Jewish Family Service tells ways it can help in this economy
SAN DIEGO (Press Release)--Jewish Family Service has issued the following message for families facing tough economic times:
Even if you thought you'd never need our services,
we're here to help. Today's economic crisis has created extreme hardship for many in our community, including many families who've never needed assistance before. That's why we created this program--to provide special help during these hard times. We can help with job search skills, understanding bankruptcy and foreclosure, reducing stress, regaining sleep, and more. So if you've hit hard times and need help turning things around, we're here for you.
See our list of workshops below. More workshops and support groups are listed online on our website. If you still haven't found what you're looking for, give us a call at (877) 537-1818. Our intake coordinator can help connect you to a counselor or case manager who can work with you individually.
All workshops are free and open to everyone.
Download JFS Economic Crisis Response Flyer
Display At Your Agency, Business, Synagogue or give to a friend in need
Support Groups
You are not alone during these tough times. Meet with others who are going through similar experiences and receive support from our professional staff. For a list of our current support groups, call (877) 537-1818.
Support group for professionals
Are you a professional affected by the economy? Have you been laid off? Had to take a job that you are overqualified for? Are you hurt? Angry? Astonished? Come share your thoughts, get support from other professionals who have lost their job. Call (858) 637-3010 for more information or to register. Read More>>
Hebrew Free Loans
Need emergency financial assistance or financial help with business development, job training, or a car for transportation to work? If you are a Jewish resident of San Diego, you may qualify for an interest free loan with us. Read More>>
If you or someone you know may benefit from individual counseling or case management, please call the JFS Access Line at (877) 537-1818. All calls are completely confidential.
November Workshops
Introduction to Stress Reduction
Series of 6 Workshops • 6:30-8:00pm
JFS Turk Family Center • 8804 Balboa Ave • San Diego • 92123
This 6-week workshop will look at ways stressors impact our lives. Participation at all 6 workshops is encouraged but not required. Presenter: Jeff Zlotnick, Executive Director, The Meditation Initiative
• November 3, 2009 • Introduction to Stress Reduction – Learn techniques to decrease your stress level and increase happiness every day.
• November 10, 2009 • Body and Mind Relaxation – When the mind is tired, the body is tired. This class will help you relax and refresh.
• November 17, 2009 • Mindful Movements – We move so fast all day, but do we pay attention to our movements? Learn to be mindful of every action throughout your day.
• November 24, 2009 • Guided Meditation – If you have never tried meditation, this is the time. If you meditate daily come share your experiences with others.
• December 1, 2009 • Mindful Living and Eating – What we eat and what we do affects our level of stress and anxiety. Learn how to live a healthy life and love what you do.
• December 8, 2009 • Stress-Free Family Life – This class will help you find more joy and less stress amongst family.
Read more & register online>>
Career Planning and Job Search Skills
Series of 3 Workshops • 6:30-9:00pm (Workshop on November 5 will be from 6:30-8:30pm)
Temple Solel • 3575 Manchester Ave, • Cardiff by the Sea • 92007
• Thursday, November 5, 2009 – Effective Job Search Strategies • Jennifer Karp and Marsha Noble, Executive Search Consultant & HR Professional
• Thursday, November 12, 2009 – Writing Resumes that Work • Alan Farber, Ph.D
• Thursday, November 19, 2009 – Interviewing Skills: Preparation and Participation • Sherwin Chasen, HR Consultant
Read more & register online>>
Ready, Willing, and Able: A Guide to Making Positive Financial Change
Monday, November 9, 2009 • 6:00-8:00pm
JFS Turk Family Center • 8804 Balboa Ave • San Diego • 92123
Learn essential knowledge and techniques to begin a program of sound money management. Start taking control of your financial future. Presenter: Christine Timbol, Education Specialist, Money Management International
Read more & register online>>
Taking Care of Yourself During Tough Times
Thursday, November 12, 2009 • 6:00-7:30pm
JFS Turk Family Center • 8804 Balboa Ave • San Diego • 92123
Learn some techniques for surviving & thriving during these challenging economic times. Presenter: Ros Goldstein, LCSW, JFS
Read more & register online>>
Bankruptcy: A Financial Strategy for Troubled Times
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 • 6:30-8:00pm
JFS Turk Family Center • 8804 Balboa Ave • San Diego • 92123
Learn practical information to decide whether bankruptcy is right for you. This workshop will answer commonly asked questions, including: Should I be considering bankruptcy?; Am I eligible to file?; Can I discharge all of my debt?; Can I protect all of my property?; and Is there life after bankruptcy? Presenter: Radmila A. Fulton, Attorney at Law and Certified Specialist
Read more & register online>>
Jewish license plate

Rabbi Elliot Dorf to speak at SDSU
SAN DIEGO (Press Release)—Rabbi Elliot Dorf, a professor of philosophy at American Jewish University and president of the Academy for Jewish, Christian and Muslim Studies, will discuss "The Moral Dimensions of Health Care," at 4 p.m., Tuesday, Nov. 10, in Room 130 of Hepner Hall on the San Diego State University campus.
Dorf, who also served as a member of the ethics committee in 1993 on President Bill Clinton's Health Care Task Force as well as on the California State Ethics Advisory Committee on Stem Cell Research, is sponsored by five units of San Diego State University: Baron Fund for Ethics Education, Department of Religious Studies, Institute for Ethics & Public Affairs, Department of Philosophy and the Jewish Studies Program.
Klezmer clarinetists to perform
SAN DIEGO (Press Release)--Yale Strom, SDSU's Jewish Studies Program's artist in residence and his Hot P'Strom' i Band, plan an evening of klezmer music, at 7 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 4, in SDSU's Rhapsody Hallwith three klezmer clarinetists,
Leo Chelyapov, Gary Gould, and Robert ZelickmanAdmission is free.
David Strom to review My Righteous Gentile today
SAN DIEGO (Press Release)—David Strom, professor emeritus of education at San Diego State University and a book reviewer for San Diego Jewish World, will offer his analysis at a meeting of the Tifereth Israel Friendship Club of a book by one of its members, Gabriella Labson, entitled My Righteous Gentile. His presentation will be at 11 a.m. today (Thursday) at Tifereth Israel Synagogue, 6660 Cowles Mountain Blvd.
Thanksgiving Trot to raise funds for SDJA, JFS Hands-Up Pantry
SAN DIEGO (Press Release)--San Diego Jewish Academy and the JFS Hands Up Food Pantry will be beneficiaries of the Thanksgiving Day 3.1 mile "Carmel Valley Turkey Trot," at 8 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 26, sponsored by SDJA's Lions Athletic Booster Club. The 5-kilometer course will take entrants over the Route 56 bike trail and part of SDJA's cross country course, then end up on the athletic field of San Diego Jewish Academy. Registration for the run in which everyone receives a T-shirt and goodie bag is $29, with kids under 12 free. More information available from Charlie Wund at cwund@sdja.com or Jonathan Callopy, 858-922-9203.
Kids Day Sales Force

SAN DIEGO (Press Release)—The Israel Center at the United Jewish Federation offices in San Diego reports: "We are now accepting applications for the Jacobs International Teen Leadership Institute July 7th-30th, 2009. JITLI is comprised of youth from the San Diego Jewish community, and Israeli, Bedouin and Arab teens. It is dedicated to the education and leadership development of young people in the context of interaction with other cultures. JITLI aims to break down stereotypes and build lasting relationships leading to a vibrant and meaningful co-existence.
"Who can apply? Teens who: Have been to Israel; Have leadership skills; Are in 11th grade; Are recommended by a past participant, rabbi, teen director, etc.
"Contact the UJF Israel Center if you would like to recommend a candidate for JITLI - 858.571.3444 or email."