Communities Plead for Liberal Immigration Act
Southwestern Jewish Press, October 17, 1952, page 7
On invitation of the President’s Immigration Commission, which held hearings in Los Angeles last Wednesday, Albert A. Hutler, Executive Director of the San Diego Federation of Jewish Agencies, and the United Jewish Fund, testified before the Commission in favor of a broader and more liberal immigration policy.
Asked to appear before the Commission by the United Service for New Americans in New York and the Community Relations Committee of Los Angeles because of his background in work with refugees and DP’s since 1938, both in the United States and Europe, Mr. Hutler testified that those who had come to the United States in the 30’s had proved to be good citizens. He stated that on the basis of the over 80 families that had come to San Diego in the past 5 years, there was no question but that America was benefiting from these potential citizens. Several cases of speedy adjustment; enlistments in the Armed Services; and ability to take care of themselves financially were used as illustration of new Americans’ contributions to their community.
San Diego’s representative joined with speakers from other Southern California Communities in appealing to the Commission for a more liberal and broadened immigration law.
Jewish Community Center
Southwestern Jewish Press, October 17, 1952, page 7
Mrs. Sam Bennett, chairman of the Jewish Center Camp Jaycee committee, announces that the first day camp reunion will be held Sunday afternoon 12:30 p.m. at Pepper Grove, Balboa Park. The highlights of the past summer activities will be featured and as an added attraction, the Padre Puppeteers, under the direction of Mrs. Bruce Engman will present a variety show. The September and October Birthday celebrants will be honored with a huge birthday cake.
Assisting Mrs. Bennett on the committee are Mmes. Harold Stolarsky and Richard Levi.
This is the first of a series of monthly junior activities planned by the San Diego Jewish Center, a member agency of the Federation of Jewish Agencies.
Adult Institute Opens for 4th Year
Southwestern Jewish Press, October 17, 1952, page 7
The Adult Institute of Jewish Education entered its 4th year of activity last Wednesday at Beth Jacob Center.
In its 4th year the Institute, under the direction of Dr. A.P. Nasatir, is again offering Jewish subjects of wide spread and broad interest. Classes being offered in the Institute consist of Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced Hebrew, being taught by Mr. and Mrs. Leon Elkind and Yehuda Chmiel; Literature of the Talmud with Dr. A. P. Nasatir as the instructor; Wisdom of the Sages led by Rabbi Monroe Levens. Other courses being offered are Modern Jewish History with Prof. Harry Ruja of State College; Jewish Music by Cantor Joseph Cysner. Rabbi Morton J. Cohn will again teach a Biblical Literature Course and will cover Psalms of the Bible; while Rabbi Baruch Stern will act as the professor for Customs and Traditions. A Leadership Training Course, entitled the “American Jewish Scene” will be given by Albert A. Hutler.
Keynoter for the opening of the Institute was Samuel Kaminer, Supervisor of Jewish Education for the Jewish Community Council of Los Angeles. Formerly the Director of the B’nai B’rith Youth Organization for Southern California, Mr. Kaminer showed a widespread knowledge of Jewish education both for adults and children. He spoke of the values of Jewish Education and its need in a community such as San Diego.
Registration will continue and remain open for those who wish to participate in this activity. Fee for all for all of the courses is $2.00 per semester. The Institute is held every Wednesday evening from 7:45 to 9:45 p.m.

Jolly 16 Dance Set For November 9
Southwestern Jewish Press, October 17, 1952, page 7
The November 9th Jolly 16 Annual Autumn Ball and Dinner-Dance at the El Cortez Hotel will be the beginning of the 39th year of activity for this energetic group, who have served the community untiringly and happily these many years.Our annual party, always given at the start of the Fall season, is a gay affair. An excellent dinner plus the best dance orchestra available practically assures a perfect party.
Everyone is invited. Make your reservations now. Plan your party, we know you’ll have fun. If you haven’t attended a Jolly 16 party before, attend this year and give yourself a wonderful evening out.
Tickets are available from any Jolly 16 member.
United Nations Week Oct. 19-26
Southwestern Jewish Press, October 17, 1952, page 7
The opening observance of United Nations week will be held Sunday, Oct 19. The Bonham Boys Band will give a concert at 1:30 p.m. after which the Cottages of the House of Pacific Relations will serve birthday cake. Any donations given at this time will go toward CARE packages for needy children. The entire week will be devoted to programs of enlightenment on the aims and purposes of the United Nations.
A dinner party will be held at the House of Hospitality on Friday, Oct. 24, with Dr. Covey Oliver speaking on the subject, “The United Nations and America’s Future.”
Have you or your organization planned a United Nations birthday party? For full information contact Mrs. Mary Fay, J-2462.
USO-JWB Day November 5
Southwestern Jewish Press, October 17, 1952, page 7
Community interest will soon be centered on USO Week to be celebrated in San Diego November 3 through November 8. Each day during that week will be designated as a special USO agency day. The public will be invited to visit all USO Clubs and operations during this week. All radio and television stations will feature local USO publicity covering the various programs.
Wednesday, November 5 will be observed as USO-JWB Day. Plans include an orchestra dance to be given at Temple Center. Featured also will be a special Open House program to which the general community will be invited. Members of the JWB Armed Services Committee will serve as hosts for the evening.
Another outstanding event will be a big Hallowe’en party to be give on October 29 at Temple Center with the Bay City Chapter B’nai B’rith women as sponsors.
For further information contact USO-JWB office, 215 Spreckels Building, F. 9-3712.
Federation Okays Study To Be Made
Southwestern Jewish Press, October 17, 1952, page 8
Planning for the Community’s future will be undertaken by a Social Planning Committee of the Federation, recently appointed by Carl Esenoff, President.
With the appointment of Victor Schulman to head the Committee, Mr. Esenoff said that plans were completed to begin a careful study of the needs of the Jewish Community, how these needs are being met, and the best way of meeting unmet needs.
Aiding the chairman as members of the committee are some of San Diego’s leading social planners. Members are: Mrs. Saul Chenkin, Mrs. Gabriel Berg, Eli H. Levenson, Dr. Abe Nasatir, Dr. Oscar Kaplan, Mack Esterson, Morris Douglas and Arthur Gardner. Staff members are: Albert A. Hutler, Executive Director of the Federation; Mrs. David Rubenstein, Executive Secretary of the Jewish Social Service Agency; and Sidney Posin, Executive Director of the Jewish Community Center.
The committee at its first meeting agreed that it was necessary to make a survey of all of the organizations in the community with emphasis on the work that is being done in the field of Social Work locally by each of the organizations. Mr. Hutler was directed to begin such a survey with all members of the committee to assist him. Consideration is being given to a survey of Jewish Education in San Diego and a population study according to Schulman.