Monte Carlo Nite For Jewish Vets
Southwestern Jewish Press October 2, 1953 Page 6
San Diego Post 185 Jewish War Veterans will meet Oct. 5 at the War Memorial Bldg. at 8 p.m.
Commander Stanley Yukon has announced that the annual Monte Carlo Nite will be held Sunday evening, October 11th at the War Memorial Bldg., Balboa Park. This annual affair is held to raise funds to carry on the programs ast the Naval Hospital, and veterans rehabilitation in San Diego County.
Past Commander Harry Aronoff, Joe Spatz and Buddy Samuels are heading the Monte Carlo Nite Committee. There will be no charge for admission, and a cordial welcome is extended to all.
B.B.G. Gab
Southwestern Jewish Press October 2, 1953 Page 6
By Shirley Samuels
The cool BBGs have just finished a hot summer program with loads of slumber and beach parties.
What’s ahead? These Kosher Katts are planning a terrific Halloween party this year with a new twist. (It’s a surprise!)
The rush tea which will be on Oct. 4 is one of the highlights of the year. All the gals and their moms will get together for a good old gabfest.
All you gals between the ages of 14 and 17 get in touch with yours truly at W-9-2051 for information about the club.
Deceased {Abraham Snyder, Nechoma Kaplan, Pauline Pomeranz, Max Smith, David Greenberg, Joel Shaia Ostroger}
Southwestern Jewish Press October 2, 1953 Page 7
Abraham C. Snyder, aged 60 on Sept. 17. Mr. Snyder was born in Massachusetts and had been a resident of San Diego for 21 years. He was a member of Beth Jacob Synagogue, Masonic Lodge in Charleston, Mass., Scottish Rite Bodies and Al Bahr shrine in San Diego, DeWitt Mitchell Post of the American Legion. He was a World War I veteran of the U.S. Navy.
Services were conducted at the Merkley-Austin Mortuary on Sept. 18 by Rabbi Morton J. Cohn and Rabbi Baruch Stern. Services and interment took place in Boston on Sept. 20.
Survivors include brother Harry of San Diego and brothers in the east.
Nechoma Kaplan, aged 83, on Sept. 22. Mrs. Kaplan, a resident of the Hebrew Home for the Aged, was born in Poland and moved to San Diego from New York 3 years ago. She was a member of the Drogochiner Aid Society of New York.
Services were conducted on Sept. 23 at the Lewis Colonial Mortuary by Rabbi Morton J. Cohn. Interment services were held in New York.
Survivors include daughters, Mrs. Jennie Drogin and Mrs. Bella M. Witty; granddaughter, Mrs. George Martin; and grandson, Leonard Drogin, all of San Diego.
Pauline Pomeranz, aged 82 , on Sept. 22. Mrs. Pomeranz was a native of Poland and a resident of San Diego for the past 47 years. She was a member of Tifereth Israel Synagogue, B’nai B’íth, J.C.R.A., and a charter member of Daughters of Israel.
Services were conducted at the Tifereth Israel Synagogue by Rabbi Monroe Levens on Sept. 23. Interment was at the Home of Peace Cemetery.
Survivors include her husband, Abraham Pomeranz; and two sons, Frank and Morrie Pomeranz, all of San Diego.
Max Smith, aged 74, on Sept. 24. Mr. Smith was a local resident for 18 years. Services were conducted by Rabbi Morton J. Cohn on Sept. 25 at Lewish Colonial Mortuary. Interment was in Chicago.
Survivors include two daughters, Mrs. Mona Sharpe of San Diego and Mrs. Ethyle Dorgard of Los Angeles; and three sons, Dave, Bommo, Louis, of Chicago.
David Greenberg, aged 73, on Sept 25. Born in Russia, Mr. Greenberg came to the United States in 1905. He was a member of Tifereth Israel Men’s Club, Riverton, Wyo., Masonic Lodge; Rocky Mountain Consistory, Scottish Rite Bodies, and El Jebel Shrine Temple, Denver.
Survivors are his wife, Mary; two sons, Harold and Zell, San Diego; a daughter, Mrs. Karen Laseter, San Diego, and three grandchildren.
Services were conducted by Rabbi Monroe Levens and Blackmer Lodge Oct. 27 in Greenwood Mortuary. Entombment followed.
Joel Shaia Ostroger, on Sept. 18 in Bronx, N.Y. He was well-known for his charitable endeavors for many years. He was a native of Poland.
Survivors include his wife, Yetta Lee; sons Harry and Joe of New York; daughter, Sylvia Cooper, and son Herman of Boston; and daughter Sarah Geller, and son Daniel of San Diego; six grandchildren including Dr. Joseph of Boston; and 2 great-grandchildren.
Cottage of Israel
Southwestern Jewish Press October 2, 1953 Page 7
Important projects outlined by the board for the coming year are extensive remodeling of the kitchen in order to improve efficiency in operating.
The board is most happy in acquiring Harry Goodwin to act as one of the two delegates to the House of Pacific Relations for this coming year.
We would still like to add new names to our permanent hostessing committee. The work consists of spending one Sunday afternoon from 2 to 5 once in two months as one of the hostesses for our Open House. It is most pleasant and gratifying and those interested can call Mrs. Rose Weitzman at W-2905 for further information.
Lasker Lodge B’nai B’rith
Southwestern Jewish Press October 2, 1953 Page 7
The Lasker Lodge Membership Contest has only two and one half months to go. All members will receive the name of a prospect to bring to the meeting of October 12th. Be sure to call him and bring him with you. If you sign up 5 new members during the contest you will receive $5 credit on your 1954 dues. With 15 new members, you receive 1954 dues free and with 25 new members to your credit, you will receive two years dues free. Get started now, most prospects just have to be asked to join.
On Sunday night, October 18 at the Temple Beth Israel, Lasker Lodge will pay tribute to Henry Weinberger. San Diego Jewry’s leading citizen is to be honored for his work in B’nai B’rith and the community of San Diego. In addition to the B’nai B’rith tribute, on Henry Weinberger night, several other local and national organizations in which Brother Weinberger has played a leading role will also honor B’nai B’rith’s great leader. Henry Weinberger Night Committee consists of Ralph Feldman, Chairman, Edward Breitbard and Joe Kaplan.
Tickets are on sale now for Lasker Lodge’s Annual Dinner Dance. The dinner dance will be held at Casper’s El Rancho in El Cajon on Sunday night, Nov. 15th. Only 100 tickets at $7.50 per couple are available. Sid Rose at R-9295 and Joe Kaplan at T-5136 are in charge of tickets and all arrangements. Attendance is limited to members of San Diego B’nai B’rith lodges and chapters.
Dick Berman, chairman of Lasker Lodge’s First Annual Hi-Jinks, announced that tickets are now being mailed to members for the gala stage show. Hi-Jinks will be presented for one night only, Sunday, November 29th at the Temple Center.
Death Claims Max Gardner,
Ballard & Brockett Partner
Southwestern Jewish Press October 2, 1953 Page 7
Max Gardner, 73, dies Sept. 29 after a short illness.
A New Yorker, Mr. Gardner came to San Diego in 1940, becoming a partner in Ballard and Brockett at that time. He formerly was a manufacturer and banker in Mr. Vernon, N.Y.
Funeral services were conducted by Rabbi Monroe Levens on Sept. 30 in Lewis Colonial Mortuary. Burial was in Home of Peace Cemetery.
Mr. Gardner and his wife, Sophie Gardner, resided at 3224 Sixth Ave.
In addition to his wife, Mr. Gardner is survived by a son, Arthur Gardner, of San Diego, and two daughters, Mrs. Louise Roschan, of Whittier, and Mrs. Noble Mills, of Inglewood.
National V.P. Speaks
For Council Women
Southwestern Jewish Press October 2, 1953 Page 8
Mrs. Edward F. Stern of Seattle, Wash., a national vice-president of the National Council of Jewish Women, will be the principle speaker at a meeting to be held on Monday, 12 noon, Oct. 12, at San Diego Club, it was announced by Mrs. Milton Roberts, President. She will outline major aspects of Council’s program in this country and abroad.
Mrs. Stern is active in local, civic and welfare organizations as a member of the Board of Directors of the Seattle Federated Fund and the Jewish Family Agency. She is a Braille transcriber, now teaching Braille to sighted students and directing a project sponsored by the Seattle Social Center for the Blind providing pleasure reading for the blind children.
Mrs. Stern has served on the Boards of the King County Health and Welfare Council and the Community Chest.
The last meeting honored new and prospective members on Tuesday, Sept 15.
The new members included Mesdames Ethel Abrams, Alfred Bobrof, Irving Fagelson, Lester Friedman, Hy Gendelman, Sidney Goldhammer, Arthur Goodman, Sol Gotkin, Charles Hafter, Gene Kaufman, Edward Kitaen, Harold Lasher, Arthur Lennard, Doris Levine, Ida Lichterman, Benj. W. Nathan, Bella Price, Marie Richards, Charles Silverman, Jack Stern, Harold Stolarsky, George Martin, Morton Kantor, Robert Stone.
Jewish Community Center News
Southwestern Jewish Press October 2, 1953 Page 8
The Jewish Community Center, 3227 El Cajon Blvd., announces the following activities:
Juniors—Sunday, Oct. 4th, 1 p.m., Fun for Juniors Program (Day Camp Reunion, movies, refreshments). Tuesday, 3:30
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p.m., Arts and Crafts, Mrs. Evelyn Herrmann, instructor. Wednesday, 3 p.m., Ballet and Creative Dance, Mrs. Irene Teman.
Young Adults (18-30)—A new Group YACS will meet Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. for a variety of activities and an opportunity to meet new friends.
Adults. Women—The Figure Control Class for women will resume Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. under the direction of Mrs. Hedy Wolf. You gals can shed the summer lethargy and achieve the necessary exuberance for your busy fall and winter season by attending the class. Supervision for your children will be provided.
Discussion Group—This group will begin meeting on Wednesday, October 14th, 8 p.m. under the leadership of Dr. Ernest Wolf. The group will be limited to a maximum of 25 participants and registration will be held beginning Oct. 7th. The first session will deal with Rabbi Nussbaum’s topic "American Jewry and Israel—Bridge or Wall.” An interest finder will be distributed to determine other topics to be discussed at future sessions.
B’nai B’rith Institute Revitalizes Adult Education In Judaism
Southwestern Jewish Press October 2, 1953 Page 8
The First Annual Institute for Judaism held last weekend at the Del Mar Hotel Friday, Sept 25 to Sunday, Sept 27 brought to fruition plans made months ago by B’nai B’rith Supreme Lodge President Philip M. Klutznick. B’nai B’rith has adopted a national program of Jewish education for adults directed by professional educators. The faculty for the Del Mar Institute included Rabbi Edgar F. Magnin, Dr. Joseph Kaplan, Milton Senn, and Rabbi Isaiah Zeldin. Rabbis Cohn, Levens and Stern of San Diego all participated in the Institute and contributed greatly to its overall success.
Attendance varied from 70 to 100 during the three days as many San Diegans attended individual sessions. Discussions were thought provoking and created a desire for further Jewish education among those attending. The Institute was a milestone in West Coast B’nai B’rith activity as it revitalized interest in adult education in Judaism.
The Del Mar Institute was co-sponsored by the B’nai B’rith District Grand Lodge No. 4 and the Southern California Council of B’nai B’rith Lodges. District 4 Grand President Samuel Fendel flew from San Francisco in order to attend the stimulating discussions. Eddie Breitbard and Morrie Kraus were San Diego representatives in charge of arrangements.
Fund Makes Appeal
To Tardy Pledgers
Southwestern Jewish Press October 2, 1953 Page 8
Recommendations for the distribution of the monies raised in the 1953 Combined Jewish Appeal of the United Jewish Fund will be presented to the Fund’s Board meeting next week by the Allocations Committee, according to Murray D. Goodrich, President.
Though $196,000 has been secured in pledges in this year’s campaign, the Allocations committee consisting of ten members of the Board of directors and fifteen members selected at large from the community, will base its recommendations on the anticipation of reaching the $210,000 goal set as San Diego’s quota for the campaign.
Based on 1952 giving, campaign chairmen, Carl M. Esenoff and Milton Y. Roberts, indicated that over $20,000 is still outstanding in anticipated pledges.
However, in order to meet the urgent request being received by the United Jewish Fund from the United Jewish Appeal, $25,000 in cash from San Diego on or before October 10—everyone is urged to convert their 1953 pledges into cash immediately so that the Fund can forward the maximum amount to the United Jewish Appeal for assistance in Israel, in Europe, and in Moslem countries. $10,000.00 in cash has already been forwarded to the offices of the United Jewish Appeal with a promise that the other $15,000.00 will follow
Hebrew Home for The Aged
Southwestern Jewish Press October 2, 1953 Page 8
Meyer Aultschuler will present with his children, Mrs. S. Newman, Mrs. S. Appleman, Mrs. L. Lichtensten, and Mr. M. Aultschuler, a beautiful Torah to the Home on his birthday, Sunday, Oct. 4. Rabbis Morton J. Cohn, Monroe Levens, Baruch Stern and Chaplain Mark Fraenckel of the 11th Naval District will be on hand for the dedication.
Mr. Victor Schulman, president of the Home, and Mrs. Frances Moss, president of the Ladies Aux., will be on hand to greet guests at the ceremony and open house between 2 and 4. The home is located at 2750 4th Ave.
Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Rosalie Sonnabaum, Mrs. Harry Tennenbaum and their committee of hostesses. The next board meeting will be held at the home Wednesday, Oct. 7th at 1 p.m.
Birdie Stodel Movie
Honors Anne Shelley
Southwestern Jewish Press October 2, 1953 Page 8
Mrs. Mell Steffel was installed as 2nd vice-president and Mrs. Harold Aved as financial secretary of Birdie Stodel at the luncheon meeting held on Sept. 28.
The next regular luncheon meeting will be held Monday Oct. 12, at 12 noon at Temple Center. Movies taken at the recent 25th Installation Meeting which honored Mrs. Anne Shelley will be shown.
Serving on the committee for this meeting are Chairman Esther Schwartz and her committee, Anne Shelley, Bess Siegal, Goldie Schusterman, Thel Berwin, Rose Tepper, Anne Rivers, and Minnie Witts.
Fiesta Club Keeps Members Busy
Southwestern Jewish Press October 2, 1953 Page 8
The regular monthly meeting will be held on Sunday, October 11th at 7:30 p.m. at the Jewish Community Center, 3227 El Cajon Blvd. A square dance is planned for this evening, so wear your most comfortable shoes.
Other plans for the month of October include an outing and hike in Cuyamaca State Park on Sunday, October 18th; a Musical on Thursday evening, October 22nd; and a Halloween
Costume Party on Saturday, October 30th.
The club is open to all single people of the Jewish faith between the ages of 21 and 35 years. If you are interested in obtaining more information, call Sam Frankel, F-9-5352.


