Joanne Lois Rosenfeld To Wed Sheldon Sackheim At Temple Beth Israel
Southwestern Jewish Press August 21, 1953 Page 2
Joanne Rosenfeld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. T.M. Rosenfeld, will pledge her troth to Sheldon Sackheim, son of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Sackheim at Temple Beth Israel on Sunday, August 23, at 2:00 p.m.
The bride and groom will be married by Rabbis Morton J. Cohn and Monroe Levens under a canopy of white asters. The altar will be decorated with baskets of white dahlias and stock. Vocal selections will be offered by Miss Diane.
The bride will wear a gown of Dresden Rose Lace with an accordion pleated skirt. The scoop neckline is trimmed in iridescent sequins and pearls. The French illusion veil hangs from a lace embroidered Juliet cap. The bride will carry a white Bible covered with a white orchid and stephanotis.
Matron of Honor, Mrs. Richard Silverman, will wear ankle length emerald green organza. Also gowned in emerald green will be Miss Sally Kohm, Maid of Honor. Bridesmaids will be Sandra Schissell, Devona Cooper, and Beverly Mash and will wear shrimp colored organza.
Judy Coyne and Dick Rosenfeld will light the altar candles and Cheryl Slayen will serve as flower girl. Mrs. S. Coyne will be in charge of the guest book.
Bruce Witte will serve as Best Man. Ushers are Richard Silverman, Robert Bass, Irwin Schwartz, and Edward Haimsohn.
Immediately following the ceremony a reception will be held in the Don Room of El Cortez Hotel. The bride(')s mother will receive in grey lace over yellow taffeta. The groom(')s mother will wear champag(n)e lace embroidered in gold ribbon over iridescent green taffeta
The young couple will spend their honeymoon in Hawaii.
Greenberg-Penter Marriage Told
Southwestern Jewish Press August 21, 1953 Page 2
Audrey Greenberg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max Greenberg, became the bride of Stuart S. Penter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Its Penter, on Sunday, August 2. The marriage was performed at the Tifereth Israel Synagogue with Rabbi Monroe Levens officiating.
The pulpit was decorated with pink carnations and white gladioli for the candlelight ceremony. The bride wore a gown of French Chantilly Lace and nylon tulle featuring a tucked bodice, off the shoulder neckline, and bouffant pleated skirt falling into a short train. Her crown headpiece held a fingertip length nylon veil. She carried a white Bible covered by white orchids and stephanotis, with pearls, a gift of Mr. and Mrs. Its Penter.
Matron of Honor was Mrs. Dan Schwartz, aunt of the bride. Bridesmaids Miss Ada Picaizen, Miss Marilyn Sinker, Mrs. Doreen Lever, Mrs. Serene Hollinger, wore sea-green parchment silk ballerina length dresses with matching boleros and carried pink carnations.
Miss Eileen Schwartz, cousin of the bride, serving as flower girl wore pnk organdy.
Serving as users were Ronald Greenberg, Max Gendelman, Dan Felger, Herb Schwartz. Best man was Jerry Krasne. Barry Levenson, cousin of the groom, was ring-bearer.
A reception was held in the Don Room of El Cortez Hotel following the ceremony. The bride(')s mother received in champagne beige silk taffeta. The groom’s mother wore pink and grey chiffon.
Among the out-of-town guests were Dr. H. E. Wyloge, uncle of the bride, and his daughter, Roberta, of St. Louis’and Dr. and Mrs. Ormeland of Wyoming.
The newlyweds spent their honeymoon in Las Vegas.
Southwestern Jewish Press August 21, 1953 Page 2
Rabbi Morton J. Cohn was one of the speakers at the dedication of the new Camp for Living Judaism-Union Institute at Saratoga August 2. Over one thousand people gathered at the Phineas Smoller Memorial Chapel for the dedication ceremonies. Mrs. Cohn, with Jane and Morton Jr., are with the Rabbi for the camp session.
Bonnie and Arthur Gardner, who have recently moved to Oceanside, have all their friends’ best wishes in their new business venture.
Cantor James (sic, Joseph) Cysner has returned from his European trip with glowing tales of renewed friendships with old friends. Sylvia and daughter, Charlotte, will be back in San Diego in time for the holidays.

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Hawaiian Water Ballet
Attracts Sisterhood
Southwestern Jewish Press August 21, 1953 Page 2
A Hawaiian Water Ballet with floating flowers in the pool will spark the theme of Tifereth Israel Sisterhood’s Membership Tea on September 1st at 1:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. S.Z. Greenberg, 4207 Ridgeway Dr. San Diego. New and prospective members are to be honored.
Guest speaker for the afternoon will be Mrs. Seymour Newman from the Pacific S.W. Branch of National Women(')s League of United Synagogue of America, and able moderator of the recent conference in Los Angeles.
Mrs. Ben Press is chairman. On her planning committee are Mmes. Edward Binder, Woodrow Ratner, Daniel Orlansky, David Schloss, Sidney Newman, Alex Newman, S. Z. Greenberg, Irvin Kravitz, Sam Lenett, Moe Hershey, Bernard Asner, Alfred Breitbard, Sarah Bystrom, Edward Baranov, Sidney Goldstein, and Edie Press.
Women who wish to bring prospective members to the tea will please contact Cyril Press, Talbot 9647; Elaine Kravitz, Main 47079, or Evelyn Binder, Woodcrest 59214, so that invitations may be mailed.
Gift Shop
Southwestern Jewish Press August 21, 1953 Page 2
Esther Solomon, chairman, and Dolly Asner, Sales chairman, announce that the gift shop is open for business. With enlarged quarters a variety of beautiful items will be on display, together with many New Year greeting cards. For information call Esther at Talbot 0625 or Dolly at Randolph 5141.
Moorsteen Garden
Party Outstanding
Southwestern Jewish Press August 21, 1953 Page 2
One of the outstanding garden parties of the season was recently held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Moorsteen. Approximately 500 guests welcomed and congratulated Dick Moorsteen and his bride, Patricia.
The patio garden was the setting for a champagne fountain and the beautifully tiered wedding cake. Music and refreshments added to the festivities.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Slater (Betty Lou) were among the many out-of-town relatives and friends who came to felicitate the young couple.
Southwestern Jewish Press August 21, 1953 Page 2
22—Poale Zion—Rabbi James Heller—Tifereth Israel—8:00 p.m.
23rd—Cottage of Israel Moonlight Fiesta—5:30 p.m.
23rd—20-30 Club Beach Party—3455 Ocean Front—6:00 p.m.
26th—Beth Israel Sisterhood Open House—3rd and Maple—2:00 p.m.
29th—City of Hope Jrs. Hayride—Palomar Riding Academy—8:00 p.m.
30th—Beth Jacob Men’s Club Picnic—Big Oak Ranch—9:00 a.m.
28th-30th—Tifereth Israel Center Dedication.
1st—YIVO—Dr. Moses A. Shulvass—J.C.C.,3227 El Cajon—8:00 p.m.
1st—Tifereth Israel Sisterhood Membership Tea—4207 Ridgeway—1:30 p.m.
Southwestern Jewish Press August 21, 1953 Page 2
Will share my lovely home with woman or couple. Close to everything. R-8755.
Bargain—4 bedroom plus den Mission Hills home. Excellent condition. Owner moving east; will sacrifice for cash. W-5-1726.
Wanted—Practical Nurse-Housekeeper. Live in. Call Mr. Fishman. R-4641.
Wanted—3-room apt., lower, for mother and adult son. Will pay $50 mo. North Park preferred. Call W -58805 before 2:00 p.m.
Men’s Club Picnic
At Big Oak Ranch
Southwestern Jewish Press August 21, 1953 Page 4
The Beth Jacob Men’s Club will hold their annual picnic at the Big Oak Ranch on Aug. 30. It promises to be one of the largest picnics since the beginning of the organization. Approximately 400 people will attend which will include members, their families, and friends. Swimming, dancing, games and a grand finale of a barbecue will be held. The group will start their arrival at 9:00 a.m. and have the complete grounds exclusively till 11:00 p.m.
City of Hope Aux.
Southwestern Jewish Press August 21, 1953 Page 4
Mrs. Jerry Aronoff, President, of the Senior Aux. of the City of Hope, thanks her chairman Mrs. Robert Strauss, and everyone who worked on the 25th anniversary party.
City of Hope in San Diego meets every third Tuesday afternoon, 12 p.m., for a non-profit luncheon at Beth Jacob Center. Be sure to attend, and help with this wonderful cause.