
'San Diego Plan' Pays Off
Southwestern Jewish Press, October 31, 1952, page 1
Culmination of the San Diego Bond Plan was the presentation of the $125,000.00 check from the United Jewish Fund to Henry Mentor, Executive Vice President of the BIG and Max Lipin, Chairman of the West Coast Economic Conference recently held in Los Angeles, by M.D. Goodrich, President of the UJF. {photo, bottom row}
The story of this San Diego purchase which Henry Montor called the finest plan in America, is told in pictures with Treasurer Nathaniel Ratner {top left” signing the Fund check for $125,000.00 and Secretary Mrs. Gabriel Berg, affixing her signature to the same check in the presence of Harry Beilin, Consul of the State of Israel for the Western Region of the United States {top right}.
During a workshop period at the recent conference, Mr. Montor in answer to a question of one of the San Diego contingent, made it clear that he felt the San Diego plan was the finest plan devised in this country to assist Israel through the purchase of Bonds of the Israel Government. He said “any plan which permits a community the size of San Diego to purchase $300,000 worth of bonds for cash in a period of a year and a half is outstanding.”
Full meaning of the purchase of $125,000 worth of bonds is that San Diego will have contributed in excess of $230,000 to overseas and Israel agencies in 1952.
Cash Drive Need Told
Southwestern Jewish Press, October 31, 1952, pages 1, 10
Over 55 percent of the pledges made in the 1952 Combined Jewish Appeal have been collected to date according to Harry Mallen, chairman, Collection Committee. He further stated that 94.2 percent of the 1951 contributions had been paid in full.
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Because of the urgent needs of money by the United Jewish Appeal and other beneficiary agencies of the Fund, an all out drive will be made in the next 30 days to collect as much cash as possible on 1951 and 52 pleges. Teams of workers will be sent out in the field to stress the importance of converting pledges into cash now so that the money raised in the San Diego campaign can be put to fullest use.
Already over $82,000 has been forwarded to various agencies as an advance on their 1952 request, the bulk of the money going to the United Jewish Appeal for work in Israel. Besides this $25,000 has been used for the purpose of purchase of $125,000 worth of Bonds of Israel Government in the name of the Jewish community.
Cash is vitally needed now, according to Mallen so that overseas, Israel and national agencies will be able to receive their money before the end of the year. Constant reminders will be forwarded to all those who made contributions and have not as yet paid according to the plan of the campaign.
Everyone who has not yet paid is urged to immediately reply to the bill which they will receive in the next few days by paying as much of their pledge as they possibly can.
Allocation Committee Invites Community
Southwestern Jewish Press, October 31, 1952, page 1
Members of the United Jewish Fund are invited to Join the Allocations committee and learn what their dollars do on Sunday, November 2nd from 10:00 a.m. to 4 p.m. of the San Diego Hotel.
Meeting for the second time under the chairmanship of Milton Robert, the Committee will hear representatives from more than 15 organizations who will present their case for a share oof the fund to be distributed.
Robert Levenson, San Francisco Community leader, will be the principle speaker at the Allocation luncheon. Program for the open hearing of Sunday, November 2, as announced by Roberts, will open with a first session at 10:00 a.m. and run to 4:00 p.m. Reservation for the luncheon may be made by calling the United Jewish Fund office, Main 5172.
U.S.O. Week To Be Observed By All Segments Of Community
Southwestern Jewish Press, October 31, 1952, pages 1, 10
San Diego County Naval and Marine Installations will join with civilian agencies in community-wide celebration of U.S. O. Week Nov. 3 to 8. Designed to demonstrate the activities of San Diego U.S.O. Advisory Council and its six member agencies, United Red Feather services, U.S.O Week will feature programs daily open to the public.
Ceremonies will begin with a 50-pice military band concert at 7:30 p.m. at Horton Plaza in downtown San Diego, Nov. 3. All U.S.O. centers will hold open house during the week, with entertainment programs and refreshments for visitors. Speakers in behalf of U.S.O. will appear before 25 luncheon and service clubs throughout the city and county to tell the “U.S.O. Story.” Special parades in honor of the U.S.O. are scheduled for Friday, Nov. 8 at the Naval training Center and the Marine Corps Recruit Depot, with members of the U.S.O. executive committee and San Diego city officials on the reviewing stands.
Concluding the celebration will be a football game Saturday, Nov. 8, between two of the nation’s top service teams from the Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego and the Marine depot at Parris Island, S.C. The public is invited to attend the game which will start at noon in Balboa Stadium, San Diego. Tickets will be available without charge at these U.S.O. agencies: Armed Services Y.M.C. A., 500 W. Broadway; National Jewish Welfare Board, Temple center, 34de and Laurel; National Catholic Community Service , 925 First Ave., Salvation Army, 1050 Second Ave., Travelers Aid Society, Spreckels Bldg and U.S.O-Y.W.C.A. Hostess Headquarters, Spreckels Bldg.