Double Talk
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 5
By Janet and Susan Solof
Ghosts and Goblins! What fun on Halloween.
Parties and loads of thrills given by the teens!
What do you think will happen on Halloween night?
Costumes and decorations will be a sight!
Congratulations are in order to the recently elected officers of Temple Teens. President, Linda Zuckerman; Vice-President, George Weiss; Recording Secretary, Diane Fogelman; Treasurer, Jimmy Elden. The Temple Teens announce their first dance of the year, “Jukebox Jive,” on November 7, at the Temple House. Don’t miss it.
Not having a “spoo-oo-kin” suspicion what was going on was Fagie Krasner as she walked into her home and was surprised with finding many of her friends all set to celebrate her 16th birthday. A delicious dinner and lots of fun and dancing completed the evening. Happy Birthday!
Judy Smollar had many of her friends help her celebrate her 16th birthday. Many more happy birthdays, Judy.
“Mums” the word was heard among the guests as it was almost time to surprise Shirley Kaufman on her 15th birthday. Fun and more fun was had as the evening went by with dancing and refreshments.
Yum, yum and lots of fun was heard from all the kids as they helped Johnmny Ruden welcome in his 7th birthday. And what could make a party even better?—why a Hop-a-long Cassidy cake, of course. Happy birthday, Johnny.
Do you know that Danny Schafer holds the office of President of C.S.F., and Eddie Naiman is managing the Hoover High School football team.
Congrats are in order and lots a’luck.
Halloween is just next door!
Hope you have lots of fun in store.
Call W-5-0679.
Las Vegas Story
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 5
“Las Vegas here we come!” will be the shout of some fortunate couple when the final chapter of Temple Beth Israel Sisterhood’s Las Vegas story is revealed—and it will be Las Vegas, by plane for five glorious pre-paid days of relaxation and variation. Have you stocked up on tickets? Call Mrs. H. Eber, B-6769 for more!
Mrs. Mack Esterson, President of Temple Sisterhood, feels sure that everyone will want to participate in this wonderful opportunity for a vacation, which, in turn, will finance improvements to make the Temple Center kitchen an efficient and pleasant place for all organizations to use.
Watch for further developments on the Las Vegas theme.
Cottage of Israel
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 5
The House of Pacific Relations will hold its annual Dance Fiesta on Saturday, November 7th at 8 p.m., at the House of Hospitality in Balboa Park. This is the single annual fund raising affair sponsored by our mother organization to enable it to function during the year for the benefit of the Cottages which make up the House of Pacific Relations.
Besides the general dancing, delightful entertainment will be provided throughout the evening by the various Cottages. A gay and colorful evening is in store for those who attend.
Pioneer Women
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 5
Thursday, November 5th, will be the date of Negba Club’s Membership Luncheon, 12:00 noon at Beth Jacob Center. Hostesses will be officers and board members and they are cordially inviting all women who would like to join in the work. A delicious luncheon and a fine program including a film “House in the Desert” is promised. Anyone needing transportation may call Pauline Press, Membership Chairman, at W-2020, or Rose Weitzman at @-2905.
An Oneg Shabat will be held at the home of Rose Domnitz, 4755 51st St. on Saturday, November 7th at 1:30 p.m. On the program for the afternoon will be current events and a report and discussion of our 13th convention in Washington, D.C. led by Rose Brooker.
Jr. Charity League To
See UNICEF Movie
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 5
New president of the Junior Charity League, Mrs. Harry Epsten, presided at the first meeting of the year at the lovely new home of Mrs; George Solomon. Plans are under way for a Valentine Card Party as the annual fund raising event.
At the next meeting, to be held in the home of Mrs. Harry Stone, Mrs. Lou Moorsteen will present and narrate movies produced by UNICEF showing the plight of the children of Asia. These have been shown throughout the country to demonstrate the need for support of UNICEF.
City of Hope
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 5
The success of the recent Telathon for the City of Hope was due in great measure to the many volunteers who worked on the committee. Special thanks go to Mrs. Arthur Shapery and Mrs. Elias Berwin and their committee who made it possible to raise more than $8000 in San Diego.
The next luncheon of the City of Hope Auxiliary will be on Nov. 17 at 12 noon at Beth Jacob Center at which time nominations from the floor will be made.
Scouts Plan Family Jubilee
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 5
On Sunday, November 1st, Boy Scout Troop No. 99, sponsored by Tifereth Israel Synagogue, will hold its first annual Family Jubilee. This event, conducted entirely by the Scouts, will include a kosher barbecue, stunts and exhibits of interest to the whole family. Admission is $1.00 for adults and 50 cents for children. The money raised will be used to purchase necessary equipment for the Troop. The Jubilee will be held in the play area behind the Tifereth Israel Synagogue and will take place between 12 and 4 p.m., Sunday, Nov. 1st. The public is cordially invited to attend.
Boys, 11 years old and up who are interested in joining the troop are asked to call T-1-5529.
George Jessel Slated to Appear
at Beth Israel School and
Building Fund Dinner
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 5
George Jessel, famous comedian of the stage and screen, will be the principal attraction at the Temple Beth Israel Building Fund Dinner at El Cortez Hotel on Monday, Nov. 23.
Irving Friedman and Murray Goodrich made the announcement and stated that invitations will shortly be sent out to the community. Beth Israel has purchased the building on 3rd and Maple for the expansion of the school facilities and is conducting a drive to raise more than $100,000 to further improve the new school building and the existing facilities of the Temple and Center.
More than 250 people are expected to attend and enjoy an evening with George Jessel who is flying here from New York to aid in the Temple’s drive for funds.
Hebrew Home for The Aged
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 6
Once again the Hebrew Home for the Aged welcomes you to their open house and tea to be held Wednesday, November 4th between 2 and 4. The home is located at 2740 4th Ave. The women’s auxiliary will act as hostess under the capable chairmanship of Mrs. Paul Cudney and her committee. A wonderful program has been planned by Mrs. Alex Newman program chairman. Mrs. Louis Sosna will sing, accompanied by Cantor Cysner. Enjoy the warmth and happy gleams as you look into the eyes of the guests at the home when you take part in their social activities. All are welcomes to join the Hebrew Home for Aged Auxiliary to participate in bringing cheer to the many loved ones.
Sisterhood Wins
Walker-Scott Prize
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 6
It was indeed a thrill to learn that Tifereth Israel Sisterhood placed first for the luncheon division in the Walker Scott table decoration contest, with a prize of $25.00 included. The honors most certainly go to Mrs. George Wixen who did such a beautiful job on such short notice. Her theme was the “Engagement!” which she drew from a hat. The judge ruled fairly. There were no identification tabs on the tables other than numbers, and the judges themselves were from Los Angeles. Our grateful thanks to Mr. George Scott, community and civic leader who afforded us this wonderful opportunity.
Jewish Center News
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 6
The Jewish Community Center invites all to a special luncheon meeting on Thursday November 8th, at the El Cortez Hotel to hear Mr. Sanford Solender, Director of the Jewish Center Division of the National Jewish Welfare Board. With the purchase of the property on 54th St. and the beginning of a campaign for an adequate facility center supporters will be interested in learning what is happening in other cities and in the best method of achieving the necessary program for San Diego.
Mr. Solender, with 36 years of center experience in many cities and at present coordinating the activities of the more than 350 Jewish Community Centers throughout the United States will give answers to the questions in regard to a good Jewish Community Center program and its contribution to the community.
The San Diego Jewish Community Center’s Annual Meeting will be held on Tuesday evening 6:30 p.m. November 17th, at the Pig and Whistle Restaurant—1041 fourth Ave. In addition to the election of new members to the Board of Directors, there will be a display of center activities and prospective drawings of the new Jewish Community Center building. An award will be presented to the outstanding center worker for the past year. Nominations for board membership may be presented to Mr. Edward Breitbard, nominating committee chairman, with signatures of ten center members.
Pt. Loma Attention
An organizational meeting to discuss plans for activities in Pt. Loma will be held on Friday, 1:30 p.m.—November 6th at the home of Mrs. Alex Wise—3635 Elliott St. All interested parents are invited to attend.
Lasker Lodge
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 7
By Jack Lowenbein
A gala evening of dining and dancing is promised by Sid Rose and Joe Kaplan, Co-Chairmen of Lasker Lodge’s Annual Dinner-Dance on Sunday night, November 15th at Caspar’s El Rancho. A delicious chicken dinner will be served. On the bandstand in the musical spotlight will be San Diego’s most popular orchestra, Al Cassell and his band.
Sunday night, November 29th the Temple Center is set for the First Annual lasker Lodge Hi-Jinks which will feature
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Charlie Cannon as master of ceremonies. Call Dick Berman at F-6111 for tickets and arrangements.
Jewish War Vets Aux.
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 7
The next regular meeting of the Jewish War Veterans Auxiliary will be held on Monday, November 2nd at 8:30 p.m. in the War Memorial Building, Balboa Park.
Final plans for the membership dinner to be held on Monday, November 16th, for members and guests will be discussed.Mr. Eddie Klein, National Service Officer of the Jewish War Veterans will be guest speaker, and all those attending have a treat in store for them.
Rummage Sale is November 19—call R-5362 for pick-up. Plenty of rummage still needed, to make this project a success.
Jordan Marsh Store
to Employ 300 People
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 7
Mr. Irvin Dworkin, president of Jordan-Marsh, announced the leasing of a warehouse at 501 2nd Ave., to be used for the new department store at 6th and C Sts.
The new Jordan-Marsh store plans to open its doors early in 1954 and will employ more than 300 local people on its staff.
Jewish Athlete At Training Center
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 7
Don Rosenthal, stationed at the Naval Training Station in San Diego, has just returned from Tel-Aviv where he broke records in swimming at the International Maccabiah Games in Israel.
Don was a member of the U.S. Team which placed second in the games. Originally from Cincinnati, he now makes his home in Los Angeles. A former boxer, the 6-foot, one-inch, 195 pound Jewish sailor, holds five national junior records in swimming. The 21-year-old champ’s ambition is to make the 1956 U.S. Olympic Team.
Birdie Sodel B.B.
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 7
Mrs. Sam Weiss, president of Birdie Stodel B.B., has announced that the afternoon social to be held Monday, Nov. 2, at 1:00 p.m. in the Temple Center is open to the public. Refreshments will be served.
Hillel night will be observed at the next regular meeting on Nov. 9 at the Temple Center. Lasker, Samuel I. Fox Lodge, and the Bay City B.B. will attend the program will be presented by Hillel students of State College.
Chaim Weizmann
Branch Poale Zion
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 7
The Chaim Weizmann Branch of Poale Zion announces the election of the following officers for the ensuing year. Pres., Meier Barach; Vice-pres., I. Domnitz; Corr. Sec., Fred Yaruss; Rec. Sec., Philip Abrams; Fin. Sec., Bertha Veitzer; Treas., Joe Richlin; and Publicity Chr., Bess Borushek.
With Israel, one of the focal points of interest on the world scene today, the officers and members of our organization feel it their solemn duty to double their efforts and zeal for its continued welfare.
T.I. Sisterhood Hold Rummage
Sale November 2nd
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 7
Tifereth Israel Sisterhood will hold its Annual Rummage Sale Monday, November 2 through Friday, November 6 in a store at 12th and G Sts. According to Mrs. Louis Feller, Chairman of the Rummage Sale, this is the fifth sale of its kind sponsored by the Sisterhood.
Proceeds of the sale will be used to help equip, maintain and support the new Synagogue Center Building and its activities. The Center which was dedicated recently, is the hub of the Synagogue’s Religious Education and Youth Activity.
Mrs. Al Young and Mrs. Samuel Lennett are Mrs. Feller’s co-chairmen. Assisting are Mesdames Phil Goldman, Tilly Gordon, Edward Addleson, James Feurstein, Harold Stolarsky, Ted Schiller, Ralph Goldstein, Arthur Gardner, James Holmes, Nathan Prager, Dorie Kellner, and Woodrow Ratner.
Anyone wishing to contribute articles for the Rummage Sale is asked to call one of the above who will pick up contributions.
M. D. Goodrich Accepts
New Heart Assoc. Post
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 8
Murray D. Goodrich, president of the United Jewish Fund of San Diego, has been appointed chairman for Fund Raising of the local Advisory committee of the Heart Association it was announced.
Mr. Goodrich has long been interested in the work of the Heart Association and continues to serve on the statewide Board.
Public Speaking Class
Begins November 3rd
Southwestern Jewish Press October 30, 1953 Page 8
Esther Siegel announces that her first class in Public Speaking for adults will meet for the initial session on Tuesday evening, November 3rd at 8 o’çlock at Temple Center, Third and Laurel Sts.
The course will include practical training in overcoming faulty habits of voice and diction, vocabulary building, and developing poise and self-assurance. Particular emphasis will be directed toward improving the effectiveness of the individual in meeting the everyday demands not only of the business and professional world but also the demands of social and club life.
Special introductory rates are as follows: Adult Class--$15.00 for 10 weeks. Private Lessons--$5.00 singly or #30.00 for 10 lessons.
Anyone interested in joining one of the above groups is asked to contact Miss Siegel at her studio in the Barcelona Hotel, Main 0153.


