September 13 'Day to Honor Israel' scrubbed by organizers
SAN DIEGO —What was to be a "Day to Honor Israel' on Sunday, September 13, has been cancelled, with organizers Dan and Nina Brodsky expressing disappointment that the United Jewish Federation had withdrawn its support.
The UJF expressed the hope, meanwhile, that another event in support of Israel could be organized.
While the written statements didn't say what prompted the cancellation, sources indicated that there was concern among some of the participants over the issues of providing security for the marchers and whether there was sufficient time between now and September 13 to turn out a big crowd.
In their announcement of the cancellation, the Brodskys--who had been co-chairs of the now-scrubbed event, wrote:
"It is with sadness and regret that we announce the cancellation of the Walk, a Day to Honor Israel, scheduled to take place on September 13, at 1600 Pacific Highway in San Diego. This is due to the sudden and unexpected withdrawal of UJF sponsorship, and we felt that their support was necessary.
"We share your deep disappointment. Words cannot express our gratitude to you for your hard work and your enthusiastic response to the call to stand up and be counted for Israel in these worrisome times.
"Our love for Israel is unshakeable. Together we will create more opportunities. United in our cause, we will rededicate ourselves to the vital task of speaking out for Israel!"
The United Jewish Federation's statement was issued independently of that issued by the Brodskys. Signed by UJF President Andrea Oster and CEO Steven J. Morris, it said:
"The Walk for Israel scheduled for Sept. 13, 2009, has been cancelled by the event organizers. We encourage all organizations that supported the event to work together with us and the Jewish community in planning a future event to demonstrate our solidarity with Israel.
"The UJF, through its Israel Center, is dedicated to strengthening the relationship between San Diego and Israel through advocacy, education and partnerships with Israel.
"Special thanks to those who worked on the walk for their dedication to Israel and investment of time, energy and funding. We look forward to working together to strengthen San Diego’s connection to Israel, and to creating future events that enable our community to meaningfully express its support for Israel."
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Steven J. Morris, UJF's new chief executive officer, was reported to be in Atlanta yesterday, and neither he nor Oster were available to comment on the announcement from the Brodskys. —Donald H. Harrison
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Musical based on life of Sammy Davis Jr. to premiere in San Diego
SAN DIEGO (SDJW) —The late Sammy Davis Jr. broke ground as an entertainer and as an interreligious figure. His conversion to Judaism was a sensation, with Davis later explaining that after the car accident in which he had lost an eye, he had reflected with singer Eddie Cantor about the similarities between the Jewish and American experiences. Years later, he appeared on a television special with Nancy Sinatra, and the kiss they gave each other in greeting was believed to have been the first inter-racial kiss ever seen on television. Nancy's father, Frank Sinatra, was, along with Davis, Dean Martin, Peter Lawford, and Joey Bishop were members of a high-flying group of popular entertainers known as the "Rat Pack."
Sammy Davis, Jr., the man, his songs, and dancing are the subject of a world premiere to be performed at the Old Globe, September 19 through Nov 8, with the title role to be filled by Obba Babatunde, whose own career was influenced by Davis.
Tickets go on sale at the Globe box office on Sunday, August 23. Leslie Bricusse wrote the book, and most of the music and lyrics.
More information is available on line at www.theoldglobe.org.