Anna Shelley     List of honorees         Louis Rose Society         Jewishsightseeing home

Writings about Anna Shelley
Editor's Note: Anna Shelley is referred to in various articles as "Anna" and "Anne" as well as Mrs. George Shelley.

April 18, 1946—"Sunday Night Dance," Southwestern Jewish Press, April 18, 1946, page 11: The regular Sunday Night Dance, sponsored by the Jewish Welfare Board, was well attended by servicemen and Junior Hostesses.  Several dance "mixers" were enjoyed. Refreshments were served by members of the Hadassah with Mrs. Sara Silverman as chairman. Next Sunday a feature of the dance will be a prize waltz. All girls attending the Sunday Night Dance are requested to come at 8:00 p.m.  The B'nai B'rith Auxiliary will be in charge of refreshments next Sunday.  Mrs. Anna Shelley, as chairman, promises a delicious Passover menu.

July 11, 1946—"Jewish Labor Committee," Southwestern Jewish Press, July 11, 1946, page 3: The supper and food collection sponsored by the Jewish Labor Committee on Sunday June 30th at Beth Jacob Center turned out to be a huge success.  Realizing the responsibility to their hungry and destitute brethren in Europe, our Jews of San Diego responded wonderfully.  The supper was deliciously prepared by our very capable committee consisting of Mrs. Adler, chairman, with Mrs. Feinberg, a co-chairman, and Mesdames Shelley, Lazarowitz, Penn, Fleischman, Herscovitz, Sarfan and Margolis.  We take this opportunity to thank all participants and committees who so generously contributed food and labor to make this affair successful. —Ben Feinberg, publicity. "J.C.R.A," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: Come one, come all to the super deluxe picnic and bazaar which is being sponsored by the Jewish Consumptive Relief Auxiliary on Sunday, July 21st at Pepper Grove in Balboa Park. A delicious home-cooked dinner as well as other delicacies will be served at 11:30 a.m. and continue throughout the day.  The Birdie Stodel B'nai B'rith Chapter 92 which is headed by Mrs. Lena Kimmel will sponsor a homemade cake booth. "This picnic is an annual event," declared Mrs. Anna Shelley, President, "all proceeds are sent to the tuberculosis sanitarium at Duarte, California, which is a non-profit, non-sectarian institution."  This year above others sees the great need for funds. A new hospital is under construction which will house over 200 beds...—Anna B. Brooks, publicity. 

December 12, 1946—1)"Honored at Pre-Nuptial Affairs," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4:
Among the many lovely parties honoring bride-elect Gertrude Shelley was a charming luncheon and personal shower given in Beverly Hills by two of her friends there, Mrs. Sid Cagan and Mrs. Lou Dolgin.  It was held on Saturday afternoon, November 29th with many Los Angeles friends attending. After luncheon, the guests spent the afternoon playing cards. On Wednesday evening, December 5th, Miss Shelley was honored with a miscellaneous shower hostessed by three dear friends of her mother (Anna Shelley), they are Mesdames Jennie Siner, Lena Penn and Lena Kimmel. The affair was held at the Beth Jacob Center with about 80 guests in attendance. Saturday, December 7th, the Misses Irma Strahl and Sally Stein entertained for Miss Shelley with luncheon and a crystal shower for 16 guests in the French Room of the U.S. Grant Hotel. The large luncheon table was beautifully decorated in floral patterns carried out in a pink and white color scheme. Miss Shelley will be the honoree this Saturday, December 14th, at a luncheon and miscellaneous shower which is being given by Mrs. Lou Blanc at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ben Gordon at 3632 Granada Avenue.  Twenty-two guests are expected. Miss Shelley is the fiancée of Martin ("Mort") Thaler.  Their marriage will be solemnized here December 29th...

2)"B.B Birdie Stodel Chapter 92," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5:  ... Highlight of the afternoon was election of officers headed by Esther Schwarz, president... Mrs. Anna Shelley, first president of the chapter, will be in charge of installation on January 29th at 8:00 p.m. at the Temple Center.  The public is invited....

3)"Beth Jacob Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: Beth Jacob Ladies' Auxiliary will hold a Chanukah Card Party Thursday evening, December 19, at the Beth Jacob Center, 3206 Myrtle Street. Home-cooked Latkos and tea will be served. Come and bring your friends—spend a real Chanukah evening. President Clara Rasnick will be the hostess for the party—Anna Shelley, publicity...

4) "Daughters of Israel," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: At a recent meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary of Congregation Tifereth Israel election of officers was held....The past presidents have been formed into an honorary past presidents group to serve in an advisory capacity.  They are: Rose Neumann, Anna Shelley, Jennie Siner, Sylvia Adler, Anna Epstein, Ruth Douglas, and Rose Fischbein...

5) "Jewish Labor Committee," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7: A meeting of the newly ewlected officers of the Jewish Labor Committee was held on Monday evening, Decemeber 2, at the home of ben Feinberg, 2255 Market St.  Officers who will serve the organization for the coming year are Ben Feinberg, president; Sandor Goldberger, vice president, Morris Penn, financial secretary; Sandor Goldberger, temporary treasurer, Anna Shelley, recording secretary....


January 9, 1947—1) "Bassins Express Thanks," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: Mrs. Pearl Bassin, who has been confined to the hospital with a grave illness for the past seven months, is at home at 1624 29th Street, recuperating and is able to see visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Bassin wish to take this means to thank the various members of the community, the membership of the J.C.R.A. and the Pioneer Women's Organization, for their blood donations and other assistance during Mrs. Bassin's illness. They wish to than Mr. Nathan F. Baranov for his outstanding interest in their case; Mrs. Rose Neuman, Mrs. Anna Shelley, Miss Jeanette Tobias and the Blood Bank for their consideration and help; and the Bassins wish to specifically thank Mrs. Jennie Jupiter who for thirty consecutive weeks visited Mrs. Bassin every day regardless of the weather bringing her the kind of foods she was able to eat. When Mrs. Jupiter was unable to make her calls, her sister Mrs. Tillie Solomons made the calls for her. To these people and all the others respoonsible for Mrs. Bassin's recover, Mr. and MRs. Bassin extend their sincere thanks and gratitude.

2) "Jewish Labor Committee," Southwestern Jewish Press, Page 5: The wonderful attendance at the New Year's Eve celebration sponsored by the Jewish Labor Committee on Tuesday, December 31, at the Beth Jacob Center proved once again the deep responsibility of our San Diego Jewry to their unfortunate and destitute brethren in Europe...The supper was deliciously prepared and served by our very able committee consisting of Mr. Goldberger, chairman; Ida Feinberg, co-chairman; Lena Penn, Anna Shelley, Anna Lazarowitz, and Rose Miroff...—Ben Feinberg, Publicity.

3) "Pioneer Women's Organization," Southwestern Jewish Press, Page 5: The public is cordially invited to attend a card party on Sunday evening, Jan. 12th, at 7 p.m. at the Beth Jacob Centre...The affair is being sponsored by the three sister members of our organization, Mrs. George Shelley, Mrs. Milton Rawdin and Mrs. Julius Reisman for the specific benefit of our Child Rescue Fund. Reports of the Youth Alijah Conference in Basle show that the Youth Immigration Dept. of the Jewish Agency is ready to accept 54,000 refugee children who are being held in D.P. camps in Europe.... 

January 16, 1947—"Beth Jacob Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: On Tuesday, January 7th, a regular meeting of the Beth Jacob Auxiliary was held.  In the absence of the president, 1st vice president Sister Ruth Aronoff conducted the meeting...Sister Aronoff extended greetings to Anna Shelley, Florence Lebovitch and many others.  Reports of the Chanukah latke party sponsored by president Clara Rasnick proved it a success....

March 6, 1947 —"Pioneer Women," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: We are happy to report our Purim Masquerade Dance held on March 1st was truly worthy of all the efforts effected to promote its success. With the exception of a small turnout of costumed guests than anticipated, the evening of dancing, entertainment and general good fellowship will long be remembered... Our deep appreciation is extended Chavera (Friend) Shelley and her co-chairman Laura Simon with their committee who so efficiently took charge of refreshments...

March 27, 1947—"J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: On Thursday March 18th... Guest speakers at the meetings were Messrs Albert A. Hutler, Morrie Douglas and Lou Steinmann. They spoke in behalf of the coming United Jewish Fund campaign.  Moving pictures showing the wonderful work of the J.D.C., an agency of the Fund, especially with the displaced children, were shown..."It would make me very happy to see every meeting of the JCRA as well attended as this last one was," said Mrs. Anna Shelley, president.

April 10, 1947—1) "UJF Workers Stepping Up Pace--To Reach Early Goal," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: "Coverage," the most important word in the campaign, will come to life when the 200 volunteer workers of the United Jewish Fund go out in full force to reach their prospects: ...(among them)... Ann(a) Shelley.

2) "San Diegans Attend Duarte Passover Banquet," Southwestern Jewish Press, Page 4: A number of San Diegans who participate actively in the work of the Jewish Consumptive Relief Association's work attended the Passover banquet held Sunday evening, April 6th, at the Sanatorium at Duarte. Mrs. George Shelley, president of the local group; Mr and Mrs. Frank Berman; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Berman; Mrs Becky Bard and Mrs Ethel Berkov were present at the banquet. Highlighting the affair was the celebration that evening of Mrs. Berkov's birthday for which festive music was played and a presentation of a beautifully decorated cake took place.  The audience joined in birthday wishes for the guest.  The visiting group talked with several patients in the Sanatorium and presented gifts to them.

3) "Old Folks Celebrate Passover Seder in 'Home'" Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: Places were laid for 54 guests at the first night Passove seder at the San Diego Hebrew Home for the Aged Friday night. Rabbi Bergman conducted the ritual with Joe Dembo and Sam Schissell assisting, and members of the home and their families participating. This is the third year that the old folk's Home has been in existence and the sederim have special significance to the residents of the Home, particularly when they are able to have their children and their families at their side.  Two hundred guests attended the seder at Temple Beth Israel. Rabbi Morton J. Cohn conducted the traditional service with the participation of Temple members, their guests and their children. Many of the young guests sat at the head table with Rabbi and Mrs. {Sally} Cohn and assisted with the reading. Frankee Dee Hutler, 4, found the "Aphekomin" (hidden matzo) for which she was awarded a silver dollar by Rabbi Cohn.  A number of servicemen were guests of the Sisterhood.  Many private sederum were conducted throughout the city. Mr. and Mrs. Al Neumann had twenty nine guests at their seder this year. The Neumanns have had a seder i their home every Passover since 1913, and each year they have had approximately thirty guests at their table. Most of the guests have been attending for many years. The George Neumanns every year since the first seder; the Harry Tenebaums since 1918; the Robert Gordons for the past eighteen years. This year was a particularly joyous occasion for the Neumanns as their son Sidney was able to join the family circle.  Mr. and Mrs. Louis Addleson also had twenty-nine at their family seder. Mr. and Mrs. George Shelley had nineteen members of the family with them. Seventeen guests attended the seder at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Fleischman and Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Abrahamson had the "holy number" thirteen at thier table. Mr and Mrs. Irwin Fischer had fourteen at their home for first night seder. Most of those attending were friends who families are not in San Diego, and more this seder brought home to the guests the traditional observance that they had previously shared with their relatives.  Photographs were taken at the seder, which they will take home. AT the Fischer Seder were: Jacob Baranov, Mrs. Fischer's father; Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Beinner; Mr. and Mrs. Leon Gold, Mr and Mrs. Henry Goldy; Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kattleman, Saul Gold, Lou Margolis, Mr. and Mrs. Fischer and their son, Bruce.

4) "Organizations 'Working With' UJF," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: ...Isidore Markowitz will be the chairman for the Haveros; B'nai B'rith Girls will be led by Elaine Glasser; the Jewish Consumptive Relief Association will have Mrs. Anna Shelley as its chairman....

May 8, 1947—1) "Pioneer Women," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: At a regular meeting held Thursday, May 1st, plans were set in motion for forthcoming activities and two changes in administration were made.  Due to unforeseen circumstances, 1st vice president Frieda Marks, and recording secretary Zelda Stotland tendered their resignations, which were regrettably accepted...Chavera Anna Shelley is replacing Zelda Stoland as chairman of the Donor Dinner on Aug. 10th with Bess Borushek co-chairman.

2)"J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: Mrs. Anna Shelley, president of the Jewish Consumptive Relief Association extends a cordial invitation to all mothers and their friends to attend the Mother's Day Luncheon on Wednesday, May 14th, at 12 noon sharp at Beth Jacob Center, 3206 Myrtle Street...

May 22, 1947—"J.C.R.A," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: "Of all the Mothers Day parties held in San Diego, the luncheon sponsored by the J.C.R.A. was the most outstanding, not only socially but financially as well," said President Anne Shelley, "Words fail to describe the leadership of Chairman Bessye Siegel and her co-chairman, Jennie Siner, with Fannie Addleson, Anna Epstein, Anna Lazarowitz, Anne Shelley, Frieda Marks and Fannie Margolis assisting...President Anne Shelley extends a word of thanks to those who were on the working committee and to the guests who attended the affair."

June 26, 1947—1) "The Way We Heard It," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: Mr. and Mrs. Zel Camiel and son, Stanton, and Mrs. George Shelley attended a testimonial dinner in Los Angeles last Sunday night in honor of the Camiel's sister-in-law, Mrs. Anna Gurwitz, who gave service for twelve years as Secretary for the Ostrolanker Society of Los Angeles...

2) "J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: One of the biggest undertakings and expansions in American Jewishu Life today is the National Medical Center which will enlarge the Los Angeles Sanitorium also known as the City of Hope at Duarte, California, to house 350 patients. It is a vast and noble enterprise which is non-profit and non-sectarian, depending upon its J.C.R.A. Auxiliaries and private contributions for its support. The local Jewish Consumptive Relief Ass'n. is sponsoring a card party for the benefit of the sanitorium tonight, June 26, at 7:00 p.m. at the Beth Jacob Center. The public is invited. Refreshments will be served later in the evening under the chairmanship of Mrs. Sylvia Adler. At the last meeting Mrs. Freda Marks was seated in the Third Vice-President's chair at the request of Beckie Bard, who is making an extended trip. Mrs. Bard had petitioned the Board of Directors to fill her chair during her absence. Anna Epstein filled the chair of the second Vice-President during Fannie Addleson's absence and Jennie Siner was Secretary pro-tem while Lena Kimmel was at the B'nai B'rith Convention in Frenso as a delegate....A coast meeting of J.C.R. A. organizations will be held at Los Angeles July 4th to 6th with President Anne Shelley and First Vice President Jennie Siner representing the local group...

July 10, 1947—"Beth Jacob Aux.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: At a regular meeting of the Beth Jacob Auxiliary held Tuesday, July 2, President Clara Rasnick served a delicious luncheon to all and extended her appreciation to her first vice-president, Ruth Aronoff for conducitng themeeting during Mrs. Rasnick's absence. Anna Shelley volunteered to accept the office of social secretary.  A card party is planned for Thursday, July 24, at 7:30 p.m. to be held in Beth Jacob Center, 3206 Myrtle Street with Fannie Addleson and Ruth Aronoff as chairmen. The public is invited.

July 17, 1947—"J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: "Big things are being accomplished at the Sanatorium at Duarte, California," said President Anne Shelley and first Vice President Jennie Siner, who just returned from a Coast conference held at the Sanatorium by all the J.C.R.A. representatives of the Pacific Coast Auxiliaries.  Los Angeles is greatly inspired by the Jewish Medical Center which is taking shape at its door.  What was once the dream of a few is actually coming to life; new buildings to house the medical staff and employees are completed...

July 24, 1947—"Junior B'nai B'rith Girls," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7: Hold onto your hats, kids, another term has just begun. The joint installation of officers Wednesday night was the sensation of the week.  With the beautiful formals displayed by the girls, the eyes of the A.Z.A's were popping in and out all night...Preceding the installation a dinner was held at the San Diego Hotel to honor all incoming and outgoing officers and guests of the evening, which included Mesdames, Esther Schwartz, Celia Schwartz, and Anna Shelley, who founded the Jr. B'nai B'rith Auxiliary in San Diego many years ago....

July 31, 1947—"J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: This coming Sunday, August 3rd, is the day of days. The occasion is the Benefit Indoor Picnic Bazaar and Card Party at the Mission Beach Community House on the Bay side of Santa Clara Avenue, to which the public is invited....Mrs. George Shelley, President, has appointed Mrs. Michael Marks as chairman for the day and Mrs. L. Addleson as the co-chairman. Both ladies handled all arrangements for the 1946 J.C.R.A. pincnic, which was such a huge success and everyone is looking forward to a good time this year...

August 7, 1947—
1) "Jewish Press to Suspend Publication: Decision Announced at Meeting of Representatives," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: At a meeting held at the home of the publisher and editor of the Southwestern Jewish Press, Mr. and Mr. Lewis Solomon, on Monday evening, announcement was made that publication of the paper would be temporarily suspended.  The meeting, which was attended by these representatives of these organizations: Mr. S. Goldberger for Beth Jacob Congregation, Arleen Fleischman and Bella Mash for the B'nai B'rith Girls; Mrs. Esther Schwartz for the B'nai B'rith Women; Morrie Douglas for B'nai B'rith Lasker Lodge and the United Jewish Fund; Mr. Sol Blanc for Congregation Tifereth Israel; Mrs. Jack Rosenblum for the Council of Jewish Women; Mrs. Jennie Siner for the Daughters of Israel; Mrs. Marie Berg for Hadassah; Maynard Horowitz for the Haveros; Mrs. Anna Shelley  for the J.C.R.A.; MRs. Bess Addleson for the Ladies Auxiliary of the Hebrew Home for the Aged; Mr. Joe Wertheim for the J.C.S.C.; Mrs. Rose Solomon for the Junior Charity League; Mr. Phil Goldman for the Yo-Ma-Co; Julie Schneider for the Alpha Phi Pi; Mrs. Ruth Aronoff for the Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary; Mr. Ben Feinberg for the Jewish Labor Committee; Larry Solomon for the Temple Youth League; Mr. Carl Esenoff for the Jewish Welfare Society; Rabbi Morton J. Cohn; and Miss Esther Siegel of the Jewish Welfare Board; was called by Mrs. Solomon to acquaint the heads of the organizations with the reason for the necessity of the temporary suspension. Much discussion of the problem was participated in by the representatives and many suggestions were made. A regret for even the temporary loss of the paper was uannimously expressed and the ensuing five weeks will be used by the organization representatives as well as by a committee that will meet to attempt to find a workable solution of the problem which was presented.  The Jewish press hopes to resume publication of its regular issues in the near future.
2) "J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, August 7, 1947: Though its over, the picnic and bazaar will not be forgotten for a long time. Everyone had a great time. Much credit goes to Chairman Frieda Marks, Fannie Addleson and financial chairman Jennie Siner. Also to all the members who worked so diligently for days in advance. President Anna Shelley thanks everyone who helped and everyone who attended. The patients at the City of Hope are also grateful for all the help and co-operation from the J.C.R.A. of San Diego.


May 1949—Pearl Lieberman, "The Way We Heard It," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: ... Mrs. George Shelley, Mr. and Mrs. Zel Camiel and son motored to Los Angeles Thursday to see the Metropolitan performance of La Boheme—they will attend the Bar Mitzvah of their cousin Alvine Borne on May 7 and a dinner dance in his honor on May 8 at the Beverly Chateau.

2) "J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: Mrs. Anna Shelley and Mrs. Bessye Siegel, co-chairmen of the Mother's Day luncheon on May 10 in the Terrace Room of Imig Manor Hotel, have completed plans for what promises to be a very colorful afternoon. Reservations are necessary and are being taken by Mrs. Shelley at J 2566, Mrs. Siegel at R 7027 and by the auxiliary president, Mrs. Esther Schwartz at J 8447. Members are asked to invite their mothers, daughters and daughters-in-law to the luncheon to whom invitations will be sent upon request when making reservations. Last month the J.C.R.A. sent a check of $1000 to Duarte Sanitarium to further their work in the research and cure of tuberculosis and heart ailments...."Beth Jacob Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4—Mrs. George Shelley, president of Beth Jacob Auxiliary, extends her appreciation to all who attended the Passover Seder at Beth Jacob Synagogue, and to all the committee who helped to make this Passover a memorable one for everyone there. Among the honored guests were the newly arrived refugees from Europe, service men and their families, and some newcomers from Mexico. Rabbi Stern conducted an inspiring service, explaining the ritual to the younger guests—lending an air of festivity to the holiday.

3) "Beth Jacob Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: Mrs. George Shelley, president of Beth Jacob Auxiliary extends her appreciation to all who attended the Passover Seder at Beth Jacob Synagogue, and to all the committee who helped to make this Passover a memorable one for everyone there. Among the honored guests were the newly arrived refugees from Europe, service men and their families, and some newcomers from Mexico.  Rabbi Stern conducted an inspiring service, explaining the ritual to the younger guests—lending an air of festivity to the holiday.

July 1949—1) "Beth Jacob Congregation," Southwestern Jewish Press, pages 1, 6: ...Another associated group of the Beth Jacob family is the Ladies Auxiliary, headed by Mrs. Anna Shelley, president. This organization is the tireless working group who really help to accomplish many of the undertakings of the parent body.

2) "Pioneer Women," Southwestern Jewish Press, pages 1, 8: Highlight of the program of the Pioneer Women of Palestine for the past year was the annual Donor Luncheon held September 10, 1948, in the Terrace Room of the Imig Manor Hotel under the capable chairmanship of Chaveros Florence Conway and Anne Shelley.  Cantor Seltz accompanied by his charming daughter rendered vocal selections in Hebrew and Yiddish. To the accompaniment of Israeli music played by Mrs. Brodman, a flag pageant was entered into by all present...

3) "Beth Jacob Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, pages 1, 8: One hundred women form the Auxiliary of the Beth Jacob Congregation. As the name implies the auxiliary's purpose is to aid in the affairs of the Beth Jacob Congregation and to cooperate with the men's group in the social and philanthropic work of Beth Jacob as well as the promotion of religious activities. The Beth Jacob Auxiliary has taken part in all communal affairs and provided workers for all appeals and drives. The main goal of the auxiliary for the coming year is to see that the Beth Jacob Congregation will have as its own a new, bigger, and finer building next year --Anne Shelley, president.

August 1949—"1) J.C.R.A," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 2: The officers and members of J.C.R.A as well as the patients of the sanatorium at Duarte, and the chairman of the benefit picnic held recently at Mission Beach wish to thank the community for their patronage of the buffet luncheon and package sale. It was a huge success not only from a financial standpoint but from the individual standpoint of friends and guests who enjoyed the good food enhanced by a day of sunshine and relaxation at the beach. All this was made possible by the generous donations of packages, food and cash by the man well wishers of J.C.R.A. It is much appreciated. All funds are sent to further the work of healing men, women and children suffering with tuberculosis and for research which will make it possible to save not only the lives of all persons so afflicted but to reduce the time it takes to arrest the disease. Many thanks go to the Birdie Stodel B'nai B'rith Chapter for the trinket booth they sponsored chairmaned by Mrs. Lena Kimmel, assisted by Mesdames Rose Tepper, Goldie Goldstein, Anna Goldstein, Anna Shelley and Miss Roann Tepper, a BBG...

2) "Birdie Stodel Chapter B'nai B'rith," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 2: ...Wednesday, August 10th, at 12 noon, Birdie Stodel Chapter promises a lovely social afternoon at the Cafe del Rey Moro, House of Hospitality. Luncheon will be served at 12 noon on the Terrace, one of the loveliest spots in our beautiful Balboa Park...The following members are on the luncheon committee: Anna Brooks, Ruth Aranoff; Eshter Schwartz; Ruth Silverman; Betty Gendelman, Rose Tepper; Sally Anfanger; Molly Benzinger; Sarah Geller, Anna Shelley, Ruby Breslauer, Edith Naiman, Goldie Goldstein, Elinor Gordon and Jeanne Camiel.

3) (item, no headline), Southwestern Jewish Press, page 3:  Mrs. Aaron Bran of Washington, D.C., and her three daughters, thirteen-year-old Frances and nine-year-old twins, betty and Shirley, arrivefd Monday for a month's visit with her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Zel Camiel, Stanton, and Mrs. Anna Shelley. Enroute the Brans visited with another brother in Los Angeles. Many pleasant affairs are being planned for the guests.

September 1949—"Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 13: At the last meeting of the Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary, plans were formulated for the Yontiff Dinner which the Auxiliary is sponsoring in conjunction with the Congregation. The date for this fund raising affair, where a delicious home-cooked dinner will be served, is Sunday, October16th.  Mrs. Anna Shelley, president of the Auxiliary, will announce the program, the menu, as well as her committe for the dinner at a later date...

October 1949—1) "Philip Kaplan Bar Mitzvah," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 3: Philip Kaplan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Kaplan of 3305 Upas Street, was Bar Mitzvahed on Saturday morning Sept 17, 1949, in Congregation Tifereth Israel. A reception was held immediately following the services at which there were some 250 guests. Out of town relatives included paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Kaplan of Los Angeles, and other aunts, uncles and cousins. Phillip's maternal grandmother is Mrs. Anna Shelley of San Diego.

2) "Birdie Stodel Chapter No. 92 B'nai B'rith," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: ...The next event for this group will be the Card Party scheduled for November 6th at 8:00 p.m. in Temple Center, 3rd and Laurel Sts. for which Mrs. Anna Shelley is chiarman with Mrs. Goldie Winicki, co-chairman. Proceeds from this card party go to aid B'nai B'rith's work in Israel...

November 18, 1949—"Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6:  Sunday evening, November 20th, Ladies Auxiliary of Congregation Beth Jacob will install officers for the coming year. The joint installation with the Congregation will be held at Beth Jacob Center, 3206 Myrtle Street and will start at 7:30 p.m.  The following ladies were elected at the last meeting of the Auxiliary and will be installed in their respective offices: Anna Shelley, president; Pauline Press, 1st vice president; Lillian Gordon, 2nd vice president; Fanny Goldberger, 3rd vice president; Florence Lebb, treasurer; Ruth Aronoff, financial secretary; Anna Oakley, corresponding secretary; Esther Stokes, recording secretary and Jennie Kochberg, social secretary. Mrs. Bessye Siegel will serve the group as counselor.  Also elected were Mollie Grossman, luncheon chairman; Eleanor Gordon, memorial fund chairman; Betsy Solomon, telephone chairman and Ida Bernstein, flower fund chairman. Trustees that will be installed are Anna Epstein, Rose Weitzman, Jennie Brown, Miriam Gelman, Fanny Addleon and Lavinia Komins...

December 2, 1949—1) "J.C.R.A," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 3—...The following officers were elected at the last meeting on November 14 to serve for the year 1950: President, Esther Schwartz; First Vice President Glays Tappan; Second Vice President, Jeanne Camiel; Third Vice President, Fanny Addleson; Treasurer, Bess Siegel; Financial Secretary, Ruth Bloom; Recording Secretary, Sophie Himmel; Corresponding Secretary, Goldie Schusterman; Social Secretary, Betty Schwartz; .Honorary President, Anna Shelley; Councilor, Jenie Siner; Trustees: Becky Bard, Anna Epstein, Jennie Kochberg, Rose Weisberg, Edith Belenzon and Luncheon Chairman Goldie Kitaen, assisted by Esther Cole—Jeanne Camiel, Publicity Pro Tem.

2) (separate, no headline), Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4 —Mr. and Mrs. Morton Thaler had as their houseguests cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Margolis, and her sister, Mrs. Wm. Rothstein, of New York City.  Mrs Margolis and Mrs. Rothstein who were in San Diego for five weeks, were entertained by their cousins here, Mrs. Anna Shelley, Mrs. Milton Rawdin, and Mrs. Julius Reisman. Before their return home, the sisters will spend some time in Los Angeles visiting their brother, Mr. Phillip Jacobs and his family.

3) (separate, no headline), Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4—Mr. Nate Bertram, a prominent Los Angeles attorney, well-known in San Diego, enjoyed a pleasant dinner at the home of his friend, Mrs. Anna Shelley last Tuesday. Mr. Bertram was on his way to Ensenada, Mexico, for a short vacation.

December 16, 1949—1) "Senior Pioneer Women (Negba) Club," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: On Thursday evening, December 8, Chaveras Anna Shelley, Rose Miroff, Gertrude Rawdin and Bessie Fink sponsored a card Party which was held at Beth Jacob Center and well-attended.  All proceeds from this undertaking went to the Moatz Hapolot." ...

2) "San Diego Birdie Stodel Chapter B'nai B'rith," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 26: B'nai B'rith Women's Annual Sabbath Services were held at Temple Beth Israel on Friday, November 25th, through the courtesy and cooperation of Rabbi Cohn. Those participating were Anne Shelley, Jennie Siner, Bess Schisssell, Esther Schwarz, Ruth Aronoff and Celia Schwartz and the latter's brief survey of the role B'nai B'rith women are playing from their platform of activities was a stimulating feature of the service...

December 30, 1949—1) "San Diego Birdie Stodel B'nai B'rith Chapter No. 92," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: Our chapter's semi-annual initiation of new members will take place on Jan. 9, 1950 at Temple Center. Preceding the impressive ceremonies of initaition, a special turkey luncheon will be served awt 12 noon. It is being sponsored in honor of the initiates by the following board members: Ruth Brav, Bess Borushek, Jeanne Camiel, Betty Freedman, Sarah Geller, Marie Richards, Bess Schisell, Anne Shelley, Jennie Siner, Celia Schwartz and Esther Scwhartz...The degree team in charge of the initiation ceremonies are Jennie Siner and Anne Shelley...

2) "Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: Plans are complete for the gala New Year's Eve Turkey Dinner which the Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary will hold at Beth Jacob Center, 3206 Myrtle on December 31st....Mrs. Anna Shelley, president of the Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary, joins with her able committee in an invitation to attend this New Year's Eve Party for which the cost is $2.00 per person...

January 13, 1950—
"J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: Attention Please! The community is invited to attend a luncheon and card party on Tuesday, January 17th at the Temple Center at 12:00 noon, for the benefit of the City of Hope which is a non-profit, non-sectarian institution,. The City of Hope is a reputable hospital in which advanced tuberculosis patients are given expert medical care and supervision...On Sunday, January 22 at 7:30 p.m., at the Temple Center, Mrs. Esther Schwartz will be installed as J.C.R.A. President for the second consecutive time. Other officers will be Anna Shelley, Honorary President; Jennie Siner, Counsellor; Gladys Tappan, 1st Vice President; Jeanne Camiel, 2nd Vice President; Fannie Addleson, 3rd Vice President; Bessye Siegel, Tressurer; Sophie Himmel, Recording Secretary; Goldie Schusterman, Corresponding Secretary; Betty Schwartz, Social Secretary; Anna B. Brooks, Publicity; Luncheon Chairmen, Goldie Kitaen and Esther Cole; Trustees, Rose Weisberg, Anna Epstein, Jennie Kochberg, Edith Belenzon and Becky Bard. Mrs. Rose Bertram of Los Angeles, West Coast Regional Direcor of the Sanatorium, will install. Refreshments will be served. 

February 10, 1950—1) "Pioneer Women (Negba) Club," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: We would like to thank our Haveros and friends who made our arbor Day Festival a marked success. It was a most enjoyable evening, highlighted by songs in English, Yiddish and Hebrew appropriate to the occasion by Sonia Weizman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weitzman.  Other songs were by Norma Schaeffer and Rose Abrams.  Readings in Yiddish and English by Florence Barrach, Eleanore Gordon and Anna Shhelley were also well received...

2) "J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: The officers of the J.C.R.A. are sponsoring a luncheon and card party on Tuesday, February 21 at the Temple Center at 12:00 noon. A generous meat plate will be served. Mrs. Anna Shelley will serve as chairman assisted by Mrs. Goldie Kitaen, Mrs. Esther Cole and Mrs. Fannie Addleson.  The public is invited. Business men are especially urged to attend and will be served promptly....

3) "Beth Jacob Ladies to Hold Purim Dinner," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: Witht he official ground-breaking ceremonies for the new synagogue and center that the Congregation Beth Jacob hopes to build this year, only a few weeks away, the Ladies Auxiliary of Beth Jacob is undertaking a project to help swell the building fund. A group of the ladies will sponsor a Purim dinner on Wednesday evening, March 1, at the Beth Jacob Center, 3206 Myrtle Street, the entire proceeds of which will go to the Building Fund. The delicious home-cooked turkey dinner complete with all the trimmings and the season's traditional goodies will be served at 6:30 p.m., according to Mrs. Anna Shelley, president of the group.

February 24, 1950—"Pioneer Women (Negba) Club," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: Purim is a festival of merry making, masquerading and feasting. Why not come and enjoy this day of fun at the Purim Festival on Sunday evening, March 8, at the Temple Center at 7:30 p.m....We invite all organizations to enter a Queen in our Queen Esther contest by calling Anna Shelley, general chairman, at J-2566, or Laura Simon, Program Chairamn, at T-9834.  A prize will be given to the most attractive Queen Esther. Judging will be based on your applause so come one and all and applaud for your favorite. If you want to give "Shaloch Manoth," and you are at a loss as to kow what to give, call our Chavera, Anna Shelley, she'll put you wise—Lee Sporkin, Publicity.

March 10, 1950—"Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7: The highly successful Purim Dinner which the Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary held Wednesday, March 1st, was in reality more than an organization dinner. The occasion was a surprise affair honoring Mr. and Mrs. Morris Penn for their ten consecutive years of service to Congregation Beth Jacob and to the Ladies Auxiliary...The evening's hostesses who were Mesdames Lillian Gordon, Annie Oakley, Pauline Bassin, Anna Goldman, Serena Schoenfeld, Florence Lebb, Doris Brisman together with the Auxiliary's president, Mrs. Anna Shelley, did themselves proud with the luscious home-cooked dinner that they served....Mrs. Anna Shelley announces that there is another group of ladies standing by to hostess another of these dinners the date ofwhih will be told after a discussion of forthcoming events.

March 28, 1950—1) "Please!" Southwestern Jewish Press, page 2: Do not call or send flowers to Mrs. Anna Shelly (sic, Shelley) at the hospital. This is a request from the family.

2) "Beth Jacob Breaks Ground For New Synagogue," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: At long last a long needed project of the members of Beth Jacob Congregation and Center was fulfilled on Sunday, March 26th, at 2:00 p.m. when the Ground Breaking ceremony for the new synagogue and center took place on its new site, at 30th Street between Meade and Monroe Avenues. The new building will house the Orthodox congregation's first real house of worship, the Religious and Sunday schools, meeting rooms, a spacious auditorium and many recreational, educational, cultural and social facilties. For the past few years the congregation has spent a lot of of its energies to make this project a reality. With the completion of the building an opportunity will be accorded its members of dedicating themselves to their religious and cultural heritage...The ground-breaking ceremony was spearheaded by Rabbi Baruch Stern; President A.A. Abramson; Morrie Kraus, Building Chairman; and Ralph Hosenpud, Sandor Goldberger, Mrs. Ida Nasatir, Evelyn and Maurice Harris, Anna Shelley, Simon Glaser, I. And A. Gordon, J. and S. Prager, Louis Sporkin, Jacob Solomon, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Aronoff, Mr. and Mrs. M. Penn and Family, Mrs. Simon Weisberger, Mrs. Bessie Fink, J. Gelman, I Teacher and Louis Feldman. A reception was held following the ceremony at 3206 Myrtle St., the present location of Beth Jacob Congregation.

3) "Pioneer Women (Negba) Club," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 24: "Woderful," "Just what San Diego Jewry needed!" "Haven't had an evening like this for years," "A real Yiddish ball!"  These and other comments sounded sweet to the tired but happy Chaveras who had worked hard to make the Annual Pioneer Women's Purim Ball the success it was...Bouquets and orchids to the earnest and sincere chairmen and their committees, Anna Shelley,  general chairman, Laura Simon and Zelda Statland, program chairman; Florence Lebb, Fanny Goldberger, ticket chairmen and to Florence Conway, mistress of ceremonies, you were tops.... Chaveras Eleanor Gordon as President and Anna Shelley as over-all Chairman wishes (sic) to use this medium to express their sincere and deep appreciation to all of their committees for their hard work and tireless efforts...

April 14, 1950— "Additions to 1949 Year Book of United Jewish Fund," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: Women's Division (Omissions-Printer's Error)....Shelley, Mrs. Anna...25.00......

April 28, 1950—"Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 9: At a meeting held Tuesday April 25 at noon at which a delicious luncheon was served, 1st Vice President Mrs. Pauline Press, who was presiding welcomed back to the meeting the group's president, Mrs. Anna Shelley, who had been recuperating from surgery....

May 12, 1950—"J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: The Jewish Consumptive Relief Associaiton of San Diego is expecting a record attendance at the Mother's Day party on May 17 at 12:00 noon in the Terrace Room of the Manor Hotel. Mrs. Bessye Siegel has left no stone unturned to make this affair enjoyable, with much capable assistants as co-chairmen Anna Shelley, Goldie Schusterman, Betty Schwartz, Jeanne Camiel, Jennie Siner and Esther Schwartz.  Daughters and daughters-in-law of members are invited to attend. There will be good food, a fine program and a gift for each guest...

May 26, 1950—
"Beth Jacob Forms New Sisterhood," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: With the advent of a new building which will house the Synagogue and center for Beth Jacob, a new group within the structure of Beth Jacob is being organized.  A group of some fourteen ladies met at the home of Mrs. Morrie S. Kraus recently to outline plans for the formation of a Sisterhood. A temporary committee was chosen to outline plans for an affair to acquaint the community with this new organization. Mrs. Morton Thaler, temporary chairman, assisted by Mesdames Julius Penn; Robert Strauss; Robert Penn; Morris S. Kraus; Yale Kahn; William Penn; Ben Ornstein; A.A. Abramson; Arthur Gordon; Jack Prager; Aubrey shulkind; Sidney O. Weiss; Alwin J. Feiler, who were the nucleus attending the first meeting, have planned a Tea and Fashion Show to be held on Thursday, June 1, 1950, at the San Diego Women's Club, Third and Maple Avenues. The time is from 1:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.... In addition to the Fashion Show, which is being presented by Hafter's, the principal speaker will be Mrs. A.P. Nasatir.  The committee has asked the wife of the spiritual leader of Beth Jacob, Mrs. Baruch Stern, Mrs. Anna Shelley, president of the Ladies Auxiliary, and the wives of the president of the Congregation's affiliates, Mrs. A. A. Abramson, Congregation president; Mrs. J.H. Lipitt, P.T.A. president, and Mrs. Arthur Gordon, Men's Club president, to pour... Reservations for the Tea and Fashion Show are being taken by Ruth Robbins at T 1-6106, Gertrude Thaler at T 1-3275, and Sylvia Shulkind at M-3714.

2) "J.C.R.A." Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5:  It is good when man spends his leisure hours translating his feelings into service to help people less fortunate than himself.  Such hours give one a deep satisfaction of doing good for those who are sick or in any way unable to do for themselves. One derives the soul soothing comfort of a job well done during one's short span of life. Such a sacrifice to mankind has been the life goal of Mrs. Anna Shelley. Anna Shelley, honorary president of the Jewish consumptive Relief Association recently underwent major surgery. In appreciation of her recovery, to extend their confidence in her future service to J.C.R.A. and as a toast to her continued well being, the organization is sponsoring a testimonial luncheon and party in her honor. "This luncheon, to be hled Tuesday, June 20, at Temple Center at 12;00 noon, will take the place of the regular monthly meeting," announced President Esther Schwartz. It is hoped that all who want to honor Mrs. Shelley will do so by their presence at this luncheon, the proceeds of which will go to the City of Hope Sanatorium at Duarte. The public is cordially invited to attend. Businessmen will be served promptly. Don't miss this luncheon and card party to be held June 20, at the Temple Center, 12:00 noon. —Anna B. Brooks, Publicity

3) "San Diego Birdie Stodel B'nai B'rith No. 92," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: Newly installed president Sarah Geller was hostess at a most delightful luncheon or her officers and board members on May 11. At that time she announced the names of all project and committee chairmen and co-chairmen...B'nai B'rith Children's Home in Israel, Anna Shelley ...

4) "Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: The highly successful Lag B'Omer Dinner and Party was held by the Ladies Auxiliary to honor Dr. and Mrs. A.P. Nasatir, who are leaving shortly for Europe, where Dr. Nasatir will study under the Fulbright Scholarship which he was awarded recently.  The president of the Auxiliary, Mrs. Anna Shelley, who has recently recovered from a serious illness, was also honored by the guests and was the recipient of a lovely gift tendered her by her group.....The next regular meeting of the Ladies Auxiliary will be the first Tuesday of the month, June 6, at the Center, 3206 Myrtle St. Luncheon will be served by the Auxiliary at 12 noon. The main discussion at the meeting will be the furnishing of the new kitchen in the building which is being erected on 30th Street between Meade and Monroe Avenues to house the Synagogue and Center.  Mrs. Anna Shelley, president, cordially invites all members to be present at the meeting and take part in this important discussion.

June 23, 1950—"City of Hope Picnic To Be Held On June 25th," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: Ruth Douglas, chairman of transportation, has completed arrangements with the Tanner Tours Bus Co, who will transport J.C.R.A. members and interested frineds to the City of Hope at Duarte, Sunday, June35. Reservations are necessary and can be made wtih MRs. Douglas at  H 8-6067 or with President Esther Schwartz at J-8447... The next activity of the local J.C.R.A is one looked forward to by many people. It is the Annual Package Party and Picnic to be held August 13. Mrs. Fannie Addleson, general chairman; Mrs. Jennie Siner, co-chairman, and Mrs. Anna Shelley, menu chairman, are asking members to rally 'round them to make this year's picnic the biggest one in history. The Birdie Stodel B'na B'rith has consented to  have its annual sweet booth under the chairmanship of Mrs. Sylvia Adler. Co-chairmen Anna Goldstein, Anna B. Brooks and Rose Tepper will assist her...

July 21, 1950—"The Cradle," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 3: It's a boy for Mr. and Mrs. Morton Thaler! The good news is 7 pound 1 ounce, Lawrence George who was born Saturday July 15 at 3:15 p.m. in Mercy Hospital. Proud grandmothers are Mrs. George Shelley of San Diego and Mrs. Lawes Thaler of Jersey City, N.J. A Brith will be held Sunday July 23rd with Rabbi Baruch Stern and Mr. Schwartz, Mohel, participating. Godparents are Mr. and Mrs. Moe Sherman and Mr. and Mrs. Saul Goldstein of Jersey City, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kessler of San Diego. (Editor's Note: Gertrude did her best to make the press deadline—Congratulations!)

October 20, 1950—"J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8:  A Halloween Supper and Card Party is scheduled for October 29
at 6:00 p.m. at the new Beth Jacob Center on 30th Street.  Mrs. Anna Shelley and Mrs. Jennie Siner will be chairman and co-chairman respectively. Jeanne Camiel and Ruth Bloom, known for their artistic ability are in charge of decorations which will feature the Halloween motif. The public is invited to attend.  All proceeds will be sent to the City of Hops, a non-profit, non-sectarian Jewish National Medical Center for the treatment of Tuberculosis and cancer of the Lung.  On October 21 and 22, Zel and Jeanne Camiel will represent the local Auxiliary at a huge meeting of the West Coast Regional Conference in Los Angeles. A brunch w ill be held on the Sanitorium ground on October 22 at which time a 100 bed hospital for the treatment and diagnosis of all phases of cancer will be dedicated.  Members and friends are invited to be present—Anna B. Brooks, Publicity.

November 13, 1950—"Beth Jacob Congregation Holds Banquet," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: On Dec. 10 the five organizations in Beth Jacob Congregation will sponsor a banquet to be held at the Synagogue. Proceeds of the affair will go to the support of the activities of the Synagogue. Dinner music will be played at the meal and outstanding talent has been secured from Los Angeles. to provide entertainment. Mrs. Anna Shelley is overall Chairman of the affair. Watch the next issue of the Jewish Press for further details.

December 1, 1950—1) "J.C.R.A., " Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: At the last meeting of the Jewish Consumptive Relief Association, held at Beth Jacob Center, Jeanne Camiel was elected to serve as president for the forthcoming year. Supporting her for the year of '51 will be Esther Schwartz, 1st Vice PRes; Goldie Schusterman, 2nd Vice Pres; Becky Bard, 34d Vice Pres.; Anna Shelley, Honorary Pres.; Jennie Siner, Counsellor; Bessye Siegel, Treas.; Sophie Himmel, Rec. Secty; Bess Schissell, Corr. Secty; Ruth Douglas, Fin. Secty, and Betty Schwartz, Social Secretary. Fannie Addleson will serve as honorary board member. Trustees will be Esther Cole, anna Epstein, Ruth Bloom, Anna Lazarowitz, Jennie Kochberg, Edith Belenzon, Lena Penn and Rose Miroff.  Luncheon chairman will be Goldie Kitaen assisted by Esther Cole. Installation ceremonies will be held at Beth Jacob Center on January 21 at 7:30 p.m.

2) "Beth Jacob Chanukah Dinner," Southwestern Jewishu Press, page 7: Beth Jacob Congregation will hold a Chanukah Dinner and Concert in the auditorium of the New Beth Jacob Center, 4473 30th St., on Sunday, Dec. 10, at 6:30 p.m. A home cooked Kosher turkey dinner will be served by some of San Diego's outstanding homemakers. For entertainment, Mrs. Matilda Barsha, well known Hollywood impresario and concert pianist, will present an outstanding program of screen, radio and concert artists. On the program will be Hal Horton, singing star of "Star of Norway," and recording artist, will sing songs of "Stories of Many Lands"; Armandito Chirot, nationally known coloratura soprano, recently with the San Carlos and Mexican Grand Opera Company; Gregory Golubeff, mandolin virtuoso, who has appeared in numerous motion pictures and on national broadcasting systems. Chairman, Mrs. George Shelley, invites all members and friends to attend this prominent affair and promises a delicious dinner and really good entertainment, all for the nominal sum of $2.50 per person. This small fee has been made possible because of the subsidy of the affair by a Beth Jacob member.

"Notice of the Report of the Nominating Committee of the United Jewish Fund," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 13: In accordance with the by-laws of the United Jewish Fund of San Diego, the following members of the corporation are nominated by the nominating committee for the vacancies on the Board of Directors for a 2-year-term, 1951-53: David Block, Leo Brett, William Burnett, Harry Farb, Manuel Fisher, Jerry Freedman, Irving Friedman, Murray Goodrich, Ben Harris, Richard Levi, Julius Levine, Harry Mallen, Louis Moorsteein, Walter Ornstein, Sol Price, Seymour Rabin, Nathaniel Ratner, Ben Rubin, Victor Schulman, Mrs. Ann Shelley, Henry Weinberger.  Members are further notified that any 5 members in good standing (any contributor who has paid his previous year pledge) may nominate any member in good standing by petition which must include an acceptance in writing by the member nominated.  Those Directors whose terms do not now expire are: Judge Jacob Weinberger, Nathan F. Baranov, and Eli H. Levenson, Past Presidents.  Mrs. Gabriel Berg, I. L. Domnitz, Edward Bland, Morris Douglas, Saul Chenkin, Rodin Horrow, Alex Newman, Abe Ratner, Morris Niederman, Dr. Robert Stone, Milton Roberts, Nate Schiller, abe Sackheim, Harry Snyder, Sam Sosna, Maurice Harris, Ralph Rosenpud.  Petitions for additional nominees must be presented to the office of the United Jewish Fund, 333 Plaza, not later than December 15, 1950, 12:00 noon. 

December 15, 1950—1) "Fund To Hear Reports on Year's Activities," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: The Seventeenth Annual Meeting of the United Jewish Fund of San Diego will be held on Sunday, December 17, 1950, in the Marine Room of the San Diego Hotel, with dinner at 6:30 p.m. and meeting beginning promptly at 7:45... Led by Victor Schulman's President's report, and the report of the Executive Director, Albert A. Hutler, a completer resume of the activities of the United Jewish Fund will be given by Committee Chairmen.  Final report of the Campaign Committee under the leadership of Murray D. Goodrich and Nathaniel Ratner will be made, as well as the report of the Emigre Committee by  Dr. Walter Ornstein, its chairman.  Max Rabinowitz, treasurer of the Fund, will present the financial report; Sol Price, chairman of the 1950 Allocations Committee will present a report of the distribution of the money raised. A report of the recently created Armed Services Committee, Henry Weinberger, chairrman; and statement of activities of the Loan Fund, Morris Niederman, Chairman, will be heard in the business meeting. Entertainment will be furnished by Cantor Joseph Cysner of Tifereth Israel Synagogue and Cantor Julian Miller of Temple Beth Israel. In accordance with the bylaws of the United Jewish Fund, the Nominating Committee, with Saul Chenkin, the chairman, will present the following candidates for membership on the Board of Directors: David Block, Leo Brett, William Burnett, Harry Farb, Manuel Fisher, Jerry Freedman, Irving Friedman, Murray Goodrich, Ben Harris, Richard Levi, Julius Levine, Harry Mallen, Louis Moorsteen, Dr. Walter Ornstein, Sol Price, Seymour Rabin, Nathaniel Ratner, Ben Rubin, Victor Schulman, Mrs. Ann Shelley, Louis Steinman and Henry Weinberger.  Victor Schulman, President of the United Jewish Fund will conduct the business meeting and Louis Steinman, chairman of the 1950 Annual Meeting Committee, will chair the balance of the evening. Other members of the committee are Morris Douglas and Rodin Horrow. Reservations may still be made by calling  the office of the United Jewish Fund, Franklin 0171.

2) "Beth Jacob Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: Anne Shelley was re-elected president of the Beth Jacob Auxiliary at a November meeting. Pauline Press, 1st President of the Auxiliary will serve as 1st Vice President, Lillian Gordon will be 2nd Vice-President and Fanny Goldberger will be 3rd Vice President. Leavena Komins will be Recording Secretary, Lee Gordon, Financial Secretary, Esther Cole, Corresponding Secretary, Bessye Siegel, Counsellor. A January installation is planned to be preceded by a luncheon. The meetings of the Auxilary have been changed to the first Tuesday of each month, at which time the Auxiliary serves the congregation with refreshments. Joint social hour follows. Come and bring a friend.

3) "Pioneer Women Negba Club," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7: Pioneer Women held their Chanukah Festival at Beth Jacob Center on Thursday evening, December 7. A delicious plate lunch was served and Bingo and card games were enjoyed by the guests present. Our next party will have as hostesses: Lillian Gordon, Norma Schaffer, Bess Siegal, Jennie Kochberg, Anna Epstein, Florence Lebb, Bess Fink, Anne Shelley, and Phyllis Weisenberg. The date for this affair will be announced later. Pioneer Women have started work on their next two large projects which are the Purim Ball to be held on Sunday, March 18th, and the Donor's Dinner to be held in May, for which our Chaveros are already busy earning their quotas.


January 5, 1951—1) "Fund Annual Meting Pledges Support for 1951," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: Over 200 members of the United Jewish Fund gathered at the Annual Meeting and heard Victor Schulman, President, announce that $100,000 cash had been guaranteed before the end of the year to the United Jewish Appeal against the forthcoming 1951 campaign. Schulman stated that the Fund had been asked to contribute only $75,000 toward the fifty million dollar quota set by the United Jewish Appeal. $75,000 has already been borrowed from the bank and dispatched, the other $25,000 will be sent at once.  A telegram from Henry Morgenthau, Jr., retiring General Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, acknowledging the advanced gift, lauded the community for its speedy fulfillment of the appeal and the stimulation it brought to communities throughout America.  A citation was an outstanding citizen and Christian was presented to Charles Davies, chairman of the 1950 Christian Campaign for the United Jewish Fund.  Mrs. Selma Getz, Murray D. Goodrich and Nathaniel Ratner were presented scrolls at the dinner from the United Jewish Appeal by Eli Levenson, Regional chairman, "in recognition of self-sacrificing effort and leadership in 1950 in support of development of Israel and the preservation and renewal of Jewish life at home and abroad."  For the first time the United Jewish Fund presented scrolls to organizations in recognition of their work. The San Diego section of the National Council of Jewish Women was cited for help to Jewish displaced persons resettled in San Diego. To the San Diego Lasker Lodge went a citation for "outstanding community leadership in Operation Magic Carpet in the 1950 United Jewish Fund Campaign." Announcement of the election of 9 persons to the Key Club for outstanding service and leadership to the United Jewish Fund of San Diego and to the community also was made.  Besides Mrs. Getz, Goodrich and Ratner, they included Leon Heiman, outstanding worker, Mrs. Arthur Goodman, David Anfangar and Richard Silberman for their work on the Young People's Division; Morris Douglas for his leadership of Magic Carpet Day; and Irving Friedman for his outstanding communal activity. The following were named to the Board of Directors: David Block, Leo Brett, William Burnett, Harry Farb, Manuel Fisher, Jerry Freedman, Irving Fredman, Murray Goodrich, Ben Harris, Richard Levi, Julius Levine, Harry Mallen, Louis Moorsteen, Dr. Walter Ornstein, Sol Price, Seymour Rabin, Nathaniel Ratner, Ben Rubin, Victor Schulman, Mrs. Ann Shelley, Louis Steinman and Henry Weinberger. Reports were given to the meeting by Max Rabinowitz, Treasurer, and the Campaign Chairman, Murray D. Goodrich. Other reports were given by Ben Harris, Allocations Committee; Morris Niederman, Loan Fund; Henry Weinberger, Armesd Services, Walter Ornstein, Emigre, and Saul Chenkin, Nominating. In the report of the President, Victor Schulman pointed out that the 1950 Campaign had done better than the national level. It showed a decrease of 10 percent in pledges while the national decrease was 18 percent, and a 9 1/2 percent increase in the number of contributors, while the national level was a 4 percent decrease. Schulman pointed out that there was a great deal of loose talk about the Fund, and that he hoped that people would get their information correct. Speaking of the reserve fund, he stated that such funds were in pledges and had never been in cash, and could not be in cash unless the Fund stopped operation for one year.  Executive Direct (Al) Hutler in his report pleaded for conversion of pledges in cash NOW so that the Fund might meet its commitments to the United Jewish Appeal for 1951's advanced cash. He reported on the Conference in Washington of the National Council of Jewish Welfare Funds and Federations. He pointed out that it is anticipated that the year 1951 will be a much better year, and the United Jewish Fund should raise the amount of money that it raised in 1948. He stated that Israel was in crisis, and that what had been gained might totter if assistance was not continued by American Jewish communities.  Cantor Joseph Cysner of Tifereth Israel Synagogue and Miss Barbara Cohn entertained with musical selections. Louis Steinman, chairman of the Annual Meeting Committee, chaired the meeting. Other members of his committee were Morrie Douglas and Rodin Horrow.

"Fund Officers Elected for 1951," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: In recognition of outstanding leadership, Victor Schulman, San Diego business leader, was reelected President of the United Jewish Fund at a Board of Directors meeting held on Wednesday, January 3, 1951. Vice presidents elected to aid Schulman for 1951 are: Murray D. Goodrich, Morris Douglas and Louis Steinman. Mrs. Gabriel Berg was re-elected as Secretary and Nathaniel Ratner, Treasurer. The Exectuive Committee elected at the meeting will consist of Saul Chenkin, Eli H. Levenson, Richard Levi, Louis Moorsteen, Abe Ratner, Milton Roberts and Nathan Schiller.  Committees appointed for 1951 are: Allocations Committee—William Schwartz, Chairman, Louis Moorsteen, Eli H. Levenson, Dr. R. Stone, Mrs. Gabriel Berg, Sol Price, Abe Ratner. Finance Committee—Nate Ratner, chairman; Manny Fisher, william Burnett, Sol Price, Sam Sosna.  Collection Committee—Ben Harris, Chairman, Harry Farb, Harry Mallen, Ann Shelley, Ralph Hosenpud, Edward Bland, I.L. Domnitz, Richard Levi, Julius Levine, Seymour Rabin. Campaign Advisory Committee—Murray D. Goodrich, Nate Ratner, Harry Snyder, Morry Douglas, Irving Friedman, Rodin Harrow, Jerome Freedman, Saul Chenkin, Al Nwman, Louis Steinman.  Emigre Committee—Dr. Walter Ornstein, chairman, Mrs. Gabriel Berg, I.L. Domnitz, Abe Sackheim, Louis Steinman.  Community Center Committee—Louis Steinman, Chairman, Dave Block, Nate Schiller.  Revision of Bylaws Committee—Ben Rubin, Chairman, Leo Brett, Mitlon Roberts.  Loan Fund Committee—Morris Niederman, Chairman; Morrie Douglas, Murray D. Goodrich, Abe Ratner. Armed Services Committee—Henry Weinberger, Chairman, and Nathan Schiller, Chairman of the Year Book Committee.

January 19, 1951—"J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: Mrs. Rose Bertram, National Director of Auxiliaries of the City of Hope Sanatorium at Duarte, California, was the installing officer for the newly elected officers of the J.C.R.A. on Tuesday, January 15th at the Beth Jacob Center. A delicious luncheon was served prior to the installation and a lovely musical program with Hollywood Artists, arranged by the well-known Mathilda Barsha, took place... The following officers were installed locally: Hon. Pres., Anna Shelley; Pres, Jeanne Camiel; 1st Vice-Pres, Esther Schwartz, 2nd Vice-Pres., Goldie Schusterman; 3rd Vice Pres., Beckie Bard; Councillor, Jennie Siner; Treas., Bess Siegel; Rec. Sec., Sophie Himmel; Corresp. Sec., Bess Schissell; Fin. Sec., Ruth Douglas; Soc. Sec, Betty Schwartz.

February 2, 1951—"'Pay Pledges Now,' Committee Urges," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: Pledged to bring in $20,000 cash on 1950 pledges within the next ten days, the Collection Committee chaired by Ben Harris began the "Campaign for Cash" last week.  Personal calls, letters, telephones will all be used in the next two weeks to advise those who have pledged in 1950 and not as yet paid, that immediate cash is vital to the over 35 organizations, including the United Jewish Appeal, which are supported by the United Jewish Fund.  Harris commented that the United Jewish Fund of San Diego has forwarded the full $122,500 for 1950 to the United Jewish Appeal. An additional $100,000 cash was borrowed, on the 1951 campaign, from banks and other sources so that the work of immigration to Israel, reconstruction and rehabilitation might be helped to continue. "Only last week the Iraq government officially announced," Harris continued, "the ending of the immigration of Israel bound Iraq Jews as of March 1, 1951. There are some 92,000 Iraqi Jews who have registered for immigration, who will lose their Iraqi citizenship and remain stranded in the Arab country unless they can get out by March 1, 1951.  Here are 92,000 reasons why your cash is vital now." Besides Harris, members of the committee who will attempt to convert the 22 percent of the pledges still outstanding into cash are: Harry Farb, Harry Mallen, Ann Shelley, Ralph Hosenpud, Edward Bland, I.L. Domnitz, Richard Levi, Julius Levin and Seymour Rabin.  

March 2, 1951—1) "J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: Reservations for the inner sponsored by Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gotkin in honor of their 30th wedding anniversary for the J.C.R.A. on Sunday, March 11th, 1951, must be in by March 6th. A chicken dinner prepared by our finest Jewish cooks will be served in banquet style and a wonderful program featuring Hollywood Talent will be presented. Many out-of-town guests will be present to honor the Gotkins. The patients at the City of Hope thank all those who attended our Concert on Sunday, February 11th. Reservations for the Anniversary Banquet may be made with Anna Brooks, Esther Schwartz, Becky Bard or Anna Shelley.

2) "Pioneer Women," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7: Our annual Purim Costume Ball this year must be an outstanding success as this is one of the major affairs of the year. We know that community will want to support this project, as monies collected go to aid some 6000 children who have been evacuated from tents in Israel during the rainy season. A wonderful evening is promised by all the chairmen, who have been working hard to make the ball a success. Several queens have entered the competition to vie for the title of Queen Esther, and many more are welcome to compete. The following organizations have selected their queens: Gwen Bobrof, P.T.A. Beth Jacob; Agatha Eherefried, J.C.R.A.; Jerry Goldman, Yo-Ma-Co Club; Eleanor Berwin, Jr. Pioneer; Arlene Orlansky, Hadassah; Bess Borushek of Birdie Stodel B.B. Don't forget the date, Sunday, March 25, 7:30 p.m. at Beth Jacob Center. For information or tickets, please call Lill Gordon, F-9-3572; Anna Shelley, J-2566, or Pauline Press, W-2020.

3) "Congregation Beth Jacob," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7...Purim Dinner—Beth Jacob Auxiliary is planning a super-delicious Purim Dinner, Thursday evening, March 22. Make your reservations with Mrs. A. Shelley, J-2566, or office T-2676.

4) "'Festival of Spring' at Beth Jacob," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: The Beth Jacob Sisterhood wishes to announce a "Festival of Spring" (Bazaar) to be held on Sunday, March 4th, 4 p.m. till midnight, at Beth Jacob Center, 4473 30th St. There will be games and movies for the children, dinner for all the family, and special attractions for adults. There will be no admission charge and all proceeds will benefit the new Beth Jacob Synagogue and Center. Chairman in charge is Mrs. Robert S. Strauss, co-chairmen are Mrs. Morrie Kraus, Mrs. Alfred Bobroff, and Mrs. Marvin Bobroff. Home made baked goods and merchandise will be offered for sale in cleverly decorated and arranged booths. Joan Bornstein of the Youth Group will be in charge of the check room. The cartoons for children will be called "the B.J. Theater." Mrs. Ben Elvolve will have charge of the men's attire booth, and will call it "The Top Hat." Mrs. Ben Ornstein will have charge of the women's booth, entitled "Curves, Inc."  Aprons and artwork, named "The Cotton Patch" is in charge of Mrs. Jos. Kaplan. The bakery booth, called the "Ess 'n Ess," will be in charge of Mrs. Dave Schwartz. The fortune teller booth, entitled "Madame Mystery," will be conducted by Mrs. Sam Bloom. The clown and beanbag booth will be operated by Mrs. Jack Brisker. The children's fishpond by Mrs. Marvin Bobroff.  "Soch Haman in the Eye," by Mrs. A. Abelson, Children's ready-to-wear booth, entitled "Hoppy's Kiddie Corral," by Mrs. V. Dennis. Canned goods booth by Mrs. Bernard Godes, will be called the "Chee-tums Pine Ridge Store." The flower booth will be conducted by Mrs. Alfred Bobroff, will be called "Wee Bouquet." Chairman in charge of the dining room and cafeteria is Mrs. Anna Shelley, and in charge of serving, Mrs. Jerry Aaronoff. President of the Sisterhood, Mrs. Mort Thaler, urges all members and friends to attend and assures all of a festive and happy time.

March 16, 1951—1) "Beth Jacob Congregation," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7: ...Purim Dinner -- Beth Jacob Auxiliary's favorite cooks are planning a complete Purim dinner March 22 from 6 p.m. All your favorite Purim dishes will be served.  Call Mrs. A. Shelley, J-2566, or the office, T-2676, for reservations...

2) "J.C.R.A.," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: The officers and Board members of the J.C.R.A. will be hostesses to the membership on Tuesday, March 20th at the Beth Cacob Center, 30th and Monroe Streets. A delicious home-cooked luncheon will be served at 12 noon and a social afternoon will take place.  Mr. and Mrs. Sol Gotkin, who sponsored the banquet honoring their 30th wedding anniversary, wish to thank all those who attended for their generosity.  Morrie Douglas, as Master of ceremonies did an outstanding job—the menu prepared by Anna Shelley, Sandor Goldberger and the committee hit the essence of perfection, and Lizzie's strudel and homemade goodies were superb.  Matilda Barsha's musical program was the best we ever heard. The audience was enthralled with Martha Manners excellent Coloratura Soprano voice and her charming personality. Yasha Borofsky, violinist, performed beautifully—it was an evening long to be remembered.

3) "Pioneer Women Negba Club," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 9: Final plans have been completed this week, at a luncheon given by our two chairmen Lil Gordon and Pauline Press, for the annual Purim Costume Ball to be held March 25. Our food chairman Anna Shelley selected her committee who will serve home cooked Purim traditional food for those who ish to have a light supper and lovely refreshments for your pleasure. You can help us make the Purim Ball a huge success by attending and bringing your friends. Mistress of Ceremonies willbe Ruth Bobrof and Marian Gordon.  Judges are set to chose Queen Esther from the eight lovely aspirants, Gwen Bobrof, Agatha Eherefried, Jerry Goldman, Eleanor Berwin, Arlene Orlansky, Bes Borushek, Betty Cohan and JackieBrodman.

May 11, 1951—"Jewish Labor Committee," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: A meeting of the newly elected officers of the Jewish Labor Committee was held on Monday evening, April 23, at Beth Jacob Center. Officers who will serve this organization for the coming year are: Ben Feinberg, President; Herman Sonband, 1st Vice President; ida Fleishman, 2nd Vice Pres.; Morris Penn, Fin. Secy.; Simon Glaser, Treasurer; Anna Shelley, Recording Sec'y; Louis Gordon, Corresponding Secy. Board members are Sandor Goldberger, Ira Gordon, Harry Penn, I.L. Domnitz, Louis Lazarowitz, Max Feinberg, A. Soloway, Anna Lazarowitz, Lena Penn, Ida Feinberg, Leah Gordon, Mary Penn, Fanny Goldberger, Yetta Barron and Rose Domnitz...

May 25, 1951—1) "S.D. Hebrew Home for the Aged Aux," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4:  Preparations have been completed for the May Day Luncehon, to be held on Tuesday, May 29th.  Reservations should be made as soon as possible by phoning any one of the following numbers, T-1-2919, J-1395 or J-5588. The folowing are new board members of hte Ladies Auxiliary: Mmes Gloria Abelson, Jennie Drogin, Sol Frank, Harry Epstein, Selma Getz, Sidney Goldstein, Minnie Harris, Julius Levin, H. Rabinovitz, Marco Ratner, Nathan Schiller, Louis Schissell, Ann Shelley and Louis Steinman.  In the Home—A joint birthday party for Mrs. Joe Dembo and Mrs. Mary Ratner was recently sponsored by the Auxiliary and the families of the celebrants.

2) "Jewish Labor Committee Plans Parents" Day Celebration," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: A cordial invitation is extended to all our friends to attend the celebration which will take place on Sunday evening, June 3, at Beth Jacob Center, 4473 30th St. A delicious hoome cooked turkey with all the tirmmings will be served at 6:30 p.m. sharp.  A very interesting program will follow which will include a short movie...Reservations must be made not later than Wed., May 30. For reservations call B. Feinberg, M-6598; Mrs. Shelley; J-2566; Mr. Morris Penn, H 8-2757.

July 20, 1951—"Pioneer Women Negba Club," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: The Senior Pioneer Women, Negba Club, reports that the picnic held in Pepper Grove Sunday, June 34th, was a huge success under the capable joint leadership of Ann Shelley, Florence Lebb and their faithful coworkers who worked for weeks getting merchandise and worked all day at the park.  The Pioneer Women sincerly thank all the merchants who so generously contributed to make our picnic a financial success. The one-day rummage sale was a success under the chairmanship of Rose Domnitz, assisted by Florence Lebb and Committee....

August 17, 1951—1) "Beth Jacob Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 2: Anna Shelley, president of Beth Jacob Auxiliary, extends her happiest appreciation to the generous laddies who sponsored the last dinner and social evening. Thanks to them for their fine contribution.

2) "Pioneer Women Negba Hold Annual Donor Dinner," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4:  The following officers will be installed at the combination donor dinner and installation Sunday, Aug. 26th, Hotel San Diego's Continental Room, 65:00 p.m.: Pres, Pauline Press; 1st Vice-Pres.; Rose Weitzman; 2nd Vice-Pres., Fanny Goldberger; 34d Vice Pres, Bessie Siegel; Recording Sec'y., Florence Barach; Cor. Sec;y, Phyliss Weisenberg; Fin. Sec'y, Florence Lebb; Treasurer, Lillie Gordon; Treasurer and JNF, Jeanette Abrams, Mozat Hopoalot, Ann Shelley, County Chairman, Edith Belensen, Tillie Adams; Membership, Bessie Siegel, Doris Brisker; Social Se'y, Gertrude Rawdin; Hospitality, Rose Gordon; Luncheon, Rose Garber, Jeanette Abrams; Cultural Com., Florence Barach, Rose Dominitz, Rose Weitzman; Publicity, Eleanor Gordon,  Our first meeting under the new officers will be Open House, Sept. 6th, 8 p.m., Beth Jacob Center. Interesting new pictures will be shown and refreshments served. No admission.

September 14, 1951—"City of Hope Auxiliary," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4:  This Tuesday (Sept. 18th) at the Beth Jacob Center at 12 o'clock noon, we are paying a tribute to one of our most outstanding workers for the "City of Hope" at Duarte, California. Anna Brooks and her husband Sam by honoring them on their 30th wedding anniversary....(T)he following hostesses are sponsoring this affair and serving a delicious home-cooked turkey luncheon: Annia Bobrof, Eva Borner, Jennie Bloomfield, Jeanne Camiel, Rose Cohen, Ruth Douglas, Miriam Gelman, Elizabeth Gotkin, Rose Gordon, Lena Jacobson, Rose Kastauvman, Goldie Kitaen, Anna Mallen, Pauline Press, Bertha Rassin, Eva Reisman, Marie Richards, Goldie Schusterman, Anna Shelley, Bessye Siegelm, M. Gulskoter, and Jennie Siner.

September 28, 1951—1) "The following Members of the Jewish Community Extend New Year's Greetings To Their Friends," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 9 (advertisement)....Mrs. Shelley and the Camiels...

2) "Pioneer Women Negba Club," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 20: Officers and Trustees enjoyed a delicious luncheon at the Beth Jacob Center, Thursday, Sept. 13th, sponsored by their new president, Chavera Pauline Press. Plans were layed  (sic, laid) for the years activities as follows: Oct..1th, the first event of the year the annual Suchos Festival with Eleanor Gordon and Ann Shelley as companion chairmen. We are having something special so won't you plan to be there? November 19th a card party: Dec 23rd, our annual Chanukah Festival, and on Mar. 9, 1952, the big  Purim Ball. Girls, don't delay too long, start planning your costume now. Ladies don't forget our first meeting Oct. 4th, all these plans must be approved by you.

3) "Pioneer Women Nega Club," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 21: Pioneer Women, Negba Club held their Annual Donor Dinner and Installation of Officers on Sunday, August 26th at the San Diego Hotel. Anne Lebow, Regional President was the Installing Officer ably assisted by Anne Shelley. Eleanore Gordon, outgoing president expressed her gratitude to all members and friends of Pioneer Women who helped to raise our quota for the year. Pauline Press, our new President, expressed the hope that everyone would give her the same fine cooperation. An outstanding musical program was presented. The following new officers were installed: Pauline Press, Pres; 1st Vice-Pres, Rose Weitzman; 2nd Vice Pres, Fannie Goldberger; 3rd Vice-Pres, Bessie Seigal; Recording Sec., Florence Barach; Corr. Sec., Phyllis Weisenberg; Financial Sec., Florence Lebb; Treasurer, Lillian Gordon; J.N.F. & Tree Chman, Jeanette Abrams; Moatzoat Happalot Chman, Anne Shelley, Co-Chmn:  Tillie Adams and Edith Belenzon; Publicity Chmn,, Eleanore Gordon; Membership, Bessie Seigal and Doris Brisker; Luncheon Chmn, Rose Garber; Hospitality, Rose Gordon; Social Sec., Gertrude Rawdin, Bond Chmn., Rose Domnitz; Cultural Comm, Rose Abrams, Rose Weitzman, Florence Barach and Rose Brooker; Trustees named are as follows: Tillie Adams, Rose Glazer, Ida Bernstein, Eva Arkin, Jennie Brown, Rose Domnitz, Edith Belenzon, Bessie Fink, Florence Conway and Doris Brisker.

October 28, 1951—1) "Pioneer Women Negba Club," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: Pioneer Women celebrated their annual Succoth Festival Wednesday evening, Oct. 17th at Beth Jacob Center. The motif of the holiday, a miniature Succoth, complete with the traditional fruits and vegetables and interior furnishings, furnished the decorations. Yahda Camiel, recently from Israel and at present visiting with his cousin, Mrs. Anna Shelley, rendered several selections in Yiddish and Hebrew. Community singing was led by Mrs. Branka Vitzer, readings by Mrs. Florence Barach, Eleanor Gordon and Ann Shelley, lunch was served and the balance of the evening turned over to the guests...

2) "Jewish Labor Committee," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: A large delegation will leave San Diego, Saturday, November 10th, to attend the Annual Conference of the Jewish Labor Committee, which will be held in Los Angeles starting Saturday evening with a mass meeting and concert and will continue all day Sunday.  The conference will top off with a banquet dinner Sunday evening, November 11th, honoring Jacob Pat, National Secretary of the Jewish Labor Committee, who is coming especially from New York to attend the conference. The San Diego branch of the Jewish Labor Committee is sponsoring a dinner and concert to be held at Beth Jacob Center Sunday evening, November 18th, honoring Jacob Pat, who will visit our city. Mr. Pat, brilliant speaker and author of the recent book, "Ashes and Fire," which has been translated into English and is considered one of the best sellers, will bring a message of great interest...Members and friends of the Jewish Labor Committee are requested to cooperate and remember the date of this outstanding event. For reservations, please call Anna Shelly (sic, Shelley), J-2566, Mr. Penn, H-8-2757, or B. Feinberg, M-6696 or M-3524.

November 9, 1951—Photo and caption, Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1:

Seen meeting at the home of Mrs. Sol Price are, standing, from left, Ann Schloss, Harriet Ross,
Gladys Block, Gwen Bobrof, Jean Camiel, Ethel Berwin, Kay Krauss, Binnie Brooks, Julia Kaufman,
Ida Wax and Eve Chenkin.  Seated are, from left, Marie Berg, Anne Shelley, Rose Neumann, Helen
Price, Julia Steinman, Louis Steinman and Pearl Slayen. (Not pictured because of scanning problems
is Rose Domnitz, who had been standing to left of Ann Schloss)

November 9, 1951—1) "Bond Group Swings Into Action to Prepare for Bond Rally," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: (Story with above photo) -- Last Sunday more than forty women representing all the Jewish organizations in San Diego met at Temple Beth Israel for a first "Miracle Sunday" drive to start the Israel Bond Weeks proclaimed by Acting Mayor Schneider. After breakfast and an address by the charming Mrs. Sidney Slotkin of Los Angeles, Vice President of Hadassah in Los Angeles and Chairman of Women for B.I.G. in Los Angeles, all the women rang door bells to sell the "Miracle" to the community.  Marie Berg, Chairman of the Women's Division, Murray Goodrich and Louis Steinman also added words of encouragement to the volunteer Bond Salesmen. The following women participated: Mrs. Eleanor Gordon, Pioneer Women; Mrs. Bertha Veitzer, Labor Zionists; Mrs. Esther Cole, Beth Jacob Auxiliary; Mrs. Minnie Harris, Hadassah, and Mrs. Joseph Krone ($4050.00 was collected). Rabbis Morton J. Cohn, Baruch Stern and Monroe Levens acted as a joint committee in this bond campaign as "special salesman." According to Murray Roman, So. Calif. Bond Manager, more than 60 people attended special meetings at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Goodrich last Monday night. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Steinman last Tuesday night was also the scene of another committee to spark the enthusiasm for the sale of Israel bonds.

2) "Underground Busy Behind 'Curtain'," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: More than 1,000 endangered Jews, including former labor and governmental officials, have been rescued from counties behind the Iron Curtain by members of the underground operated by the Jewish Labor Committee. Jacob Pat of New York, executive secretary, told members of the committee's national executive board at their annual conference that its agents both in the United States and Europe were arranging the escape of many thousands more—all under the noses of the Soviet-dominated secret police...The San Diego branch of the Jewish Labor Committee is sponsoring a dinner and concert to be held at Beth Jacob Center, Sunday evening, November 18th, honoring Jacob Pat, who will visit our city. Mr. Pat, brilliant speaker and author of the recent book, "Ashes and Fire," will bring a message of great interest. Our artistic program for this affair will be something new, something different...Members and friends of the Jewish Labor Committee are requested to cooperate and remember the date of this outstanding event. For reservations, please call Anna Shelly (sic, Shelley), J-23566; Mr. Penn, H-8-27-57; or B. Feinberg, M-6598 or M-3524.

November 21, 1951— "Notice of Annual Meeting and Report of Nominating Committee," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: Notice is hereby given of the Annual Meeting of the United Jewish Fund of San Diego to be held on Sunday, December 9, 1951, at the El Cortez Hotel. The annual election of members of the Board of Directors to fill the vacancies will be held at this time at or about 8:00 p.m. The Nominating Committee submitting the names for election to the Board of Directors includes: Harry Farb, Chairman; Mrs. Gabriel Berg; Ben Harris, Harry Mallen, Nathaniel Ratner, Harry Snyder, Ruben Umansky.  A) Monimation for Members of the Board of Directors for 2-year Terms (1952-1954): Abe Abramson, Mrs. Gabriel Berg, I.L. Domnitz, Morris Douglas, Jack Gross, David Horowitz, Rodin Horrow, Ralph Hosenpud, Yalke Kahn, Morry Levenson, B.B. Margolis, Dr. A.P.Nasatir, Milton Roberts, Nathan Schiller, Albert Steinman, Dr. Robert M. Stone, Harry Snyder, Ruben Umansky, Alex Wise. B) Members of the Board of Directors whose terms do not expire:  Past Presidents—Judge Jacob Weinberger; Nathan F. Baranov; Eli H. Levenson; Rabbis—Rabbi Morton J. Cohn; Rabbi Monroe Levens, Rabbi Baruch Stern; Areas—Arthur L. Cohen, Elmer Glaser, William Schwartz; David Block; William Burnett; Harry Farb; Manuel Fisher; Jerome Freedman; Irving Friedman; Arthur Gardner; Murray D.Goodrich; Ben Harris; Richard Levi; Julius Levin, Harry Mallen, Louis Moorsteen; Dr. W. Ornstein, Sol Price; Seymour Rabin; Nathaniel Ratner, Ben Rubin, Victor Schulman, Louis Steinman, Henry Weinberger.  C) Members of the Board of Directors whose terms expire: Mrs. Gabriel Berg, Edward Bland, Saul Chenkin, I.L. Domnitz, Morris Douglas, Rodin Horrow; Ralph Hosenpud, Alex Newman, Morris Niederman, Abe Ratner, Dr. Oscar Ravin, Milton Roberts, Abe Sackheim, Nathan Schiller, Victor Schulman, Mrs. Anna Shelley, Sam Sosna, Dr. Robert Stone, Harry Snyder, Reuben Umansky.  D) In accordance with the By-Laws of the United Jewish Fund, independent nominations of candidates for election at the annual meeting may also be made by any 5 members (paid up contributors) provided the same is delivered with the written acceptance of the candidate to the Secretary or Executive Director of the Corporation no later than Friday, November 30, 1951, 5:00 p.m.

December 7, 1951—1) "Congregation Beth Jacob," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7: On Saturday, December 29, 7:30 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Jery Aronoff will sponsor a card party in honor of the 33rd Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Sandor Goldberger.  Mr. Goldberger is a past president of the Synagogue, and his wife is active in many Beth Jacob organizations, including the Ladies Auxiliary which will receive all proceeds derived from the party. Since no cards will be sent out, all those wishing to attend please contact the following people: Ann Shelley, J-2566; Pauline Press, W-2020, and Ruth Aronoff, W-3225....

2) "City of Hope," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: Hear ye! Hear ye! Hear ye! A luncheon and "unique" installation of officers will take place on Tuesday, December 18th at the Beth Jacob Center, 4473 30th St at 112 noon. A musical program will also take place.  Officers to be installed are: Hon. Pres, Anna Shelley; Hon. Councillor, Jennie Siner; Hon. Board Member, Fanny Addleson; Pres., Jeanne Camiel; 1st Vice Pres., Esther Schwartz; 2nd Vice Pres., Becky Bard; 3rd Vice Pres, Goldie Kitaen; Treas. (for the 17th consecutive time) Bessye Siegel; Corr. sec., Goldie Schusterman, rec. Sec., Sophie Himmel; Fin. Sec., Ruth Douglas; Soc. Sec., Betty Schwartz; Publicity, Bess Schissell; Public Rel. Anna Brooks, Board Tel. Chrmn., Jennie Kochberg.  Our shipment of perfume has arrived—please contact Frances Strauss, Chairman, for your order at T.1-8227.

January 11, 1952
1) Albert Hutler, "Community Currents," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 2, in which Hutler mentions Ms. Shelley's birthday.

2) "Beth Jacob Congregation," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: Beth Jacob To Open New Gift Shop—Beth Jacob Congregation will open a gift shop in the Center, which will sell Jewish holiday and religious items.  Everyone in the community is invited to take advantage of the wonderful items on sale at very reasonable prices.  The opening was made possible by the donation of a showcase by the ladies of the Wednesday Afternoon Club, under the leadership of Mrs. I. Lebb. The showcase was donated to the Synagogue in honor of the 68th birthday of Mrs. Anna Shelley...

February 8, 1952—"Pioneer Women," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 6: The heat is on! Preparations are proceeding at top pace for Pioneer Women's Major event of the year—the annual Queen Esther Costume Purim Ball, to take place Sunday evening, March 9th at Beth Jacob....Don't forget to call in your reservation for the Tu B'Shevat Dinner, to take place February 10th, 6:00 p.m. at Beth Jacob Center. For reservations call: Ann Shelley, J-2566; Ida Coleman, R-4733; Pauline Press, W-2020.

February 22, 1952—"Sisterhoods 'Dunk Together' At Beth Jacob Festival," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: Beth Jacob Sisterhood members are busy this week suggesting to all their friends that the idea of "Let's Dunk Together" will come to life as the three Sisterhoods in San Diego join hands to make the 2nd Annual Festival of Spring, on February 24th, a success...A "Daughter and Doll" Apron booth with Mama Aprons in a separate section will be another highlight which will be chaired by Mmes. Joseph J. Kaplan and Myer Snyder and the following Junior-Junior Misses will sell the Daughter and Dolls aprons, Misses Judy Kaplan, Penny Bobrof, Jamie Bobrof, Sharon Snyder, Terry Shulkind and Janice Hoffman. Groceries at competitive prices will be found in Jeanne Camiel's booth with Mrs. Anna Shelley as grocery clerk. Save your shopping and see their items...

March 21, 1952—"'Have A Heart,' Pleads Loretta Gross At Luncheon," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1:  Thirty-four of San Diego's leading women workers for the United Jewish Fund Campaign will act as hostesses at the $25 miniumum luncheon of the Women's Division in the Don Room of the El Cortez Hotel on Tuesday, April 1st at 12:00 noon.  Mrs. Harry Beilin, wife of the Honorable Consul for the State of Israel to the seven western states, will be the guest of honor, according to Mrs. Harry Mallen, cochairman of the Women's Division, who is in charge of the luncheon...Hostesses and sponsors of the luncheon on behalf of the Women's Division of the Combined Jewish Appeal are:.... Anna Shelley....

April 4, 1952—1)"Women's Division Nears Goal With Encouraging $34,500 Raised," Southwestern Jewish Press, pages 1,2: Stealing a march on her husband, Loretta Gross' Women's Division held its third and final luncheon for the 1952 Combined Jewish Appeal last Tuesday, April 1st, at the El Cortez Hotel. With $25.00 as the minimum pledge to be made, over two hundred women contributed $8,757 to bring the total of the Women's Division to date to $34,500 towards their quota of $40,000 set for this year. Luncheon speaker was Mrs. Harry Beilin, wife of the Consul for the State of Israel. Mrs. Beilin spoke of the tremendous needs of her people and the young  state. She stressed the important part that women all over the world are playing in making Israel self-sufficient. Thirty-four leading workers in the campaign acted as hostesses for the luncheon. They were: Mesdames Fred Aminoff, Jeremiah Aronoff, Isadore Arkin, Leo Beck, Sam Bennett, Elias Berwin, David Block, Sol Bloom, Ted Brav, Zel Camiel, Eddie Cantor, Morris Douglas, Thomas Garber, Bernard Godes, Sol Gotkin, Arthur Guyer, Ben Harris, Goldie Kitaen, Harry Klaskin, Joseph Kwint, Lawrence Lassman, Julius Levin, Sam Moder, William Moss, Walter Ornstein, William Penn, Jack Prager, Charles Press, Sam Rassin, Milton Roberts, David Schwartz, Anna Shelley, Charles Silverman and William Solof. The "Michele Original" suit, donated through the generosity of the Gladys Scott Shop as a door prize for the Women's Division, was won by Mrs. Paul Ogelnick, who turned it back to be raffled off at the Victory Dance to be held on May 24th.

2) "Beth Jacob News," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 19: Beth Jacob Congregation will celebrate its annual community seder on the first evening of Pesach, April.9, 6:30 p.m., at the Beth Jacob Center Auditorium.  A complete traditional meal, strictly kosher for Pesach, will be served. Mrs. Anna Shelley, president of the Ladies' Auxiliary, is in charge of the cooking.  The price is $4.00 per plate for adults, $2.00 for children under 13 years. Rabbi Baruch Stern, who will officiate at the religious ceremony, cordially invites everyone to attend...

May 2, 1952—1) "Pioneer Women," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 4: We have adopted a $25.00 minimum Donor this year. Due to the urgency of our Pioneer work in Israel many women are doing extraordinary work in order to raise this amount. Our commitment to the Agricultural Training School in the Negev is $1,000. We have three months to raise this money. We need your help now.  Please get in touch with Anna Shelley, J-2566 or Pres. Pauline Press, W-2020 for further information.  A committee is hard at work on plans for a gala Pioneer Women 15th Anniversary Dinner June 8.

2) "Shevuos Dinner Bazaar Set for June 1st at Beth Jacob," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 1: Everyone is urged to set aside Sunday, June 1, for the Shevuos dinner and bazaar planned by Beth Jacob Auxiliary. It will be an all day and evening affair. The meal will be cooked by auxiliary members and there will be booths with home made items, Mrs. Anna Shelley, president, has announced. The deadline for reservations and further details will be published in a later issue of the paper. Watch for it.

3) "Beth Jacob Auxiliary To Hold Luncheon May 6th," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 8: Beth Jacob Auxiliary will hold a spring luncheon on Tuesday, May 6, at 12:30 p.m. at Beth Jacob Center. A home cooked meal at reasonable prices will be served, according to Mrs. Anna Shelley, president. A social afternoon will follow the luncheon and meeting. Mrs. Ann Bravstone and Mrs. Lee Gordon, chairmen, cordially invite all members and friends.

May 18, 1952—"Shevuos Dinner Bazaar at Beth Jacob June 1," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 7: Mrs. Anna Shelley, president of the Beth Jacob Ladies Auxiliary, reminds everyone to set aside Sunday, June 1, for the Shevuous dinner and bazaar at Beth Jacob Center.  Members of the Auxiliary are getting together to cook a delicious traditional Shevuos meal. Booths for the bazaar of this afternoon and evening affiar will be crammed full of "surprises."  Call R-8523 or T-2676 for reservations before May 23.

May 30, 1952—"Beth Jacob Auxiliary Shevuos Dinner and Bazaar," Southwestern Jewish Press, page 5: Mrs. Anna Shelley, president of the Beth Jacob Ladies' auxiliary, cordially invites everyone to attend a Shevous dinner and bazaar on June 1, from noon until midnight, at the center. The dinner, which will be served buffet style from 3:00 p.m. on will be prepared in Shevous tradition by members of the auxiliary. Don't miss the wonderful bargains in brand new merchandise that will cram the bazaar booths. Be sure to go.

November 4, 2004
—Dan Schaffer, "Reflections: Yesterdays," San Diego Jewish Timesarticle on Shimon Camiel, her grandson.

May 2005—
Gertrude Shelley Thaler, Book of Life Inscription, Jewish Community Foundation: San Diego was home to my father before the turn of the 20th century.  It was still home to his descendants as the 21st century came over the horizon and with the hopes of a continuing tradition, the family will always remain here. I am proud that I have been a close observer of the development of our Jewish community and the enrichment of our cultural life as we continue to preserve the memories of those who came before us and for those to whom the torch is passed. The gift of giving fulfills my obligation as a Jewish woman to a city and a community of people that has brought many honors and happiness to my life.  It has endowed me with the privilege of performing tzedakah in the names of my parents, George and Anna Shelley and my late husband, Morton Thaler and myself.  

Visit to grave of Anna Shelley at Home of Peace Cemetery on Imperial Avenue west of Interstate 805 in San Diego.

October 19, 2005—
Zelig's Odyssey by Shimon Camiel, which includes extensive references to Anna Shelly, the author's grandmother. (book review by Donald H. Harrison)


May 5, 2006
—Gert Thaler, "Heart to Heart: Gasoline: a quarter a gallon?" San Diego Jewish Times