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INTERNATIONAL Overflow turnout at San Diego's Yom HaShoah commemoration at Lawrence Family JCC ... by Sandy Golden in La Jolla, California At 1:05 p.m, Sunday, April 19, three-quarters of the seats in the David and Dorothy Garfield Theatre at the Lawrence Family JCC were already filled for the 1:30 p.m. Yom HaShoah commemoration.READ MORE
See for Yourself: Ahmadinejad's attack on Israel ... Hillary Clinton on Hamas
Forty delegations walk out when Ahmadinejad calls Israel 'racist' VIEW VIDEO
U.S. and Dutch Foreign Ministers discuss Somali piracy and Mideast peace VIEW VIDEO
State Department spokesman on Ahmadinejad's anti-Israel speech VIEW VIDEO
Times are better for Jews to feel chronic uncertainty ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem Uncertainty is chronic. Aside from uncertainty about personal matters (job, health, pension) are uncertainties about the public sphere. Will the leaders of my country succeed in achieving X or preventing Y? READ MORE
San Diegans convene in Tel Aviv for 'Bike for Israel' ... by Ulla Hadar in Tel Aviv Mayor Alon Schuster of Sha'ar Hanegev and Aharale Rothstein, Principal of the Sha'ar Hanegev High School, met up with a group of San Diegans at the Dan Panorama Hotel here on Monday the 20th. READ MORE
Concessions to terrorists are futile and self-defeating ... by Shoshana Bryen in Washington, D.C. George Mitchell has returned from an apparently unproductive trip to Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Having decided that a Palestinian state must emerge between the Mediterranean and the Jordan, the administration is irritated with Israel because the Netanyahu government insists on knowing what sort of state it would be and demanding that it first recognize Israeli sovereignty. READ MORE
There is no dirth of jewelry stores at the Westfield Shopping Center (Parkway Plaza) in El Cajon, California. One of them is Daniel's.
ARTS Some popular Yiddish music from Helsinki, Finland ... by Cantor Sheldon Merel
Expanding the scope of his column, Cantor Merel comments on a Yiddish medley by Cantor Andre Zweig of Helsinki, Finland. READ COLUMN, HEAR RECORDING
Jewish community reaction mixed to U.S. boycott of Durban II READ MORE
Nonagenarian says Miss California a 'real winner' in his eyes READ MORE
Phyllis Schwartz, former KNSD President, profiled on new SDNN READ MORE
Rabbi Shefa Gold to lead spiritual weekend for Jewish Healing CenterREAD MORE ADVENTURES IN SAN DIEGO JEWISH HISTORY
January 23, 1953; Southwestern Jewish Press
Jewish Community Center Starts Expansion ProgramREAD MORE
Temple Teens READ MORE
City of Hope Aux.Plan Annual Concert READ MORE
Beth Jacob Sisterhood READ MORE
Center Program READ MORE
Tifereth Israel Men’s Club Holds Valentine Dance READ MORE
B’nai B’rith Young Adults Elect New Officers READ MORE
Irving Friedman New Boys’Club Prexy READ MORE
Historic Ad-Vernon'sVIEW AD
Historic Ad-Chenkin's VIEW AD
JEWISH INTERNET FAVORITES We continue our examination of Jewish entertainers
Charles Grodin with an unusual proposal in "The Heartbreak Kid" VIEW VIDEO
Elliott Gould shows his knowledge of medicine in "Getting Straight" VIEW VIDEO
Estelle Harris as Muriel in "The Suite Life of Zack and Cody" VIEW VIDEO
Judd Hirsch worries how good a father he has been in "Numbers" VIEW VIDEO
STAFF BOX To Ulla Hadar and all the San Diegans now participating in "Bike for Israel," we dedicate this television oldie theme song: "Happy Trails to You" by Roy Rogers and Dale Evans:
SURVIVORS—Sarah Ticho escaped from Nazis in Holland, but her mother was murdered in Auschwitz; at right, Bob Frimtzis
standsin front of the Holocaust Memorial Wall in garden at Lawrence Family JCC. He is author of From Tajikistan to the Moon,
a memoirtracing his life from when he escaped the Nazis at age 10 to his career in the aerospace industry.
Photos by Haim Schwartz
Overflow turnout at San Diego's Yom HaShoah commemoration at Lawrence Family JCC
LA JOLLA, California—At 1:05 p.m, Sunday, April 19, three-quarters of the seats in the David and Dorothy Garfield Theatre at the Lawrence Family JCC were already filled for the 1:30 p.m. Yom HaShoah commemoration.
Twenty minutes later, an announcement was made by Michael Bart, Co-Chair of the 2009 Community Holocaust Commemoration, that a large screen had been set up in the Library to accommodate what was obviously going to be an overflow crowd.
The throngs of people who attended, and the entire program, a project of the UJF’s Jewish Community Relations Council, was the 35th such commemoration for our community’s Holocaust survivors. As in previous years, it was a moving tribute to the survivors who were able to be in attendance, and for their families.
“Each year the survivors’ numbers are dwindling,” according to Gussie Zaks, president of the New Life Club of Holocaust Survivors, who co-chaired the event with Bart. Zaks expressed the hope that succeeding generations would not only never forget the horrendous atrocities committed by the Nazi regime, but in addition, would take positive steps to educate future populations.
For that purpose, this year’s program’s theme, “Remember, Honor and Teach” included a variety of creative presentations in different formats. A descriptive trailer of a documentary film by students from Carlsbad High, called We Must Remember was shown. Excerpts from Fireflies, a play which will be presented by the J*Company, were acted by students. Arieh Breziner and Adina Wollner , who had participated in the “March of the Living,” spoke eloquently of their experiences through the medium of letters written to someone back home. .
Most impressive to me as an educator, and as one who had worked on the ADL Education Committee 30 years ago, was the collaboration among Kirk Ankeney, SD Unified School District’s executive director for Curriculum and Instruction , with Tina Friedman, Michael Bart and others to show teachers in City Schools methods for teaching about the Holocaust and genocide in 10th grade history courses.
Two of the teachers involved in this effort explained why and how they were inspired to teach their 10th graders about this curriculum and how they would involve other colleagues.
Before presenting a medley of musical selections from Theresienstadt, with a string quartet, Eileen Wingard spoke of Survivor Eve Gerstel, a nonagenarian who was hospitalized that day, and therefore unable to be present.
Also missed was Gussie Zaks’ husband, Mike, who died within this past year, and for many years had the honor of introducing the MCRD Color Guard. In his stead was his son, Jack Morgenstern.
Ahmadinejad's attack on Israel ... Hillary Clinton on Hamas
Forty delegations walk out when
Ahmadinejad calls Israel 'racist'
U.S. and Dutch Foreign Ministers discuss
Somali piracy and Mideast peace
Excerpt on the Middle East ...
U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (from the transcript): And finally, let me acknowledge the foreign minister’s {Maxime Verhagen's} leadership with regard to the situation in the Middle East. He has demonstrated steadfast support for a lasting and comprehensive peace, and has long maintained that in order to be accepted by the international community as a true partner in peace, Hamas must take responsibility for its actions, renounce violence, and accept Israel’s right to exist. This is a point on which we are in total agreement and on which we cannot waiver. The United States is grateful for the Dutch Government’s leadership within the European Union on establishing a robust dialogue with the Israeli Government, while insisting that the parties and the process and the region rededicate themselves to prior commitments.
State Department spokesman on
Ahmadinejad's anti-Israel speech
State Dept. spokesman excerpt on Iran...
QUESTION: Another subject. Do you have any reaction to the speech of Ahmadinejad today at the Human Rights Council and the fact that he called Israel a racist state? MR. WOOD: Yeah, Sylvie, look, unfortunately, we’ve heard all of this before from President Ahmadinejad. The comments that he made frankly were unacceptable, and
frankly feed racial hatred. Iran needs to end this type of inflammatory rhetoric. It’s not helpful. And I think you saw today a number of delegates walked out during his speech, which I think sent a very powerful message to Iran that this type of rhetoric is unhelpful, it’s counterproductive. And as I said, it just feeds racial hatred. And you know, as I said, we’ve heard this before and, you know, we have said this type of rhetoric – this is not rhetoric that should be used in the 21st century, frankly. QUESTION: So are you still interested in pursuing dialogue with Ahmadinejad and his government? MR. WOOD: We have had said that we want to engage Iran directly through diplomacy. QUESTION: Can you do that after he makes speeches like this? MR. WOOD: Well, we – look, we certainly hope to be able to engage Iran on a number of issues. There are a number of situations around the world where we need to engage Iran. We’ve been very concerned about Iran’s behavior in Iraq, its support for Hezbollah, for other terrorist groups. So – and obviously, this type of rhetoric and behavior is unhelpful. And you know – but it’s up to Iran.
If Iran, as I’ve said many times, wants a different relationship with the international community, it’s got to change its behavior and stop this, you know, horrible rhetoric. In the end, it’s going to be up to Iran. But this Administration has said it’s willing to engage in direct diplomacy. QUESTION: In his speech or his comments, this rhetoric doesn’t affect the Administration’s desire to have a dialogue with him? MR. WOOD: Well, obviously, this type of rhetoric is not helpful to trying to contribute – it’s not helpful in contributing to a dialogue. But I think what was important is that a number of delegates today spoke out very clearly through their actions by walking out during that speech. And -- QUESTION: Well, I guess what I’m asking is: Are you – is the Administration still interested in pursuing dialogue with Iran after the speech? MR. WOOD: Well, we want to have a direct dialogue with Iran, but Iran needs to do a number of things if it’s going to get back in the overall good graces of the international community. That type of rhetoric is not helpful and doesn’t help facilitate a constructive dialogue. QUESTION: But it doesn’t preclude it? MR. WOOD: Well, I’m not precluding it because we have said, very straightforwardly, we want to have direct diplomacy with Iran. QUESTION: Right. Now you mentioned that the people who walked out sent a very powerful message. So why didn’t the U.S. go? If this is a very powerful message, why didn’t you guys go too and then walk out and join in this very powerful message? MR. WOOD: Matt, as you know, we put out a statement on this, we’ve spoken to this quite clearly why we didn’t. We felt that there were references to the 2001 Durban Declaration and Program of Action that were not acceptable to us. There were some references to – in the document to – that, in our view, did not allow for, you know, broad freedom of speech and expression. And so we’ve made that very clear what our position was with regard to attending the conference. What I’m commenting on is what took place at the conference. And so I don’t have any more for that. QUESTION: Do you think the Europeans were right to go there to attend this conference since they walked away? MR. WOOD: You know, each individual country has to make a decision as to what it wants to do with regard to attendance at any conference. I’d have to refer you to those European leaders whose countries attended. I – you know, I just – I don’t have any comment on that. QUESTION: Israel said that they were disappointed by (inaudible) because they weren’t there. MR. WOOD: Well, you know, the Government of Israel is saying what it believes and feels. I’m just saying to you what our position was from the beginning, and that we tried to, you know, work with a number of countries to get a document that would allow us to attend, but in the end, that wasn’t possible.
Aside from uncertainty about personal matters (job, health, pension) are uncertainties about the public sphere. Will the leaders of my country succeed in achieving X or preventing Y?
The authors of the Hebrew Bible described uncertainty in a setting where the Jews were fewer and poorer than the people of nearby empires. It was usually a problem of which empire would prevail.
Until not so long ago, Jewish uncertainty, like that of others, concerned how many children would survive poverty and disease to reach adulthood. Occasionally, there was concern for the neighbors, and the prospect of unrest.
At the present time, things have never been better. Pessimists would remind me that my late father-in-law thought the same in Germany during the Weimar period.
Uncertainty is universal, but Israelis may be more uncertain than the average. Until recently, we felt uncertain whenever we climbed aboard a bus or entered a restaurant. Currently the style of Palestinian hatred makes us uncertain whenever we see a piece of heavy equipment being driven by someone who might be an Arab. Some may feel uncertain whenever they are alongside a road, concerned that a car may swerve intentionally onto the sidewalk.
The president of Iran spoke at the United Nations Conference on Racism. No one should have expected him to embrace Zionism or renounce his nuclear program. In anticipation of what was expected, the governments of numerous civilized countries decided not to send delegations, or not to send ranking politicians.
With so many boycotting, a bad conference may be nothing more than an event that once again divides the world into those who are acceptable and those who are not.
More troubling is the concern that the American administration and the Israeli prime minister have not been reading from the same page about the future of the Palestinian people.
We depend in large part on our own wisdom. When young, it is wise to prepare for a career, and then to move or change jobs when conditions warrant. As citizens young or old, we should vote for politicians not likely to make things worse.
For Israelis, that means leaders who will stay on the same page as the leaders of the United States, Western Europe, and a few other worthy places.
In the last week we have seen the flexibility of Benyamin Netanyahu. Some will see him holding to what is important, and praise him. Some will see him bending to accommodate the person he has most recently met, ridicule his bombast, and worry about relying on a leader who is so fluid.
He began by indicating that the idea of a Palestinian state was not on his table. It would be better to aid the Palestinian economy and demand that Palestinians learn governance. After meeting with George Mitchell, his posture was that Palestinians' recognition of Israel as a Jewish state would be a precondition for re-starting negotiations. After meeting with Ehud Barak, he will be willing negotiate without preconditions, but condition progress on the Palestinians' willingness to recognize Israel as a Jewish state.
The issue of Israel as a Jewish state resonates. Until now the Palestinians have demanded that Israel recognize Palestine as a state and remove Jewish settlements, while Palestinians recognize Israel as a state. One suspects that the vast majority of Jews living in what might become Palestine would not want to remain there, just as the vast majority of Arabs living in Israel would not want to move there.
Nonetheless, the demand that Palestine be Judenrein has weight. In this week of commemorating the Holocaust, we read that a quarter million survivors are living among us. Almost all Israelis with European backgrounds have parents or grandparents who experienced the Holocaust, and almost all Israelis with backgrounds in Arab countries have family stories that are unpleasant.
Defining Israel as a Jewish state has symbolic importance. Few expect Israel to expel its Arab citizens, or to curtail their political and civil rights. There is a fringe who demands drawing the borders of Israel in a way to exclude many Arabs, or to take citizenship from Arabs who do not conform to its standards of loyalty. Occasionally the man who is now
the foreign minister has given voice to such sentiments, but the prospect is about as realistic as American movements that proclaim "back to Africa" or "back to Latin America."
In recent days Palestinian officials have argued that the United States recognition of Israel in 1948 did not define it as a Jewish state. My distinguished colleague, Shlomo Avineiri, has noted that the brief statement of recognition, drafted before the Jewish leadership of Palestine had decided on a name for their state, was of a "Jewish state." It changed to a recognition of "Israel" only when the Jews chose that name. George Mitchell may have been articulating the United States government's sensitivity for the issue with his statement that referred to Israel as a Jewish state.
Netanyahu's flexibility, whether an appropriate topic for praise or ridicule, may have gotten him over this hiccup in relations between Israel and the United States. We hear that he will visit the White House in the middle of May.
Skeptics may wonder if all this is significant. A "two state solution" seems nothing more than a fig leaf for politicians to remain politically correct. They are not likely to demand great progress in negotiations as long as Gaza remains firmly in the hands of Hamas, Hamas remains firm in articulating the line of Iran, and the West Bank leadership remains out of the hands of Hamas only due to Israeli security forces.
This fig leaf may postpone the time when Palestinian frustration turns into Palestinian extremism, the start of another intifada, and however Israel chooses to respond.
If Jews feel more uncertain than others, we also have learned how to deal with it. Israelis study that Bible, as well as other writings that come disproportionately from Jewish hands, in homes and universities that our neighbors envy.
Sharkansky is professor emeritus of political science at Hebrew University. Email: msira@mscc.huji.ac.il
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BIKERS FOR ISRAEL—From left to right, they are Rick Kornfeld, Leo Speigel, Mitch Shack, Mayor Alon Schuster, Robert Lapidus,,
Allan Goldstein, Dr. Jeff Davis, Robert Lapidus, Mardelle Davis, Ulla Hadar and Andi Neugarten.
San Diegans convene in Tel Aviv for 'Bike for Israel'
Editor's Note: This is the first in a series of stories that our Sha'ar Hanegev bureau chief Ulla Hadar will be filing as she accompanies a delegation from San Diego County on a "Bike for Israel" ride to raise money to protect Sha'ar Hanegev High School against rocket attracks. To contribute to this cause, please click on this link to a webpage of the United Jewish Federation of San Diego County.
TEL AVIV, Israel --Mayor Alon Schuster of Sha'ar Hanegev and Aharale Rothstein, Principal of the Sha'ar Hanegev High School, met up with a group of San Diegans at the Dan Panorama Hotel here on Monday the 20th.
The group is part of the Bike Israel2009 sponsored by the United Jewish Federation of San Diego County to raise money for construction of a new high school in Sha’ar Hanegev. Bike Israel conducts from April 22 to April 28 a sponsored 300-mile ride from Metula in the far northern tip of Israel to Sha’ar Hanegev, which is considered the northern gateway to the Negev Desert in the southern portion of Israel.
Sha’ar Hanegev is the partnership region in Israel for the United Jewish Federation of San Diego County. It sits alongside the border with Gaza to its west. The region has been under constant rocket attack by Hamas terrorists for more than eight years. The bike ride is one of UJF’s efforts to raise capital for the construction of a school that will be hardened against rocket attack and which, at the same time, will be equipped to offer courses modeled on the programs of High Tech High School in San Diego as well as San Diego Jewish Academy.
Participants include Rick Kornfeld; Jeff Davis, the principal of SDJA’s Maimonides Upper School accompanied on the bike ride by his wife Mardelle; Leo Spiegel, a former SDJA president; Andi Neugarten, a triathlete who has been serving as the program’s coordinator; Allan Goldstein; Robert and Susan Lapidus; Gary Kornfeld and Mitch Shack. I have the privilege to represent San Diego Jewish World in my capacity as its volunteer bureau chief in Sha’ar Hanegev.
This evening was the start of Yom HaShoah, therefore a small ceremony was held in the hotel lobby, with a candle lighting, a small prayer and singing ”HaTikva," Israel’s national anthm. Afterwards Alon Schuster sharedand expressed his feelings about the importance of the partnership between Sha'ar Hanegev and San Diego: "We feel that the struggle we deal with Is cope-able even through the last many difficult years, because we are not standing all alone."
He continued: "An unending story the people of the Sha'ar Henegev municipality live in, it has been eight years of battle, a battle we still don’t know when will end. We have to grant our children the feeling that the choice our parents did was the right one.”
"The idea of this bike ride in Israel is very symbolic in many ways, to go from the North to the South, from border to border, and the whole ride being performed in the period stretching from Holocaust Day through Yom HaZikaron (Israel’s Memorial Day) and finishing in Sha'ar Hanegev on Yom Ha’atzma’ut (Israel’s Independence Day.) I appreciate your friendship and partnership and wish you a good and safe ride."
WASHINGTON, D.C.--George Mitchell has returned from an apparently unproductive trip to Israel and the Palestinian Authority. Having decided that a Palestinian state must emerge between the Mediterranean and the Jordan, the administration is irritated with Israel because the Netanyahu government insists on knowing what sort of state it would be and demanding that it first recognize Israeli sovereignty.
A modest suggestion to Sen. Mitchell: visit Pakistan's Swat Valley if you can.
See what happens what a government cedes control of territory to a trans-national radical group in hopes of limiting the damage it will do in the rest of the country. Over the weekend, Sufi Mohammad told cheering crowds in Swat that the official imprimatur on the sharia agreement will pave the way for sharia across the country. He was echoed in the capital by Maulana Abdul Aziz, recently released from prison by the government in attempt to placate his followers. Maulana urged those followers to launch a national crusade for sharia, creating at least a theoretical alliance from the Taliban-dominated Swat Valley to Islamabad.
A Pakistani professor said, "The government made a big mistake to give these guys legal cover for their agenda. Now they are going to be battle-ready to struggle for the soul of Pakistan." "The people were desperate for peace," said Jafar Shah, a secular Pakistani legislator who introduced the sharia legislation for Swat. "We really had no other choice. We had no power to crush the militants," he said in The Washington Post.
If he can't get to Swat, perhaps Sen. Mitchell could meet with Amb. Richard Holbrooke, U.S. special envoy to Afghanistan and Pakistan (now referred to as AfPak). Holbrooke told CNN that the decision of the insurgents to keep fighting despite a "peace agreement" was a "wake up call to everybody in Pakistan that you can't deal with these people by giving away territory as they creep closer and closer to the populated centers of the Punjab and Islamabad."
"These people"? Who are "these people"? Taliban, of course, and their Pakistani radical internationalist jihadi allies. But the same applies to any and every terrorist group that demands legitimacy in order to further its radical, violent aims. Hezbollah shot its way into the cabinet of the democratically elected, pro-Western Lebanese government.
The United States blessed the gunshot wedding and continues to arm and train the Lebanese Armed Forces, pretending that having Hezbollah in the government won't affect the Army and its decisions. A Hamas/Fatah "unity government" - much desired by the Obama Administration - would have the effect of legitimizing the Hamas ideology inside the Fatah government, but only for as long as it takes for Hamas to overwhelm Fatah in the West Bank as it did in Gaza.
By the way, it doesn't only apply to radical Islamists - the FARC Colombian drug cartel was supported by trouble-making Venezuela and Ecuador. The Colombian government's decision to cede territory to the FARC in hopes that it would limit the damage to the rest of the country was a disaster that has only lately been reversed. President Obama's comment that Venezuela's defense budget being only 1/600th the size of ours made it an unlikely threat rang hollow to our erstwhile allies in Bogota.
Israel is right to stand firm on its security parameters. If Sen. Mitchell wants to "advance" the process, he should learn from the very troubling examples of Pakistan, Lebanon, the Palestinian Authority and Colombia what happens when people who get tired of holding the line make concessions to terrorists who have no interest in anything but everything.
Bryen is special projects director for the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. (JINSA). Her column is sponsored by Waxie Sanitary Supply in memory of Morris Wax, longtime JINSAsupporter and national board member
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Daniel 2:20 Daniel exclaimed and said, "May the name of God be blessed forever and ever for wisom and might are His!
The photo at left was taken April 19, 2009 by Donald H. Harrison at the Westfield (Parkway Plaza) Shopping Center.
SHARE YOUR PHOTO SHOWING A BIBLICAL REFERENCE IN POP CULTURE —Please send your jpg photo for posting to editor@sandiegojewishheritage.com. If possible, please send it at 72dpi resolution and 400 pixels wide. Please include the name of the photographer, the date and place the photo was taken, and any other relevant caption information.
SAN DIEGO—In future weeks, to add to my own repertoire of Jewish music, I plan to introduce the artistry of some of my cantor colleagues in North America. Don Harrison (Editor) and I had recently discussed this change in focus , and out of the blue, bashert, he received a CD from Finland, of all places, from Andre Zweig. I have chosen a medley of Yiddish songs from Zweig’s CD, My Yiddishe Soul to share.
Andre Zweig is the cantor for a synagogue in the Jewish community of Helsinki, Finland. He was born in Transylvania, Rumania, played the violin from the age of six and later took up the guitar. In 1964, Andre and his family moved to Israel where he served in the army for six years as an entertainer. In the mid- 80’s, he and his family moved to Finland, where he’s been active in the Finnish music world as a troubadour, song writer, and arranger. Zweig recently discovered San Diego Jewish World and sent to Don a copy of his CD, which contains Hebrew and Yiddish folk songs, plus a few liturgical selections.
Here is the medley of two Yiddish songs that were very popular during the late 30s and 40s: Bei Mir Bist Du Shein, and Shein Vi di Levon-ay.
Here is some background from Wikepedia:
Bei Mir Bistu Shein ( To Me You're Beautiful) is a popular Yiddish song composed by Jacob Jacobs (lyricist) and Sholom Secunda (composer) for a Yiddish musical, I Would if I Could (in Yiddish, Men Ken Lebn Nor Men Lost Nisht, You could live, but they won't let you. The show opened in 1932 , but closed after one season. Secunda sold the publishing rights to the song for a mere $30.00.
The original Yiddish version of the song is really a dialogue between two lovers who share lines of the song. The song became famous with English lyrics but retained the Yiddish title, Bei Mir Bist Du Schein. In 1937, Sammy Cahn heard a performance of the song, sung in Yiddish by African American performers, Johnnie and George at the Apollo Theater in Harlem. On seeing the response, Cahn got his employer to buy the rights so he (together with Saul Chaplin) could rewrite the song with English language lyrics and rhythms more typical of swing music.
He then convinced the still unknown Andrews Sisters to perform the song (recorded November 24, 1937). It became their first major hit, earning them a Gold Record, the first ever to a female vocal group. Here is a YouTube recording of the Andrews Sisters singing the English version:
Bei Mir Bistu Shein: (translation of original Yiddish)”To me, you’re the only one in the world. To me, you are charming, good and more dear than money. Many beautiful girls are
To order Andre Zweig's CD, please email him at zweig@trubaduuri.com. He will send it to you from Helsinki with instructions for reimbursing him for the CD ($20) and handling {$7).
ready to get me, but from all of them, I chose only you. Whatever problems you may have, don’t bother me. Please tell me how I can explain this to you.
English version, as sung by the Andrew Sisters:
Of all the boys I've known, and I've known some. Until I first met you I was lonesome. And when you came in sight, dear, my heart grew light, and this old world seemed new to me,
You're really swell, I have to admit. You deserve expressions that really fit you, and so I've wracked my brain, hoping to explain all the things that you do to me.
Bei mir bist du shein please let me explain. Bei mir bist du shein, means you're grand.
Bei mir bist du shein, again I'll explain, it means you're the fairest in the land.
I could say bella, bella, even say wunderbar. Each language only helps me tell you how grand you are. I've tried to explain, bei mir bist du shein, so kiss me, and say you understand.
Bei mir bist du shein You've heard it all before, but let me try to explain, Bei mir bist du shein means that you're grand. Bei mir bist du shein, is such an old refrain, and yet I should explain, it means I am begging for your hand.
I could say bella, bella, even say wunderbar. Each language only helps me tell you how grand you are. I've tried to explain, bei mir bist du shein, so kiss me, and say that you will understand.
Shein Vi Di L’voneh
Like the moon above you, the stars remind me of you. The angels knew I love you, so heaven sent you to me. The moon, so softly gleaming, the stars have set me dreaming, and now my heart is scheming how happy we both could be. You are wonderful, you’re so loveable. Without you I’m lonely. You’re so beautiful, so adorable. Oh my one and only, like the moon above you, the stars remind me of you. The angels knew I love you, so heaven sent you to me.
You may submit your CD, with permission, for possible review by Cantor Merel to: San Diego Jewish World, PO Box 19363, San Diego, CA 92159
Jewish community reaction mixed to U.S. boycott of Durban II
American Jewish Congress
NEW YORK (Press Release)—The following statement was issued by Richard S. Gordon, President of the American Jewish Congress.
The American Jewish Congress applauded the decision of the Obama Administration to boycott the UN Durban Review Conference. The United States was joined by Germany, Italy, Holland, Poland, New Zealand, Sweden, Canada and Israel in staying away from the conference.
Those who say the United States should have participated not withstanding fundamental flaws in the final preparatory document as did some human rights groups indifferent to the damage caused by this Conference to the battle against racism are wrong.
The Obama Administration and other western nations are to be congratulated both for pursuing multilateralism in a measured way and for not being so beguiled by it (and the anti-racism cause) that they lost their own moral and strategic compass.
Having avoided the pitfalls of the Durban II conference, the U.S. should move to find a new vehicle to combat racism but one that actually does that and not use racism as a cover for other, entirely dishonorable causes.
Republican Jewish Coalition
WASHINGTON, D.C.— The Republican Jewish Coalition responded to the announcement that the U.S. would not participate in the Durban II conference which began on Monday:
The decision to boycott the Durban II conference was always the right decision, and one that should have been made months ago. The anti-Israel and anti-Western bias of the conference was clear from the first. The original Durban conference laid the poisoned groundwork for this one and there was ample reason to believe that Durban II would be just as bad as its predecessor.
President Obama's mixed signals about the conference gave encouragement to the enemies of the U.S. and of Israel and left our allies wondering where we stood. "Maybe we will, maybe we won't" is naïve and reckless in international relations, where moral clarity, strength of character, and decisiveness are necessary.
Nonagenarian says Miss California a 'real winner' in his eyes
SAN DIEGO--Sam Zeiden, 90, of Oceanside, was disappointed Sunday when Miss California, Carrie Prejean of San Diego, placed second in the Miss USA contest, losing to Miss North Carolina, Kristen Dalton.
An energetic nonagenarian, Zeiden encountered Prejean on one of her goodwill tours in San Diego County and found her to be a young lady who was "poised, gracious and quite tall."
He predicted she will go far in her life and said he was pleased to have met her.
Phyllis Schwartz, former KNSD President, profiled on new SDNN
SAN DIEGO—Here is a link to a story about Phyllis Schwartz, former President of KNSD (Channel 39) in San Diego that appeared on Monday's San Diego News Network.
The online publication is headed by Barbara Bry, who previously helped to start up the rival Voice of San Diego. Utilizing writers from publications throughout the county, as well as its own staff, the online publication expects to provide a major new news voice in San Diego.
Arthur Lightbourn's piece on Schwartz originally appeared in the Carmel Valley News. San Diego News Network has obtained rights to reprint articles from numerous printed publications in San Diego County. In recent days in this column, we have provided links to stories about local Jewish affairs appearing in the San Diego Union-Tribune and the North County Times. Readers of San Diego Jewish World are encouraged to call these to our attention, and we will link the stories for our Jewish readers in San Diego and all over the world.
Rabbi Shefa Gold to lead spiritual weekend for Jewish Healing Center
SAN DIEGO (Press Release)— The Jewish Healing Center of Jewish Family Service presents A Spiritual Weekend with Rabbi Shefa Gold, author of In the Fever of Love and Director of C-DEEP: The Center for Devotional Energy and Ecstatic Practice. Participants will join in a melding of meditation, chant, movement and ritual in a sacred environment.
Rabbi Shefa Gold combines her grounding in Judaism with a background in Buddhist, Christian, Islamic, and Native American spiritual traditions to make her uniquely qualified to celebrate the shared path of devotion. She composes and performs spiritual music around the world and teaches workshops and retreats on the theory and art of chanting, devotional healing, spiritual community building, and meditation.
The Spiritual Weekend begins with Song of Songs Kabbalat Shabbat on Friday, June 5, 2009, at 7:30pm at The Elijah Minyan, located at 3207 Cadencia, La Costa, CA 92009. The program follows with Havdalah and An Evening of Sacred Chant on Saturday, June 6, 2009 from 7:00-9:30pm at Congregation Beth Israel, located at 9001 Towne Centre Dr., San Diego, 92122. Participants will experience the power of chant at this participatory workshop. Chanting is an ecstatic form of meditation that can open the heart and connect fellow participants.
The program ends on Sunday, June 7, 2009 with A Place for God to Dwell: Opening to the Divine Flow from 9:30am-3:30pm at Congregation Beth Israel. Participants will learn to build a Mishkan, a place for God to dwell in their hearts, bodies, and relationships. The group will explore healing through chant, text, drumming, meditation, imagery, sacred conversation, and movement.
Reservations for the entire weekend are $45.00 and reservations for Saturday are $20.00. Limited space is available and advanced registration is required. A vegetarian lunch will be provided at Sunday’s workshop. Reservations are required and can be made by calling (858) 637-3231 or register online at: www.jfssd.org.
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History With thanks to Gail Umeham for the transcription
Jewish Community Center
Starts Expansion Program Southwestern Jewish Press January 23, 1953, page 5
Mr. Mack Esterson, Chairman of the Membership Committee, announced today that the Jewish Community Center has begun its drive for 1,000 new members. The location of the Center is presently 3227 El Cajon Boulevard.
Plans for a tremendously enlarged building on another site are being drawn. When sufficient community interest has been developed to make enlargement feasible, actual building will begin.
Membership team captains with Mack Esterson are Messrs. Eward Breitbard, Zel Camiel, Jerome Freedman, Rodin Horrow, Morris Kraus, Lou Mogy, Seymour Rabin, Mrs. Sidney Rose, Mrs. William Schwartz, Mrs. Normal Wolf, Mr. Mort Thaler, and Mr. Allen Lame.
Kick-off luncheon meeting will be held at the Marine Room, San Diego Hotel on Friday noon, Jan. 23rd. Mr. Harry Shatz of the National Jewish Welfare Board will be featured speaker.
Mr. Sidney Posin, Director of the Center stated that activities are in full swing at the present location, alth9ugh limited space hampers the complete programming normal to this type of organization. For more information call T. 1-7744.
Temple Teens Southwestern Jewish Press January 23, 1953, page 5
By Susan Solof
Temple Teens next affair “Sock Hop,” is on Saturday, February 7, in the Temple Center from 7:00 to 10:30 p.m. Parents please be prompt. Come in Levis and be sure you wear your “crazyiest” socks. Dance to the sharp records of the new Juke Box and have good refreshments and lots of fun.
February 21 is the date of the “George Washington Dance.” Come dressed as much like they did in Colonial days as you can. It isn’t necessary to wear a costume unless you wish to do so. It will be great.
City of Hope Aux.
Plan Annual Concert Southwestern Jewish Press January 23, 1953, page 5
The City of Hope Senior Aux. is holding its annual Concert Feb. 8th, 8 p.m., at Beth Jacob Center. Mrs. Jennie Siner, chairman, promises us that this year the entertainment will be better than ever. The Annual concert is one of our major fund raising events, and everyone should attend, and support the City of Hope, because the work is so vital.
There will be no regular meeting Jan. 20th, but there will be a special meeting Jan 29th, preceded by a Board Meeting at 10:30 a.m. at Beth Jacob Center. Mrs. Jerry Aronoff, President, has graciously invited everyone to be her guest at Luncheon.
Beth Jacob Sisterhood Southwestern Jewish Press January 23, 1953, page 5
The next regular meeting of the Beth Jacob sisterhood will be held Jan. 27 at 12 noon at the Center. Luncheon will be served followed by a social afternoon.
A membership Round-Up is planned for the regular meeting date, Feb. 24. Luncheon will be served at noon. Many surprises are being planned, including a program with a Western Flavor, for all those attending. This is your opportunity to join this organization and help in its fine work.
Plans are in full swing for an evening of fun when the Sisterhood holds its Third Annual Spring Festival on
March 1.
Center Program Southwestern Jewish Press January 23, 1953, page 5
Mr. Henry Price, Program chairman of the Jewish Community Center announced the organization of the following scheduled activities.
Sunday Evening, January 25th: 8:00 p.m., Social Dance Class conducted by Alice Mason and followed by a social hour of games and dancing.
Tuesday Evening, January 27: 7:30 p.m., Figure Control Class led by Mrs. Ernest Wolf—8:45 p.m., Folk Dance Group led by Mrs. Ernest Wolf.
Wednesday afternoon, January 28:--3:30 p.m., Creative and Interpretive Dance Class for juniors conducted by Edith Fredman.
Thursday evening, January 29: Teen-age nite—Games, Lounge and movies, dancing for teen-agers only.
Sunday Afternoon, February 1st: 1 p.m., Fun for Juniors Program—games, movies and refreshments led by Wayne Frye and Nathan Naiman.
Monday evening, February 2nd: 7:30 p.m., Center Players—a dramatic group.
For further information on the above and other activities, contact Mr. Posin, T.1-7744 or drop in at the Jewish Community Center office—332El Cajon Blvd.
Tifereth Israel Men’s
Holds Valentine Dance Southwestern Jewish Press January 23, 1953, page 5
The Men’s Club of Tifereth Israel Synagogue will hold its first annual Valentine Dinner-Dance at the North Park Lion’s club, 3927 Utah St., Saturday, Feb. 14. A complete full course dinner will be served at 7 p.m. followed by dancing. A good orchestra is promised and a door prize will be given.
Harry Zall is chairman for the affair assisted by Moe Hershey, Zel Greenberg, Henry Harrison, Ben Levinson, and Bob Cheron. Reservations are limited so call F-3228 or T. 1-5529 now.
B’nai B’rith Young Adults
Elect New Officers Southwestern Jewish Press January 23, 1953, page 5
Something new has been added—the Young Men’s and Young Women’s chapters have joined forces and are now known as the B’nai B’rith Young Adults.
Busy making plans for a year filled with various activities are the newly elected officers: Edith Fuchsman, Pres.; Ralph Berman, Vice-Pres.; Ed Millsberg, Treas.; Dora Wassertail, Rec. Sec.; Charlotte Pearl, Corres. Sec.; George Schlessinger, Parliament; Gene Aranoff, Honorary Chaplain. Board members are Doris Berman, Howard Panish, and Della Rubin.
This lively group meets every 2nd Thursday of the month at the Beth Israel Center at 8 p.m. Anyone interested in joining may get information by calling T. 1-4602 (Edith) or T-0190 (Ralph).
Irving Friedman New
Boys’Club Prexy Southwestern Jewish Press January 23, 1953, page 5
At a meeting of the Board of Trustees on Tuesday, January 13, 1953, Mr. Irving E. Friedman was elected President of the Boys’ Club of San Diego.
Mr. Friedman has served as a member of the Board of Trustees since its inception, having been a member of the original group that formulated plans to establish a Boys’ Club in San Diego. He was elected Secretary by the first Board of Trustees, holding position for many years, until he was elected Vice President two years ago.
Mr. Friedman operates the Pacific Insurance Agency in San Diego, and is President of the Guadalupe Clinic. He also serves on the Board of Directors of many other agencies, including Travelers Aid, San Diego Federation of Jewish Societies, and Community Chest, and is chairman of the operating committee of the U.S.O. as well as an Honorary Life member of the Junior Chamber of Commerce.
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“Adventures in Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our indexed "Adventures in San Diego Jewish History" series will be a daily feature until we run out of history.