
San Diego Jewish World Author
To view more recent columns by Ira Sharkansky, please click here
2010-01-05—An Israeli columnist’s 2010 predictions
2009-11-24 --
2009-11-15 (21)—Is President Obama the new George McGovern?
2009-11-15(21)—Israeli commentary on Obama increasingly views him in Palestinian camp ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem
2009-11-15 (21)—State Department bias favoring Palestinians shows in report on international religious freedom
2009-11-15(21)--Peace recedes as Obama policies harden Palestinian positions
2009-11-15-Trying to understand Palestinians and Haredim
2009-11-15—Washington Post chooses wrong commentators on the Middle East Read more
2009-11-15—Obama's policies seen as 'childish' by some Israelis Read more
2009-11-12—Nidal Hasan and American multiculturalism.... Read more
2009-11-10—Who killed the Middle East peace process? ... Read more
2009-11-08—Keeping the Fort Hood massacre in perspective ... Read more
2009-11-05—Let's stop predicting Mideast future and focus on present ..Read more
2009-11-03-Another glitch in America's Middle East diplomacy Read more
2009-11-01—Israel uncooperative with those who wish its annihilation... Read more
2009-10-29—'Action or deliberation?' is eternal question in world affairs Read more
2009-10-27—Moderation seemingly a rarity in the Holy Land Read more
2009-10-27—P.C. Guardians at the doors of UC Berkeley Read more
2009-10-22—J-Street follows some familiar Jewish avenues... Read more
2009-10-20—Some obvious flaws of the Goldstone Report Read more
2009-10-18-'Goldstone' prompts bashing of Israel, but not of Hamas ... Read more
2009-10-13—Nobel Prize winners on the left and right of Israeli politics Read more
2009-10-11—Oct. 8: Succoth often heightens Temple Mount controversy ... Read more
2009-10-11--Oct. 9: Will Obama's Nobel Prize further heighten expectations? ... Read more
2009-10-12-Oct. 10: Obama arouses passionate loyalty, extremist opposition ... Read more
2009-10-08—Are we on the eve of the Third Intifada? Read more
2009--10-08--Palestinians goading each other to violence Read more
2009-10-04—Israel and U.S. must both be wary of its extremists Read more
2009-10-04--U.S. health care debate fueld by extremism Read more
2009-10-04--Is Ahmadinejad a Muslim converted from Judaism? Read more
2009-10-01—Tit-for-tat, low-level confrontations in Arab-Israeli arena .Read more
2009-09-29—Should Israel be ashamed of its politicians, or should it be proud it prosecuted them? Read more
2009-09-29—Obama the orator captivates U.N. with his style, but Read more
2009-09-24—The many defeats and frustrations of President Obama Read more
2009-09-22—Beware big egos that keep grasping failed policies .Read more
2009-09-17—Goldstone report lived down to Israel's expectations Read more
2009-09-15—Simple solutions and other sewage Read more
2009-09-13—Israel has some unique educational challenges ... . Read more
2009-09-13--Calculating the death toll of Saddam Hussein's regime ... Read more
2009-09-13--The United States and its hot button issues ... Read more
2009-09-09—Settlement dispute: Israeli arrogance, American naivete?Read more
2009-09-09—Is Lieberman simply a figurehead foreign minister? Read more
2009-09-06—Why police respond differently to Haredi and Arab riots Read more
2009-09-06—Bibi's reversal on settlements creates hard feelings abroad Read more
2009-09-03—Moral purists have far more luxury than Israel does . Read more
2009-09-01—Olmert indictment, Katsav trial: Oy Gevalt! . Read more
2009-08-30—Mideast meetings make leaders look busy when they're not ... Read more
2009-08-30Mired in Afghanistan, U.S. may find Mideast even tougher Read more
2009-08-30-Ike and Powell knew when to disengage; will Obama? Read more
2009-08-23—Israel has learned to cope with unresolved conflicts .Read more
2009-08-20—New version of the 'blood libel' surfaces Read more
2009-08-20—Parallels of the Johnson and Obama presidencies Read more
2009-08-18—Murders around Israel grabbing headlines Read more
2009-08-16—Persecution in Iran, factionalism in Gaza ... Read more
2009-08-16—U.S. health care debate fragmented by many emotions ... Read more
2009-08-16—Persecution in Iran, factionalism in Gaza ... Read more
2009-08-13—Note to innocents abroad: Don't make things worse Read more
2009-08-11—Fatah convention vague on Palestinian 'right of return' Read more
2009-08-09—What do we find on President Obama's scorecard? ... Read more
2009-08-09—If U.S. pressures Israel, it should make sure Palestinians are reasonable in their demands ... Read more
2009-08-09—Is it better to kill a sacred cow ... or a human patient? ... Read more
2009-08-06—People are getting roiled over U.S.-Israel relations . Read more
2009-08-04—Israel's neighborhood is quiet, at least for now Read more
2009-08-04—Obama naive and heading for his predecessors' pitfalls Read more
2009-08-02—For Israelis, Tisha B'Av is a day of warning ... Read more
2009-08-02—Obama's backfiring settlements campaign in Israel.. Read more
2009-08-02--Israel's 'undocumented workers' issue parallel's U.S.'s .. Read more
2009-07-30—Compared to Middle East, U.S. politics a cake walk ... Read more
2009-07-28—As Obama's domestic problems grow, pressure on Israel on the settlements issue eases Read more
2009-07-26—Obama's leftward policies change moderates to rightists Read more
2009-07-23—Another 'Neverland' demand from Mahmoud Abbas Read more
2009-07-21--Israel's coping ability more useful than U.S. urge to solve Read more
2009-07-21—U.S. 'benign neglect' better than 'tough love' for Israel Read more
2009-07-19--If secular and haredi Jews can't find common meeting grounds , how can we expect Jews and Arabs to do so? Read more
2009-07-17—Until Palestinians accept Israel, peace is illusory Read more
2009-07-17—'Ghetto' haredim revolt against Jerusalem municipality Read more
2009-07-15—Palestinians waiting in vain for U.S. to deliver more and more concessions from Israel...Read more
2009-07-14—Solana encourages Palestinians to make no concessions Read more
2009-07-12—Sometimes a father can be a politician's big problem ... Read more
2009-07-10—Alas, Israel has its share of con artists ... Read more
2009-07-07—Obama's call for stopping settlements only a distraction ... Read more
2009-07-07—Tension between Israel and Iran ratcheting up ... Read more
2009-07-05—Some NGO's raise money by appealing to anti-Israel bias ... READ MORE
2009-07-02-As U.S. foreign investments go, Israel has been a bargain READ MORE
2009-07-01—Rhetorical war on settlements appears to be easing READ MORE
2009-06-30—Some ideologue columnists well worth ignoring READ MORE
2009-06-28—Obama wrong on Israel's settlements; Carter et al mislabel the position of Arabs in Israeli society READ MORE
2009-06-25—'Paternalism': the latest form of great power meddling ... READ MORE
2009-06-23—Growing suspicions between Americans, Israelis .... READ MORE
2009-06-21—Deepening perception gap between Israel, rest of west READ MORE
2009-06-19—Obama and Netanyahu may rue arousing sleeping dogs READ MORE
2009-06-17—Critics often hear what they fear, not what was said READ MORE
2009-06-16—Netanyahu's speech mends alliance with United States but Middle East peace process probably is no further along ... READ MORE
2009-06-10—In defending against Islamist terror, Israel has been more successful than the U.S. in keeping casualties down
2009-06-09—Obama's Middle East assumptions, though quite different, are as simplistic as those that guided George W. Bush
2009-06-07—Too Pro-Arab, Too Pro Israeli—No unanimity on Obama
2009-06-05—Much of what Obama told Muslims was not flattering
2009-06-04—Stopping settlements won't change the Islamists' ambitions
2009-06-02—U.S. too globally overcommitted to effect Mideast peace
2009-05-31—North Korean nuclear test makes Israel edgier about Iran
2009-05-29—Israel, like U.S., has its emotional wedge issues ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem
2009-05-27—Obama's kind rhetoric is trumped by world reality
2009-05-26—Strained relationship of Israel, Turkey noticeable in Istanbul
2009-05-18—When Mideast rhetoric has minimal relationship to reality
2009-05-17—Suppose Israel agreed to demands of the Economist
2009-05-15—Will Netanyahu's White House visit be better this time?
2009-05-13—Parallels between old Cold War and modern Islamist War
2009-05-12—An Israeli professor offers a critique of American society
2009-05-11—U.S. must factor possibility that Israel will feel forced to take independent action against Iran .
2009-05-10—Obama's folly will rival Bush's if U.S. seek to impose its will on Israel, other Mideast powers
2009-05-07—Are Israel, U.S. playing good cop, bad cop with each other?
2009-05-06—The nuanced relationships among Israeli Arabs and Jews
2009-05-04—Jewish descendants who make aliyah from countries of Asia and Africa becoming a factor in demographic race
2009-05-03—Economist paints grim picture of Gaza life under Hamas
2009-04-30—Death penalty for Palestinian who sold land to Jews
2009-04-29—The hazy line between Mideast war and politics
2009-04-27—If world situation ever improves, it will be incrementally .
2009-04-26—Former U.S. professor forges a new identity as an Israeli
2009-04-23—Israel's security fence comes to my French Hill window
2009-04-21—Times are better for Jews to feel chronic uncertainty
2009-04-15—Til now, Mideast 'peace' process has been smoke, mirrors
2009-04-13—U.S. may come to prefer reprisal raids to occupation
2009-04-10—Tallying positives, negatives in quest for Mideast peace
2009-04-06—Responding to random violence in Israel and U.S.
2009-04-03—Israel has new political drama, unfortunately not on stage
2009-04-01—Can it really be? A porkbarrel Cabinet in Israel??
2009-03-29—Bibi Netanyahu has his slogans and his realities
2009-03-27—The bricks and mortar of Netanyahu's coalition
2009-03-25—Demographic trend lines no cause for panic in Israel
2009-03-23—Intense history, politics frame an Israeli weekend
2009-03-20—Can Israel's worldwide image problem be corrected?
2009-03-18—Deal for Schalit's return crumbles amid finger-pointing
2009-03-15—The political self-immolation of ex-President Moshe Katsav
2009-03-13—Israel democracy no more 'distorted' than others
2009-03-11—Coalition-building, Katsav show Israel's seamier aspects
2009-03-08—Election results may mean Israelis are tired of being pushed into unilateral concessions by world opinion
2009-03-05—Posturing, not reality, characterizes Mideast peace search
2009-03-04—'Change' a watchword for new U.S. and Israeli governments
2009-03-01—As a campaign issue, corruption has been corrupted
2009-02-13—The indecisiveness of Israel's election process
2009-02-12—Antipathy between SHAS and Israel Beitenu may
complicate Netanyahu's task of coalition building
2009-02-11—The politics of the fearful and the secure
2009-02-08—Some old realities of Israel's election politics
2009-02-06—Obama has a P-R problem with Gazans
2009-02-04—Israel electorate has moved to the right
2009-02-02—With friends like 60 Minutes' Bob Simon
2009-02-01—Israel endures the propaganda war
2009-01-30—Proposal dreams of a revived Palestine
2009-01-29—Besides Hamas terrorism, Mitchell will find PA corruption a barrier to Middle East peace
2009-01-27—A primer on Israel's Feb 10 elections
2009-01-26—Symbolism of new Obama administration won't necessarily result in major changes
2009-01-25—Newest U.S. Middle Eastern efforts may prove to be Obama's great embarassment
2009-01-23—Some Israelis credit matriarch Rachel in Gaza
2009-01-21—Hamas posturing attempts to portray death and destruction into victory
2009-01-20—Assessing the Gaza War's international and internal Israeli electoral aftermath
2009-01-19—Did Gaza War end chance of a Palestine?
2009-01-18—So what has the Gaza War accomplished?
2009-01-16—Olmert throws his political chestnuts back into the fire with attack on Condy Rice
2009-01-15—Americans should let Gaza dust settle before making new peace proposals
2009-01-14—How Israeli TV covers ... and covers the war
2009-01-13—Pitfalls for U.S. presidential peacemaking
2009-01-11—The Gaza War and the propaganda war
2009-01-08—Remember those who urged moderation towards Hitler? Some say same for Hamas
2009-01-07—'U.N. sources' in Gaza are Hamas spokesmen
2009-01-06—Assessing the war's future political impact
2009-01-05—Keeping the hell of war within bounds
2009-01-04—Who, if anyone, wants to rule Gaza?
2009-01-01—The great debate in Israel: how much more warfare before Hamas learns its lesson?
2008-12-31—War should impress Hamas that rocket attacks on Israel have a very heavy price ... by Ira Sharkansky in Jerusalem
2008-12-30—Has Israel's response been proportional?
2008-12-28—World economic meltdown may have less impact on Israel's trade than on America's
2008-12-25—Coping—or not—with the Gaza rockets
2008-12-21—Many parties compete in Israel but usually the same ones actually win Knesset seats
2008-12-19—Madoff scandal illustrates inefficiency of institutions created for our protection
2008-12-16—Coping with rockets in the fog of a demiwar
2008-12-14—Peace proposals often just ritual exercises
2008-12-12—Moshe Feiglin gets onto Likud's list, causing Bibi ideological embarassment
2008-12-10—Bush's accomplishments in the Middle East merit, at best, some 'polite applause'
2008-12-08—Afghanistan and Palestine are two areas of the world where Obama must be cautious
2008-12-05—In Mumbai, and in Hebron, there are differences in Jewish beliefs and loyalties
2008-12-04—Labor party just doesn't work anymore
2008-12-03—Battling terrorists a Sissyphean task
2008-11-30—Olmert ouster Livni's only chance
2008-11-27—Olmert politically embarrasses Livni
2008-11-26—Some Jewish internet material is bizarre
2008-11-23—Compared to West Bank, Gaza may be the lesser of Israel's strategic problems.
2008-11-20—Israel's underworld comes into prominence with mob hit
2008-11-18—The conundrum of Gaza
2008-11-16—Jewish roots of Israel's democracy
2008-11-12—Juicy details of Israel's municipal elections
2008-11-10—Is the American empire in decline?
2008-11-09—Political team building in U.S., Israel
2008-11-06—Obama's victory and U.S. race history
2008-11-02—Israeli elections on simmer as the world awaits the results of the American one
2008-10-30—Israel: the land of abiding controversy
2008-10-28—Local religious customs should be observed at the Western Wall
2008-10-27—Livni's call for new elections puts peace with Palestinians on back burner
2008-10-23—U.S. election, Israel coalition building again in Jewish spotlight as holidays end
2008-10-19—Arab-Jewish coexistence at the gym
2008-10-17—Beware politicians' promises—in any nation
2008-10-13—Authorities try to calm Acco, rest of Israeli nation in wake of Arab, Jewish rioting
2008-10-10—Second intifada not officially over, but clearly it has lost almost all its steam
2008-10-06—Israel's justice ministry in disarray about what to do about the Katsav scandal
2008-10-01—Analyzing Olmert's stunning turnaround
2008-09-29—U.S election more a spectacle for voters than an opportunity to deliberate
2008-09-23—What Israelis learn from U.S. elections
2008-09-09—How much of a criminal is PM Olmert?
2008-09-08—Israeli professor worries over course his native United States is taking in world
2008-09-07—Are olim more prone to child-murder?
2008-09-04—Unlike Americans, Israeli families of politicians usually stay out of limelight
2008-09-02—Problems in U.S., Israel known; likely responses of leading candidates aren't
2008-08-25—Their limited knowledge does not prevent 'intellectuals' from Middle East punditry
2008-08-24—Do missile defense systems really defend?
2008-08-20—Former American, now an Israeli, finds faults with both Obama and McCain
2008-08-15—Russian-Georgian conflict reverberates through Israel; chills its FSU relations
2008-08-12—Georgia appears to have provoked war with Russia; Jewish agencies aid refugees
2008-08-10—Rocky political future for prisoner deal
2008-08-07—The clowns who make policy in Palestine and the U.S. embarrass both governments
2008-08-03—Bush hopes to salvage Mideast success unrealistic with decline in Olmert's power
2008-07-31—Peace negotiations produce little news
2008-07-25—Israel's embarassments: Katsav, Olmert
2008-07-22—U.S. should heed Israeli lesson in Lebanon
2008-07-20—Olmert's fingers on levers of power make those who would oust him quite cautious
2008-07-17—Bodies of Goldwasser and Regev return to Israel in post-Lebanon II war exchange
2008-07-14—Israel's national guessing game: Can Olmert last? If not, who will succeed him?
2008-07-09—'Gabriel's Revelation' may alter Jewish, Christian concepts of interrelationships
2008-07-06—Peres: Peace with Palestinians not possible
2008-07-04—Few parallels between U.S. operations in Afghanistan, Iraq and Israel-Palestine
2008-07-01—Israel's painful deal with Hizbollah
2008-06-26—Olmert, every crafty, may survive again
2008-06-23—Possible attack on Iran, negotiating for hostages prompt many ethical questions
2008-06-20—Wars among the Jews heat up in Israel
2008-06-19—Skepticism over Israel-Hamas ceasefire
2008-06-15—The political math of a Gaza invasion
2008-06-10—Middle East theme song: Send in the Clowns?
2008-06-08—Hamas acknowledges its responsibility for rocket attacks that killed 26 Israelis
2008-06-06—Weighing Obama and McCain from an Israeli perspective, each has drawbacks
2008-06-02—Ehud Olmert, does clock tick for thee?
2008-05-30—Olmert probe may trigger government crisis
2008-05-23—Are peace talks Olmert's diversion?
2008-05-18—Retaliation in Gaza may be a matter of political timing after Bush, Pelosi visits
2008-05-14—Intolerable situation on the Gaza border
2008-05-11—Olmert inquiry focuses on dealings with American fundraiser Moshe Talansky
2008-05-05—Independence Week brings its tensions
2008-04-28—Palestinian choice: delusions or own state
2008-04-27—Political smoke in the Israeli winds
2008-04-22—Clarity is a casualty of Mideast conflict
2008-04-17—Notes from ever-changing Haggadot
2008-04-13—Should Palestinians be rewarded for seven years of violence and intransigence?
2008-04-08—Ultra-Orthodox face challenge of policing deviants and miscreants
2008-04-03—Violence, not settlements, blocks peace
2008-03-30—Why cynicism abounds in Middle East
2008-03-26—U.S. economy, Mideast tensions respond to their own cycles of emotion and excesses
2008-03-21—Palestinian-Israeli friction points range from cell phones to the right of return
2008-03-16—Is Mahmoud Abbas 'a Dead Man Walking?'
2008-03-03—Israel's response in Gaza: long in coming
2008-03-02—Kicking up a fuss over Jonathan's sexuality
2008-02-27—Gazans' protest on Israel border fizzles
2008-02-24—Shas minister blames quakes on gays
2008-02-20—The more Palestinians and Israelis talk, the more a real peace agreement recedes
2008-02-17—U.N., Hamas are blaming Israel for Palestinians' self-inflicted problems
2008-02-15— Is terrorist's assassination worth price?
2008-02-12—Most Israelis favor strong retaliation against Gaza for rocket attacks
2008-02-07—Why Israel prefers to just muddle through
2008-02-05—Palestinians, Labor have penchant for self-inflicted political damage
2008-02-03—Which zealots block Middle East peace?
2008-01-31—Winograd report providing grinding surface for many different political axes
2008-01-28—Modern day Isaiahs and Hoseas find plenty in Israel worthy of their denunciations
2008-01-24—Yaalon plan ignores Palestinian realities
2008-01-22—Suffering for its public relations value
2008-01-20—Fatah to end ceasefire. Are they kidding?
2008-01-11—Baroque music lovers brave Bush security
2008-01-09—Olmert's 'illegal settlement' problem
2008-01-07—Pay no heed to ' junk' on the internet
2008-01-02—What about Israeli-on-Israeli violence?
2007-12-30—Palestinians' violence threatens the establishment of their state, not Israel
2007-12-24—An Israeli view of the 'settlements'
2007-12-23—Want better health care? Make aliyah!
2007-12-18—The conundrum of the Gaza rockets
2007-12-16—'Apologies' as presidential campaign tactics
2007-12-12—Do Jews have a gene for excess conscience?
2007-12-06—Shock and disbelief in Israel over U.S. latest estimate on Iran's nuclear program
2007-11-29—No need to sell his apartment in Jerusalem
2007-11-21— The pros and cons of Annapolis
2007-11-16—Jewish shtetl mentality is understandable but dangers to Jews often exaggerated
2007-11-12—'Right of return' and 'undivided Jerusalem' jeopardize any bargain at Annapolis
2007-11-08 —U.S. policy-makers have a record of mistakes in U.S.; is Israel next?"
2007-11-04—Olmert's optimism on the eve of the Annapolis conference mystifies 'realists'
2007-11-03—Breakthrough in Annapolis? Don't hold your breath that anything will happen