the Games will raise the profile of swimming at Maccabiah."
Australian team coach Guy Eylon agrees: "It'll be just like when Lenny Krayzelburg swam in 2001. The stands were packed back then, everyone wanting to get a glimpse of Lenny. And every swimmer at that meet could feel the buzz."
Lezak came through the Maccabi ranks as a junior, competing at the JCC North American Games.
Giving back to the organisation won't be limited to what he does in the pool. Lezak is lending his name to an awareness campaign for the Maccabiah and will appear at fundraising events hosted by Maccabi USA.
But the charity may hurt some of Australia's medal hopes. Sprint specialist David Goltsman has been handed a mighty hurdle just two months out from his first Maccabiah experience.
"So, I have seven weeks to train and then I'm racing a world champion" Goltsman said, tongue in cheek. "Yeah, I'll take him."
The overriding feeling in the Australian team is of excitement, even for the swimmers in other age divisions, such as junior sprinter Julian Kowal.
"It reminds us and the world that Jewish athletes can be the very best.... It should inspire us," he said.
Lezak now adds to a distinguished list of American Olympians to compete at the Maccabiah, including Krayzelburg and the great Mark Spitz.
Spotlight king dies at 63
MELBOURNE- Founder of the Spotlight retail group and leading community benefactor Ruben Fried, 63, died on Tuesday morning, May 13, after a long battle with cancer.
An active member of the community, along with his brother Morry Fraid, the Fried and Fraid families support many Jewish and non-Jewish causes, most notably Hatzolah, Yeshivah-Beth Rivkah Colleges, Murdoch Children's Research Institute and Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre.
The funeral took place on last week, officiated by Rabbi Chaim Tzvi Groner at the Lyndhurst Chevra Kadisha cemetery.
Fried, along with his brother Fraid, began selling fabrics at discounted prices from their parents stall at the Queen Victoria Market.
Today, the Spotlight group is one of Australia's most successful retail businesses, employing more than 6000 staff in stores across Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and Hong Kong. Fried remained
active in the business until his premature passing.
Spotlight's Steven Carey said: "Ruben provided leadership, creative vision and a straightforward approach to business with an entrepreneurial style second to none.
"Ruben was a mentor to many, employer to thousands, generous philanthropist and friend to everyone."
Fried is survived by his wife Vivienne, three children and seven grandchildren.
The Maccabi conundrum
MELBOURNE—Maccabi Australia's constitution dictates that
its members should be exclusively Jewish, but for years it has not been policed. That is about to change.
The issue of non-Jewish players representing Maccabi clubs is as old as the roof body itself.
Some say the best way to grow Maccabi is for its clubs to play at the highest level possible and that recruiting non-Jews to achieve this is acceptable.
Others argue that if this practice is permitted, the fundamental tenets of the organisation will be eroded and it will cease to exist in its current form.
It is an issue that divides the community, and the clubs alike, with many of them choosing to field exclusively Jewish players, sometimes at the cost of elite-level competition, while others are more malleable.
Maccabi Australia currently has 9000 members and is the largest Jewish organisation in the country.
But the fact remains that the Maccabi Australia Incorporated (MAI) constitution, which governs the national body and the states, has always dictated that clubs should consist exclusively of Jewish players, without exception.
The issue is that until recently it was a policy MAI did not police. But last week, the elephant in the room became too large to ignore and the organisation issued a directive that all clubs
have until December 31, 2010, to jettison their non-Jewish players, or risk losing their Maccabi affiliation.
Maccabi Victoria president Miles Clemans said that while the directive to remove existing non-Jewish players was complicated, and perhaps difficult for some to comprehend, it was a necessary step.
"We recognise there are massive sensitivities involved," Clemans said.
"It is very hard to ask a player, Jewish or non-Jewish, to leave a club, but we feel that the grace period -- the end of next year -- gives
clubs a chance to recruit exclusively Jewish players and gradually see the exit of those who are not complying with the constitution."
The matter of being an exclusive club is fraught. There is the question of who Maccabi deems to be Jewish, the risk the decision could strain goodwill between the organisation and the wider
sporting community and, in many cases, the alienation of valued clubmen.
The club's legal right to be exclusive, however ethically contentious, is legally protected under the Equal Opportunity Act, which allows a club to discriminate if it is deemed to be acting to "preserve a minority culture."
While the percentage of non-Jewish players representing Maccabi is low, it is widespread and affects clubs at most levels in all states, mainly on the soccer pitch.
In Melbourne, the North Caulfield Maccabi Football (Soccer) Club (NCMFC) is one of the teams that will be affected by the directive.
The side plays in State League Division 3 South East competition and fields several non-Jewish players and has done so for many years.
Franklin Ngwa is a case in point. Discovered by NCMFC vice-president Harry Zaitman playing in a park in 2004, he was invited to try out at the club and became a regular player over the
following two seasons, before returning to his native Cameroon in 2007.
The 21-year-old, who has no family in Australia, came back to Melbourne late last year and was living in the northern suburb of Epping when he approached NCMFC coach Andrew Freund and asked if he could pull on the boots again.
"I met Andrew [Freund] and he helped me out. He got me a place to live, he got me a job as well," Ngwa said.
"I can say that Maccabi is like a second family. Not only on the soccer field but off it. I have really good friends there and we meet at training mostly, so [having to leave] would be a big blow for me."
Ngwa said the club wouldn't be the same if it decided to ask its non-Jewish players to leave.
"You shouldn't mix sport with politics, religion, or ethnic groups. But it was really different when I came to Caulfield, I didn't feel left out, it was totally different ... I felt like I was one of them. If you say 'only Jewish players' it will feel very different."
North Caulfield will now be forced to choose between Ngwa and Maccabi before the deadline in 19 months.
The junior and senior soccer clubs in Melbourne and the senior soccer club in Sydney all declined to comment to The AJN.
Chairman of Sydney's Maccabi Hakoah Youth Development League (YDL) John Marcuson said only: "The Maccabi Hakoah YDL Junior Club will be seeking guidance from MAI to ensure compliance to
both their letter and to the requirements of our football competition."
Lydia Dowse of Football Federation Victoria (FFV) said the organisation's board would meet later this month to discuss the matter and the FFV would have "no official position until that point".
The AJAX Football Club, which plays in C grade of the Victorian Amateur Football Association, maintains an exclusively Jewish playing group, although, like many Maccabi clubs, it employs non-Jewish coaches.
President Brian Goldberg admitted that if Maccabi gave it the green light, his club would recruit selectively from outside the Jewish community.
"Capping [the number of non-Jewish players] is one option. Allowing a minority [of non-Jews] to play each year is a way of overcoming that fear of an open door policy. In my experience, if you keep the culture true to what it is, then the majority of players attracted will be your core group of Jewish players."
President of the Maccabi Rugby Club in Sydney, David Greenstein, agreed. "That would be a good compromise -- to hedge against us running out of players we can have X amount of players, who
ordinarily wouldn't qualify for membership to the club.
"I think it's more important for the Maccabi Rugby Club to remain in existence than for the constitution of Maccabi to be strictly imposed on the club."
Should clubs choose to continue flouting the letter of the constitution -- as they have for decades -- there is a significant danger Maccabi could lose clubs that choose to secede rather
than part with non-Jewish players.
But MAI president Harry Procel is prepared to lose the non-compliant clubs, arguing that a policy allowing a capped number of non-Jews to play for Maccabi teams was not an option.
"The difficulty is you can't be a little bit pregnant here," Procel said. "Is it okay to have one [non-Jewish player], is it okay to have two,
is it okay to have three ... where do you draw the line? One of the reasons I've spent 42 years of my life involved in Maccabi is because of the Jewish aspect of the organisation."
The issue has caused considerable debate in the Jewish community, with one side strongly supporting the move, while on the other side the argument has been strongly put forward that if non-Jewish clubs would adopt an attitude of excluding Jewish members loud howls
of anti-Semitism would be shouted from the rooftops.
In other words - you are condemned if you do or if you don't.
Recognising "the quiet achievers"
MELBOURNE - The Annual B'nai B'rith Menorah Awards now in their 32nd year, were established in 1978 to recognise those volunteers who work quietly behind the scenes providing valuable
service to the community, and in most cases never being publicly recognised for their work.
Each year four individuals are selected and at a special function are presented with their awards.
Their services to a wide range of both Jewish and non-Jewish community organisations and causes in many cases span over four or five decades, and there are many names submitted for the
consideration of the Menorah Awards committee for each year, with four of the most outstanding selected to receive an award.
The event has become a highlight on the communal calendar, and large attendance are recorded on the award night. This year's recipients worked for a wide spectrum of causes, ranging from the Victorian Jewish Ex-servicemen and women, The Family Abuse Crisis Centre, The Jewish Museum, Jewish Education and Israeli related causes.
Editor's Mailbag: National news of Jewish interest
Feinstein, Schumer, and Collins introduce 'Cash for Clunkers'
WASHINGTON, DC (Press Release)– U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein (Democrat, California.), Susan Collins (Republican, Maine), and Charles Schumer (Democrat, New York.) on Tuesday jointly announced an alternative ‘Cash for Clunkers’ proposal to encourage consumers to buy more fuel efficient vehicles.
Specifically, the Feinstein-Collins-Schumer counter proposal would require that the newly purchased vehicle have above-average fuel economy for its class of vehicles. The proposal would also require that the trade-in vehicle have a fuel economy of 17 miles per gallon (mpg) or less, instead of the 18 mpg in the House compromise.
In enacted, the Feinstein-Collins-Schumer proposal would:
•Save 11,451 barrels per day. This is a 32 percent increase over the House Compromise (8,706 barrels per day)
•Save 176 gallons of gasoline per vehicle per year, which 32 percent more than House compromise (133 gallons per vehicle per year)
•Save 1.91 million metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions per year, a 32 percent increase over House compromise (1.45 million metric tons).
“The ‘Cash for Clunkers’ proposal that I’m putting forward with Senators Collins and Schumer would place a greater emphasis on fuel economy improvements than the House compromise -- which could allow for the scrapping of perfectly adequate vehicles in return for federal incentives to purchase gas-guzzling vehicles. That’s unacceptable,” Senator Feinstein said. “Our proposal, on the other hand, would achieve between 32 to 38 percent greater oil savings, save drivers 176 gallons of gasoline per year, and cut greater greenhouse gas emissions by 32 percent more than the House compromise. In short, this would accomplish the dual goals of stimulating car sales and requiring more efficient vehicles. We believe this is a much better deal for American taxpayers.”
Senator Collins said: “Federal support for purchasing new cars must also promote greater fuel efficiency as a way to reduce our dependence on foreign oil. The House agreement announced last week does not achieve that goal. Our alternative proposal, which would save up to 38 percent more oil than the House agreement, offers both economic and environmental benefits to the nation by stimulating the purchase of new automobiles and incentivizing fuel savings.”
“The ‘cash for clunkers’ program has the potential to help the environment and stimulate the auto industry. Our hope is to achieve both goals, which this proposal does,” Senator Schumer said.
Senators Feinstein and Collins, along with Senator Olympia Snowe (Republican,Maine) and others, were sponsors of the enacted Ten in Ten Fuel Economy Act, which will increase the average fleetwide fuel economy of all new passenger cars, trucks and SUVs by at least ten miles per gallon over ten years, beginning with model year 2011. One of the key elements of the fuel economy law was the implementation of attribute-based Corporate Average Fuel Economy standards, which means that the fuel economy of the class of trucks is compared to only to other trucks, and likewise with SUVs to SUVs, and small cars to small cars.
The revised “Cash for Clunkers” proposal introduced today would ensure that vehicles purchased under the program do not bring down the fleetwide averages that the Ten in Ten Fuel Economy Act intended to raise.
Preceding was provided by Senator Dianne Feinstein
Obama's fuel emissions proposal
draws congressional comment
WASHINGTON, D.C. --Jewish public officials in both the Senate and the House of Representatives registered their reactions to the Obama Administration's proposals concerning fuel efficience. Yesterday in this space, San Diego Jewish World carried the comments of Senators Barbara Boxer and Carl Levin. To these, we add:
Senator Benjamin Cardin (Democrat, Maryland): “President Obama rightly continues to follow a path that values science above politics to protect the health and welfare of all Americans and our environment. The connection between global warming and greenhouse gas emissions is well documented so the announcement today of new national standards for car emissions is welcome news for Maryland and more than a dozen other states like California that had lobbied for such changes. Marylanders and all Americans have a right to clean air. Cars that will meet the new greenhouse gas standards will help clear our air of pollutants that contribute to smog. In Maryland, mobile sources are not only the leading cause of smog but are also one of the leading causes of greenhouse gas emissions. We have some of the worst smog in the nation, and during ‘Code Red’ days, more than 70 percent of the pollution comes from cars and light trucks.”
Senator Dianne Feinstein (Democrat, California): "This is a huge victory. The fuel economy approach announced by the White House today (Tuesday) fulfills the mandate and the structure of the Ten-in-Ten Fuel Economy Act, which I championed with Senator Snowe for many years. This proposed rule-making will achieve the 35 miles per gallon target in almost half the time – and it establishes a national standard to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles in line with California’s Pavley emissions standard. This will align, for the first time ever, the emissions and fuel economy standards issued by the State of California, the Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. And the deal provides the automakers the certainty and the flexibility they need to comply with these rigorous new fuel economy and emissions targets. I applaud the White House for bringing all parties to the table – California officials, the automakers, the autoworkers, environmental leaders, EPA and NHTSA – and getting everyone to sign on the dotted line for an ambitious standard. This is a milestone that was many years in the making.”
Congresswoman Jane Harman (Democrat, California): “By bringing the country’s emissions and mileage rules up to the standard set by California, President Obama has in one bold stroke leap-frogged years of industry and executive branch opposition. It is fitting for this announcement to come as the House Energy & Commerce Committee considers unprecedented energy legislation.”
Senator Ted Kaufman (Democrat,Delaware): After years of uncertainty and losing ground to other countries, I am relieved that we are taking this historic step to reject the inadequate policies of the past. This signals a refreshing approach, improving our environment while giving the auto industry the uniform rules it needs to be competitive again. The broad consensus of support - from environmental advocates to labor and auto leaders - around this agreement displays both the significance and absolute urgency of these new standards."
Congressman Sander Levin (Democrat, Michigan):"There is broad agreement in the states, in Congress, and in industry that we need to reduce our dependence on foreign oil, curb greenhouse gas pollution and embrace the advanced technologies that will power the cars of the future. Today’s announcement provides a framework for doing so which is fair and effective. These standards are tough, but they are predictable and they are consistent throughout the country. We have been pressing for a single national policy because grafting a state-by-state patchwork of emission standards on top of the existing federal fuel rules would have created a confusing regulatory nightmare for auto companies and dealers. The Obama Administration has provided the leadership to achieve this national standard and they should be commended for their fast action to achieve consensus during this uncertain time.It is vital that the federal government continue efforts to maintain a strong domestic auto industry and accelerate grants targeted at battery development and low-cost loans to help industry retool their factories to produce advanced, fuel-efficient vehicles.”
Senator Bernie Sanders (Independent, Vermont): “President Obama is boldly moving us in the right direction. The Bush administration sided with polluters and failed to get out of the way of states like Vermont that wanted to do the right thing. Now, President Obama is putting the entire country behind the effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (Democrat, Illinois): “I applaud the President’s decision to speed up the timetable to reduce auto emissions and increase efficiency standards. It will bring us closer to the important goals of energy independence and a clean environment. The technologies that will be developed will create jobs in research and development, manufacturing, and sales.”
Sherman proposes low cost loans for more expensive homes
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release)—
Congressman Brad Sherman (D-CA), a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee, on Tuesday introduced bipartisan legislation along with Congressman Gary G. Miller (Republican, California) to permanently increase the limits on the loans made in high cost areas that are purchased by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (GSEs) or that are insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). Financial Services Committee Chairman Barney Frank (Democrat, Massachusetts), and 29other members are original cosponsors of this legislation.
Established in 1934, the FHA provides mortgage insurance for prospective homebuyers. By purchasing mortgage loans from lenders, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac provide lenders with the capital they need to make additional home loans. Both programs, however, are barred by law from insuring or purchasing loans above a certain size.
“Passage of this legislation would make mortgage financing more affordable in the San Fernando Valley and in other high cost areas throughout the United States. Increasing the availability of such affordable mortgage financing is critical to helping to stabilize the housing market and to returning Fannie, Freddie and the FHA to relevance in California. It is critical to make the increased loan limits permanent so that affordable mortgage financing can remain available,” said Congressman Sherman.
“While lower priced home sales have increased in recent months, sales in the higher priced ranges have not seen as much movement because of higher interest rates on jumbo loans,” said Congressman Miller. “Buyers in high cost areas, such as Southern California, are at an extreme disadvantage simply because of where they choose to work and live. In order for the overall economy to recover, every part of the housing market needs to improve, including high cost areas. By permanently increasing the GSE and FHA loan limits, Southern Californians will have access to conforming loans, which can be about 100 basis points lower than if financed through a jumbo loan, thereby making homeownership more attainable. It is imperative that Congress permanently increase the loans limits so that hardworking Americans across the country have equal access to safer, more affordable mortgage products.”
Until the summer of 2008, the national single family conforming loan limit -- the size of the mortgage loans that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac could buy -- was $417,000, even in high-cost areas and the FHA-insurable limit was $362,000, far too low to be of use to many home owners and prospective homebuyers in California and other high cost areas.
Under the Economic Stimulus Act of 2008, the loan limit for both the GSE and the FHA programs was temporarily increased through December 31, 2008 to a maximum of $729,750, depending on an area’s median home price. The Los Angeles Metropolitan area loan limits for 2008 were at the $729,750 ceiling.
Legislation was passed in 2008 that permanently increased the GSE and FHA loan limits to a ceiling of $625,500 effective January 1, 2009. Then in the economic stimulus bill, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act that became law in February 2009, Congress restored the 2008 loan limits to the 2008 ceiling of $729,750 through December 31, 2009. Thus, without further action, the ceiling on the GSE and FHA loan limits will fall once again to $625,500 on January 1, 2010.
“The temporary nature of these increases in the loan limits reduces the availability of affordable mortgage financing,” said Congressman Sherman. “The higher limits are not working as well as they should because the GSEs are reluctant to sell, and purchasers of mortgage-backed securities from the GSEs are reluctant to buy, loans that are
conforming when issued, but which may not be conforming within a brief period. Allowing the current loan limits to fall would be disastrous to California.”
Preceding provided by Congressman Brad Sherman
Kohl holds hearing to prevent
creation of minimum product prices
WASHINGTON (Press Release) - U.S. Senator Herb Kohl examined Tuesday the impact of the Supreme Court’s Leegin decision on the prices consumers may pay during a Congressional hearing in the Senate Judiciary Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights subcommittee. The hearing included testimony from Pamela Jones Harbour, Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission; Tod Cohen, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel of eBay; James Wilson, Partner at Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP and Chair, Section of Antitrust Law at the American Bar Association; and Stacy Haigney, General Attorney at Burlington Coat Factory
“In the last few decades, millions of consumers have benefited from an explosion of retail competition from new large discounters in virtually every product, from clothing to electronics to groceries, in both ‘big box’ stores and on the internet,” Kohl said. “We have all taken for granted our ability to walk into discount retailers and buy brand name products at sharply discounted prices. It is essential that Congress act swiftly to enact the Discount Pricing Consumer Protection Act to once again make the setting of minimum retail prices illegal.”
In the Leegin decision, the Supreme Court overturned a nearly century old antitrust rule forbidding vertical price fixing -- the practice of a manufacturer setting a minimum price below which a retailer cannot sell the manufacturer’s product. In his dissenting opinion in the Leegin case, Justice Breyer estimated that if only 10 % of manufacturers engaged in vertical price fixing, the volume of commerce affected today would be $300 billion dollars, translating into retail bills that would average $750 to $1,000 dollars higher for the average family of four every year. Consumer rights advocates fear that allowing manufacturers to set retail prices will threaten discount stores, and lead to higher prices for consumers.
In January, Kohl introduced the “Discount Pricing Consumer Protection Act” to ensure that consumers will be able to continue discount shopping despite the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the ban on vertical price fixing. The Court’s decision in the Leegin case allows manufacturers to set a minimum price below which a retailer cannot sell the manufacturer’s product, threatening the existence of discounting and discount stores and leading to higher prices for consumers. Kohl’s legislation would restore the ban on vertical price fixing.
The “Discount Pricing Consumer Protection Act” is co-sponsored by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (Democrat, Rhode Island).
Preceding provided by office of Senator Herb Kohl
Nadler proposes bill for federally
protected transportation careers
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release)– Congressman Jerrold Nadler, the senior Democrat from the Northeast on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, on Tuesday reintroduced the Transportation Job Corps Act. This key initiative, which could be folded into the comprehensive Transportation Reauthorization bill for 2009, would create a career-ladder grant program within the Federal Transit Administration to help existing workers retain jobs in the public transportation industry, while also recruiting and preparing young adults across the nation for jobs in the transit sector. Promoting diversity and serving underrepresented segments of the population will be particular priorities for these grants.
“As the federal government moves to address our economic crisis, it’s essential that we also invest in our transit workforce,” said Rep. Nadler. “Since the time of the New Deal, federal investment in public works has been a proven method of boosting a troubled economy, stimulating mass job-creation and, of course, developing and improving transportation and infrastructure projects. The Transportation Job Corps Act will serve a vital economic function while also securing stable and meaningful work for the ‘disconnected youth’ of our nation.”
According to a report by the Community Service Society, there is a growing population of “disconnected youth” in this country consisting of individuals between the ages of 16 to 24 who are not in school and have been out of work for at least six months. The population of “disconnected youth” is estimated to be about five million nationally, including approximately 200,000 in New York City, 93,000 in Los Angeles, and 97,000 in Chicago. The Transportation Job Corps Act of 2009 will specifically target these “disconnected youth” for basic skills training and pre-apprenticeship programs for jobs in the transit industry.
Jewish communal workers to convene in Washington June 3
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release)—The annual meeting of the Jewish Communal Service Association of North America (JCSA) will be held Wednesday, June 3 at the Adas Israel Congregation in Washington, D.C., bringing together 200 leaders from the United States and Canada for a day of personal and professional development, it was announced by Robin Levenston and Hillel Hirshbein, Annual Program Co-Chairs.
Two plenary sessions and 28 targeted discussion groups will examine the implications of political and economic changes for Jewish Community Professionals in the 21st Century.
Rabbi David Saperstein, who represents the national Reform Jewish Movement to Congress and the Administration as the Director of the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism, will be the keynote speaker at lunch.
Dr. Erica Brown, Director for Adult Education at The Partnership for Jewish Life and Learning and the Scholar-in-Residence for The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington, will lead the morning plenary session on Jewish Values for Community Leadership.
William Daroff, Vice President for Public Policy and Director of the Washington Office of United Jewish Communities,will lead the closing plenary session,apanel discussion on "The Politics of Change," with NPR’s National Political Correspondent Mara Lisson and JTA’s Washington Bureau Chief Ron Kampeas.
One eagerly anticipated breakout panel session, “Lessons from the 2008 Campaign,” will be presented by Mik Moore and Scott Gluck. Moore, Chief Communications Officer for Jewish Funds for Justice (JFSJ) and Editor for Jspot, its popular blog, organized the Great Schlep with Sara Silverman during the 2008 Presidential campaign. Gluck is Director of Special Initiatives for the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC).
Preceding provided by Jewish Communal Service Association of North America
Editor's Mailbag: Local and state news of Jewish Interest Items for us? Please send them to editor@sandiegojewishworld.com
Role playing helps parents, faculty understand behavior issues
SAN DIEGO (Press Release)—Discussion and role play based on the Torah values of Chesed and Kavod (Kindness and Respect) permeated the middle school classrooms at Soille Hebrew Day on May 13 and 14.
Consultant Amy Burzinski, a clinical social worker with two decades of counseling experience in Jewish day schools and a Masters Degree from Columbia University, presented important thinking and led valuable discussions to the teachers, parents, and students. This visit was part of a concerted effort to revitalize the success of the middle school program.
The interactive and experiential programs were interesting and fun for the students, who had ample opportunity to express their feelings and to become more understanding of one another. Topics included telling mistruths, crossing the line, boys and emotions, and choosing words and actions wisely.
The school’s faculty learned new techniques and met as a team to plan effective interventions which will strengthen the social skills of the students. Parents were treated to an important presentation which analyzed parenting styles and showed how one’s home setting influences their child’s future course in life. The administration and faculty look forward to working with Ms Burzinski in the future.
Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School serves children from infants through eighth grade and offers generous financial aid grants to families to make a Jewish day school education affordable to all. For more information on the school, visit the web site at http://www.hebrewday.org/ or contact Audrey Jacobs, Director of School Advancement at 858-279-3300 ext. 106 or ajacobs@hebrewday.org
Preceding provided by Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School
MEDIA WATCH, aka "Here's the link" North County Times reported that the American Civil Liberties Union has taken the side of a student who says the Ramona Unified School District improperly prevented her from delivering a report to her Mt. Woodson Elementary School class on the late Harvey Milk, San Francisco's first openly gay county supervisor. Here's the link.
San Diego News Network columnist Tom Blair reported that Robert Lawrence didn't let advanced cancer prevent him from attending his son A.J.'s graduation from Brandeis University. Lawrence's wife, Laurie Black, recently resigned the San Diego Port Commission to be able to spend time with Lawrence. Here's the link
The San Diego Union-Tribune gave front page coverage Wednesday to Adam Lambert's quest to become America's Idol. Here's the link. {FYI, Lambert came in second to Kris Allen when the votes were tabulated.}
The San Francisco Sentinel reports that Steven Spielberg will make a film based on the life of Civil Rights icon Martin Luther King. Here's the link.
The Voice of San Diego notes that San Diego City Councilmember Marti Emerald is backing Bahia and Catamaran hotels owner Bill Evans for a port district seat. Here's the link.
SET UP LINE—"Let the dry line appear" ... Could there be
any better way to voice a request for a German rock
group or for a movie starring Barbara Hershey?
Genesis 1:9
God said, "Let the waters beneath the heaven be gathered into one area and let the dry land appear." And it was so.
Please share your photo showing a biblical reference in pop culture —Please send your jpg photo for posting to editor@sandiegojewishheritage.com. If possible, please send it at 72dpi resolution and 400 pixels wide. Please include the name of the photographer, the date and place the photo was taken, and any other relevant caption information.
KLEZMER LESSON—Yale Strom gives students and grandparents at Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School an introduction to
klezmermusic during "Generations Day." The musician will be performing May 27 at Congregation Beth El as part of the 16th Annual Lipinsky Family San Diego Jewish Arts Festival.
When 'Hebrew Day' became 'Yiddish-Ladino Day' School
SAN DIEGO – For the purpose of “Generations Day,” Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School was transformed into Soille San Diego Yiddish and Ladino Day School.
Indeed, some of the grandparents who attended a special round of classes on Tuesday with Soille students were raised speaking one or the other of these languages, common respectively to Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews. But others, like their grandchildren, were American born, raised and acculturated. For them, four class sessions conceived and organized by parent volunteer Martha Hoffman Rostenberg were an enjoyable, experiential foray into the world of their ancestors.
Parent volunteer Martha Hoffman Rostenberg
All the students from kindergarten through eighth grade participated with their family members in the four-station programming, but in different order to prevent congestion and to permit different levels of sophistication.
Nancy and I traveled with the second and third graders, because our grandson Shor is in second grade. As the grandparents of some of his classmates were unable to attend, Shor shared us in one interactive exercise, in which we, the grandparents, were interviewed by the students.
Following a form, Shor asked me such questions as what kinds of foods I remembered eating at Jewish holiday meals (chicken, brisket), and some of the non-English words that I recalled learning as a child. I remembered “shlep” (carry), “schvitz” (sweat) and “shluff” (sleep).
While I was being questioned, Nancy similarly was being “grilled” by Shor’s classmates and friends Ori and Tayo. She summoned from days with her own Grandma Fannie (Shor’s great, great grandma) such expressions as “Zei Gezeundt” (Be Healthy) and “Un Hunnert und Zwanzig!” (One Hundred Twenty—the number of years Moses lived and the rest of us should only be so lucky to live!).
Ori and Tayo interview Nancy
In another session, Rabbi Chaim Hollander, who heads Judaic Studies at the school, taught the students some basic Yiddish
questions and answers and had the students enact the brief conversations in front of the assembly. Nomi Levy, the school librarian, likewise shared conversational Ladino.
Rabbi Hollander tells how to ask "What is your name?" in Yiddish
Elisheva Edelson, in yet another session, taught us in what countries Ladino and Yiddish speaking Jews had lived.
HISTORY LESSON—Elisheva Edelson uses pointer to show that many Sephardic Jews moved to North Africa following the Expulsion from Spain
Zeji Ozeri taught us songs including “Ocho Kandelikas” (Eight Candles) in Ladino—a song about Chanukah—and Az Der Rebbe (As the Rebbe) in Yiddish. The latter song said that while the rebbe sings, all the Chasidim do likewise, and when he laughs, they laugh, and so forth.
Zeji Ozeri leads assembly in song
For us, the fourth and final session was an intellectual dessert because it featured San Diego-raised Yale Strom, who is now famous as a klezmer musician, documentarian and story teller about the bygone days of Eastern European Jewry.
Strom played some melodies on his “fidl,” and told about The Wedding that Saved a Town, the children’s book he wrote which recently won first-place honors in the picture book category of the yearly San Diego Book Awards. Strom had the grandparents and grandchildren pounding the lunch area tables to the rhythms of his nigguns (melodies).
Just take me as your lover.
That's how you will discover
That I'm the only man you're dreaming of.
I'll live my whole life for you,
Protect you and adore you,
For you're the only woman I can love,
I can love.
Although I just have met you,
There's no way I can let you
Find a lover other than me.
No need to question whether
We two should be together.
With all my heart I know it's meant to be,
Meant to be.
I'm breathless and I'm shaking.
I know there's no mistaking
The sudden depth of love I feel for you.
My heart's in your possession,
To use at your discretion.
So tell me now how much you love me, too,
Love me, too.
You say your heart is pounding;
You find it so astounding
That I could quickly feel a love so strong.
You say my love's appealing,
But your husband has the feeling
A love from you for me is somehow wrong,
Somehow wrong.
For now, I'm not a lover,
But someone will discover
That I'm the only man they're dreaming of.
I'll spend no time now crying.
Instead you'll see me trying
To find the only woman I can love,
I can love.
I can love.
I can love.
(c) 2009 Hal Wingard; To Eileen, the only woman I can love—in commemoration of our 39th wedding anniversary, December 22, 1991
#232, Let Me Be Your Lover
Let me be your lover.
Let me be your friend.
With time you'll discover
That love will never end.
We'll face life together
In joy as well as tears,
With no question whether
Our love will last the years.
Let me be your lover.
Let me be your friend.
With time you'll discover
That love will never end.
Our love and our caring
Will grow day by day,
As we, true love sharing,
Pursue our loving way.
Let me be your lover.
Let me be your friend.
With time you'll discover
That love will never end.
So now, with love growing,
Please give me a sign.
Just where are we going--
Your place or mine?
Let me be your lover.
Let me be your friend.
(c) 2009 Hal Wingard; June 16, 1993. Melody first, and then words, created at Pract Inn, Kern County, June 16, 1993.
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History With thanks to Gail Umeham for the transcription
Advance Gifts Brings In Record Sum; Increase Asked Southwestern Jewish Press April 3, 1953, page 1
The 1953 United Jewish Fund Campaign was taken off the “drafting board” and put into operation last week.
In one of the most spectacular openings in Fund history, the Advance Gifts Dinner saw 53 men pledge and bring in $61,932 showing an increase of 27% over the same contributors in 1952, and bringing the Fund total to date close to $100,000.
Asked for a 20% minimum increase by Chairmen Albert Steinbaum and Max Maisel, urged by Chaplain Zeliv Chinitz, the principal speaker, to give to the best of their ability because of the seriousness of the situation facing the world Jewry this year, with the wave of anti-Semitism launched by the Communists; and appealed to by Joe Shane, Los Angeles business and philanthropic leader, many of the community leaders present increased their gift 50 and 100%.
San Diego business, professional and civic leaders present at the meeting were: Messr. Bernard Aronson, Ben Arbach, Dr. Earle Brodie, Manny Bronstone, Zel Camiel, Lawrence Cantor, Ben Carnot, Rabbi Morton J. Cohn, Saul Chenkin, Al De Sure, I. L. Domnitz, Morris Douglas, Carl Esenoff, Mack Esterson, M. S. Fisher, William Goldy, M. D. Goodrich, Jack Gross, Moritz Haas, Rodin Horrow, Joe Lamon, Eli Levenson, Morey Levenson, Max Maisel, Harry Mallen, B. B. Margolis, Louis Moorsteen, Dr. A. P. Nasatir, Dr. Walter Ornstein, William Pierce, Sol Price, Seymour Rabin, Max Rabinowitz, Sam Rassin, Dr. Joshua A. Rittoff, Milton Roberts, John Ruskin, Edward Schwartz, William Schwartz, Henry Silver, Abe Sklar, Louis Solomon, William Starr, Al Steinbaum, Theodore Sternberg, Louis Steinmamn, Dr. R. M. Stone, H. B. Sugarman, Sam Sussman, Rubin Umansky, Harry Wax, Frank Winicki, and Alex Wise.
One of the highlights of the meeting was when Graydon Hoffman, Vice-President and Manager of the Bank of America, presented a check for $1,000 from the ConVair Employees ConTrib Club as a gift for local and national organizations, which are beneficiaries of the fund.
Workers in the Advance Gifts division will continue an intensive pre-drive solicitation until about April 10th, when the general campaign will be ready to start with “C” Week. Advance Gifts workers are: Saul Chenkin, Morris Douglas, I. Friedman, M. D. Goodrich, Jack Gross, Ben Harris, Rodin Horrow, Al Krasnow, Eli Levenson, Morey Levenson, Harry Mallen, B. B. Margolis, Louis Moorsteen, Jerome Niederman, Its Penter, Sol Price, Max Rabinowitz, Seymour Rabin, Dr. Joshua A. Ritoff, Ben Rubin, Victor Schulman, Harry Snyder, Louis Solomon, Louis Steinman, Ruben Umansky, Mack Esterson.
Cottage of Israel To Hold Passover Display At Balboa Park Southwestern Jewish Press April 3, 1953, page 1
The Cottage of Israel cordially invites the community to visit the Cottage on Sunday, April 5th, at which time there will be a special display in honor of Passover. As is our custom on holidays and special occasions, the Cottage Hostess Chairman, Mrs. Anna Peckarsky and her co-chairman, Mrs. Betty Cohan, will be in charge of serving and table arrangements.
On April 19th we will have our annual program on the lawns of the House of Pacific Relations. This will be the occasion of the 5th anniversary of Israel’s independence and a program commensurate with this great event will be offered. There will be folk dancing and singing and greetings from Mr. I. Doran, Israel’s Economic Consul to Los Angeles, who will also be the guest speaker at the program to be held Sunday evening, which will be a city-wide celebration of the fifth anniversary.
Look for this TV Program Southwestern Jewish Press April 3, 1953, page 1
“Adventure in Israel” starring George Jessel, the noted actor, radio and television star and his eleven year old daughter will be televised over station KFMB-TV on Sunday, April 12 at 1:00 p.m. on behalf of the United Jewish Appeal.
The program which is part of the “C” Week campaign is being presented through the courtesy of KFMB-TV and tells the story of Jessel’s recent visit to Israel and the impression it made on him.
Christian Group Formed to
Aid United Jewish Fund Southwestern Jewish Press April 3, 1953, page 1
Graydon Hoffman, vice-president and manager of the San Diego main office of the Bank of America joined the ranks of other San Diego civic and business leaders and has accepted the chairmanship of the Christian Division of the San Diego United Fund, M. D. Goodrich, Fund president announced this week.
One of San Diego’s outstanding communal leaders, Mr. Hoffman has been chairman of the Red Cross Campaign in 1948. Hoffman will direct fund raising efforts among non-Jewish friends of the Fund, who each year contribute a portion of San Diego’s quota for relief, rehabilitation and immigration, as well as local and national needs.
Hoffman was joined by Bishop Charles F. Buddy of the Catholic Diocese of San Diego and Dr. Thomas Law Coyle, Minister of the First Presbyterian Church as co-chairmen of the Christian Committee.
Other members of the Committee who will serve with Hoffman are: Rear Admiral W. D. Baker, USN, Ret., Pres., S. D. Community Chest; Lester G. Bradley, Chairman Board, Union-Tribune; Anderson Borthwick, Pres., 1st National Bank; John D. Butler, Mayor, City of San Diego; Harry Callaway, Pres., Thearle Music Co.; Armistead Carter, Investment Securities Corp.; Charles Davies, S. D. Gas and Electric Co.; J. F. DuPaul, S. D. City Attorney; James D. Forward Sr., Pres., Union Title Ins. and Trust Co.; Frank Frye, Attorney at Law; Ewart Goodwin, Pres., Percy H. Goodwin co.; Sam W. Hamil, Architect; Jesse L. Haugh, Pres., S. D. Transit System; Don Keller, Dist. Attorney, County of San Diego; Harley Knox, Pres., Knox Dairy; Charles T. Leigh, Pres., Chamber of Commerce; Col. Emmett A. McCabe, Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Corp.; Nicholas Martin, Attorney at Law; Edmund T. Price, Pres., Solar Aircraft ; Earle D. Prudden, Vice-Pres., Ryan Aeronautical Co.; John W. Quimby, Sec., Cerntral Labor Council; Fred Rohr, Pres., Rohr Aircraft Corp.; Rear Adm. John W. Roper, USN, Commandant, 11th Naval district; George A. Scott Pres., Walker’s Dept. Store; William Shea, Associate Publisher Union-Tribune; A. J. Sutherland, Pres., Security Trust and Savings Bank; O. W. Todd Jr., Pres., San Diego Convention Bureau; M.N. Wilson, Pres., United States National Bank.
Gifts already announced in the Christian division include a $1,000 contribution from the Convair employees Contrib Club, and $750 from the Del Mar Charities.
Maxwell Kaufman, who is directing the publicity and public relations for the campaign, has advised that Walker’s Department Store will have a window display for the United Jewish Fund, starting immediately after Easter.
Irving Friedman, San Diego communal leader and president of the Boys Club and Guadalupe Clinic is acting as the Division Secretary for the Christian Division.
“Adventures in Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our indexed "Adventures in San Diego Jewish History" series
will be a daily feature until we run out of history.