Jewish Democrats describe late Robert Matsui as friend of Israel
2001-12-21: Issa welcomes Jewish
support. Congressman targeted in
alleged plot affirms his support for Israel and his opposition to terrorism
2001-10-12: Senator
urges close look at student visas
2001-09-07: Congress members
push aid for Jewish, Filipino war vets
2001-08-10: Hunter helps
Israelis send Arrow skyward
2001-07-06: Confessions
of a male congressional spouse
Substance over process; Students work on 'Repairing
the World' at nation's capital
2001-04-13: Did
anti-Semitism block medal for rocker's namesake?
2001-03-16: Move of U.S.
Embassy to Jerusalem is an "Ongoing" Process -- Powell
2001-03-09: Muslims call
for boycott of cosmetics company to punish Ron Lauder for his Israel advocacy
2001-03-09: Holocaust
suit against Austria faults U.S. Government-negotiated agreement
2001-03-09: Dianne
Susan Davis seek bipartisan approach to education
2001-03-09: In background
of tax cut debate is question: 'What does
Alan Greenspan really want?'
2001-03-02: Palestinian
demonstrations for Saddam are music
to ears of Israel's friends
2001-02-23: Lantos
lauds Lithuania's conviction of Gimzauskas
House Resolution reaffirms historic U.S. support for
Israel, peace
2001-02-23: Waxman
leads campaign for appointment of 'Holocaust
envoy' by Bush administration
2001-02-23: Feinstein
measures tackle drugs, environment, education
2001-02-16: Flying with the
Duke. In airborne interview, U.S. Rep.
Cunningham says Israel and Arab moderates will benefit from the second Bush Administration
2001-02-02: Lieberman and New
Democrat Coalition offer education plan rivaling Bush's
2001-02-02: Campaign
Reform bill attracts eight of Senate's 10 Jews as co-sponsors
2001-02-02: Jewish Senators
find themselves in thick of debates over Ashcroft and abortions
2001-01-26: American
Jewish Committee's top analysts assess how legislation is likely to fare in 107th Congress
2001-01-19: Lantos
praises Swedes, criticizes Russians over report on Raoul Wallenberg's fate
2001-01-19: Jews oppose,
defend Ashcroft nomination
2001-01-12: Lowey
heads Democratic Congressional Campaign
Committee - a first for a woman
Lantos moves up to ranking Democrat of House
International Relations Committee
2001-01-12: Filner
lauds appointment of Principi as new secretary
of veteran affairs
Susan Davis puts emphasis on bipartisanship as she is sworn in as freshman congresswoman
Jewish Democrats may join coalition opposing
Ashcroft for attorney general
2001-01-05: Sanders vows
new effort to permit reimportation
of pharmaceuticals
2001-01-05: Levin urges Gov.
Engler to veto bill easing permits for concealed weapons
2001-01-05: Feinstein
proposes new commission to keep voting
technology current
2001-01-05: Feingold
plans to reform campaigns and to pull the 'pork' out of budgets
2001-01-05: Boxer bill
awards lands to 8 California tribes
2000-12-29: Filner
faults Senate for failing to bring immigration
bill to vote
2000-12-22: Wyden says window
for bipartisanship exists as Senate
weighs budget, committees
2000-12-22: Schumer
wants U.S. rewards posted for Palestinian
killers of Americans
2000-12-22: Lantos
seeks House hearing into Goussinsky arrest in Spain 2000-12-15:Filner
lobbies Mexican president Vicente Fox on border issues
2000-15-08: Jewish Citizen:
Boxer to punch up Democrats' appeal to Naderites, liberals
2000-12-08: Representatives
push for Pollard commutation
2000-12-08: Lantos
skeptical about Russian account
of Wallenberg's death
2000-12-08: Notwithstanding
Zimmer and Bloom losses, Jews
to be well represented in Congress
2000-12-08: Davis tells
of memorable call from President Clinton
2000-12-01: Boxer,
Schumer eye balloting reform
2000-12-01: Davis picks
Sherman as chief of staff
2000-12-01: Feinstein, Levin
urge federal focus be placed on countering
2000-11-24: Gilman to turn in
his gavel
reports from parleys with Middle Eastern leaders:
Calls Netanyahu's behavior 'cynical' but was impressed by Jordan's new king. He also attended a Passover seder
in Egypt
1999-05-14: Jewish
networking in the U.S. Congress: Rep. Bob Filner
(D-San Diego) describes process |