'There's a Jewish story everywhere' |

San Diego Jewish World Author
2009-12-29—"East Jerusalem is 12 times the original"
2009-11-09—*A party that never was on Mt. Scopus in 1967 ...Read more
2009-10-27—Human Rights Watch, B'Tselem and Israel . Read more
2009-10-13—Is Israel at war with the Palestinian people? ... Read more
2009-09-29—A photo-op is not a summit meeting .Read more
2009-09-15—A fantastic speech but it won't last .Read more
2009-08-20—Dissecting Phase One of the Roadmap to Peace Read more
2009-08-13—One way or the other, Netanyahu is in trouble Read more
2009-07-30—What Obama should tell the Israeli people Read more
2009-07-28-Netanyahu stoked settlement dispute with U.S. Read more
2009-07-15—President Obama has validated the wisdom of the voters . Read more
2009-06-25—Israel’s astonishing but unaccepted success, then and now ... READ MORE
2009-06-17—Obama's speech generally well accepted, except ... READ MORE
2009-06-02—The continuing problem of West Bank settlements
2009-05-19—Israel’s U.S. hasbara—public relations --is backfiring .
2009-05-05—A 95th birthday excursion to Neve Shalom and to Hebron
2009-04-14—In reality, it's Lieberman's government—not Netanyahu's
2009-03-24—Partisanship steering Netanyahu's proposed government
2009-03-10—Jimmy Carter is a friend, not an enemy, of IsraeL
2009-02-24—Four scenarios for forming an Israeli government
2009-02-10—Middle East peace has two interwoven threads
2009-01-20—Bringing more people to the Jewish table
2008-12-23—Even at 95, peaceworker's task unfinished
2008-11-18—Anti-Obama Jews still spouting vitriol
2008-10-21—Did Paulson read the Jewish media?
2008-10-07—Israel handled its bank crisis much better
2008-09-23—Sarah and George compared, contrasted
2008-09-09—Palin opposes abortion, evolution, sex ed
2008-07-01—What the devil is O.C.S.? or how to end importing Middle East oil
2008-06-17—Jews are Obama’s base, not his problem
2008-06-03—Syria's 10-meter problem at the Kinneret
2008-05-20—What we imagine the Bush and Olmert families 'really' said to each other
2008-05-06—Let us look at Israel‘s Declaration of Independence as its 60th birthday nears
2008-04-22—Carter is still trying to make peace
2008-04-08—Israel again promises checkpoint removal
2008-03-25—Obama's speech on race compares with John Kennedy's talk on his Catholicism
2008-03-11—Hillary in 2008 and Barack in 2016
2008-02-26—Hadassah celebrates Israel’s 60th birthday with new stem cell research and therapy
2008-02-12—Hillary Clinton will be our next President
2008-01-14—Did Bush have a vision or just a dream?
2008-01-01—Har Homa once again the monkey wrench in the Middle East peace process
2007-12-18—Har Homa is back in the news
2007-12-04—At 94 today, will I see peace in my lifetime?
2007-11-20— Calling Israel a 'Jewish state' a misnomer
2007-11-06—Not only enemies but some would-be friends believe the Jewish stereotypes
Copyright 2007 - San Diego Jewish World, San Diego, California. All rights reserved. |