
Reluctant Martyr

San Diego Jewish World Author
2010-01-03—The Bella Family Circle – from 67 to 120
2009-12-27—School girl memories on a golden anniversary
2009-11-22—Just exactly what does Realtor mean by ‘moving up?’
2009-11-10—Giselle--A review of City Ballet of San Diego Read more
2009-11-08—*Sunrise ... Read more
2009-11-01—Sanctuary -- A mitzvah disaster ... Read more
2009-10-25—Celebrating Shabbat - Bring a happy face Read more
2009-10-18—The little brown friend on the window sill... Read more
2009-10-11—What to do in Heaven – that's the problem ... Read more
2009-10-04—The 'father' of our country? Why it's Moses! Read more
2009-09-24—Another view of the High Holy Days Read more
2009-09-13—What to leave on the family tree and what to leave off ... Read more
2009-09-06—The string makers: a warp in time .... Read more
2009-08-30—After 500 years a daughter has returned Read more
2009-08-23—Rebecca of York and Wilfred of Ivanhoe in Philadelphia Read more
2009-08-16—The art of the artful excuse, I did it but ...Read more
2009-08-09--For the arts and for Judaism, it's generation to generation Read more
2009-08-02—Mashed potatoes in the summer time .Read more
2009-07-26—The myths barring potential audiences from the ballet door ... Read more
2009-07-19—Genesis and a smudge in the sky Read more
2009-07-12—Our children must be taught both the positives and the negatives of Jewish history Read more
2009-07-05—The Bella Family Circle's great raffle war READ MORE
2009-06-28—Some color in otherwise dismal arts education picture .READ MORE
2009-06-21—Is it possible that we sing too much in temple? ... by Sheila Orysiek in San Diego READ MORE
2009-06-12—The fine art of empathy; knowing what to say – or not .
2009-06-07—After forty-seven years – I am looking sideways
2009-06-07—SD County reactions to President Obama's Cairo speech
2009-05-31—Litwin tells upbeat story of post-Holocaust recovery
2009-05-24—School days, later days: checkmated and grand slammed
2009-05-18—What would Theodore Roosevelt or Harry Truman think?
2009-05-11—Bringing together bipolar world of arts and management
2009-05-04—Opportunity and challenge for first-rate ballet in San Diego
2009-04-27—The Trail: A Paean of Praise to David’s Psalm
2009-04-20—Obama in Turkey reminiscent of Mordechai Noah in Tunis
2009-04-13—A Jewish peach tree blooms for Passover
2009-04-06—The ape effect: Diane Fossey and ballet class
2009-03-30—Something about this baby shower just wasn't right
2009-03-23—Crocodiles,wildebeests, and economic Darwinism
2009-02-16—Do I need to hyphenate my identity? Not me!
2009-03-09—A Jewish connection to a root canal? But of course!
2009-03-02—The teacher and the shoe—just a coincidence?
2009-02-23—Drawing inspiration from one of the greatest ballerinas
2009-02-16—A JCC in Philadelphia: Now the tales may be told
2009-02-09—Thoughts on over-enthusiastic audiences, and The Zookeeper's Wife, a book by Diane Ackerman
2009-02-02—Unity, not diversity, key to U.S. greatness
2009-01-27—Questions for Prof. Graubart on Mideast
2009-01-26—Teaching adults to read a life-changing experience; S.D. County seeks volunteers
2009-01-19—'Change' toward a brighter, greener world?
2009-01-14—The Perfect Poem
2009-01-12—From icicles to hummingbirds
2009-01-05—Israel's use of power insures future peace
2008-12-29—Knishes for Christmas Dinner
2008-12-23—Golden Menorah... an art work
2008-12-22—Deck the Walls – with style and song
2008-12-21—White Gold Menorah .... an art work
2008-12-15—Transmitting the Rage – or trying not to
2008-12-11—Chicken soup is not for my soul
2008-12-08—Transmitting rage to the next generation
2008-12-01—Thunder, the bike, not just a ride
2008-11-24—Dominion' and Buddy the Dachshund
2008-11-17—Concentration, awareness: we need both
2008-11-11—'Dream' of City Ballet realized at the Kroc
2008-11-10—Cutting library funding cuts off the future
2008-11-03—Monotheism is not mono-political
2008-10-27—Psychology teacher taught lessons to staff
2008-10-20—Bella family circle: Jewish Halloween party
2008-10-14—Important Jewish history occurred between the birth of Jesus and the Shoah
2008-10-06—55-year quest resumed, circle completed
2008-10-03—Weighing ourselves on the moral scale
2008-09-29—The Magic Circle—A glimpse of Eden
2008-09-26—'We were naked'
2008-09-22—Why and how I observe the Shabbat
2008-09-15—Temple Emanu-El dedicates new sanctuary; congregants return to Del Cerro home
2008-09-12—Add Haym Salomon to list of important Jews
2008-09-11—'Ordinary' citizens demonstrated grace in an extraordinary disaster
2008-09-08—A new daughter embraces the Covenant
2008-09-01—Eco-activists rob U.S. of 'can-do' spirit
2008-08-29—Bolshoi Principal Dancer Sulamith Messerer centennial was August 27
2008-08-25—A private concert on a sultry Philadelphia night
2008-08-24—Emanu-El's new home is dedicated by rabbi and congregants; 'We are finally facing Jerusalem'
2008-08-18—Why ducks are wary—but not necessarily intimidated—by those human critters
2008-08-15—Reluctant Martyr: Conclusion
2008-08-12—Separating dance text from dance midrash
2008-08-11—Beijing Olympics - YEA! Well, maybe not….
2008-08-08—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter 20
2008-08-04—Gelsey Kirkland, prima ballerina, teaches special session at City Ballet of San Diego
2008-08-01—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter 19
2008-07-29—Hanging conservative in a liberal closet
2008-07-28—Bearing false witness: a compassionate lie
2008-07-25—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter 18
2008-07-22—The New York Times & 9th Commandment
2008-07-21—'Never Give In' is Arlen Specter's credo
2008-07-18—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter 17
2008-07-14—Jean Isaacs: Generous spirit opens doors
2008-07-13—G. I. Joe’s choices reshape the battlefield
2008-07-11—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter 16
2008-07-08—Two Yiddish books to tickle the silly bone
2008-07-07—Sometimes 'brown' is better than 'green'
2008-07-04—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter 15
2008-07-03—American Jewish civics quiz for July 4
2008-06-30—Midbar kvetching:complaints in the desert
2008-06-27—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter 14
2008-06-23—A Jewish dancer’s road to freedom
2008-06-20—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter 13
2008-06-16—The chasm bridged by a book
2008-06-13—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter Twelve
2008-06-12—Not everyone loves big-hearted volunteers
2008-06-09—The emperor is even worse than naked
2008-06-06—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter Eleven
2008-06-02—Why the Bella Family Circle stopped its annual tradition of selling white elephants
2008-05-30—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter Ten
2008-05-27—'Another' finds and civilizes lonely man
2008-05-26—Loving photography in the service of dance
2008-05-23—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter Nine
2008-05-19—A life story contained in six boxes
2008-05-16—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter Eight
2008-05-13—City Ballet tilts and wins with Don Quixote
2008-05-12—A 'New Look' is something I don’t need
2008-05-09—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter Seven
2008-05-08—The day that Israel became a nation
2008-05-05—What kind of dance accompanied Song of the Sea? We have some interesting clues
2008-05-02—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter Six
2008-04-28—Klezmer—Jewish music for your soul
2008-04-25—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter Five
2008-04-24—Confidence counts; kindergarten counts
2008-04-21—Matzo sandwich: is the Earl laughing?
2008-04-19—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter Four
2008-04-14—Way it was—a Jewish innocent strikes out
2008-04-11—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter Three
2008-04-09—Tales From My Garden:The Third Day...
2008-04-07—Stay the Hand envisions peace
2008-04-04—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter Two
2008-04-01—What music performance means
2008-03-31—Some advantages to a peace with Syria
2008-03-28—Reluctant Martyr: Chapter One
2008-03-27—Advice for Obama: In life and in politics we are judged by the friends we keep
2008-03-24—Bella Family: The Revolt of the Cousins
2008-03-21—The Four Big Questions; One Great Answer
2008-03-19—The boychik and the leprechaun, a poem
2008-03-17—Two cities: two different rains
2008-03-14—The Purim Chef: Queen Esther in an apron
2008-03-13—The Mist (a poem)
2008-03-12—Immigrants who don't respect host culture threaten national identty
2008-03-11—City Ballet of San Diego records a milestone
2008-03-10—Contemplating time travel from the San Diego Library's rare book room
2008-03-07—The Sabbath’s Omnipotent Painter
2008-03-06—Choreographer seeks to
decentralize dance
from New York City, make it more eclectic
2008-03-04—Kaballah book helps open ears to the Voice
2008-03-03—Mitzvah equation: difficult equals better?
2008-02-25—Reaching and keeping nationhood
2008-02-24—Cousin Barry—Another shimmering soul
2008-02-21—Sharing the Dessert: The Last Grand Jeté
2008-02-18—Happy Birthday, Mr. President - Your day should be more than a day off from work
2008-02-14—It was no ordinary walk
2008-02-11—Civil Rights Act of 1964 - Forgotten Facts
2008-02-10—A letter to Margot—19 years wasn't enough
2008-02-04—How far does community responsibility go?
2008-01-31—How to order flowers for a bat mitzvah
2008-01-28—Only Money and Pedigree Will Do
2008-01-25—Sabbath Amphitheatre: Celebrating Creation in Sequoia National Park
2008-01-21—Tu B'Shevat: Celebrating the perfection of a tree
2008-01-18—Autobiography of a blue checkered shirt
2008-01-14—How Fiddler on the Roof keeps his balance
2008-01-07—Paroxysm - the National Election Begins
2008-01-04—Baron Rothschild came visiting near Kiev
2007-12-31—I am resolving to be more resolute
2007-12-24—A Jewish child grows up on Christmas Eve
2007-12-21—Putting Icicles on a Friendship
2007-12-17—After a while, a lover of Jewish food can't help but pass over the New Zealand lamb
2007-12-10—City Ballet's Nutcracker sparkles
2007-12-07—If U.S. intelligence was so wrong about Iraq, why does Left believe it about Iran?
2007-12-05—The differences and similarities between a dreidel and a pirouette
2007-12-03—Connecting seemingly disparate dots
2007-11-26—The Bella family circle goes from the coast to The Breakers on the shore to the beach
2007-11-19—'What could now sustain them but the spirit of G-D and His grace?'
2007-11-14—Tango's repetitive dance moves and lack of color in costuming can tire audiences
2007-11-12— Expanding our view of Veteran's Day
2007-11-04—City Ballet's 15th season in San Diego provides several views of classical ballet