{Click on a link to jump to the corresponding story. Or, you may scroll leisurely through our report}
EDITOR'S MAILBOX: INTERNATIONAL --Alleged terrorists planned to bomb New York City synagogue VIEW VIDEO
--Minneapolis man pleads guilty to conspiring with Al Qaeda READ MORE
--Gates comments on Iranian missile test VIEW VIDEO
--U.S.-U.A.E. jointly plan to develop nuclear energyREAD MORE
--Sherman says UAE must first tighten up its export controlREAD MORE
--Legislation would increase U.S. Foreign Service by 1,500 READ MORE
--Lieberman proposes allowing Army strength to increaseREAD MORE
--Levin urges link between Panama trade, fight against tax evasion READ MORE
--Story of US Army's first Jewish religious service in Germany VIEW VIDEO
Parsing Obama's and Netanyahu's post-meeting comments ... by Barry Rubin in Herzliya, Israel So what did President Barack Obama say after the meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and what does it mean? READ MORE
Obama-Netanyahu meeting did not change status quo ... by Shoshana Bryen in Washington, D.C. Roundly discussed before it happened, and furiously spun when it was over, the Netanyahu-Obama meeting left the world curiously unchanged. READ MORE
Israelis march through Jerusalem to celebrate 42nd anniversary of reunification of the city under one flag ... by Judy Lash Balint in Jerusalem The amplified wail of the muezzin from the Al Aksa mosque on the Temple Mount couldn't drown out the celebrations ringing out over Jerusalem Thursday night. READ MORE
EDITOR'S MAILBOX: NATIONAL --Credit card reform wins plaudits from members of CongressREAD MORE
--Schwartz introduces legislation to improve primary care access READ MORE
--Wyden introduces 8-bill package to encourage 'green' energyREAD MORE
--Feinstein applauds augmentation for firefighting by Forest Service READ MORE
EDITOR'S MAILBOX: STATE AND LOCAL --SPME commends Yudof's denunciation of anti-Semitism READ MORE
--'Math Lady:' Will the U.S. run out of Zip Codes anytime soon?READ MORE
--Soup and salad bar to augment kosher hot meals at JFS CenterREAD MORE
--Hand Up Youth Food Pantry now serving Julian area READ MORE
--Media Watch aka 'Here's the Link' READ MORE
JUDAISM Bible in Pop Culture
God names Earth and Seas, Genesis 1:10 VIEW IMAGE
LIFESTYLES Author promotes recognition and care for mentally ill ... by Donald H. Harrison in San Diego When a schizophrenic by name of Andrew Goldstein suddenly decided on January 3, 1999 to push a blonde receptionist by name of Kendra Webdale—whom he had never met or talked to—onto the tracks in front of an oncoming New York City subway train, there was perhaps no journalist better suited to cover the story behind the homicide—the real story—than Michael Winerip of the New York Times. READ MORE
What happens in marriages after we say 'I do?' ... by Sara Appel-Lennon in San Diego
There are many interpretations of a groom stepping on a glass after the couple recites their vows. "One interpretation is that you must treat your relationship with special care, for like glass, it is strong enough to hold your love, yet fragile enough to break easily." —Rabbi Nancy Weiner's Beyond Breaking the Glass READ MORE
ARTS Schwarzes provide subject, performer for TICO concert ... by David Amos in San Diego In Judaism, we take pride in showing the progress and handing down of tradition, “L’ Dor v' Dor," from generation to generation. This will be showcased during the Tifereth Israel Community Orchestra concert of June 2.READ MORE
ADVENTURES IN SAN DIEGO JEWISH HISTORY April 3, 1953; Southwestern Jewish Press
--Traditional Seder In Atomic Setting READ MORE
--Editorial Page READ MORE
--Passover Observance READ MORE
--Letters to the Editor READ MORE
--Immigration Expert To Speak Here READ MORE
--Speakers Bureau to Aid Fund Drive READ MORE
--Pioneer Women READ MORE
JEWISH INTERNET FAVORITES We continue our examination of Jewish entertainers
--Adam Arkin is a wine connoiseur in "Northern Exposure"VIEW VIDEO
--Caroline Aaron is the judge in "Ugly Betty"VIEW VIDEO
--Jason Alexander sings "Put on a Happy Face" in Bye Bye Birdie VIEW VIDEO
--Tom Arnold goes to the mall to meet girls (with Chris Farley) VIEW VIDEO
If you listen to XLNC-1 (as we do), that was our very own columnist and Tifereth Israel Community Orchestra (TICO) conductor David Amos serving as a "pledge master" during the classical radio station's fundraising campaign.
The Editor's Mailbag: International news of Jewish interest
Alleged terrorists planned to bomb New York City synagogue
Minneapolis man pleads guilty
to conspiring with Al Qaeda
MINNEAPOLIS, Minnesota (Press Release)—Mohammed Abdullah Warsame, a 35-year-old resident of Minneapolis, has pleaded guilty to one count of conspiring to provide material support and resources to al-Qaeda
Warsame, a naturalized Canadian citizen of Somali descent, entered his plea of guilty Wednesday afternoon before U.S. District Judge John R. Tunheim in federal court in Minneapolis. At sentencing, which was set for 1:30 pm on July 9, 2009, Warsame faces a statutory maximum sentence of 15 years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine. He has agreed to be removed to Canada upon completion of his criminal sentence.
Warsame was charged with one count of conspiracy to provide material support to al-Qaeda in a Jan. 20, 2004, indictment returned in the District of Minnesota. A June 21, 2005, superseding indictment charged Warsame with one count of conspiracy to provide material support to al-Qaeda, one count of providing material support to al-Qaeda, and three counts of making false statements to the FBI. Warsame today pleaded guilty to count one of the superseding indictment. The government has agreed to dismiss the remaining charges.
According to the plea agreement, from about March 2000 through at least December 2003, Warsame conspired with others to provide material support to al-Qaeda in the form of personnel, training and currency.
Specifically, in March of 2000, Warsame traveled to Afghanistan where he attended an al-Qaeda training camp outside Kabul. In the summer of 2000, he then traveled to the al Faruq training camp, where he received further training and met Osama Bin Laden. Warsame subsequently worked at an al-Qaeda guesthouse and clinic.
According to the plea agreement, in late March 2001, Warsame traveled from Pakistan via London to Canada. After leaving Pakistan, Warsame established email contacts with several al-Qaeda associates that he had met in Afghanistan. In addition, he sent money to one of his former training camp commanders.
Warsame then relocated to Minneapolis. Throughout 2002 and 2003, he continued to exchange email messages with, and provide information to, several individuals associated with al-Qaeda, according to the plea agreement.
"The many agents, analysts and prosecutors who helped bring about today’s guilty plea -- after years of investigation and extensive pre-trial litigation -- deserve special thanks for their efforts," said Assistant Attorney General Kris. "This case serves as a reminder of the continuing threats we face as a nation and our resolve to meet those threats."
Preceding provided by U.S. Attorney's Office for Minnesota
Gates comments on
Iranian missile test
U.S.-U.A.E. jointly plan to
develop nuclear energy
WASHINGTON, D.C (Press Release)--
President Obama submitted to Congress on Thursday an Agreement for Cooperation Between the Government of the United States of America and the Government of the United Arab Emirates Concerning Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy (a so-called ‘123 Agreement’ after the relevant section of the U.S. Atomic Energy Act).
This important Agreement reinforces a particularly strong and mutually beneficial political, security, and economic relationship. The UAE is a valued partner on many issues, showing close cooperation with us on support for the Palestinian Authority, Pakistan, Iraq, and Afghanistan, where they have deployed combat troops.
This Agreement marks an important achievement for the United States and the UAE in establishing a foundation for the responsible development of peaceful nuclear energy under strong nonproliferation controls. The UAE’s commitment not to engage in enrichment and reprocessing activities within its territory is reflected in the Agreement as a legally binding obligation on the part of the UAE. The Agreement serves as a model for states in the region in developing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes with the full confidence of the international community. This approach stands in direct contrast to Iran’s nuclear program, which remains a matter of grave concern to the international community.
Once the Agreement enters into force, it will establish the necessary legal framework for the United States and the UAE to cooperate in the development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes to assist the UAE in meeting its growing energy demands.
Preceding provided by the U.S. State Department Sherman says UAE must first tighten up its export control
WASHINGTON, DC (Press Release)– Congressman Brad Sherman (Democrat, California), Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation, and Trade, reacted to the Obama Administration’s submission of an agreement between the United States and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
“I believe that the United States missed an opportunity to leverage this agreement to convince the UAE to improve its export control regime and to reign in Iranian front companies that have used UAE territory to obtain sensitive technologies for Iran’s weapons programs.
“While the UAE has made important strides in these areas, their export control law, passed in 2007, still is not fully implemented. We need maximum effort from this critical transshipment hub country; thus far, we don’t have it.
“Congress will also need to use the 90-day review period to examine this agreement in light of its being held out as a “model” for future nuclear cooperation agreements. Given the increased interest in nuclear power we have seen globally, including by other countries in the Middle East, we need to ensure that this agreement does in fact represent the best we can achieve from a nonproliferation perspective.
“On April 6, 2009, I wrote to the President along with several colleagues, expressing these concerns and laying out the provisions that should be in agreements for nuclear cooperation. We also outlined the policies that should guide U.S. nuclear cooperation in order to prevent the use of civilian nuclear technology in weapons programs. I will evaluate this proposed agreement in light of these provisions and principles.
“Another important concern we need to examine is the employment benefits of this agreement and the expansion of nuclear exports generally. The UAE government has said it will accede to the Convention on Supplementary Compensation for Nuclear Damage (CSC) once it makes the final decision to deploy nuclear reactors. It is critical that we have an iron clad commitment from the UAE to adopt this type of liability protection as soon as possible. Without such protection, no U.S. firm will be able to sell the UAE nuclear reactors due to concerns about being held liable for untold billions should there be a nuclear accident. The French and Russian competitors are state-owned firm that can claim sovereign immunity in the event of a catastrophe.”
Preceding provided by office of Congressman Sherman
Legislation would increase U.S. Foreign Service by 1,500
WASHINGTON, DC (Press Release) – The House Foreign Affairs Committee Wednesday approved comprehensive legislation to shore up U.S. foreign policy efforts, the Foreign Relations Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011 (H.R. 2410).
“For far too long, we have failed to provide the State Department with the resources it needs to fill critical overseas posts, provide adequate training, and ensure effective oversight of the programs that it manages,” Committee Chairman Howard L. Berman (Democrat, California) said.
“With the expansion of U.S. diplomatic responsibilities in the 1990’s and the more recent demands of Iraq and Afghanistan, the Foreign Service has been strained to the breaking point. We simply must supply the needed resources now.”
Under this legislation, 1500 additional people could join the Foreign Service over the next two years. The bill also contains provisions on recruitment and training of officers to improve the Foreign Service’s ability to respond to modern challenges. It requires the State Department to conduct a quadrennial review of its policies and programs that defines objectives, budget requirements and how these programs fit into the President’s national security strategy.
Preceding provided by House Foreign Affairs Committee
Lieberman proposes allowing
Army strength to increase
WASHINGTON, D.C (Press Release). - Senator Joe Lieberman (Independent, Connecticut) introduced an amendment Wednesday that would allow the Army to maintain its current strength and continue to grow for the remainder of this fiscal year. Senators Lindsey Graham (Republican, South Carolina), Mark Begich (Democrat, Arkansas), John Thune (Republican South Dakota), and Roland Burris (Democrat, Illinois) co-sponsored the amendment.
"This amendment will prevent the Army from having to cut its ranks at a time that we are asking more from our soldiers than ever before," Lieberman said. "I do not see how we can explain to our soldiers and their families that we in Congress decided that we could not afford reinforcements at a time when the force is under such great stress."
The proposed amendment will take two immediate steps to meet the current crisis in Army manpower. First, it will increase the minimum end strength for the active duty Army to 547,400 and therefore provide the Secretary of the Army the authority to grow the force to as many as 558,000 by the end of the fiscal year. Second, the amendment will provide funds to support the personnel that the Army already has over 547,400 and allow it to continue recruiting.
Preceding provided by Senator Lieberman
Levin urges link between Panama trade, fight against tax evasion
WASHINGTON, DC (Press Release)–U.S. Congressman Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) and Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) urged President Obama to make approval of the Panama Free Trade Agreement contingent on Panama’s cooperation with efforts to combat international tax evasion. Congressman Doggett and Senator Levin are the authors of the Stop Tax Haven Abuse Act that targets offshore tax evasion and was recently endorsed by the Obama Administration.
“In this time of economic distress, we can no longer afford to ignore the billions of dollars of tax revenue lost to the U.S. Treasury due to the bank secrecy practices of Panama and other tax havens,” wrote Doggett and Levin. “Implementing an agreement on trade while ignoring Panama’s status as one of the world’s recognized tax havens would not only undermine your efforts to address offshore tax evasion, but would also thwart the best opportunity our nation will have to obtain cooperation from a country that has resisted for years American efforts to encourage changes to its secretive banking and regulatory practices.”
Story of US Army's first Jewish religious service in Germany
Jay Jacobson of Minneapolis forwarded to San Diego Jewish World this link to a video telling the story of the first Jewish service to be held on German soil by the advancing Allied armies.
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HERZLIYA, Israel—So what did President Barack Obama say after the meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and what does it mean?
First, Obama went to great lengths to stress his belief in the special relationship between the two countries, knowing his fealty to it has been (understandably and rightfully) challenged. He consciously escalated it by calling it an "extraordinary relationship" adding "historical ties, emotional ties," "only true democracy of the Middle East," "a source of admiration and inspiration for the American people." He then went on to say Israel's security "is paramount" in his policy.
No signal to Arab regimes or Iran here of eroding support. This is the part they will look at and he knew it. This is not mere boiler plate. By setting the bar so high he is saying that the relationship is central and important, one not to be lightly undermined. That doesn't mean he won't do
anything in that direction but it is publicly limiting himself from making any fundamental shift.
Of course, he and his administration can, and will, justify things they do as being for Israel's own good. But again, opening with this statement is important and very purposeful.
The Iran Issue
He then focused on "the deepening concern around the potential pursuit of a nuclear weapon by Iran." ; Some have focused on his following remark that Netanyahu "has been very vocal in his concerns about" this as if Obama was being sarcastic, but he added this "is a concern that is shared by his countrymen and women across the political spectrum." In other words, he is associating America'sstance with this view.
A key word, of course, is "potential" Does this mean he doesn'tbelieve Tehran is trying to get nuclear weapons? No, but he is arguing that the outcome is still open, that is his belief he can talk them out of it.
That, of course, is a mistake. Of course, one could interpret it as saying that Iran will be stopped from ever getting such weapons, by force if necessary. I don't think that was his intention but it should be kept in mind.
But Obama added: "Iran obtaining a nuclear weapon would not only be a threat to Israel and a threat to the United States, but would be profoundly destabilizing in the international community as a whole and could set off a nuclear arms race in the Middle East that would be extraordinarily dangerous for all concerned, including for Iran."
That's a pretty strong statement. He then spoke of how the United States will try to talk Iran out of doing this without foreclosing tougher actions in future.
Whatever concerns one has about this- and I have them-this is the best possible statement one could have expected out of this American president. Remember he is not just talking to Netanyahu but to the Iranian regime and the whole region in so defining the U.S. stance. Obama even added: "The one thing we're also aware of is the fact that the history, of
least, of negotiation with Iran is that there is a lot of talk but not always action and follow-through. And that's why it is important for us, I think, without having set an artificial deadline, to be mindful of the fact that we're not going to have talks forever. We're not going to create a situation in which talks become an excuse for inaction while Iran
proceeds with developing a nuclear -- and deploying a nuclear weapon." That's something, obviously, Israel is concerned about, but it's also an issue of concern for the United States and for the international community as a whole."
Here, he is saying he isn't naive and won't let Iran fool him.
Whether that's true in practice remains to be seen but at least he is aware of this issue.
On another issue, however, he still doesn't get it, asked whether his efforts at talking and compromising might be perceived by America's enemies as weakness he responded:
"Well, it's not clear to me why my outstretched hand would be interpreted as weakness." Unfortunately, this shows he doesn't understand the Middle East. His basic mantra is: toughness has been tried and hasn't worked so let's try being
nice. If Obama is ever going to avoid disaster in the region, much less accomplish anything, he's going to have to get beyond this simple-minded concept.
On Israeli-Palestinian negotiations, Obama said it was in everyone's interest "to achieve a two-state solution in which Israelis and Palestinians are living side by side in peace and security." I think the way this was phrased is very important. The great majority of Israelis can agree-even Netanyahu, in my opinion, would do so-that a two-state solution that really worked would be a good outcome.
The problem is that most Israelis don't believe at this point that a two-state solution would work because the Palestinian Authority, Fatah, Hamas, Iran, Syria, Hizballah and other forces either would ensure it never came about in the first place or would be quickly destabilized.
So the way Obama put it-and it was deliberate-is not in contradiction to Israeli views and interests. Note also how he phrased his discussion of something else: "Those obligations [of both sides] were outlined in the road map; they were discussed extensively in Annapolis."
Remember that Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman was criticized for saying that Israel adhered to the road map but not to Annapolis. This position accepts that view. The road map presents the obligations; Annapolis is non-binding, a mere discussion. That phrasing was very deliberate.
And then of course Obama added that everyone should seize this opportunityfor progress and mentioned five specific points, a list weighted in Israel's favor: assures Israel's security, stops terrorism and rocketattacks, and economic development for the Palestinians (which is Netanyahu's emphasis) along with having an independent Palestinian state.
Indeed, Obama went even further in accommodating Netanyahu's standpoint. He did not only-despite what I have read in some analyses-talk about Israeli concessions or obligations but also very much about Palestinian ones, his:
"Recognition that the Palestinians are going to have to do a better job providing the kinds of security assurances that Israelis would need to achieve a two-state solution; that the leadership of the Palestinians will have to gain additional legitimacy and credibility with their own people, and delivering services. And that's something that the United States and Israel can be helpful in seeing them accomplish."
This is something extremely important and he even said that he would convey this point to Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the PA, when he visitedWashington.
On Israel's side he said settlements have to be stopped-though there are no new settlements or expanding of settlements in territorial terms, a point that often is forgotten. There has to be reconstruction of Gaza
along with an end to rocket attacks, which means a loosening of border controls.
This is not so difficult for Israel to accomplish: close down some outposts, remove new settlement efforts, and revise the border controls on Gaza. These are all things Netanyahu is quite prepared to do to maintain good relations with the United States.
Another important point on which Obama just doesn't get it because of lack of knowledge about the Middle East regards linkage: "To the extent that we can make peace with the Palestinians --between the Palestinians and the Israelis, then I actually think itstrengthens our hand in the international community in dealing with a potential Iranian threat.... Imagine how much less mischief a Hezbollah or a Hamas could do if in fact we had moved a Palestinian-Israeli track in a direction that gave the Palestinian people hope. And if Hezbollah and Hamas is weakened, imagine how that impacts Iran's ability to make mischief, and vice versa."
As I have explained elsewhere, such efforts would actually strengthen Iran, Hizballah and Hamas because any compromise agreement-even assuming such a thing were to be possible-would inflame radicalism. Again, failing to understand that, Obama doesn't get the Middle East.... Yet, at least.
Overall, though, the meeting was a success. It is important to emphasize that this was not just true on the atmospherics or the surface. Obama's original ideology and the original intentions of his administration have been modified by taking into account Israel's views and interests as well
as some touch of reality about the region.
In other respects, it has not been so modified. The needle has moved from"catastrophic"; to "very bad"on the region
in general, and from "confrontational" to "pretty good" on the bilateral U.S.-Israel front. The rest depends on whether the administration insists on putting the priority on its ideas or on its experiences in future.
Obviously, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu';s job was to make a good impression including the flattery of President Barack Obama. He thus thanked him: "For your friendship to Israel and your friendship to me. You're a great leader--a great leader of the United States, a great leader of the world, a great friend of Israel, and someone who is acutely cognizant of our security concerns. And the entire people of Israel appreciate it, and I speak on their behalf."
But this is more than flattery. Netanyahu is defining him as a great leader in part because he is a great friend of Israel. In other words, he is locking him in on his commitments to what Obama called an "extraordinary relationship."; This is the standard which the American president has set for the relationship and Netanyahu will hold him to it.
He also wants to define common interests: "We share the same goals and we face the same threats." This happens to be true though it may take some time for Obama to recognize it.
Netanyahu also wants to stake out his own identity as a peacemaker: "The common goal is peace. Everybody in Israel, as in the United States, wants peace. The common threat we face are terrorist regimes and organizations that seek to undermine the peace and endanger both our
But how is peace to be obtained? Who is the common enemy?
The Iran issue
"In this context, the worst danger we face is that Iran would
develop nuclear military capabilities. Iran openly calls for ourdestruction, which is unacceptable by any standard. It threatens the moderate Arab regimes in the Middle East. It threatens U.S. interests worldwide. But if Iran were to acquire nuclear weapons, it could give a nuclear umbrella to terrorists, or worse, it could actually give terrorists nuclear weapons. And that would put us all in great peril."
This is broadening out the threat beyond Israel to encompass U.S. interests and those of moderate Arab regimes, as I have long argued.
So Netanyahu reinforced what he wanted to, without mentioning the engagement part: " So in that context, I very much appreciate, Mr. President, your firm commitment to ensure that Iran does not develop nuclear military
capability, and also your statement that you're leaving all options on the table."
Israel-Palestinian Negotiations
On this issue, Netanyahu stressed his eagerness to cooperate, his "desire to move the peace process forward."; Indeed, he was ready to move very fast: "And I want to start peace negotiations with the Palestinians immediately. I would like to broaden the circle ofpeace to include others in the Arab world, if we could..."
Here came Netanyahu';s most quoted lines, which should be quoted fully: "I want to make it clear that we don't want to govern thePalestinians. We want to live in peace with them. We want them to govern themselves, absent a handful of powers that could endanger the state of Israel. And for this there has to be a clear goal. The goal has to be an end to conflict. There will have to be compromises by Israelis and
Palestinians alike. We're ready to do our share. We hope the
Palestinians will do their share, as well. If we resume negotiations, aswe plan to do, then I think that the Palestinians will have to recognize Israel as a Jewish state; will have to also enable Israel to have the means to defend itself. And if those conditions are met, Israel's security conditions are met, and there's recognition of Israel's legitimacy, its permanent legitimacy, then I think we can
envision an arrangement where Palestinians and Israelis live side by sidein dignity, in security, and in peace."
Here is Netanyahu's view of the two-state solution. If the
Palestinians meet Israeli conditions, then there will be the "side by side" arrangement Obama has raised.
This is critical: a two-state solution is not something given as a present at the beginning of negotiations, it is a reward for the proper compromises that enable such a peace to succeed.
That is the key point of the Israeli position, regarding not just Netanyahu but in practice across much of the political spectrum.
Netanyahu fully recognizes the interrelationship of issues and says both are important: "It would help, obviously, unite a broad front against Iran if wehad peace between Israel and the Palestinians. And conversely, if Iranwent nuclear, it would threaten the progress towards peace and destabilize
the entire area, and threaten existing peace agreement."
And so he concludes, "We see exactly eye to eye on this— that we want to move simultaneously and then parallel on two fronts: the front of peace, and the front of preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear capability."
Many might view this as papering over differences but it really isn't. The point Netanyahu makes is that the two countries agree in principle whatever differences there are on details. And after all, this is the same basic position Obama has stated, though there is a bit of reversal on apparent priorities.
And then Netanyahu raises another key Israeli point: It is quite possible to make things far worse: "If we end up with another Gaza -- the President has described to you there's rockets falling out of Gaza -- that is something we don't want to happen, because a terror base next to our cities that
doesn't call -- recognize Israel's existence and calls for our
destruction and asks for our destruction is not arguing peace.
"If, however, the Palestinians recognize Israel as the Jewish state, if they -- if they fight terror, if they educate their children for peace and to a better future, then I think we can come at a substantive solution that allows the two people to live side by side in security and peace and I add prosperity, because I'm a great believer in this."
What is the point, after all, of pushing through a two-state solution which:
--Makes Palestine a radical Islamist state tied to Iran and Syria.
--Creates a Palestine in which every school, mosque, and media institution teaches Palestinians that all of Israel is theirs and they must strive to conquer it. This would be a Palestine full of incitement to violenceagainst Israelis which will inspire scores of people to become terrorists and thousands of others to support them.
--Sets off a new Israel-Palestine cross-border war, with the Palestine government either looking the other way or actively assisting terrorists.
--Creates a Palestine that invites in Iranian, Syrian, or other armies, or gets missiles from them targeted at Israeli cities.
--Extends the conflict another generation by using the state as a base for a "second stage" to finish off Israel.
And if Israel were to take risks and make concessions will they be reciprocated? And if the United States and Europe makes promises to Israel will they be kept?
After all, the 1990s peace process taught Israelis the answer was "no"; on both counts.
This is Israel's central point: peace, yes, but only a real,
lasting, and stable situation which makes things better rather than worse.
A two-state solution only if it isn't a two-mistake anti-solution.
WASHINGTON, D.C. —Roundly discussed before it happened, and furiously spun when it was over, the Netanyahu-Obama meeting left the world curiously unchanged. The President still thinks two states can be fashioned out of the Hamas-run Gaza territory, Fatah-run West Bank territory and the State of Israel. The Prime Minister still thinks they can't - maybe not ever, certainly not now.
They agree that Iran with nuclear weapons would destabilize the region and the world but they still don't agree on red lines in the development cycle or a time frame for action.
The Palestinians are marginally less happy because there was no apparent increase in a United States-Israel rift on both Iran and the Palestinians that began under the Bush administration.
The Iranians are marginally happier because Israel agreed with the President's decision on engagement, and they proved it by launching the solid-fuel Sejil-2 missile yesterday. It seems to be an attempt to overcome problems with the prior launch in November, and proof positive that nothing has changed in Iran.
Which is not to say the world is standing still. Check Pakistan and Sri Lanka.
President Obama rightly connected progress in Afghanistan to weeding out Taliban bases from the tribal badlands of Pakistan to the southeast of Afghanistan. His Iran outreach was in part based on the need to stabilize Afghanistan to the west.
But Pakistan changed. Instead of being a corrupt, nuclear-armed but pro-Western country with a Taliban problem, Pakistan became a potential Taliban-style state with nuclear weapons. The government had reached an agreement with radical forces to permit Sharia law to govern the Swat Valley - over the expressed wishes of local Pakistanis who had voted overwhelmingly for secular politicians - and the radicals swarmed to within 60 miles of Islamabad. The government is now pushing back with American assistance, lots of civilian casualties and tens of thousands of refugees in desperate need of aid.
Perhaps the Pakistani government will succeed, but in the best case the country has been seriously weakened for future diplomatic and military activity. Democratic, nuclear-armed India cannot take lightly the possibility of an even more radical Pakistan - and what India doesn't take lightly, neither should the United States.
On the other side of India, Sri Lanka also changed. After more than 80,000 lives lost in 25 years of repeated terrorist acts, government retaliation, phony cease fires and "peace" treaties, the Sri Lankan civil war ended the old fashioned way. The government pushed the Tamil Tigers to the coast, cut off their escape and killed as many as they could. The battle was brutal, bloody and involved tremendous civilian suffering. Tens of thousands of refugees are in desperate need of aid.
While the United States will likely rush aid to both places - the right and humane thing to do - it would be worthwhile also to consider the nature of our investment in other peoples' civil wars and insurrections. And to consider our standard insistence that governments offer treaties, ceasefires, land and other inducements to radicals and terrorists.
And then to consider American insistence that Israel offer treaties, ceasefires, land and other inducements to the Palestinians. Bryen is special projects director for the Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs. (JINSA). Her column is sponsored by Waxie Sanitary Supply in memory of Morris Wax, longtime JINSAsupporter and national board member
Israelis march through Jerusalem to celebrate 42nd anniversary of reunification of the city under one flag
JERUSALEM—The amplified wail of the muezzin from the Al Aksa mosque on the Temple Mount couldn't drown out the celebrations ringing out over Jerusalem Thursday night.
From every corner of the Old City, youthful voices joined in singing all the classic Six-Day War songs as the city celebrated the 42nd anniversary of reunification.
The sounds of prayer and thanksgiving at the Kotel rose up above the ancient walls--no longer the 'wailing wall' of years when others ruled Jerusalem and determined the Jewish fate here. Groups of teenagers clad in blue and white danced in front of the Kotel and clogged downtown streets.
They came to the capital, along with thousands of kibbutzniks, members of workers committees and regional councils from all over Israel, to join with various army bands, street performers and musicians who wound their way through the center of the city and then dispersed amongst the myriad of events marking the opening of Jerusalem Day.
The main challenge of the day was getting anywhere. With roads closed throughout the city center, driving was out of the question. Many bus routes suspended operations for a couple of hours during the parade, and getting close to the Old City was virtually impossible except on foot, so the masses took to the streets in a jovial mass of Jerusalem humanity.
Beit Orot, the hesder Yeshiva on the Mount of Olives celebrated Yom Yerushalayim in their usual festive manner, with an all-night event. Traditionally known as THE happening Jerusalem Day party place for the national religious yeshiva crowd, this year's festivities upheld its reputation. The bands stop playing around 4:30 a.m. when the young crowd picked up their flags to retrace the footsteps of the paratroopers of 1967. They walked down the same road from the Mt of Olives, turning left at the Kidron Valley and followed the Jericho Road as far as Lion's Gate where they climbed the hill to enter the Old City, just
like the paratroopers did 42 years ago. The students generally makes it to the Kotel in time for the Vatikin early morning prayers. Forty-two years ago, it was midday as the IDF soldiers made their way down from their conquest of the Temple Mount to become the first Jews in 19 years to gain access to the Kotel.
For the Ethiopian community, Jerusalem Day has evolved into a memorial day. Thousands of Ethiopian Jews who trekked through Sudan and the Ethiopian countryside to take part in Operations Solomon (1991) and Moses (1984) died before they saw Jerusalem. Their relatives mark the day with prayer and ceremonies in the Holy City.
The festivities and commemorations continued all day with the flag parade culminating in a swirl of dancing and celebrating at the Kotel; the official memorial ceremony at Ammunition Hill for the fallen soldiers who helped liberate Jerusalem; the Mayor's annual open house reception at the Tower of David and the Bereishit Children's Jerusalem Quiz. It was all topped off with a series of outdoor evening concerts and a final fireworks display.
For one day, at least, we ignored the security concerns and political realities (even though it's hard to swallow the fact that not a single country in the world maintains an embassy in Israel's capital and that EU and US officials never attend Jerusalem Day observances) and we focused on the miracle that restored the Jewish people to the city King David declared as his capital so many thousands of years ago.
Balint is a freelance writer based in Jerusalem. Here is a link to her web log.
Editor's Mailbag: National news of Jewish interest
Credit card reform wins plaudits from members of Congress
WASHINGTON--The House voted 361-64 on Wednesday to curb some abusive credit card industry practices, prompting webpage statements from these Jewish lawmakers:
Congressman Gary Ackerman (Democrat, New York): "Legislation sponsored by Ackerman that prohibits credit-card companies from charging customers a fee to pay their bills online or over the phone was passed today by the House of Representatives. The legislation was passed by the Senate yesterday, and is expected to be signed into law by President Obama within a few days. “Credit-card companies charging consumers simply for the privilege of paying their bills – a scheme known as ‘pay to pay’ – is like going to the store to buy something and being charged a fee at the register in order to pay for it” said Ackerman, a senior member of the House Financial Services Committee. “Fortunately, this outrageous and ridiculous practice will finally be history.” Ackerman’s provision amends the Truth in Lending Act to forbid credit-card companies from charging a fee to their customers explicitly for the manner in which they pay their bill. “As I have stated, credit-card companies are entitled to make a profit and have every right to be paid back by consumers" said Ackerman. “But it’s time to reign in their misleading and deceptive practices which unfairly prey upon consumers. I’m a former math teacher and I still can’t understand what credit card companies charge in interest, fees and other costs.” Ackerman’s measure would not apply to express payments, a service where consumers pay an extra rush fee for transactions to post immediately.
Congressman Steve Cohen (Democrat, Tennessee)—By a vote of 361-64, the House of Representatives has given final approval to the sweeping “Credit Card Holders Bill of Rights” – legislation that includes a provision championed by Congressman Steve Cohen (TN-09) to protect college students from the industry’s deceptive marketing practices. The Senate passed a similar version of the bill Tuesday. President Obama is expected to sign the bill into law soon. “Families in our communities are drowning under increasing credit card debt. Many of them are doing the best they can to get out from under it – and they need some relief,” Congressman Cohen said. “Credit card companies had their chance to show they cared more about people than profit. They failed and now Congress has acted to bring help to hard-working families in perpetual debt. I was proud to support his bill and urge the President to sign it into law soon. ... I’m particularly pleased that college students will finally be protected from the deceptive practices of the credit card industry. Credit card companies shouldn’t be tempting them with t-shirts and iPods and promises of easy credit. This bill brings an end to these practices and sends a clear message to the industry that the status quo is no longer acceptable,” Congressman Cohen said. Congressman Cohen has long championed prohibiting solicitations of credit card applications to college students on campuses with gifts and incentives. A study with the U.S. PIRG suggests that credit card companies and their subcontractors are taking advantage of students’ cash shortages to attract them to tables with offers of free things ranging from t-shirts to iPods. Seventy-six percent of college students reported stopping at tables to consider offers or apply for credit cards because of the free gifts offered by the companies.
Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (Democrat, Illinois):“This legislation makes it clear that credit card companies cannot use fine print to take advantage of their customers. Many people have rightfully felt abused by policies that imposed higher fees and penalties, often without prior notice. Today the House of Representatives said ‘enough is enough.’” The Credit Cardholders' Bill of Rights Act of 2009 blocks credit card companies from increasing the annual percentage rates on customers' existing balances except in limited circumstances, such as a minimum payment more than 60 days overdue or if the rate was already pegged to a variable index, or a promotional rate has expired.
Congressman Brad Sherman (Democrat, California)—“The people of the San Fernando Valley should not face excessive fees, or arbitrary interest rate hikes at any time and for any reason, or unfair, incomprehensible credit card agreements that are revised at will. This legislation will reign in these excesses and injustices.” The Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights will ban most retroactive interest rate hikes on existing balances (except when payments are more than 60 days late), double-cycle billing, and due date gimmicks. The bill protects cardholders against arbitrary interest rate increases, empowers them to set limits on their credit that the credit card companies cannot exceed without the customer’s consent, and requires the card companies to allocate payments to pay-off first the debt that bears the highest interest rate. “I am particularly pleased that this bill includes language that I have long pushed for that will require the credit card companies to tell customers how long it will take them to pay off their credit card balance, and how much interest they will pay, if they make only the minimum monthly payment on their credit card account. This language will also tell customers how much they would need to pay each month in order to pay off their credit card balance in three years,” said Congressman Sherman. “Seeing this information will help consumers to see the benefits of paying-off credit card debt as quickly as they can, and to see the enormous costs of just making the minimum payment.”
Congressman John Yarmuth (Democrat, Kentucky): “The Credit Cardholders’ Bill of Rights will protect hard working people and families who played by the rules and paid their bills on time, but were still treated unfairly by credit card companies. ... Our economic recovery depends on ensuring that the American people no longer have to worry about being taken advantage of by their financial institutions. This new legislation safeguards consumers and guarantees their protection from unfair tactics.” Included among the provisions in the legislation is a ban on most interest rate increases on existing balances and a requirement that 45-days advance notice is given on future interest rate hikes. The legislation also requires bills be sent at least 21 days before the due date and prohibits fees for bill payments made by phone, over the internet, or via mail. Many of the practices banned were among those deemed “deceptive” and “unfair” by the Federal Reserve.
Preceding compiled from various sources
Schwartz introduces legislation
to improve primary care access
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release)- Numerous health care organizations joined U.S. Rep. Allyson Schwartz (Democrat, Pennsylvania) Wednesday to announce a major new bill to improve health care in America. Schwartz’s bill, Preserving Patient Access to Primary Care Act of 2009 (H.R. 2350), addresses the critical shortage of primary care providers in America.
Primary care is at the core of America’s health care system, and without a sufficient number of doctors, nurses and others providing primary care, Americans face long wait times to see their doctors and health care providers, as well as other obstacles to quality care. Already over 100 members of Congress have signed on as cosponsors to the legislation.
“As we move toward creating a uniquely American solution in which all Americans have access to affordable, meaningful health coverage, it becomes clear that successful health care reform must include primary care reform,” said U.S. Rep. Allyson Schwartz.
“Primary care is at the core of America’s health care system, and a lynch-pin to care coordination and preventive health care, yet there are numerous challenges facing both primary care providers and patients. My plan, Preserving Patient Access to Primary Care Act of 2009, takes a multi-faceted approach to support our primary care workforce and enhance care coordination services,” added Schwartz.
Preserving Patient Access to Primary Care Act of 2009, H.R. 2350:
Establishes scholarship and loan repayment opportunities for primary care providers who serve in areas with critical shortages of primary care services.
Creates new residency positions for primary care and general surgery trainees, with more opportunities to train in ambulatory care setting — particularly community health centers.
Improves access to primary care for seniors by eliminating copayments for preventive care services in Medicare.
Increases Medicare reimbursements for primary care providers.
Establishes Medicare payments for care coordination services, and monthly payments to providers who serve as patient-centered medical homes
Groups speaking Wednesday to endorse the bill included: American College of Physicians; American Nurses Association; Association of American Medical Colleges; American Academy of Nurse Practitioners; American Academy of Pediatrics; American Osteopathic Association; American Academy of Family Physicians; National Physicians Alliance ; and the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners.
Preceding provided by Congresswoman Allyson Schwartz
Wyden introduces 8-bill package
to encourage 'green' energy
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release)– Offering a new direction for the U.S. Senate energy debate, U.S. Senator Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) introduced a series of energy initiatives Wednesday aimed at reducing America’s consumption of fossil fuels. The package of eight initiatives takes a market-based approach to green energy by focusing on ways to make alternative energy more competitive with fossil fuels while promoting energy efficiency and innovation in new sustainable energy technologies.
“This country can’t break free from its dependence on Middle Eastern oil by just drilling for more oil and producing more corn-based ethanol. Any addict will tell you that you can’t cure an addiction by simply moving to a new drug, and relying on ethanol to get America off oil is not going to do the job, ” said Wyden. “It’s time for Congress to develop an energy policy that – instead of picking winners and losers – rewards performance and promotes innovation.”
Wyden proposals being introduced Wednesday:
America’s Low-Carbon Fuel Standard Act of 2009: In order to create a national motor fuel standard targeted toward replacing significant amounts of conventional gasoline with lower-carbon domestic fuels, the legislation revises the existing renewable fuel standard, which currently favors ethanol, to create a technology neutral “low-carbon fuel” standard. Low-carbon fuel is defined as a renewable fuel that minimizes lifecycle greenhouse gas emissions. This would include electricity for plug-in cars or hydrogen for fuel cells. Wyden’s legislation mandates the replacement of increasing percentages of petroleum-based motor fuel sold rather than simply requiring specific volumes of ethanol to be consumed and would establish a timeline by which low-carbon fuels would constitute more than 30 percent of U.S. transportation fuel by 2030, an amount equal to the level of U.S. imports from the OPEC oil cartel. Ethanol would still qualify as a low-carbon fuel, but would be complemented by, and compete with, other low-carbon alternatives.
Renewable Energy Alternative Production Act: To promote the use of clean, renewable energy sources throughout the economy, the bill would create new Federal tax incentives for the use of renewable energy in forms other than electricity production. Under existing law, there are Federal tax incentives for selling renewable energy when it is turned into electricity, but not when it is sold as gas to fire an industrial boiler, or steam to heat a building, or hydrogen to run a fuel-cell powered car. This legislation would create a new Federal renewable energy production tax credit for the sale of many types of energy derived from renewable energy sources, including methane, hydrogen, steam and heated and chilled water.
Renewable Energy Parity and Investment Remedy Act: In line with Senator Wyden’s other initiatives to promote greater innovation in renewable fuels by establishing technology neutral incentives, this provision would establish parity for all renewable electric-generation technologies. Under current law, a number of renewable energy technologies such as biomass energy plants, wave and tidal energy, land-fill gas recovery and others receive a tax credit that is only half of the value of the Federal production tax credit amount otherwise available for renewable energy projects. This bill would allow all qualifying renewable energy technologies to receive the full credit amount, leveling the playing field for these technologies to compete in the marketplace and creating greater incentives to develop and utilize the full range of renewable energy technologies.
EnergySmart Transport Corridors Act of 2009: In order to reduce the amount of gasoline and diesel fuel used on U.S. highways and the resulting emission of greenhouse gases and other environmental pollutants, the bill empowers the U.S. Department of Transportation to work with states and the fuel and transportation industries to designate EnergySmart Corridors such as the I-5 corridor along the West Coast. The designation process would assist in standardizing anti-idling equipment for trucks, increasing the availability of alternative low-carbon motor fuels, coordinating highway weight limits and identifying future construction within the Interstate Highway System that will save energy and reduce pollution. Intermodal and non-highway passenger and freight transportation options will be included in the planning process.
Oil Independence, Limiting Subsidies, and Accelerating Vehicle Efficiency Act (OILSAVE): In order to increase demand for fuel efficient vehicles, Wyden’s OILSAVE bill establishes a tax credit to make purchasing a new fuel-efficient vehicle affordable for more Americans. The
technology-neutral tax credit will be based on the vehicle’s overall fuel efficiency, with credits going to vehicles with at least 10 percent greater fuel economy than the national average for each Model Year. The credit amount, which starts at $900, increases by $100 for every additional mile-per-gallon in fuel efficiency up to $2,500. The legislation also increases the gas guzzler tax as well as penalties for non-compliance by vehicle manufacturers with the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards. The legislation also includes an investment tax credit for equipment added to new or existing heavy trucks and other vehicles that can be verified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to save fuel such as anti-idle devices or aerodynamic fairings for truck cabs and trailers.
Re-Energize America Loan Program: In order to increase both the infrastructure and demand for alternative energy and reduce energy use, this legislation establishes a “zero-interest” revolving loan program for families and small and mid-sized businesses to install clean energy equipment and implement energy efficient and renewable energy projects. This $10 billion loan program would cover the residential, commercial, industrial and transportation sectors and is financed through the transfer of $1 billion dollars a year of federal energy royalties paid on the extraction of coal, gas and oil and renewable energy from federal land. The program would be administered by individual state government energy offices so that loan programs can be tailored to meet regional needs. It would also enable loan applicants to work with energy officials in their own state, instead of bureaucrats in Washington, D.C.
EnergyGrant Competitive Education Program Act of 2009: In order to promote innovative solutions to the nation’s energy problems, the legislation would encourage colleges and universities to form regional energy research groups or consortia. The legislation would provide grants from the U.S. Department of Energy to these consortia to develop research, extension and education programs focused on regional energy needs. The legislation would authorize up to $300 million a year to be awarded, with at least 20 percent of funds being matched by non-Federal sources.
Storage Technology of Renewable and Green Energy Act of 2009 (STORAGE): In an effort to increase infrastructure supporting renewable fuels, the STORAGE Act provides investment tax credits for energy storage facilities and equipment that temporarily store energy for delivery or use at a later time. Currently tax incentives are only available for the generation of renewable energy, but output from wind, solar, and wave and tidal energy projects literally rises and falls with natural conditions. Storage technologies can help harness the output of renewable energy sources and allow them to be used when they are most needed. The bill encourages innovation by providing tax credits for a broad range of storage technologies, from water reservoirs to flywheels to hydrogen production to batteries when connected to the nation’s electricity transmission and distribution system and when installed in homes, businesses, and factories.
Earlier this year, Wyden also introduced two other pieces of legislation designed to help move our nation toward a more secure energy future:
S. 536, Biomass Legislation: Seeking to expand much-needed sources of biofuel, Wyden introduced a provision that would amend the Clean Air Act to modify the definition of the term "renewable biomass" and lift a restriction on the use of biomass from federal lands for biofuel production in the Renewable Fuels Standard. Wyden’s bill would open the door for biomass from federal lands to become a source of fuel for cars and trucks, promoting the harvest of non-commercial slash and thinnings from National Forest and Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land at sustainable levels. The provision would provide protections for old growth and forests in national parks, wilderness areas, and other environmentally sensitive areas.
Sustainable Energy Training Program for Community Colleges Amendment: Taking steps to dramatically improve our nation’s preparedness to compete in the renewable energy industry, Wyden authored an amendment in the 2009 Energy bill to fund job-training programs at community colleges in renewable and alternative energy fields. Based on the Community College Sustainability Act cosponsored by Wyden with then-Senator Gordon Smith (R-Ore.) in the 110th Congress, this amendment will authorize $100 million per year for five years to fund job-training and education programs for sustainable and alternative energy technologies at community colleges in Oregon and throughout the country. The provision would focus on training technicians to work in the wind, solar, biomass, and geothermal energy sectors as well as other alternative energy jobs. The amendment was adopted by the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources as part of the Energy Bill. Wyden is also reintroducing the legislation as a stand-alone bill – the Community College Energy Training Act – to help ensure its passage.
Here's the link for more information about these pieces of legislation.
Preceding provided by office of Senator Ron Wyden
Feinstein applauds augmentation for firefighting by Forest Service
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (Democrat, California.) on Wednesday convened a hearing on the President’s Fiscal Year 2010 budget request for the U.S. Forest Service. Senator Feinstein chairs the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on the Interior, Environment and Related Agencies and presided over the hearing. U.S. Forest Service Chief Gail Kimbell appeared as the primary witness.
During her opening remarks. Senator Feinstein expressed apreciation that the President "has requested $200 million in supplemental firefighting funds for the Forest Service before fire season begins in earnest this year. That’s a welcome change from the position of the previous Administration.
"As the recent fires in Santa Barbara showed, it is likely that we are in for another brutal, expensive fire season. It is my hope that these funds will help prevent the Service from borrowing from other programs to pay for firefighting needs this year.
"Turning to the particulars, the President has requested $5.226 billion for the Forest Service for FY 2010, an increase of $480 million over the FY 2009 enacted level. That’s a welcome 10 percent increase.
"Most importantly, I am pleased that the new Administration recognizes that firefighting costs are likely to exceed the 10-year fire suppression average – and has submitted a budget that reflects that reality.
"The budget request fully funds the increase in the 10-year average for a total of $1.128 billion. It also includes a new $282 million reserve fund that’s available to the Forest Service if its regular appropriations run out before the end of the fiscal year.
"The budget also invests in the Service’s aging network of facilities, roads and trails. Overall, the Service’s capital improvement and maintenance program is funded at $557 million, an increase of 15 percent over the enacted level. That includes a $50 million initiative to help address the agency’s $5 billion backlog of deferred maintenance and create jobs.
"Finally, the budget request includes a $42 million boost to State and private forestry programs, targeted specifically to protecting open spaces through conservation easements.
"These are all important priorities, and I am pleased to see them funded. However, at the same time, I am also concerned that the budget request shortchanges other priority needs to pay for these initiatives.
"In particular, this budget proposes to reduce hazardous fuels reduction programs by $13 million. That’s a 4 percent cut to fire prevention – at a time when we’re pouring money into firefighting programs. This cut just doesn’t make any sense, and I won’t support it. In fact, I plan to increase funds for fuels reduction in the FY 2010 Interior bill.
"I am also concerned that the request funds fire preparedness programs at $675 million, equal to the enacted level. That means that the Service will be forced to shift more costs for firefighter salaries and equipment to the fire suppression program – further driving up the 10-year average.
"The request funds operating programs for national forests at $1.5 billion, also equal to last year. That means important programs like forest products and law enforcement are being cut back. And other cooperative programs face the chopping block, including a 6% cut to State and local fire assistance and a 4 percent cut to programs that fight insects and disease.
"In short, I think these programs deserve more support – and I plan to ensure that the rising tide of this budget lifts all of the agency’s programs, not just a select few."
Editor's Mailbag: Local and state news of Jewish Interest Items for us? Please send them to editor@sandiegojewishworld.com
SPME commends Yudof's denunciation of anti-Semitism
CHICO, California (Press Release)—The Board of Directors of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East commends the courage and moral clarity recently displayed by Mark Yudof, President of the University of California. Exercising the freedom guaranteed by the First Amendment, he has publicly deplored anti-Semitic rhetoric on campus, specifically that of the Muslim Students Union at UC Irvine.
In sharp contrast, Michael Drake, MD, Chancellor of UC Irvine, has refused to speak out on this issue despite repeated requests from Jewish students, organizations, and even a member of the U.S. Congress.
The University of California is one of the largest and most prestigious state systems of higher education in the United States, with 10 campuses including UCLA and UC Berkeley. Unfortunately, UC Irvine has become notorious for virulently anti-Israel/anti-Semitic week-long happenings that have been conducted every year since 2001 by the Muslim Students Union. At these events, speakers use classic racist stereotypes and demonize Israel and Jews by calling them Nazis. During the weeks before and during these events, public space is filled with propaganda, Israeli flags desecrated with blood and swastikas, and an “apartheid wall” erected in the middle of the campus. This year, the face of Anne Frank wearing a keffiyah was superimposed on a mural of an Israeli tank, desecrating the memory of the Jewish holocaust victim.
This year, the MSU also used the official UC Irvine electronic billboard to advertise what is now a two-week series of anti-Israel events entitled Israel: the Politics of Genocide. This offensive advertisement was taken off the billboard only after concerned community members brought it to the attention of UC President Yudof.
In a letter to the individuals who raised those concerns, President Yudof stated:
As you can imagine, it is difficult for me to separate my public role as President of a state university from my private life as a Jewish man who is active in Jewish causes and a strong defender of Israel. Permit me now to remove my cap and gown and to exercise my First Amendment rights as a private citizen. In my opinion, the title of the series is virulent, historically inaccurate, and offensive to Jewish people everywhere. For me to feel otherwise would be antithetical to my life and beliefs.
The Board of Directors of Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, representing 27,000 academics worldwide at over 2000 campuses, believes that President Yudof has shown the world what academic freedom and integrity look like, carried out his responsibilities as UC President with distinction, and proudly exercised his rights as a human being in a country that honors those rights. We hope that the Chancellor of UC Irvine as well as the leaders of many other campuses will follow his example.
Preceding provided by Scholars for Peace in the Middle East, which is headquartered in Chico, California
'Math Lady:' Will the U.S. run out of Zip Codes anytime soon?
SAN DIEGO (Press Release)— In 1983, the U.S. Postal Service began using an expanded ZIP code system called "ZIP + 4", often called "plus-four codes". Wikipedia informs us of the following:
A ZIP + 4 code uses the basic five-digit code plus four additional digits to identify a geographic segment within the five-digit delivery area, such as a city block, a group of apartments, an individual high-volume receiver of mail or any other unit that could use an extra identifier to aid in efficient mail sorting and delivery.
ZIP codes are numbered with the first digit representing a certain group of US states, the second and third digits together representing a region in that group (or perhaps a large city) and the fourth and fifth digits representing a group of delivery addresses within that region.
Like telephone area codes, ZIP codes are sometimes divided and changed, especially when a rural area becomes suburban. Typically, the new codes become effective once announced, and a grace period (e.g., one year) is provided in which the new and old codes are used concurrently so that postal patrons in the affected area can notify correspondents, order new stationery, etc.
Most significantly, in rapidly growing communities it is sometimes necessary to open a new sectional center facility, which must then be allocated its own three-digit ZIP-code prefix or prefixes
ZIP codes also change when postal boundaries are realigned.
How many Zip Codes are available
The zip code is composed of a 1 digit number, a 2 digit number, another 2 digit number and a 4 digit number. The digits used for a zip code are 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 –ten digits in all. How many combinations of 1 digit numbers, 2 digit numbers, 2 digit numbers and 4 digit numbers are possible? We use math to find the answer.
We can have 10 1-digit numbers, 10 X 10 or 100 possible 2-digit numbers, 10 X 10 or 100 possible 2-digit numbers and 10 X 10 X 10 X 10 or 10,000 possible 4 digit numbers.
In summary, there are 10 possible 1-digit numbers each of which can have 100 possible 2-digit numbers, each of which can have 100 possible 2-digit numbers and each of these can have 10,000 possible 4-digit numbers. So 10 1-digit numbers X 100 2- digit numbers X 100 2-digit numbers X 10,000 4 digit numbers = 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) possible zip codes currently available.
Unlike the telephone number, each of which is assigned to a house or a person, and the social security number, each of which is assigned to a person, the zip code which is assigned to a geographical area should have enough numbers available to serve future nees.
If you have a query for Carol Ann Goldstein, the Math Lady, or need private math tutoring, email San Diego Jewish World.
Soup and salad bar to augment kosher hot meals at JFS Center
SAN DIEGO (Press Release)—
As part of the College Avenue Older Adult Center’s philosophy to promote healthy aging among older adults, the Center will begin offering a new soup and salad bar as a lunchtime meal choice. Funded by a grant from the County of San Diego, Aging & Independence Services, the soup and salad bar will allow the center to provide a healthy lunch alternative in addition to their current nutritionally balanced hot meal. This new offering joins the healthy philosophy that exists throughout the College Avenue Older Adult Center’s programming, including fitness, yoga, and healthy living classes.
Beginning on July 27, 2009, the new soup and salad bar will be available as a lunch option on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays and will include all the fixings for a nutritious and flavorful mid-day lighter meal, including soup, salad greens, fruit, vegetables, dressings, protein and bread. The soup and salad bar is a new addition to the hot kosher lunch the College Avenue Older Adult Center serves Monday – Friday at 12:00pm. With the new addition, the center is able to offer both a hot and cold kosher lunch option as well as fresh produce, seasonal menu items, and vegetarian meal options. The soup and salad bar also is available to go. An onsite nutritionist will ensure all meals are nutritionally balanced.
To coincide with the launch of the soup and salad bar, the center will begin offering Nutrition Education. Class topics will range from behavior modification techniques to purchasing and preparing healthy meals. Cooking classes will also be offered.
To launch this new healthy living component, the center will offer "Fruits and Vegetables for a Healthy Body" with Vickie Velasco at 11:15am on Monday, July 27. On Tuesday, July 28, join the center at 12:45pm for "How to Reclaim Your Sleep" with Novia Baxter. Other ongoing classes include Low Impact Aerobics, Feeling Fit Exercise, Arthritis Exercise, and Yoga.
For more information about the new soup and salad bar, upcoming programs, and the College Avenue Older Adult Center, call (619) 583-3300 or visit www.jfssd.org.
Preceding provided by Jewish Family Service
Hand Up Youth Food Pantry
now serving Julian area
SAN DIEGO (Press Release)--Jewish Family Service (JFS) of San Diego’s Hand Up Youth Food Pantry is now serving the Julian area. The Hand Up Youth Food Pantry recently realized an unmet need in Julian, with local food resources unable to meet the increasing community need during the declining economy, and formed a partnership with Julian Pathways. Julian Pathways provides comprehensive family oriented, school-based support programs in order to increase student physical and mental health and academic success.
The Hand Up Youth Food Pantry delivers food bags to Julian Pathways once a month for distribution in the community. The Hand Up Youth Food Pantry will also work with local community resources to help establish a local sustainable food pantry.
Hand Up is dedicated to alleviating hunger in San Diego County. With the current economic crisis, the Hand Up Youth Food Pantry has more than doubled the number of food bags distributed and the number of people helped from the same period last year. In the last three months (January 1 through March 31) , Hand Up served 4,997 food bags to 2,367 unduplicated clients compared to 2381 food bags to 1172 unduplicated clients during the same timeframe during the previous year .
For more information about the Hand Up Youth Food Pantry and ways to get involved, visit www.jfssd.org or call (858) 637-3088.
Preceding provided by Jewish Family Service
MEDIA WATCH, aka "Here's the link" The San Diego Union-Tribune frontpaged television's American Idol results, calling Kris Allen's victory over hometown boy Adam Lambert a "shocker." Here's the link... The newspaper also played catch-up with the North County Times story, reported in yesterday's media watch, about the Ramona girl prevented from making a report about the late San Francisco Supervisor Harvey Milk, a gay activist. Here's the link ... On inside pages, the newspaper ran a story about Iran's test launch of a missile capable of hitting Israel. Here's the link
God called to the dry land: "Earth" and to the gathering of waters He called "Seas." And God saw that it was good.
Don Harrison found this logo for a pizza parlor in Byron Bay, New South Wales, Australia on the Internet on May 21, 2009.
Please share your photo showing a biblical reference in pop culture —Please send your jpg photo for posting to editor@sandiegojewishheritage.com. If possible, please send it at 72dpi resolution and 400 pixels wide. Please include the name of the photographer, the date and place the photo was taken, and any other relevant caption information.
PULITZER PRIZE WINNER—Michael Winerip, a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist for his coverage of social issues for the New York Times, shared his experiences with Jewish Family Service's Mental Health Committee of writing a book about
a group home for the mentally ill, covering the Kendra Webdale killing by schizophrenic Andrew Goldstein, and writing books
for teenagers. Below right: Table centerpieces at the JFS Mental Health Committee's luncheon program were baskets of
food bound for Hand Up, a pantry that is open to anyone in need. {Donald H. Harrison photos}
Author promotes recognition and care for mentally ill
SAN DIEGO – When a schizophrenic by name of Andrew Goldstein suddenly decided on January 3, 1999 to push a blonde receptionist by name of Kendra Webdale—whom he had never met or talked to—onto the tracks in front of an oncoming New York City subway train, there was perhaps no journalist better suited to cover the story behind the homicide—the real story—than Michael Winerip of the New York Times.
As a Long Island correspondent for the newspaper, he had developed into a major part of his beat the problems of the mentally ill, even taking two years off to research 9 Highland Road, Sane Living for the Mentally Ill, a book dealing with the dynamics of a group home in Glen Cove. He spent two years visiting the home almost every day, observing the group dynamics and charting the ups and downs in the lives of those with illnesses and those charged with being their counselors.
To set the stage for his discussion of the Goldstein case, Winerip read some passages from 9 Highland Road to a Doubletree Hotel luncheon meeting of Jewish Family Service’s mental health committee. Leaders utilized the session to pose to the community two questions about mental health care in San Diego: “What are we doing now? What needs to be done?”
Winerip asked forgiveness from the audience for the vulgar words that they would hear in the passage he would read—dealing with a schizophrenic resident of the group home who suddenly became violent with an aide who had questioned whether he had meant to say two or three pills when asking for his medications.
Winerip said if anyone wanted to leave the luncheon, attended by about 200 persons, before he read the passage they could do so—but none did. Apparently, he predicted correctly that most if not all the luncheon guests had heard the f-word frequently used in the passage by the disturbed group home resident.
After cussing and pushing an aide, the resident eventually calmed down enough to return to his room, and was able the next day to resume his schedule. Working with the mentally ill can at times be an unpleasant business, but it need not escalate into the kind of situation which later would develop with Goldstein, the passage indicated.
Perhaps because of his book, which sympathetically portrayed the mentally ill while skewering public officials who are afraid to have group homes in their neighborhoods, a source within the mental health care community was willing to leak to Winerip health care records on Andrew Goldstein.
Three thousand, five hundred pages of records showed that Goldstein once had been a promising student at Bronx Science High School, one of the elite New York City schools, until his schizophrenia began manifesting itself, Winerip said. He had assaulted at least 13 people previously, among them mental health workers. Over a two year period prior to fatally pushing Webdale onto the tracks, he had been hospitalized 13 times—most of them on his own insistence.
The reporter-author said the records showed that Goldstein knew he was ill and that he desperately wanted help. He complained of hearing voices, of strange people inhabiting his brain, of believing that he had turned purple, of being convinced that his penis had grown to unusually large size, and being absolutely certain that some malevolent person wanted to devour his feces.
However, no institution in New York had room to either take him in the first place, or if they did admit him, to keep him for long-term treatment. He kept being turned back to his small filthy apartment. His pleas for help were heard, but they were not acted upon. He would be released on the orders of bureaucrats in charge of the accounting office, without reference to the reports of his psychiatric caseworkers.
Ultimately, Goldstein was convicted of murder—the jury not willing to accept his plea of insanity. Winerip said he believes the jury felt it couldn’t trust New York State’s mental health system to give Goldstein the care he needed. It felt he—and society—would be better off if he were put in prison.
Winerip’s coverage had its effect, the reporter telling the Jewish Family Service gathering that then New York Governor George Pataki augmented the state budget by $250 million for care of the mentally ill. The case also resulted in the adoption of what is known as Kendra’s Law, which permits a judge to mandate psychiatric treatment for a patient. But that law, said Winerip, really didn’t address Goldstein’s problem, which was a system that was unresponsive to a patient who sought voluntary commitment.
Although Winerip was nominated for the Pulitzer Prize for his coverage of the Goldstein case, he did not win it until the following year for another series of stories dealing with racism in New York.
Today, the reporter is writing fiction for teenagers—a series about a middle school student newspaper editor –Adam Canfield—who much like his creator explores social problems in his role as a journalist.
Mental illness is still an important subject to Winerip, as evidenced by a passage in one of the Canfield series when Dan, a likable adult worker at the animal shelter, is visited at home by Adam. Instead of the happy Dan—a man who once set the record for the number of pets placed for adoption in a single day—Adam found a man whose spirits were so low, he could barely speak except in monosyllables.
Gradually, the fictional young reporter was able to learn that this wonderful man had a mental illness—bipolar disorder— which left him so depressed at times his mind simply could not absorb having fun.
Winerip wrapped up his speech by suggesting that in some aspects of its treatment of the mentally ill, American society has come a long way. Children know and can recognize people with OCD – obsessive compulsive disorder— a condition for which children of his own generation had no name. Winerip said that as a child he wondered what had caused his father to constantly wash his hands or to squeeze past people in a way that he could avoid touching them.
Luncheon attendees were asked to write down their questions on pieces of paper—and among them was one about what synagogues could do to help the mentally ill. Winerip suggested that they try to be sensitive to the deteriorated financial situation of some sufferers, perhaps waiving the cost of High Holy Day tickets. Also, he suggested, they could try to understand that sufferers may want to join into activities but perhaps are too intimidated to do so.
The audience included many well known personalities within the Jewish community, among them Rabbis Michael Berk, Jeff Brown and Martin S. Lawson respectively of Temple Beth Israel, Temple Solel and Temple Emanu-El. Rabbi Berk attended along with his wife, Rabbi Aliza Berk, director of JFS's Jewish Healing Center. Also present were the executives of at least two of the San Diego Jewish agencies—Jill Borg Spitzer of Jewish Family Service and Alan Rusonik of the Agency for Jewish Education. The AJE was a cosponsor of the event.
Asked how government can be shamed into doing more for the mentally ill—even as those with physical disabilities have gained more understanding and services—Winerip took aim at the secrecy that seems to envelop professionals providing services for those with mental diseases.
He said too often social workers will say that as a matter of confidentiality, they can’t put reporters in touch with people with mental illness. This is not true, he said. All the professionals need to do is to take the time to explain the situation and to obtain consent from the patients with the mental illness. Just as the New York Times was able to raise public awareness in New York State, so too can journalists in other states focus the public’s attention on abuses in their areas.
Another questioner asked whether the military is doing enough to deal with mental illnesses brought about or exacerbated by wartime. Winerip responded that there are programs, but often members of the military fear that if they ask for help, they will be stigmatized as undependable.
The currency of this very subject was illustrated later in the day when the U.S. Department of Defense coincidentally released the accompanying press release.
Harrison's email: editor@sandiegojewishworld.com
Defense Dept launches campaign to persuade
soldiers no stigma to 'psychological wounds'
WASHINGTON, D.C. (Press Release)-- The Department of Defense on Thursday launched the Real Warriors Campaign, a multimedia public education effort designed to combat the stigma keeping some service members veterans and their families from seeking needed psychological health care.
The campaign will promote the processes of building resilience, facilitating recovery and supporting reintegration for those with psychological wounds via an interactive web site and through radio and television public service announcements.
"You're tough, and you go into the hospital when you receive a physical wound," said Dr. (Brig. Gen.) Loree K. Sutton, director, of the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury. "That doesn't mean you're weak in some way. So why wouldn't you seek treatment when you've received a psychological wound?"
The launch is part of a larger effort by the Department of Defense to ensure service members and their families can access necessary treatment for the invisible wounds of war as well as the visible wound.
For more information, visit http://www.realwarriors.net or call the Defense Centers of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury (DCoE) Outreach Center at (866) 966-1020.
SAN DIEGO—There are many interpretations of a groom stepping on a glass after the couple recites their vows. "One interpretation is that you must treat your relationship with special care, for like glass, it is strong enough to hold your love, yet fragile enough to break easily." —Rabbi Nancy Weiner's Beyond Breaking the Glass
Expressing sensitivity to each other's feelings takes precedence in a marriage but how do we do that? We often don't know what triggers our spouse until after the fact.
Just as knowledge, training, and skill are required to participate safely in physical, spiritual, and mental fitness programs, training and awareness are needed for a healthy, loving, marriage. So why not offer a program that teaches a step to step plan to build a happy marriage?
Recently I had the opportunity to interview Mort Fertel, "Marriage Fitness" consultant in Baltimore, Maryland, by telephone.
He explained: "Marriage Fitness is a relationship renewal program designed as an alternative to marriage counseling.
Ninety nine percent of people who get married are clueless. Marriage should require wisdom and skill, not luck.If we don't have wisdom and skill how can we expect people to succeed?"
When I asked Fertel how Judaism tied in to his program, he responded,"What we believe from a Jewish perspective is articulated through our actions…Jewish life offers up a framework and a path of how to conduct ourselves in our marriage.
"The crux of the program is to use goodwill that the husband and wife create by finding commonality, and communication, and connection. The worst thing to do when having marital problems is deal with the problems. Temporarily, key word, 'temporarily,' put aside the problems, not talk about
them… Deal with goodwill through acts of kindness, acts of service."
Judaism is a way of life as is marriage. Similarly, Judaism and marriage focus on positive action. As Rabbi Jeffrey Salkin, pointed out during a recent talk at Temple Emanu-El, "There is ritual in the word, spiritual." We are commanded to perform mitzvot in Judaism and in Fertel's program we are encouraged to implement positive daily habits in our marriage. It is not enough to state our vows on the bimah and forget about what happens after we say "I do."
Fertel declared, "Falling in love is easy. Any idiot can fall in love. That kind of attraction comes over you then it fades. It's a natural cycle. People think it's not. They think something's wrong with their spouse, then they have the falling in love sensation with someone else. There are people who leapfrog from relationship to relationship, leaving a trail of relationship kill like road kill."
I mentioned that forgiveness is a key concept in Judaism and I asked Fertel how forgiveness comes in to play in his marriage program.
"Forgiveness is a really important quality in Jewish life and marriage." Forgiveness is not a proclamation, it's an action, he said.
I gathered from these interviews that once we have the knowledge and training for a healthy marriage, we need the discipline and sensitivity to practice these skills. We understand the importance for us to be in good shape physically, spiritually, and mentally. A marriage also needs to be in good shape.
Like a healthy diet, we need to feed our marriage more of the positive traits lacking such as loving communication, appreciation, and thoughtful gestures. Restrict criticism, condemnation and complaints--factors that caused our marriage to get out of shape in the first place
Marriage encourages both spouses to grow up, and take responsibility, instead of using blame and complaints, which are worn out tools that no longer work. Let's spring for some new tools and apply them to our most sacred relationship in our lives. Remember we chose our mate. Let's begin to make the changes we want to see.
SAN DIEGO—In Judaism, we take pride in showing the progress and handing down of tradition, “L’ Dor v' Dor," from generation to generation. This will be showcased during the Tifereth Israel Community Orchestra concert of June 2.
The central figure is the music director of the Seattle Symphony, the renowned Gerard Schwarz. In this concert, he will be presented as a composer in a work memorializing the murder of his grandparents in the Holocaust. In the same program, Gerard’s son, Julian Schwarz, a phenomenally talented young cellist, will perform the dynamic Cello Concerto in A Minor by Camille Saint-Saens, and Alexander Glazunov’s lyric Chant of the Minstrel. The theme and spirit of the program are “Father and Son” and the remembrance of grandparents and the Holocaust.
Gerard Schwarz is internationally recognized for his engaging performances, innovative programming, and renowned recording history. This season, Maestro Schwarz’s exciting work with the Seattle Symphony enters into its 24th year as he leads the orchestra in Benaroya Hall’s Tenth Anniversary Season.
Recent highlights for Maestro Schwarz include two consecutive Emmy Awards in 2007 and 2008 for televised performances with the Seattle Symphony; leading Seattle Symphony in its recent Southern California Tour, (The San Diego performance was a memorable one, where G. Schwarz was the conductor, orchestral accompanist, and arranger), and conducting Beethoven’s Ninth Symphony with the 600 member community orchestra and chorus for the Dalai Lama during the recent visit to Seattle sponsored by Seeds of Compassion.
Many of us also remember G. Schwarz for his many San Diego performances with the Los Angeles Chamber orchestra, about two decades ago.
Born to Viennese parents, Gerard Schwarz composed Rudolf and Jeanette in memory of his grandparents who perished in the Holocaust. The San Diego performances will be the second time that this work is being played in the large orchestral version, the premiere having takn place in Zagreb last year, under the baton of the composer.
At one point during the performance, many of the orchestra’s musicians leave the stage, and gather within ear range to perform a sentimental waltz, depicting the loving relationship between Rudolf and Jeanette. The TICO musicians have enjoyed tremendously rehearsing and preparing this work, because of its lyricism, beauty, and strong emotional impact.
Julian Schwarz is 18 years old. At the age of 11 he made his debut as soloist with the Seattle Symphony, and since then, has soloed with many other orchestras worldwide. Upcoming engagements include concertos with the Greensboro Symphony, Port Angeles Symphony, and Lake Union Civic Orchestra, tours as soloist with the Moscow State Radio Orchestra, and the National Philharmonic of Poland, solo recitals at the University of Washington, the Krannert Center, the Palm Springs Library, the Tacoma Art Museum, and various chamber music performances.
At the age of 15, Julian recorded his first compact disc for the Naxos label. More recently he recorded a work by Alan Hovhaness for solo cello that is currently being played for audiences at an exhibit in Armenia. Critics have hailed him as “A musician of enormous personality and range….his honesty on the stage inspires musicians to embrace his precocious artistry”. He has won numerous competitions and awards.
TICO will also perform music by Percy Grainger, his famous Lincolnshire Posy, a set of English folk songs and dances popularized by the composer’s concert band setting. The orchestral adaptation was made by TICO’s own Abelardo Flores. The entire season, subtitled “Strike UpThe Band," has featured in every concert a work which was originally composed for the wind ensemble, or concert band, and is being introduced to orchestral audiences as new arrangements for symphony orchestra.
TICO will also perform two beloved excerpts from Kovantchina by Modest Mussorgsky: His Introduction to the opera, and the popular Persian Dances.
The June 2 concert will take place at Tifereth Israel’s Cohen Social Hall at 7:30 p.m. This program will also be played at the College Avenue Baptist Church on Sunday, May 31, at 4:00 p.m. For directions and information on both concerts, call the Synagogue’s office, (619) 697 6001. Tickets for the TIS concert can be purchased at the door, by telephone, or on-line, and TIS’s website, www.tiferethisrael.com.
Amos is conductor of the Tifereth Israel Community Orchestra and guest conductor of orchestras around the world. Email: amosd@sandiegojewishworld.com
Adventures in San Diego Jewish History With thanks to Gail Umeham for the transcription
Traditional Seder In Atomic Setting Southwestern Jewish Press April 3, 1953, page 1
For the first time, a traditional Passover Seder will be observed by the Jewish servicemen participating at the site of the atomic test maneuvers in Las Vegas, Nevada. Mr. Abraham H. Eisenman, Director of the Armed Forces Division of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America, has announced that special shipments of Passover food products have been rushed to the Atomic Proving Grounds.
Editorial Page Southwestern Jewish Press April 3, 1953, page 2
The 20th annual combined Jewish Appeal of the United Jewish Fund opened this week. The Fund appealed again to local Jewish organizations to desist from individual fund raising activities during the period April 13 to May 15 and to check meeting dates to avoid conflict with special events planned by the Fund.
Chairman Carl M. Esenoff and Milton Y. Roberts and Ida Nasatir of the women’s division urge every organization to keep faith with those whom the united Jewish Fund seeks to help.
Passover Observance Southwestern Jewish Press April 3, 1953, page 2
Passover continues to be one of the most popular festivals in the American Jewish calendar. While its observance in this country has acquired new forms and even emphases differing from those prevalent in the East European lands of origin, the people celebrate Pesach chiefly because of its own intrinsic values as a festival of family and of freedom.
This cannot be said of Hannukah, whose celebration continues to grow in importance in this country. Hannukah’s popularity—it has now taken over some of Purim’s functions, like the custom of presenting gifts—is due to the accident that it crowds Christmas on the calendar.
Passover is different. While some attempts have been made by good–willers to link it with Easter, as two festivals of “liberation,” these attempts have had but little result, perhaps because the encroachment of the Church on the public school is much weaker during the Easter season than it is at Christmas.
It is not fair to compare the popularity of the Passover observance with that of the high Holidays, because the importance of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur in the Jewish calendar are far greater than that of any other holiday. However, a comparison with the observance of Shabuot, maintained to a large extent because of the new custom of confirmation, or with Sukkot, greatly neglected except for the Yizkor services, will confirm the continued popularity of Passover.
The wide observance of Passover may be interpreted as proof of the durability of Jewish customs and institutions whenever people are determined to maintain them. May American Jewry show similar determination also in other areas.
Letters to the Editor Southwestern Jewish Press April 3, 1953, page 2
Thank you very much for sending us the editorial tear sheet of the February 6 issue of the Southwestern Jewish Press. We read Miss Alice Craig green’s editorial “Gentlemen’s Agreement—La
Jolla Style” with a great deal of interest. This is exactly the type of material we like to see published, that is, it takes the Brotherhood theme and puts it into action.
You are to be congratulated for running this editorial comment.
Vernon C. Hoyt, Director Commission on Mass Communication, National Conference of Christians and Jews
Immigration Expert To Speak Here Southwestern Jewish Press April 3, 1953, page 2
Mrs. Clara Friedman, United Service to New American Consultant and an authority on problems of Immigration, Naturalization and Citizenship, will be in San Diego on April 7th and 8th under the auspices of the Federation of Jewish Agencies and the Jewish Social Service Agency of San Diego.
Mrs. Friedman will discuss the McCarran-Walters Immigration Bill and its impact, before the Council of Jewish Women at their luncheon on April 7th at the Beth Israel Center.
The following evening, on Wednesday, April 8th, she will speak before a joint meeting of all Federation Boards in the Blue Room of the Park Manor hotel at 7:00 p.m. Those interested in the subject of immigration are invited to attend, and may make reservations for the dinner by calling the Jewish Social Service Agency at M-5172. The meeting at which Mrs. Friedman will speak will begin at 8:00 p.m. and there will be room available for those who cannot attend the dinner.
Mrs. Friedman comes to San Diego to begin her West Coast tour of consultation with communities regarding the problems of immigration and Resettlement. Anyone wishing to consult Mrs. Friedman with individual problems concerning Naturalization and Immigration may make an appointment with her through the Jewish Social Service Agency or the Federation Offices.
Speakers Bureau to Aid Fund Drive Southwestern Jewish Press April 3, 1953, page 2
Eli H. Levenson past president of the Fund, has been appointed chairman of the Speakers committee, according to Carl M. Esenoff, General Campaign “Chairman. Allan Lame, Milton Fredman and Mrs. Irving Alexander make up the other members of the committee.
In the County Area, Henry Price, chairman, announced the appointment of Louis Kipperman and Irving Sonnabaum as chairman for Coronado; Ben Carnot will head the work in La Jolla; Oceanside will again be led by Elmer Glaser; the La Mesa, El Cajon, Grossmont District will be headed by Professor Harry Ruja as chairman with Mrs. William Schwartz as co-chairman. Mrs. Sumner Alpert has accepted the responsibility for the Lemon Grove area.
Maxwell Kaufman, publisher and editor of the Southwestern Jewish Press, was announced as public relations chairman working with Albert A. Hutler, executive director of the Fund.
Pioneer Women Southwestern Jewish Press April 3, 1953, page 2
Members under the chairmanship of Rose Domnitz and Rose Brooker have put aside their own fund raising efforts and are cooperating in the fund campaign of the United Jewish Fund.
At a recent board meeting a nominating committee was appointed to draw up a slate of officers for next year.
An interesting and informative play, “Laugh with Israel,” will go into rehearsal soon, under the leadership of Florence Barach, for presentation at Pioneer Women’s Donor Dinner.
“Adventures in Jewish History” is sponsored by Inland Industries Group LP in memory of long-time San Diego Jewish community leader Marie (Mrs. Gabriel) Berg. Our indexed "Adventures in San Diego Jewish History" series
will be a daily feature until we run out of history.